[svn:parrot] r36744 - in branches/update_pod: . lib/Parrot/Test/Pod t/codingstd

jkeenan at svn.parrot.org jkeenan at svn.parrot.org
Sun Feb 15 02:34:57 UTC 2009

Author: jkeenan
Date: Sun Feb 15 02:34:57 2009
New Revision: 36744
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/36744

To avoid repeating code, move some auxiliary functions from individual test files to new module Parrot::Test::Pod::Utils.

      - copied, changed from r36711, branches/update_pod/lib/Parrot/Ops2c/Utils.pm

Modified: branches/update_pod/MANIFEST
--- branches/update_pod/MANIFEST	Sun Feb 15 02:18:21 2009	(r36743)
+++ branches/update_pod/MANIFEST	Sun Feb 15 02:34:57 2009	(r36744)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # ex: set ro:
 # $Id$
-# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Sun Feb 15 02:17:47 2009 UT
+# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Sun Feb 15 02:34:10 2009 UT
 # See tools/dev/install_files.pl for documentation on the
 # format of this file.
@@ -2391,6 +2391,7 @@
 lib/Parrot/Test/PIR_PGE.pm                                  [devel]
 lib/Parrot/Test/Perl6.pm                                    [devel]
 lib/Parrot/Test/Pod.pm                                      [devel]
+lib/Parrot/Test/Pod/Utils.pm                                [devel]
 lib/Parrot/Test/Punie.pm                                    [devel]
 lib/Parrot/Test/Util.pm                                     [devel]
 lib/Parrot/Test/Util/Runloop.pm                             [devel]

Copied and modified: branches/update_pod/lib/Parrot/Test/Pod/Utils.pm (from r36711, branches/update_pod/lib/Parrot/Ops2c/Utils.pm)
--- branches/update_pod/lib/Parrot/Ops2c/Utils.pm	Sat Feb 14 03:11:54 2009	(r36711, copy source)
+++ branches/update_pod/lib/Parrot/Test/Pod/Utils.pm	Sun Feb 15 02:34:57 2009	(r36744)
@@ -1,1125 +1,41 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008, The Perl Foundation.
+# Copyright (C) 2007, The Perl Foundation.
 # $Id$
-package Parrot::Ops2c::Utils;
+package Parrot::Test::Pod::Utils;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use lib ("lib/");
-use Parrot::OpLib::core;
-use Parrot::OpsFile;
-use File::Spec ();
-use IO::File ();
+use Pod::Simple;
+use Pod::Simple::PullParser;
+our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK);
+ at ISA       = qw( Exporter );
+ at EXPORT_OK = qw(
+    file_pod_ok
+    empty_description
+# Pulled from Test::Pod
+sub file_pod_ok {
+    my $file    = shift;
+    my $checker = Pod::Simple->new;
+    $checker->output_string( \my $trash );      # Ignore any output
+    $checker->parse_file($file);
+    return !$checker->any_errata_seen;
+sub empty_description {
+    my $file = shift;
+    use Pod::Simple::PullParser;
+    my $parser = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
+    $parser->set_source( $file );
+    my $description = $parser->get_description;
-=head1 NAME
-Parrot::Ops2c::Utils - Methods holding functionality for F<tools/build/ops2c.pl>.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    $self = Parrot::Ops2c::Utils->new( {
-        argv    => [ @ARGV ],
-        flag    => Parrot::Ops2c::Auxiliary::getoptions(),
-        script  => $0,
-    } );
-    $c_header_filename = $self->print_c_header_file();
-    $c_source_filename = $self->print_c_source_file();
-Parrot::Ops2c::Utils provides methods called by F<tools/build/ops2c.pl>, a
-program which is called at various points in the Parrot F<make> process.
-The program's function is to create a pair of C header (F<*.h>) and
-implementation (F<*.c>) files from the operation definitions found in
-one or more F<*.ops> files.
-The functionality originally found in F<tools/build/ops2c.pl> has been
-extracted into this package's methods in order to support component-focused
-testing and future refactoring.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<new()>
-=over 4
-=item * Purpose
-Process command-line arguments provided to F<tools/build/ops2c.pl>; construct
-and initialize a Parrot::Ops2c::Utils object.
