parrot smoke-me/illegal-escape-gh1103

Reini Urban rurban at
Wed Oct 15 13:58:53 UTC 2014

parrot wants to change its behavior with illegal escape sequences with 6.9.0

parrot and rakudo smoked fine with this branch,
and it helps finding imcc parser bugs, esp. .lex quoting issues.,
tracked in GH #1095, which was found by this perl6

Silently ignore illegal escapes for a-zA-Z
and change the string from "foo\o" to "fooo"

Throw "Illegal escape sequence \o in foo\o"

The C standard requires such "invalid" escape sequences to be diagnosed
(i.e., the compiler must print an error message). Parrot behaved strange,
and hence imcc parser quoting bugs were never fixed.

Unescapes the specified C string. These sequences are covered:

  \xhh        1..2 hex digits
  \ooo        1..3 oct digits
  \cX         control char X
  \x{h..h}    1..8 hex digits
  \uhhhh      4 hex digits
  \Uhhhhhhhh  8 hex digits
  \a, \b, \t, \n, \v, \f, \r, \e

These sequences are not escaped: C<\\ \" \' \?>

All other escape sequences within C<[a-zA-Z]> are illegal.

This printed ok 4 instead of ok 3:

.sub 'main' :main
    $S0 = 'bar\o'
    $P1 = box 'ok 1'
    set_global $S0, $P1
    $P2 = get_global 'bar\o'
    say $P2

    $S1 = "foo\\o"
    $P1 = box 'ok 2'
    set_global "foo\\o", $P1   # ok, parsed as "foo\\o"
    $P2 = get_global "foo\\o"
    say $P2

    $S2 = "foo\o"
    $P1 = box 'ok 3'
    $S3 = "fooo"
    $P2 = box 'ok 4'
    set_global "foo\o", $P1    # wrong, parsed as "fooo"
    set_global "fooo",  $P2
    $P3 = get_global "foo\o"
    say $P3

    $P3 = get_global "fooo"
    say $P3

but the real problem is with double-quoted .lex names.

What do you think? Should I allow illegal escape chars for one
deprecation cycle, just warn once?
Or change it right away? I'd go for right away.

Reini Urban

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