Question on OP signatures for keyed args

kjstol parrotcode at
Fri Oct 9 09:44:33 UTC 2009


PIRC (like IMCC) generates signatures of ops based on the arguments.
Arguments can be among others keyed thingies, such as:

$P0 = new ["Packfile"]

PIRC currently generates new_p_ksc for the above, which is incorrect.
It should be new_p_pc.
My question (and I'm asking this here on the list just to make sure
instead of making a guess and making all sorts of changes in PIRC
based on the guess) is: are "stand-alone" keyed arguments, like the
above (as opposed to non-stand-alone keys for aggregate objects, like
$P0["hi"] ) , always PMC constants (implying they are always indicated
by "_pc" signatures)?


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