About Trac

François Perrad francois.perrad at gadz.org
Thu Dec 18 08:38:30 UTC 2008

Allison Randal a écrit :
> François Perrad wrote:
>> My first comment about Trac was about logo customization. So, it was 
>> cosmetic.
>> Currently docs/submissions.pod (r32557, shipped with release 0.8.2) 
>> always refers parrotbug at parrotcode.org as entry point for bug and patch.
>> After the mail is magically transformed to a RT ticket.
> I won't change this now, because we just upgraded Trac so we can allow 
> email submissions. So, rather than altering the instructions to send 
> people to the web interface, I'll wait and just change the email 
> address to the new one.
>> Currently Parrot Trac is not connected to Parrot SVN, it's a pity.
> We have an SVN server on parrot.org, just waiting for us to extract 
> the history from the perl.org server and move it over. But, there will 
> be a few hours (possibly a whole day) of down time while we do that, 
> and we haven't wanted to disrupt development. The link between that 
> SVN server and Trac is already set up. (Trac wants a local connection 
> to the SVN server.)
>> A real connection allows :
>> - in "Browse Source" tabs, a nice equivalent of ViewCVS
>>     see for example: http://trac.edgewall.org/browser/trunk
>> - in "Timeline" tabs, each SVN commit becomes a "Repository checkins" 
>> (others standard entries are "Milestones", "Ticket changes" & "Wiki 
>> changes"). Each entry gives a link to HTMLized diff of the commit.
>>     see for example: http://trac.edgewall.org/changeset/7766
>> With a plugin (I don't know details), each result of build&tests 
>> (from Smolder, in our case) could be inserted as an entry in the 
>> Timeline.
> All good things to look forward to.
In my opinion, Trac must be a agregator for all tools/resources needed 
by people involved in development.
Basically, 3 ways are available :
 - Trac internal feature (ticket, roadmap, timeline, ...)
 - Trac plugins (see http://trac-hacks.org/)
 - in Wiki page, just a link to an external resource

So, the site parrot.org must only contain general information, like :  
Parrot Foundation,  Sponsors & Partners,  Public Relation, ...

> Allison

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