Need a string_unescape function returning c-string

kjstol parrotcode at
Wed Jan 14 09:52:10 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 12:54 AM, chromatic <chromatic at> wrote:

> On Tuesday 13 January 2009 15:09:24 kjstol wrote:
> > PIRC absolutely needs this, and in that case it's absolutely safe to use,
> > as there is no encoding yet: I'm now converting the c-string into a
> > (because that's what the unescaping function happens to return) , to then
> > convert it back into a c-string. Not useful. Not efficient.
> I don't buy that; when PIRC parses PIR/PASM, there's definitely an encoding
> in
> place.  It just so happens that the current assumption is likely always
> Latin-1, which won't work everywhere in the future.
> What are you doing with C strings that you can't do with STRINGs?
> -- c

Nothing special. Strings are stored as char * in the abstract syntax tree.
Changing that would mean changing *a lot* of code.

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