-=item * Arguments
-Hash reference with the following elements:
-    argv        :   reference to @ARGV
-    flag        :   hash reference which is the return value of
-                    Parrot::Ops2c::Utils::getoptions();
-                    hash will have keys such as 'core', 'dynamic' or 'nolines'
-    script      :   name of the script to be executed by 'make'
-                    (generally, $0 or tools/build/ops2c.pl)
-=item * Return Value
-Parrot::Ops2c::Utils object.  At this point, the caller is ready to open a
-handle to the C-header file and write to it.
-=item * Comment
-Arguments for the constructor have been selected so as to provide
-subsequent methods with all information needed to execute properly and to be
-sub new {
-    my ( $class, $argsref ) = @_;
-    unless ( defined $argsref->{flag} ) {
-        print STDERR
-            "Parrot::Ops2c::Utils::new() requires reference to hash of command-line options: $!";
-        return;
-    }
-    my $flagref = $argsref->{flag};
-    my @argv    = @{ $argsref->{argv} };
-    $argsref->{script} ||= "tools/build/ops2c.pl";
-    unless (@argv) {
-        print STDERR "Parrot::Ops2c::Utils::new() requires 'trans' options: $!";
-        return;
-    }
-    my $class_name = shift @argv;
-    my %is_allowed = map { $_ => 1 } qw(C CGoto CGP CSwitch CPrederef);
-    unless ( $is_allowed{$class_name} ) {
-        print STDERR
-            "Parrot::Ops2c::Utils::new() requires C, CGoto, CGP, CSwitch and/or  CPrederef: $!";
-        return;
-    }
-    my $trans_class = "Parrot::OpTrans::" . $class_name;
-    eval "require $trans_class";
-    my $trans = $trans_class->new();
-    # Don't yet know how to test the following.
-    unless ( defined $trans ) {
-        print STDERR "Unable to construct $trans object: $!";
-        return;
-    }
-    my $suffix = $trans->suffix();    # Invoked (sometimes) as ${suffix}
-    my $file = $flagref->{core} ? 'core.ops' : shift @argv;
-    my $base = $file;    # Invoked (sometimes) as ${base}
-    $base =~ s/\.ops$//;
-    my $base_ops_stub = $base . q{_ops} . $suffix;
-    my $base_ops_h    = $base_ops_stub . q{.h};
-    my $incdir  = "include/parrot/oplib";
-    my $include = "parrot/oplib/$base_ops_h";
-    my $header  = "include/$include";
-    # A partially written file will confuse make -j and make error recovery
-    # problematic.  create a temp file and rename it afterward.
-    my $source = "src/ops/$base_ops_stub.c.temp";
-    if ( $flagref->{dynamic} ) {
-        $source =~ s!src/ops/!!;
-        $header = $base_ops_h;
-        $base =~ s!^.*[/\\]!!;
-        $include = $base_ops_h;
-        $flagref->{dynamic} = 1;
-    }
-    my $sym_export =
-        $flagref->{dynamic}
-        : 'PARROT_EXPORT';
-    my $ops;
-    if ( $flagref->{core} ) {
-        $ops = _prepare_core(
-            {
-                file => $file,
-                flag => $flagref,
-            }
-        );
-    }
-    else {
-        $ops = _prepare_non_core(
-            {
-                file   => $file,
-                argv   => [@argv],
-                flag   => $flagref,
-                script => $argsref->{script},
-            }
-        );
-    }
-    my %versions = (
-        major => $ops->major_version,
-        minor => $ops->minor_version,
-        patch => $ops->patch_version,
-    );
-    my $num_ops     = scalar $ops->ops;
-    my $num_entries = $num_ops + 1;       # For trailing NULL
-    my $preamble    = _compose_preamble( $file, $argsref->{script} );
-    my $init_func   = join '_',
-        ( 'Parrot', 'DynOp', $base . $suffix, @versions{qw(major minor patch)}, );
-    ##### Populate the object #####
-    $argsref->{argv}       = \@argv;
-    $argsref->{trans}      = $trans;
-    $argsref->{suffix}     = $suffix;
-    $argsref->{file}       = $file;
-    $argsref->{base}       = $base;
-    $argsref->{incdir}     = $incdir;
-    $argsref->{include}    = $include;
-    $argsref->{header}     = $header;
-    $argsref->{source}     = $source;
-    $argsref->{sym_export} = $sym_export;
-    $argsref->{ops}         = $ops;
-    $argsref->{versions}    = \%versions;
-    $argsref->{num_ops}     = $num_ops;
-    $argsref->{num_entries} = $num_entries;
