[perl #46821] [TODO] [Pir] Recursive calls on ResizablePMCArrays fail. Is this what we want?

chromatic chromatic at wgz.org
Thu Feb 19 19:45:54 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 24 October 2007 13:52:33 Paul Cochrane wrote:

> In t/src/ro.t there is the todo item:
> # XXX: should this work?
> and the related pir code:
> # three = 4 # should fail -- is that what we want
> The question is: is the behaviour encapsulated in the test actually what we
> want?

The real question is "Should setting the read-only property on a 
ResizablePMCArray set the contained PMCs to read-only as well?"

I can fix the test (answer "no") or I can fix the code (answer "yes").  I just 
can't tell you which behavior is most correct.

-- c

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