[svn:parrot] r37901 - in branches/install_tools: . t/tools/install
jkeenan at svn.parrot.org
jkeenan at svn.parrot.org
Sat Apr 4 15:01:37 UTC 2009
Author: jkeenan
Date: Sat Apr 4 15:01:33 2009
New Revision: 37901
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/37901
Prepare to split current test file into two files: one focusing on create_directories(), the other on install_files().
- copied unchanged from r37894, branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-install_files.t
- copied unchanged from r37894, branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-install_files.t
Modified: branches/install_tools/MANIFEST
--- branches/install_tools/MANIFEST Sat Apr 4 12:34:50 2009 (r37900)
+++ branches/install_tools/MANIFEST Sat Apr 4 15:01:33 2009 (r37901)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# ex: set ro:
# $Id$
-# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Wed Mar 11 23:28:58 2009 UT
+# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Sat Apr 4 15:00:39 2009 UT
# See tools/dev/install_files.pl for documentation on the
# format of this file.
@@ -2495,7 +2495,8 @@
t/tools/dev/searchops.t [test]
t/tools/dev/searchops/samples.pm [test]
t/tools/dump_pbc.t [test]
-t/tools/install/01-install_files.t [test]
+t/tools/install/01-create_directories.t [test]
+t/tools/install/02-install_files.t [test]
t/tools/ops2cutils/01-new.t [test]
t/tools/ops2cutils/02-usage.t [test]
t/tools/ops2cutils/03-print_c_header_file.t [test]
Copied: branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-create_directories.t (from r37894, branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-install_files.t)
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-create_directories.t Sat Apr 4 15:01:33 2009 (r37901, copy of r37894, branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-install_files.t)
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#! perl
+# Copyright (C) 2007, Parrot Foundation.
+# $Id$
+# 01-install_files.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan); # tests => 8;
+use Carp;
+use File::Path qw( mkpath );
+use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
+use lib qw( lib );
+use Parrot::Install qw(
+ install_files
+ create_directories
+ lines_to_files
+use IO::CaptureOutput qw( capture );
+################### DOCUMENTATION ###################
+=head1 NAME
+01-install_files.t - test subroutines exported by C<Parrot::Install>
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ % prove t/tools/install/01-install_files.t
+The files in this directory test functionality used by
+F<tools/dev/install_files.pl> and F<tools/dev/install_dev_files.pl> and
+exported by F<lib/Parrot/Install.pm>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+James E Keenan
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Parrot::Install, F<tools/dev/install_files.pl>, F<tools/dev/install_dev_files.pl>
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my $dirs_seen = 0;
+ foreach my $d (@dirs) {
+ $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
+ }
+ is($dirs_seen, 2, 'got expected number of directories created');
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ my @created = mkpath( "$tdir$dirs[0]" );
+ ok( ( -d $created[0] ),
+ "one directory created before create_directories() is called" );
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my $dirs_seen = 0;
+ foreach my $d (@dirs) {
+ $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
+ }
+ is($dirs_seen, 2,
+ "create_directories() handled case where one directory already existed" );
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ my @created = mkpath( $tdir . 'foo' );
+ ok( ( -d $created[0] ),
+ "one directory created before create_directories() is called" );
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my $dirs_seen = 0;
+ foreach my $d (@dirs) {
+ $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
+ }
+ is($dirs_seen, 2,
+ "create_directories() handled case where one path partially existed" );
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my($fullname);
+ my @files = ( ['README', "$dirs[0]/README"] );
+ {
+ my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
+ capture(
+ sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 1, @files); },
+ \$stdout,
+ \$stderr,
+ );
+ ok( $rv, 'install_files() completed successfully in dry-run case' );
+ my $files_created = 0;
+ foreach my $el (@files) {
+ $files_created++ if -f "$tdir$el->[1]";
+ }
+ is( $files_created, 0, 'dry-run, so no files created' );
+ like( $stdout, qr/Installing.*README.*README/s,
+ 'got expected installation message' );
+ }
+ {
+ my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
+ capture(
+ sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
+ \$stdout,
+ \$stderr,
+ );
+ ok( $rv, 'install_files() completed successfully in production case' );
+ my $files_created = 0;
+ foreach my $el (@files) {
+ $files_created++ if -f "$tdir$el->[1]";
+ }
+ is( $files_created, 1, 'production, so 1 file created' );
+ like( $stdout, qr/Installing.*README/s,
+ 'got expected installation message' );
+ }
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my($fullname);
