[svn:parrot] r37857 - branches/p6strings/compilers/pge/PGE
pmichaud at svn.parrot.org
pmichaud at svn.parrot.org
Wed Apr 1 21:06:16 UTC 2009
Author: pmichaud
Date: Wed Apr 1 21:06:15 2009
New Revision: 37857
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/37857
[pge]: Refactor handling of perl 6 character escapes
* easier to re-use in other perl6-like languages
* handles \cC
Modified: branches/p6strings/compilers/pge/PGE/Perl6Regex.pir
--- branches/p6strings/compilers/pge/PGE/Perl6Regex.pir Wed Apr 1 20:38:34 2009 (r37856)
+++ branches/p6strings/compilers/pge/PGE/Perl6Regex.pir Wed Apr 1 21:06:15 2009 (r37857)
@@ -145,6 +145,121 @@
.return (match)
+=item C<p6escapes>
+Parse and calculate various Perl 6 string escapes, such as \n, \r,
+\x, \o, and \c. For the latter escapes, also handle the bracketed
+forms and other special forms.
+Note that this function is used directly by PCT::Grammar and Rakudo,
+and someday may be refactored to a different location.
+.sub 'p6escapes'
+ .param pmc mob
+ .param pmc adverbs :slurpy :named
+ .local string target, backchar, literal
+ .local int pos, lastpos
+ $P0 = get_hll_global ['PGE'], '$!MATCH'
+ (mob, pos, target) = $P0.'new'(mob, adverbs :flat :named)
+ lastpos = length target
+ if pos >= lastpos goto fail
+ $S0 = substr target, pos, 1
+ inc pos
+ if $S0 != "\\" goto fail
+ if pos >= lastpos goto fail
+ backchar = substr target, pos, 1
+ inc pos
+ backchar = downcase backchar
+ $I0 = index "\\0abefnrtxco", backchar
+ if $I0 < 0 goto fail
+ if $I0 >= 9 goto scan_xco
+ literal = substr "\\\0\a\b\e\f\n\r\t", $I0, 1
+ goto succeed
+ scan_xco:
+ ## Handle \x, \c, and \o escapes. Start by converting
+ ## backchar into the appropriate radix, then loop through
+ ## the characters that follow to compute the decimal value
+ ## of codepoints, and concatenate the codepoints into a
+ ## literal.
+ .local int base, decnum, isbracketed
+ base = index ' o c x', backchar
+ literal = ''
+ $S0 = substr target, pos, 1
+ isbracketed = iseq $S0, '['
+ pos += isbracketed
+ ## Handle the case of \cC (control escape).
+ if base != 10 goto scan_xco_char
+ if isbracketed goto scan_xco_char
+ $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_NUMERIC, $S0, 0
+ if $I0 goto scan_xco_char
+ ## xor the 64 bit
+ $I0 = ord $S0
+ bxor $I0, 64
+ literal = chr $I0
+ inc pos
+ goto succeed
+ scan_xco_char:
+ decnum = 0
+ if base != 10 goto scan_xco_char_digits
+ unless isbracketed goto scan_xco_char_digits
+ $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_NUMERIC, $S0, pos
+ if $I0 goto scan_xco_char_digits
+ ## look up character by name
+ .local int namepos
+ namepos = index target, ']', pos
+ if namepos < 0 goto err_missing_bracket
+ $I0 = index target, ',', pos
+ if $I0 < 0 goto have_namepos
+ if namepos < $I0 goto have_namepos
+ namepos = $I0
+ have_namepos:
+ $I0 = namepos - pos
+ $S0 = substr target, pos, $I0
+ say $S0
+ $P0 = new 'CodeString'
+ decnum = $P0.'charname_to_ord'($S0)
+ if decnum < 0 goto err_unicode_name
+ pos = namepos
+ goto scan_xco_char_end
+ scan_xco_char_digits:
+ $S0 = substr target, pos, 1
+ $I0 = index "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF", $S0
+ if $I0 < 0 goto scan_xco_char_end
+ $I0 %= 16
+ if $I0 >= base goto scan_xco_char_end
+ decnum *= base
+ decnum += $I0
+ inc pos
+ goto scan_xco_char_digits
+ scan_xco_char_end:
+ $S1 = chr decnum
+ concat literal, $S1
+ $S0 = substr target, pos, 1
+ unless isbracketed goto scan_xco_end
+ if $S0 == ']' goto scan_xco_end
+ if $S0 == '' goto err_missing_bracket
+ if $S0 != ',' goto err_digit
+ inc pos
+ goto scan_xco_char
+ scan_xco_end:
+ pos += isbracketed
+ succeed:
+ mob.'!make'(literal)
+ mob.'to'(pos)
+ fail:
+ .return (mob)
+ err_unicode_name:
+ 'parse_error'(mob, pos, "Unrecognized character name")
+ err_missing_bracket:
+ 'parse_error'(mob, pos, "Missing close bracket for \\x[...], \\o[...], or \\c[...]")
