RFC: Move build tools to Perl5, developer tools to Perl6

Brian Gernhardt benabik at silverinsanity.com
Fri Feb 22 02:12:54 UTC 2013

On Feb 21, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Jimmy Zhuo <jimmy.zhuo at gmail.com> wrote:

> > If parrot really really really really really want
> > to integrate with some children, please consider rakudo firstly. Though I
> > don't want to seeing it happened. I like Winxed, but also Rakudo.
> I'm saying theese because I couldn't see what benefit for the end user is. And what motivation that I could see is to popularize Winxed, which is not parrot should do. 

The motivation is not to popularize Winxed but to discourage PIR, for the same reason that Parrot itself is written in C and not assembly.

Trying to use Rakudo for this would be terrible.  Rakudo has layers of its own abstractions on top of Parrot.  Winxed and PIR are the only languages that target Parrot directly without adding their own abstractions, and PIR is pretty terrible to write anything complex in by hand.

~~ benabik

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