-    $argsref->{preamble}     = $preamble;
-    $argsref->{init_func}    = $init_func;
-    $argsref->{bs}           = "$argsref->{base}$argsref->{suffix}_";
-    $argsref->{opsarraytype} = $argsref->{trans}->opsarraytype();
-    # Invoked as:  ${defines}
-    $argsref->{defines} = $argsref->{trans}->defines();
-    $argsref->{flag} = $flagref;
-    my $self = bless $argsref, $class;
-    $self->_iterate_over_ops();
-    my ( $op_info, $op_func, $getop );
-    $op_info = $op_func = 'NULL';
-    $getop = '( int (*)(const char *, int) )NULL';
-    if ($self->{suffix} eq '') {
-        $op_func = $self->{bs} . "op_func_table";
-        $op_info = $self->{bs} . "op_info_table";
-        if (!$self->{flag}->{dynamic}) {
-            $getop = 'get_op';
-        }
-    }
-    $self->{getop}   = $getop;
-    $self->{op_info} = $op_info;
-    $self->{op_func} = $op_func;
-    $self->{names} = {};
-    return $self;
-=head2 C<print_c_header_file()>
-=over 4
-=item * Purpose
-Creates a C-header file corresponding to a particular op.  Such files will
-have names like these:
-    include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h
-    include/parrot/oplib/myops_ops_switch.h
-=item * Arguments
-None.  (All data needed is already in the object.)
-=item * Return Value
-Returns the name of the C-header file created.  You do not need to capture or
-make use of this return value during production, but it has proven useful in
-=item * Comment
-sub print_c_header_file {
-    my $self = shift;
-    open my $HEADER, '>', $self->{header}
-        or die "ops2c.pl: Cannot open header file '$self->{header}' for writing: $!!\n";
-    $self->_print_guard_prefix($HEADER);
-    $self->_print_preamble_header($HEADER);
-    my @op_protos = @{ $self->{op_protos} };
-    foreach my $proto (@op_protos) {
-        print $HEADER "$proto;\n";
-    }
-    $self->_print_run_core_func_decl_header($HEADER);
-    $self->_print_guard_suffix($HEADER);
-    _print_coda($HEADER);
-    close $HEADER          or die "Unable to close handle to $self->{header}: $!";
-    ( -e $self->{header} ) or die "$self->{header} not created: $!";
-    ( -s $self->{header} ) or die "$self->{header} has 0 size: $!";
-    return $self->{header};
-=head2 C<print_c_source_file()>
-=over 4
-=item * Purpose
-Writes out a C source file.  Calls print_c_source_top and print_c_source_bottom
-to do the dirty work.
-=item * Arguments
-None.  (All data needed is already in the object.)
-=item * Return Value
-Returns the filename it created.  Caller need not do anything useful with this.
-sub print_c_source_file {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $source = IO::File->new('>' . $self->{source})
-        or die "ops2c.pl: Cannot open source file '$self->{source}' for writing: $!!\n";
-    $self->print_c_source_top($source);
-    $self->_reset_line_number($source);
-    $self->print_c_source_bottom($source);
-    $source->close() or die "Unable to close handle to $self->{source}: $!";
-    my $c_source_final = $self->_rename_source();
-    return $c_source_final;
-=head2 C<print_c_source_top()>
-=over 4
-=item * Purpose
-Writes the top half of a C-source file corresponding to a particular op.
-Such files will have names like these:
-    src/ops/core_ops.c
-    src/ops/myops_ops_switch.c
-=item * Arguments
-None.  (All data needed is already in the object.)
-=item * Return Value
-Returns a still-open filehandle to the C-source file.
-=item * Comment
-B<Q:>  Why does this method write only the top-half of the C-source file
-rather than the whole thing?
-B<A:>  Mainly for convenience in maintenance and testing.
-Internally, a handle is opened to the file, the file is written to, and the
-handle is closed and returned.  That same handle is then re-opened, a line
-count on the file so far is taken, the handle is closed, then opened again for
-writing the bottom half of the source file.  There are quite a few private
-methods implementing the first and last of these steps.  It made sense to
-group these private methods into two public methods corresponding to the two
-points where the filehandle is opened and the C-source file is written to.
-B<Q:>  Why return a filehandle?
-B<A:>  It is re-used as an argument to the next method.