+ # Case where element in @files is not an array ref
+ my @files = ( q{} );
+ {
+ my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
+ capture(
+ sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
+ \$stdout,
+ \$stderr,
+ );
+ ok( $rv, 'install_files() handled invalid argument as expected' );
+ like( $stdout, qr/Installing \.\.\./,
+ 'got expected installation message' );
+ }
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my($fullname);
+ # Case where element in @files does not hold existent file
+ my $nonexistent = q{ajdpfadksjfjvjkvds} . $$;
+ my @files = ( [ $nonexistent, "$dirs[0]/$nonexistent"] );
+ {
+ my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
+ capture(
+ sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
+ \$stdout,
+ \$stderr,
+ );
+ ok( $rv, 'install_files() handled non-existent file as expected' );
+ like( $stdout, qr/Installing \.\.\./,
+ 'got expected installation message' );
+ }
+# Can't safely run lines_to_files() more than once in a program until it's been fixed,
+# and we can't fix it until its tested, so I've commented most of these out until we've
+# fixed lines_to_files() not to use @ARGV
+ my($metatransforms, $othertransforms, $manifests, $options, $parrotdir,
+ $files, $installable_exe, $directories);
+ # First lines_to_files test
+# eval { lines_to_files(); };
+# $@ or die "lines_to_files didn't die with no parameters\n";
+# ok($@ =~ /^.manifests must be an array reference$/, 'lines_to_files dies with bad parameters');
+ # Second lines_to_files test
+# eval { lines_to_files(
+# $metatransforms, $othertransforms,
+# [qw(MANIFEST MANIFEST.generated)],
+# $options, $parrotdir
+# ); };
+# ok($@ =~ /^Unknown install location in MANIFEST for file/, 'fails for install locations not specified in transforms');
+ # Third lines_to_files test
+ $metatransforms = {
+ doc => {
+ optiondir => 'doc',
+ transform => sub {
+ my($dest) = @_;
+ $dest =~ s/^docs\/resources/resources/; # resources go in the top level of docs
+ $dest =~ s/^docs/pod/; # other docs are actually raw Pod
+ $parrotdir, $dest;
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ $othertransforms = {
+ '.*' => {
+ optiondir => 'foo',
+ transform => sub {
+ return(@_);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ($files, $installable_exe, $directories) = lines_to_files(
+ $metatransforms, $othertransforms,
+ [qw(MANIFEST MANIFEST.generated)],
+ { packages => 'main' }, $parrotdir
+ );
+ ok((ref($files) and ref($installable_exe) and ref($directories)), 'lines_to_files returns something vaguely sensible');
+ ok(1, 'lines_to_files passed all tests');
+pass("Completed all tests in $0");
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: cperl
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
Deleted: branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-install_files.t
--- branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-install_files.t Sat Apr 4 15:01:33 2009 (r37900)
+++ /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (deleted)
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-#! perl
-# Copyright (C) 2007, Parrot Foundation.
-# $Id$
-# 01-install_files.t
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More qw(no_plan); # tests => 8;
-use Carp;
-use File::Path qw( mkpath );
-use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
-use lib qw( lib );
-use Parrot::Install qw(
- install_files
- create_directories
- lines_to_files
-use IO::CaptureOutput qw( capture );
-################### DOCUMENTATION ###################
-=head1 NAME
-01-install_files.t - test subroutines exported by C<Parrot::Install>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- % prove t/tools/install/01-install_files.t
-The files in this directory test functionality used by
-F<tools/dev/install_files.pl> and F<tools/dev/install_dev_files.pl> and
-exported by F<lib/Parrot/Install.pm>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-James E Keenan
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Parrot::Install, F<tools/dev/install_files.pl>, F<tools/dev/install_dev_files.pl>
- my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
- $tdir .= '/';
- my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
- create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
- my $dirs_seen = 0;
- foreach my $d (@dirs) {
- $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
- }
- is($dirs_seen, 2, 'got expected number of directories created');
- my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
- $tdir .= '/';
- my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
- my @created = mkpath( "$tdir$dirs[0]" );
- ok( ( -d $created[0] ),
- "one directory created before create_directories() is called" );
- create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
- my $dirs_seen = 0;
- foreach my $d (@dirs) {
- $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
- }
- is($dirs_seen, 2,
- "create_directories() handled case where one directory already existed" );
- my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
- $tdir .= '/';
- my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
- my @created = mkpath( $tdir . 'foo' );
