Should we have programs with executable permissions in the distro

Todd Olson tco2 at
Mon Aug 2 13:17:23 UTC 2010

On 2010-Aug-01, at 09:34, Vasily Chekalkin wrote:

>>> Does it have any disadvantage to set it from "#! perl" to
>>> "#!/usr/bin/perl"?
>>> Also: "#! parrot"  ->  "#!/usr/bin/parrot"
>>> This is my favorite.
>> Surely the #! for perl should be the path of the perl used to run,
>> and the #! for parrot be the path parrot will be installed to?
>> /usr/bin/perl and /usr/bin/parrot may not even exist.
> Indeed. What about "#!/usr/bin/env perl"? I'm not sure how it works on Windows.

Causes problems when multiple versions of perl are installed,
such as one for system level things and one for an application running on the system.
It also complicated phased upgrades of on a running system perl.


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