-sub print_c_source_top {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $SOURCE = shift;
-    $self->_print_preamble_source($SOURCE);
-    $self->_op_info_table($SOURCE);
-    $self->_op_func_table($SOURCE);
-    $self->_print_op_lib_descriptor($SOURCE);
-    $self->_print_ops_addr_decl($SOURCE);
-    $self->_print_run_core_func_decl_source($SOURCE);
-    $self->_print_cg_jump_table($SOURCE);
-    $self->_print_goto_opcode($SOURCE);
-    $self->_print_op_function_definitions($SOURCE);
-=head2 C<print_c_source_bottom()>
-=over 4
-=item * Purpose
-Writes the bottom half of a C-source file corresponding to a particular op.
-=item * Arguments
-One argument:  the filehandle returned by C<print_c_source_top()>.
-=item * Return Value
-Returns the name of the C-source file created.  You do not need to capture or
-make use of this return value during production, but it has proven useful in
-=item * Comment
-sub print_c_source_bottom {
-    my ( $self, $SOURCE ) = @_;
-    $self->_op_lookup($SOURCE);
-    $self->_generate_init_func($SOURCE);
-    $self->_print_dynamic_lib_load($SOURCE);
-    _print_coda($SOURCE);
-sub _prepare_core {
-    my $argsref = shift;
-    my $ops = Parrot::OpsFile->new( [qq|src/ops/$argsref->{file}|], $argsref->{flag}->{nolines}, );
-    $ops->{OPS}      = $Parrot::OpLib::core::ops;
-    $ops->{PREAMBLE} = $Parrot::OpLib::core::preamble;
-    return $ops;
-sub _prepare_non_core {
-    my $argsref = shift;
-    my %opsfiles;
-    my @opsfiles;
-    foreach my $f ( $argsref->{file}, @{ $argsref->{argv} } ) {
-        if ( $opsfiles{$f} ) {
-            print STDERR "$argsref->{script}: Ops file '$f' mentioned more than once!\n";
-            next;
-        }
-        $opsfiles{$f} = 1;
-        push @opsfiles, $f;
-        die "$argsref->{script}: Could not read ops file '$f'!\n" unless -r $f;
-    }
-    my $ops = Parrot::OpsFile->new( \@opsfiles, $argsref->{flag}->{nolines} );
-    my $cur_code = 0;
-    for my $el ( @{ $ops->{OPS} } ) {
-        $el->{CODE} = $cur_code++;
-    }
-    return $ops;
-sub _compose_preamble {
-    my ( $file, $script ) = @_;
-    my $preamble = <<END_C;
-/* ex: set ro:
- * !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!!
- *
- * This file is generated automatically from '$file' (and possibly other
- * .ops files). by $script.
- *
- * Any changes made here will be lost!
- *
- */
-    return $preamble;
-sub _print_preamble_header {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    print $fh $self->{preamble};
-    if ( $self->{flag}->{dynamic} ) {
-        print $fh "#define PARROT_IN_EXTENSION\n";
-    }
-    print $fh <<END_C;
-#include "parrot/parrot.h"
-#include "parrot/oplib.h"
-$self->{sym_export} op_lib_t *$self->{init_func}(long init);
-    return 1;
-sub _print_run_core_func_decl_header {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    if ( $self->{trans}->can("run_core_func_decl") ) {
-        my $run_core_func = $self->{trans}->run_core_func_decl( $self->{base} );
-        print $fh "$run_core_func;\n";
+    if ( $description =~ m{^\s*$}m ) {
         return 1;
-    else {
-        return;
-    }
-# given a headerfile name like "include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h", this
-# returns a string like "PARROT_OPLIB_CORE_OPS_H_GUARD"
-sub _generate_guard_macro_name {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $fn   = $$self{header};
-    $fn =~ s/\.h$//;
-    my @path = File::Spec->splitdir($fn);
-    shift @path if $path[0] eq 'include';
-    shift @path if $path[0] eq 'parrot';
-    return uc( join( '_', 'parrot', @path, 'h', 'guard' ) );
-sub _print_guard_prefix {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    my $guardname = $self->_generate_guard_macro_name();
-    print $fh <<END_C;
-#ifndef $guardname
-#define $guardname
-sub _print_guard_suffix {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    my $guardname = $self->_generate_guard_macro_name();
-    print $fh <<END_C;
-#endif /* $guardname */
-sub _print_coda {
-    my $fh = shift;
-    print $fh <<END_C;
- * Local variables:
- *   c-file-style: "parrot"
- *   buffer-read-only: t
- * End:
- * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
- */
-    return 1;
-sub _print_preamble_source {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    print $fh $self->{preamble};
-    print $fh <<END_C;
-#include "$self->{include}"
-    if ( $self->{suffix} eq '' && !$self->{flag}->{dynamic} ) {
