io_rewiring branch needs testing

Andrew Whitworth wknight8111 at
Mon Jun 8 01:16:08 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Will Coleda<will at> wrote:
>> I merged trunk into branch so we could try to get benefit from some of
>> the improvements that have been made to trunk since the branch
>> started. There are some packfile-related failures because we bumped
>> PBC_COMPAT and we're fixing that now. Could you do me a favor and run
>> the tests again with trunk and branch at r39444, which is when I
>> merged? that should show a pretty even footing.
> trunk @39444 == trunk @39443

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I merged trunk INTO the branch,
not the other way around.

iorewiring @39444 != io_rewiring at 39443 != trunk @39444

> partcl isn't using any custom IO (yet). Everything is, I think, just
> straight opcodes.

Striaght opcode on vanilla IO PMCs?

> Branch now completes. 'prove' results:
> Files=70, Tests=1257, 215 wallclock secs ( 0.30 usr  0.37 sys + 195.62
> cusr  9.39 csys = 205.68 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> So, that's 215s now in branch vs. 221s a few hours ago in trunk. (only
> ran 'prove' once each time)

So that's a small improvement, which I guess is better then nothing.
At least it's not a regression, which is always something.

--Andrew Whitworth

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