What is the reason for having 'nqp-rx' twice?

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed May 12 19:35:29 UTC 2010

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 07:20:40PM +0200, Moritz Lenz wrote:
> Gerd Pokorra wrote:
> > Why lives 'nqp-rx' at ext/nqp-rx in the parrot sources and on github at
> > http://github.com/perl6/nqp-rx?
> If I remember correctly, the reasons for NQP-rx being developed outside
> of parrot core were (in no particular order)
> *) the ability to chose a parrot revision to work with
> *) more technical liberty (regarding coding standards, build system
> (parrot's build system isn't designed for bootstrapping compilers)
> *) social liberty (giving people commit access to nqp-rx is much less
> hassle than giving one to parrot)
> *) git

All of the reasons given by Austin, Moritz, and Will thus far in this
thread are spot-on correct.  There are at least two other factors 
that played a significant role in the decision:

*) nqp-rx intends to eventually be runnable on virtual machine backends 
   beyond Parrot.  Thus it doesn't belong in the Parrot repository.

*) The initial work on nqp-rx was done under a grant for The Perl
   Foundation, so the code developed under the grant belongs to TPF.
   I did not feel it was my place to be deciding that this TPF-owned 
   code should live in a Parrot Foundation repository, especially
   since Parrot's source code policies at the time would've caused
   the TPF copyright notices to be removed.  

Ultimately I decided that the advantages of a using separate repository 
far outweighed the various disadvantages I envisioned, and to date I'm
very happy with the outcome.


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