-        print $fh <<END_C_2;
-static int get_op(const char * name, int full);
-    }
-    my $text = $self->{ops}->preamble( $self->{trans} );
-    $text =~ s/\bops_addr\b/$self->{bs}ops_addr/g;
-    print $fh $text;
-sub _print_ops_addr_decl {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    if ( $self->{trans}->can("ops_addr_decl") ) {
-        print $fh $self->{trans}->ops_addr_decl( $self->{bs} );
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        return;
-    }
-sub _print_run_core_func_decl_source {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    if ( $self->{trans}->can("run_core_func_decl") ) {
-        print $fh $self->{trans}->run_core_func_decl( $self->{base} );
-        print $fh "\n{\n";
-        print $fh $self->{trans}->run_core_func_start;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        return;
-    }
-sub _iterate_over_ops {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my @op_funcs;
-    my @op_protos;
-    my @op_func_table;
-    my @cg_jump_table;
-    my $index = 0;
-    my ( $prev_src, $prev_index );
-    $prev_src = '';
-    foreach my $op ( $self->{ops}->ops ) {
-        my $func_name = $op->func_name( $self->{trans} );
-        my $arg_types = "$self->{opsarraytype} *, PARROT_INTERP";
-        my $prototype = "$self->{sym_export} $self->{opsarraytype} * $func_name ($arg_types)";
-        my $args      = "$self->{opsarraytype} *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP";
-        my $definition;
-        my $comment = '';
-        my $one_op  = "";
-        if ( $self->{suffix} =~ /cg/ ) {
-            $definition = "PC_$index:";
-            $comment    = "/* " . $op->full_name() . " */";
-        }
-        elsif ( $self->{suffix} =~ /switch/ ) {
-            $definition = "case $index:";
-            $comment    = "/* " . $op->full_name() . " */";
-        }
-        else {
-            $definition = "$self->{opsarraytype} *\n$func_name ($args)";
-        }
-        my $src = $op->source( $self->{trans} );
-        $src =~ s/\bop_lib\b/$self->{bs}op_lib/g;
-        $src =~ s/\bops_addr\b/$self->{bs}ops_addr/g;
-        if ( $self->{suffix} =~ /cg/ ) {
-            if ( $prev_src eq $src ) {
-                push @cg_jump_table, "        &&PC_$prev_index,\n";
-            }
-            else {
-                push @cg_jump_table, "        &&PC_$index,\n";
-            }
-        }
-        elsif ( $self->{suffix} eq '' ) {
-            push @op_func_table, sprintf( "  %-50s /* %6ld */\n", "$func_name,", $index );
-        }
-        if ( $prev_src eq $src ) {
-            push @op_funcs, "$comment\n";
-        }
-        else {
-            $one_op .= "$definition $comment {\n$src}\n\n";
-            push @op_funcs,  $one_op;
-            push @op_protos, $prototype;
-            $prev_src = $src if ( $self->{suffix} eq '_cgp' || $self->{suffix} eq '_switch' );
-            $prev_index = $index;
-        }
-        $index++;
-    }
-    $self->{index}         = $index;
-    $self->{op_funcs}      = \@op_funcs;
-    $self->{op_protos}     = \@op_protos;
-    $self->{op_func_table} = \@op_func_table;
-    $self->{cg_jump_table} = \@cg_jump_table;
-sub _print_cg_jump_table {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    my @cg_jump_table = @{ $self->{cg_jump_table} };
-    if ( $self->{suffix} =~ /cg/ ) {
-        print $fh @cg_jump_table;
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-        NULL
-    };
-        print $fh $self->{trans}->run_core_after_addr_table( $self->{bs} );
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _print_goto_opcode {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    if ( $self->{suffix} =~ /cgp/ ) {
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-# ifdef I386
-    else if (cur_opcode == (opcode_t *)(void **) 1)
-    __asm__ ("jmp *4(%ebp)");  /* jump to ret addr, used by JIT */
-# endif
-    _reg_base = (char*)interp->ctx.bp.regs_i;
-    goto **(void **)cur_opcode;
-    }
-    elsif ( $self->{suffix} =~ /cg/ ) {
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-goto *$self->{bs}ops_addr[*cur_opcode];
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _print_op_function_definitions {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    my @op_funcs = @{ $self->{op_funcs} };
-    print $fh <<END_C;
-** Op Function Definitions:
-    # Finish the SOURCE file's array initializer:
