Interesting blog post about the "speed of light" for general purpose languages

Reini Urban rurban at
Fri Apr 19 21:35:53 UTC 2013

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Jonathan "Duke" Leto <jonathan at> wrote:

He is obviously pretty clueless about modern fast and expressive
dynamic+static languages,
frightened by type systems, but predicts the rise of DSLs.
He completely forgets about threads/fibers and non-blocking async IO.
No major advances? Come on.

> Any thoughts about how this relates to the future of Parrot?

Nothing. If parrot would fit into the category of a backend to a
modern fast and expressive
dynamic or static language maybe. I'm thinking of other languages
which would fit here.
No, not Python, Perl, Scala or Haskell :)
More like io, cola (idst), felix, haxe, lua/neko, potion, go, dart, f#, ...
Some of them are faster than the speed of light (C) already, and
easier to work with.
Reini Urban

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