tt761_keys_revamp branch is ready

James E Keenan jkeen at
Mon Jul 13 23:36:36 UTC 2009

Vasily Chekalkin wrote:

> My system is Debian/Lenny/i386 so smoking branch on different OS/CPUs 
> will be very helpful.

Darwin/PPC:  Failures in 3 test files.  See:

Test Summary Report
t/pmc/nci                               (Wstat: 0 Tests: 70 Failed: 0)
   TODO passed:   66, 69-70
t/pmc/packfilerawsegment                (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 0)
   Non-zero exit status: 1
   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 2 tests but ran 1.
t/compilers/pct/past                    (Wstat: 512 Tests: 10 Failed: 2)
   Failed tests:  8-9
   Non-zero exit status: 2
t/compilers/pct/post                    (Wstat: 256 Tests: 6 Failed: 1)
   Failed test:  5
   Non-zero exit status: 1
t/compilers/pge/pge_examples            (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 0)
   TODO passed:   2
Files=322, Tests=9990, 773 wallclock secs (10.61 usr  6.67 sys + 305.02 
cusr 180.45 csys = 502.75 CPU)
Result: FAIL

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