-    my $CORE_SPLIT = 300;
-    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @op_funcs ; $i++ ) {
-        if (   $i
-            && $i % $CORE_SPLIT == 0
-            && $self->{trans}->can("run_core_split") )
-        {
-            print $fh $self->{trans}->run_core_split( $self->{base} );
-        }
-        print $fh $op_funcs[$i];
-    }
-    if ( $self->{trans}->can("run_core_finish") ) {
-        print $fh $self->{trans}->run_core_finish( $self->{base} );
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _reset_line_number {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    my $source = $self->{source};
-    my $line   = 0;
-    my $input = IO::File->new('<' . $source)
-        or die "Error re-reading $source: $!\n";
-    while (<$input>) { $line++; }
-    $line += 2;
-    unless ( $self->{flag}->{nolines} ) {
-        my $source_escaped = $source;
-        $source_escaped =~ s|\.temp||;
-        $source_escaped =~ s|(\\)|$1$1|g;    # escape backslashes
-        print $fh qq{#line $line "$source_escaped"\n};
-    }
-sub _op_func_table {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    if ( $self->{suffix} eq '' ) {
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-INTVAL $self->{bs}numops$self->{suffix} = $self->{num_ops};
-** Op Function Table:
-static op_func$self->{suffix}_t $self->{op_func}\[$self->{num_entries}] = {
-        print $fh @{ $self->{op_func_table} };
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-  NULL /* NULL function pointer */
-    }
-sub _op_info_table {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    my %names           = %{ $self->{names} };
-    my %arg_dir_mapping = (
-        ''   => 'PARROT_ARGDIR_IGNORED',
-        'i'  => 'PARROT_ARGDIR_IN',
-        'o'  => 'PARROT_ARGDIR_OUT',
-        'io' => 'PARROT_ARGDIR_INOUT'
-    );
-    if ( $self->{suffix} eq '' ) {
-        #
-        # Op Info Table:
-        #
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-** Op Info Table:
-static op_info_t $self->{op_info}\[$self->{num_entries}] = {
-        $self->{index} = 0;
-        foreach my $op ( $self->{ops}->ops ) {
-            my $type = sprintf( "PARROT_%s_OP", uc $op->type );
-            my $name = $op->name;
-            $names{$name} = 1;
-            my $full_name = $op->full_name;
-            my $func_name = $op->func_name( $self->{trans} );
-            my $body      = $op->body;
-            my $jump      = $op->jump || 0;
-            my $arg_count = $op->size;
-            ## 0 inserted if arrays are empty to prevent msvc compiler errors
-            my $arg_types = "{ "
-                . join( ", ",
-                scalar $op->arg_types
-                ? map { sprintf( "PARROT_ARG_%s", uc $_ ) } $op->arg_types
-                : 0 )
-                . " }";
-            my $arg_dirs = "{ "
-                . join(
-                ", ", scalar $op->arg_dirs
-                ? map { $arg_dir_mapping{$_} } $op->arg_dirs
-                : 0
-                ) . " }";
-            my $labels = "{ "
-                . join(
-                ", ", scalar $op->labels
-                ? $op->labels
-                : 0
-                ) . " }";
-            my $flags = 0;
-            print $fh <<END_C;
-  { /* $self->{index} */
-    /* type $type, */
-    "$name",
-    "$full_name",
-    "$func_name",
-    /* "",  body */
-    $jump,
-    $arg_count,
-    $arg_types,
-    $arg_dirs,
-    $labels,
-    $flags
-  },
-            $self->{index}++;
-        }
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _op_lookup {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    if ( $self->{suffix} eq '' && !$self->{flag}->{dynamic} ) {
-        my $hash_size = 3041;
-        my $tot       = $self->{index} + scalar keys( %{ $self->{names} } );
-        if ( $hash_size < $tot * 1.2 ) {
-            print STDERR "please increase hash_size ($hash_size) in lib/Parrot/Ops2c/Utils.pm "
-                . "to a prime number > ", $tot * 1.2, "\n";
-        }
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-** Op lookup function:
-#define NUM_OPS $self->{num_ops}
-#define OP_HASH_SIZE $hash_size
-/* we could calculate a prime somewhat bigger than
- * n of fullnames + n of names
- * for now this should be ok
- *
- * look up an op_code: at first call to op_code() a hash
- * of short and full opcode names is created
- * hash functions are from imcc, thanks to Melvin.
