Pre-3.6 code freeze

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at
Sun Jul 17 20:00:56 UTC 2011

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 10:36:19PM +0300, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> The problem I am still facing is that Rakudo does not build.

This looks like a known bug that was fixed a couple of hours ago
in commit 1c91ecb.  Could you do a 'git pull' from Rakudo and
see if the latest version solves this problem for you?

With the 1c91ecb version of Rakudo I was able to compile Rakudo
successfully under 32-bit Windows with Strawberry Perl, "make spectest"
fails in trying to checkout the correct version of the spectests to run.
The problem is likely something in the Makefile that Windows isn't
able to quite parse problem.  I'll try to clean it up a bit later,
but if anyone else can come up with a fix that would save me a lot
of time.


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