+ err_digit:
+ 'parse_error'(mob, pos, "Invalid digit in \\x[...], \\o[...], or \\c[...]")
=item C<onload()>
Initializes the Perl6Regex parser and other data structures
@@ -362,39 +477,50 @@
.param pmc adverbs :slurpy :named
.local string target
- .local int pos, lastpos
+ .local int pos, lastpos, isnegated
$P0 = getattribute mob, '$.target'
target = $P0
$P0 = getattribute mob, '$.pos'
pos = $P0
lastpos = length target
+ isnegated = 0
- .local string initchar
- initchar = substr target, pos, 1
- $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_WORD, initchar, 0
- if $I0 goto term_metachar
- quoted_metachar:
- inc pos
- mob = mob.'new'(mob, 'grammar'=>'PGE::Exp::Literal')
- mob.'!make'(initchar)
- mob.'to'(pos)
- .return (mob)
- term_metachar:
- .local int isnegated
- isnegated = is_cclass .CCLASS_UPPERCASE, initchar, 0
- ## $S0 = downcase FIXME: RT# 48108
- $I0 = ord initchar
+ .local string backchar, charlist
+ ## get whatever follows the backslash
+ backchar = substr target, pos, 1
+ charlist = backchar
+ inc pos
+ ## if it's not a word character, it's a quoted metachar
+ $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_WORD, backchar, 0
+ unless $I0 goto term_literal
+ ## if it's a word character, it may be negated
+ isnegated = is_cclass .CCLASS_UPPERCASE, backchar, 0
+ ## $S0 = downcase charlist FIXME: RT #48108
+ $I0 = ord backchar
$S0 = chr $I0
- $S0 = downcase $S0
- if $S0 == 'x' goto scan_xdo
- if $S0 == 'o' goto scan_xdo
+ backchar = downcase $S0
+ ## if it's \x, \c, or \o, parse as string escape
+ $I0 = index 'xco', backchar
+ if $I0 < 0 goto meta_esclist
+ meta_xco:
+ $I0 = pos - 2
+ $P0 = 'p6escapes'(mob, 'pos' => $I0)
+ unless $P0 goto err_xcoparse
+ pos = $P0.'to'()
+ charlist = $P0.'ast'()
+ unless isnegated goto term_literal
+ $I0 = length charlist
+ if $I0 > 1 goto err_negated_brackets
+ goto term_charlist
+ meta_esclist:
$P0 = get_global '%esclist'
- $I0 = exists $P0[$S0]
- if $I0 == 0 goto err_reserved_metachar
- inc pos
- .local string charlist
- charlist = $P0[$S0]
+ $I0 = exists $P0[backchar]
+ unless $I0 goto err_reserved_metachar
+ charlist = $P0[backchar]
if isnegated goto term_charlist
$I0 = length charlist
if $I0 > 1 goto term_charlist
@@ -412,48 +538,13 @@
.return (mob)
- scan_xdo:
- inc pos
- .local int base, decnum, isbracketed
- charlist = ''
- base = index ' o d x', $S0
- decnum = 0
- $S0 = substr target, pos, 1
- isbracketed = iseq $S0, '['
- pos += isbracketed
- scan_xdo_char_loop:
- $S0 = substr target, pos, 1
- $I0 = index '0123456789abcdef', $S0
- if $I0 < 0 goto scan_xdo_char_end
- if $I0 >= base goto scan_xdo_char_end
- decnum *= base
- decnum += $I0
- inc pos
- goto scan_xdo_char_loop
- scan_xdo_char_end:
- $S1 = chr decnum
- concat charlist, $S1
- unless isbracketed goto scan_xdo_end
- if $S0 == ']' goto scan_xdo_end
- if $S0 == '' goto err_missing_bracket
- if $S0 != ',' goto err_bracketed
- if isnegated goto err_negated_brackets
- inc pos
- decnum = 0
- goto scan_xdo_char_loop
- scan_xdo_end:
- pos += isbracketed
- if isnegated goto term_charlist
- goto term_literal
- err_reserved_metachar:
- parse_error(mob, pos, 'Alphanumeric metacharacters are reserved')
- err_missing_bracket:
- parse_error(mob, pos, 'Missing close bracket for \\x[...] or \\o[...]')
- err_bracketed:
- parse_error(mob, pos, 'Invalid digit in \\x[...] or \\o[...]')
+ err_xcoparse:
+ parse_error(mob, pos, 'Unable to parse \x, \c, or \o value')
+ pos = mob.'from'()
parse_error(mob, pos, 'Cannot use comma in \\X[...] or \\O[...]')
+ err_reserved_metachar:
+ parse_error(mob, pos, 'Alphanumeric metacharacters are reserved')
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