- */
-typedef struct hop {
-    op_info_t * info;
-    struct hop *next;
-} HOP;
-static HOP **hop;
-static void hop_init(void);
-static size_t hash_str(const char *str);
-static void store_op(op_info_t *info, int full);
-/* XXX on changing interpreters, this should be called,
-   through a hook */
-static void hop_deinit(void);
- * find a short or full opcode
- * usage:
- *
- * interp->op_lib->op_code("set", 0)
- * interp->op_lib->op_code("set_i_i", 1)
- *
- * returns >= 0 (found idx into info_table), -1 if not
- */
-static size_t hash_str(const char *str) {
-    size_t      key = 0;
-    const char *s   = str;
-    while (*s) {
-        key *= 65599;
-        key += *s++;
-    }
-    return key;
-static void store_op(op_info_t *info, int full) {
-    HOP * const p     = mem_allocate_typed(HOP);
-    const size_t hidx =
-        hash_str(full ? info->full_name : info->name) % OP_HASH_SIZE;
-    p->info   = info;
-    p->next   = hop[hidx];
-    hop[hidx] = p;
-static int get_op(const char * name, int full) {
-    const HOP * p;
-    const size_t hidx = hash_str(name) % OP_HASH_SIZE;
-    if (!hop) {
-        hop = mem_allocate_n_zeroed_typed(OP_HASH_SIZE,HOP *);
-        hop_init();
-    }
-    for (p = hop[hidx]; p; p = p->next) {
-        if(STREQ(name, full ? p->info->full_name : p->info->name))
-            return p->info - $self->{bs}op_lib.op_info_table;
-    }
-    return -1;
-static void hop_init(void) {
-    size_t i;
-    op_info_t * const info = $self->{bs}op_lib.op_info_table;
-    /* store full names */
-    for (i = 0; i < $self->{bs}op_lib.op_count; i++)
-        store_op(info + i, 1);
-    /* plus one short name */
-    for (i = 0; i < $self->{bs}op_lib.op_count; i++)
-        if (get_op(info[i].name, 0) == -1)
-            store_op(info + i, 0);
-static void hop_deinit(void)
-    if (hop) {
-        size_t i;
-        for (i = 0; i < OP_HASH_SIZE; i++) {
-            HOP *p = hop[i];
-            while (p) {
-                HOP * const next = p->next;
-                mem_sys_free(p);
-                p = next;
-            }
-        }
-        mem_sys_free(hop);
-        hop = NULL;
-    }
-    }
-    else {
-        print $fh <<END_C;
-static void hop_deinit(void) {}
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _print_op_lib_descriptor {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    my $core_type = $self->{trans}->core_type();
-    print $fh <<END_C;
-** op lib descriptor:
-static op_lib_t $self->{bs}op_lib = {
-  "$self->{base}",               /* name */
-  "$self->{suffix}",             /* suffix */
-  $core_type,                       /* core_type = PARROT_XX_CORE */
-  0,                                /* flags */
-  $self->{versions}->{major},    /* major_version */
-  $self->{versions}->{minor},    /* minor_version */
-  $self->{versions}->{patch},    /* patch_version */
-  $self->{num_ops},              /* op_count */
-  $self->{op_info},              /* op_info_table */
-  $self->{op_func},              /* op_func_table */
-  $self->{getop}                 /* op_code() */
-    return 1;
-sub _generate_init_func {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    my $init1_code = "";
-    if ( $self->{trans}->can("init_func_init1") ) {
-        $init1_code = $self->{trans}->init_func_init1( $self->{base} );
-    }
-    my $init_set_dispatch = "";
-    if ( $self->{trans}->can("init_set_dispatch") ) {
-        $init_set_dispatch = $self->{trans}->init_set_dispatch( $self->{bs} );
-    }
-    print $fh <<END_C;
-op_lib_t *
-$self->{init_func}(long init) {
-    /* initialize and return op_lib ptr */
-    if (init == 1) {
-    return &$self->{bs}op_lib;
-    }
-    /* set op_lib to the passed ptr (in init) */
-    else if (init) {
-    }
-    /* deinit - free resources */
-    else {
-    hop_deinit();
-    }
-    return NULL;
-    return 1;
-sub _print_dynamic_lib_load {
-    my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
