Improving inspect on class objects

Jonathan Worthington jonathan at
Sun Jan 4 18:59:30 UTC 2009

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 10:02:12AM -0800, chromatic wrote:
>>> Changing deep to shallow copying is, from my angle, a bug fix as much as
>>> anything else (as in, if you'd suggested just that change on IRC, I
>>> mighta JFDI). (And yes, it could change program behaviour somewhere, if
>>> folks were relying on it deep-cloning rather than shallow-cloning. But I
>>> find that quite unlikely.)
>> Shallow cloning makes sense to me too.
> Just to verify: are we talking about changing the behavior of
> Parrot hash cloning in general, or just the introspection hashes?
I was just talking about the introspection hashes. But I do find it 
inconsistent that cloning a RPA is shallow yet a Hash is deep, so the 
hash cloning change may be worth a discussion. It'll be much harder to 
change that post-1.0...

> Unless I hear otherwise, I'll go ahead and make introspection
> return shallow-cloned hashes in these two cases instead of 
> deep-cloned ones.
Works for me.



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