implementing Number.MAX_VALUE

rohit jangid rohit.nsit08 at
Fri Jul 15 21:34:25 UTC 2011

what is the best way to  implement the JavaScript's Number.MAX_VALUE
their values as defined in specification are 5e-324 and
1.7976931348623157e+308 . is there any way to access maximum numerical
value in PIR

using parrot_config doesn't seem to work

.sub main
.local pmc interp, config
interp = getinterp
.include 'iglobals.pasm'

  config = interp[.IGLOBALS_CONFIG_HASH]
  $I0 = config['maxintval']
  say $I0

is returning 0 as the output

$ parrot_config --dump | grep max on terminal  is returning
floatvalmax => 'DBL_MAX'
intvalmax => 'LONG_MAX'

Rohit Jangid
Under Graduate Student,
Deptt. of Computer Engineering
NSIT, Delhi University, India

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