-    if ( $self->{flag}->{dynamic} ) {
-        my $load_func = join q{_},
-            ( q{Parrot}, q{lib}, $self->{base}, ( q{ops} . $self->{suffix} ), q{load}, );
-        print $fh <<END_C;
- * dynamic lib load function - called once
- */
-$self->{sym_export} PMC*
-$self->{sym_export} PMC*
-    PMC *const lib      = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ParrotLibrary);
-    PMC_struct_val(lib) = (void *) $self->{init_func};
-    dynop_register(interp, lib);
-    return lib;
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _rename_source {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $final = $self->{source};
-    $final =~ s/\.temp//;
-    rename $self->{source}, $final
-        or die "Unable to rename $self->{source} to $final: $!";
-    return $final;
+    return 0;
-=over 4
-=item * Parrot::OpsFile
-=item * Parrot::OpLib::core
-This package is not part of the Parrot distribution.  It is created during
-Parrot's F<make> process before the first invocation of F<tools/build/ops2c.pl>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-See F<tools/build/ops2c.pl> for a list of the Parrot hackers who, over a
-period of several years, developed the functionality now found in the methods
-of Parrot::Ops2c::Utils.  Jim Keenan extracted that functionality and placed
-it in this package's methods.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=over 4
-=item * F<tools/build/ops2c.pl>
-=item * Parrot::OpsFile
-=item * Parrot::Ops2c::Auxiliary
-# Local Variables:
-#   mode: cperl
-#   cperl-indent-level: 4
-#   fill-column: 100
-# End:
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

Modified: branches/update_pod/t/codingstd/pod_description.t
--- branches/update_pod/t/codingstd/pod_description.t	Sun Feb 15 02:18:21 2009	(r36743)
+++ branches/update_pod/t/codingstd/pod_description.t	Sun Feb 15 02:34:57 2009	(r36744)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Carp;
 use Test::More;
 use lib qw( lib );
@@ -14,6 +13,15 @@
         plan skip_all => 'Prerequisites for Parrot::Test::Pod not satisfied';
+    eval 'use Parrot::Test::Pod::Utils qw(
+        file_pod_ok
+        empty_description
+    )';
+    if ($@) {
+        plan skip_all =>
+            'Prerequisites for Parrot::Test::Pod::Utils not satisfied';
+        exit;
+    }
 plan tests => 2;
@@ -53,32 +61,6 @@
 #################### SUBROUTINES ####################
-# Pulled from Test::Pod
-sub file_pod_ok {
-    my $file    = shift;
-    my $checker = Pod::Simple->new;
-    $checker->output_string( \my $trash );      # Ignore any output
-    $checker->parse_file($file);
-    return !$checker->any_errata_seen;
-sub empty_description {
-    my $file = shift;
-    use Pod::Simple::PullParser;
-    my $parser = Pod::Simple::PullParser->new;
-    $parser->set_source( $file );
-    my $description = $parser->get_description;
-    if ( $description =~ m{^\s*$}m ) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
 =head1 t/codingstd/pod_description.t
 Identify files lacking 'Description' section in their POD

Modified: branches/update_pod/t/codingstd/pod_syntax.t
--- branches/update_pod/t/codingstd/pod_syntax.t	Sun Feb 15 02:18:21 2009	(r36743)
+++ branches/update_pod/t/codingstd/pod_syntax.t	Sun Feb 15 02:34:57 2009	(r36744)
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
         plan skip_all => 'Prerequisites for Parrot::Test::Pod not satisfied';
+    eval 'use Parrot::Test::Pod::Utils qw(
+        file_pod_ok
+    )';
 plan tests => 2;
@@ -46,17 +49,6 @@
 #################### SUBROUTINES ####################
-# Pulled from Test::Pod
-sub file_pod_ok {
-    my $file    = shift;
-    my $checker = Pod::Simple->new;
-    $checker->output_string( \my $trash );      # Ignore any output
-    $checker->parse_file($file);
-    return !$checker->any_errata_seen;
 =head1 NAME
 t/codingstd/pod_syntax.t - Pod document syntax tests

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