Volunteer needed - SuperCell and GCC Compile Farm

Christoph Otto Christoph.Otto at datasphere.com
Tue May 10 21:32:02 UTC 2011

Hi all,

dukeleto++ has gotten Parrot access to the GCC compile farm[0] and to OSUOSL's SuperCell[1] testing infrastructure.  Unfortunately he hasn't had the time to get either of them properly set up between his many other projects, and most other developers seem to be in the same boat.  I'm therefore asking for a volunteer to take charge of one or both of these projects.  The end goal is to get Parrot regularly tested on as many platforms as possible.  This includes distros, compiler versions, OSs, configuration options, memory constraints, CPU architectures (especially Darwin/PPC) and anything else you can think of.

I don't know what kind of time commitment is involved.  We also need a volunteer to figure out what these systems are capable of, how to access them, how we could best use them and what initial and ongoing time commitment these projects would require.  dukeleto's estimate is that the ongoing commitment would be (possibly much) less than 5 hours per week.

Both the OSUOSL's SuperCell and the GCC Compile Farm are great resources for increasing our regular automated testing.  If you've got the tuits, helping us figure out to use these resources will be a big help to Parrot.


[0] http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CompileFarm
[1] http://supercell.osuosl.org/

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