Multiple failures with 0.9.1

Andy Dougherty doughera at
Thu Feb 19 12:40:00 UTC 2009

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Andy Dougherty wrote:

> I'm afraid I have to report failures -- some minor, some major -- with the 
> released version of 0.9.1.  I'll open individual tickets as necessary 
> tomorrow afternoon as I get the time, but here's a heads up in the 
> meantime:

I can now report that as of r36861, things look better.

> Linux/x86/gcc-4.1.2:  
> Failed Test            Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> t/native_pbc/integer.t    3   768     5    3  60.00%  1-3
> t/native_pbc/number.t     3   768     5    3  60.00%  1-3
> 10 tests and 597 subtests skipped.
> Failed 2/392 test scripts, 99.49% okay. 6/11690 subtests failed, 99.95% okay.

This now yields:

All tests successful (4 subtests UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED).
Passed TODO            Stat Wstat TODOs Pass  List of Passed
t/native_pbc/integer.t                5    2  1-2
t/native_pbc/number.t                 5    2  1-2

> Solaris/SPARC/Sun cc:
> Solaris/SPARC/gcc:

Both now successfully compile.

    Andy Dougherty		doughera at

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