- ok( ( -d $created[0] ),
- "one directory created before create_directories() is called" );
- create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
- my $dirs_seen = 0;
- foreach my $d (@dirs) {
- $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
- }
- is($dirs_seen, 2,
- "create_directories() handled case where one path partially existed" );
- my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
- $tdir .= '/';
- my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
- create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
- my($fullname);
- my @files = ( ['README', "$dirs[0]/README"] );
- {
- my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
- capture(
- sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 1, @files); },
- \$stdout,
- \$stderr,
- );
- ok( $rv, 'install_files() completed successfully in dry-run case' );
- my $files_created = 0;
- foreach my $el (@files) {
- $files_created++ if -f "$tdir$el->[1]";
- }
- is( $files_created, 0, 'dry-run, so no files created' );
- like( $stdout, qr/Installing.*README.*README/s,
- 'got expected installation message' );
- }
- {
- my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
- capture(
- sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
- \$stdout,
- \$stderr,
- );
- ok( $rv, 'install_files() completed successfully in production case' );
- my $files_created = 0;
- foreach my $el (@files) {
- $files_created++ if -f "$tdir$el->[1]";
- }
- is( $files_created, 1, 'production, so 1 file created' );
- like( $stdout, qr/Installing.*README/s,
- 'got expected installation message' );
- }
- my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
- $tdir .= '/';
- my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
- create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
- my($fullname);
- # Case where element in @files is not an array ref
- my @files = ( q{} );
- {
- my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
- capture(
- sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
- \$stdout,
- \$stderr,
- );
- ok( $rv, 'install_files() handled invalid argument as expected' );
- like( $stdout, qr/Installing \.\.\./,
- 'got expected installation message' );
- }
- my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
- $tdir .= '/';
- my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
- create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
- my($fullname);
- # Case where element in @files does not hold existent file
- my $nonexistent = q{ajdpfadksjfjvjkvds} . $$;
- my @files = ( [ $nonexistent, "$dirs[0]/$nonexistent"] );
- {
- my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
- capture(
- sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
- \$stdout,
- \$stderr,
- );
- ok( $rv, 'install_files() handled non-existent file as expected' );
- like( $stdout, qr/Installing \.\.\./,
- 'got expected installation message' );
- }
-# Can't safely run lines_to_files() more than once in a program until it's been fixed,
-# and we can't fix it until its tested, so I've commented most of these out until we've
-# fixed lines_to_files() not to use @ARGV
- my($metatransforms, $othertransforms, $manifests, $options, $parrotdir,
- $files, $installable_exe, $directories);
- # First lines_to_files test
-# eval { lines_to_files(); };
-# $@ or die "lines_to_files didn't die with no parameters\n";
-# ok($@ =~ /^.manifests must be an array reference$/, 'lines_to_files dies with bad parameters');
- # Second lines_to_files test
-# eval { lines_to_files(
-# $metatransforms, $othertransforms,
-# [qw(MANIFEST MANIFEST.generated)],
-# $options, $parrotdir
-# ); };
-# ok($@ =~ /^Unknown install location in MANIFEST for file/, 'fails for install locations not specified in transforms');
- # Third lines_to_files test
- $metatransforms = {
- doc => {
- optiondir => 'doc',
- transform => sub {
- my($dest) = @_;
- $dest =~ s/^docs\/resources/resources/; # resources go in the top level of docs
- $dest =~ s/^docs/pod/; # other docs are actually raw Pod
- $parrotdir, $dest;
- },
- },
- };
- $othertransforms = {
- '.*' => {
- optiondir => 'foo',
- transform => sub {
- return(@_);
- }
- }
- };
- ($files, $installable_exe, $directories) = lines_to_files(
- $metatransforms, $othertransforms,
- [qw(MANIFEST MANIFEST.generated)],
- { packages => 'main' }, $parrotdir
- );
- ok((ref($files) and ref($installable_exe) and ref($directories)), 'lines_to_files returns something vaguely sensible');
- ok(1, 'lines_to_files passed all tests');
-pass("Completed all tests in $0");
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: cperl
-# cperl-indent-level: 4
-# fill-column: 100
-# End:
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
Copied: branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/02-install_files.t (from r37894, branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-install_files.t)
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/02-install_files.t Sat Apr 4 15:01:33 2009 (r37901, copy of r37894, branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/01-install_files.t)
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#! perl
+# Copyright (C) 2007, Parrot Foundation.
+# $Id$
+# 01-install_files.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan); # tests => 8;
+use Carp;
+use File::Path qw( mkpath );
+use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
+use lib qw( lib );
+use Parrot::Install qw(
+ install_files
+ create_directories
+ lines_to_files
+use IO::CaptureOutput qw( capture );
+################### DOCUMENTATION ###################
+=head1 NAME
+01-install_files.t - test subroutines exported by C<Parrot::Install>
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ % prove t/tools/install/01-install_files.t
+The files in this directory test functionality used by
+F<tools/dev/install_files.pl> and F<tools/dev/install_dev_files.pl> and
+exported by F<lib/Parrot/Install.pm>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+James E Keenan
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Parrot::Install, F<tools/dev/install_files.pl>, F<tools/dev/install_dev_files.pl>
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my $dirs_seen = 0;
+ foreach my $d (@dirs) {
+ $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
+ }
+ is($dirs_seen, 2, 'got expected number of directories created');
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ my @created = mkpath( "$tdir$dirs[0]" );
+ ok( ( -d $created[0] ),
+ "one directory created before create_directories() is called" );
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my $dirs_seen = 0;
+ foreach my $d (@dirs) {
+ $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
+ }
+ is($dirs_seen, 2,
+ "create_directories() handled case where one directory already existed" );
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ my @created = mkpath( $tdir . 'foo' );
+ ok( ( -d $created[0] ),
+ "one directory created before create_directories() is called" );
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my $dirs_seen = 0;
+ foreach my $d (@dirs) {
+ $dirs_seen++ if -d "$tdir$d";
+ }
+ is($dirs_seen, 2,
+ "create_directories() handled case where one path partially existed" );
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my($fullname);
+ my @files = ( ['README', "$dirs[0]/README"] );
+ {
+ my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
+ capture(
+ sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 1, @files); },
+ \$stdout,
+ \$stderr,
+ );
+ ok( $rv, 'install_files() completed successfully in dry-run case' );
+ my $files_created = 0;
+ foreach my $el (@files) {
+ $files_created++ if -f "$tdir$el->[1]";
+ }
+ is( $files_created, 0, 'dry-run, so no files created' );
+ like( $stdout, qr/Installing.*README.*README/s,
+ 'got expected installation message' );
+ }
+ {
+ my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
+ capture(
+ sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
+ \$stdout,
+ \$stderr,
+ );
+ ok( $rv, 'install_files() completed successfully in production case' );
+ my $files_created = 0;
+ foreach my $el (@files) {
+ $files_created++ if -f "$tdir$el->[1]";
+ }
+ is( $files_created, 1, 'production, so 1 file created' );
+ like( $stdout, qr/Installing.*README/s,
+ 'got expected installation message' );
+ }
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my($fullname);
+ # Case where element in @files is not an array ref
+ my @files = ( q{} );
+ {
+ my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
+ capture(
+ sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
+ \$stdout,
+ \$stderr,
+ );
+ ok( $rv, 'install_files() handled invalid argument as expected' );
+ like( $stdout, qr/Installing \.\.\./,
+ 'got expected installation message' );
+ }
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $tdir .= '/';
+ my @dirs = qw(foo/bar foo/bar/baz);
+ create_directories($tdir, { map { $_ => 1 } @dirs });
+ my($fullname);
+ # Case where element in @files does not hold existent file
+ my $nonexistent = q{ajdpfadksjfjvjkvds} . $$;
+ my @files = ( [ $nonexistent, "$dirs[0]/$nonexistent"] );
+ {
+ my ( $stdout, $stderr, $rv );
+ capture(
+ sub { $rv = install_files($tdir, 0, @files); },
+ \$stdout,
+ \$stderr,
+ );
+ ok( $rv, 'install_files() handled non-existent file as expected' );
+ like( $stdout, qr/Installing \.\.\./,
+ 'got expected installation message' );
+ }
+# Can't safely run lines_to_files() more than once in a program until it's been fixed,
+# and we can't fix it until its tested, so I've commented most of these out until we've
+# fixed lines_to_files() not to use @ARGV
+ my($metatransforms, $othertransforms, $manifests, $options, $parrotdir,
+ $files, $installable_exe, $directories);
+ # First lines_to_files test
+# eval { lines_to_files(); };
+# $@ or die "lines_to_files didn't die with no parameters\n";
+# ok($@ =~ /^.manifests must be an array reference$/, 'lines_to_files dies with bad parameters');
+ # Second lines_to_files test
+# eval { lines_to_files(
+# $metatransforms, $othertransforms,
+# [qw(MANIFEST MANIFEST.generated)],
+# $options, $parrotdir
+# ); };
+# ok($@ =~ /^Unknown install location in MANIFEST for file/, 'fails for install locations not specified in transforms');
+ # Third lines_to_files test
+ $metatransforms = {
+ doc => {
+ optiondir => 'doc',
+ transform => sub {
+ my($dest) = @_;
+ $dest =~ s/^docs\/resources/resources/; # resources go in the top level of docs
+ $dest =~ s/^docs/pod/; # other docs are actually raw Pod
+ $parrotdir, $dest;
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ $othertransforms = {
+ '.*' => {
+ optiondir => 'foo',
+ transform => sub {
+ return(@_);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ($files, $installable_exe, $directories) = lines_to_files(
+ $metatransforms, $othertransforms,
+ [qw(MANIFEST MANIFEST.generated)],
+ { packages => 'main' }, $parrotdir
+ );
+ ok((ref($files) and ref($installable_exe) and ref($directories)), 'lines_to_files returns something vaguely sensible');
+ ok(1, 'lines_to_files passed all tests');
+pass("Completed all tests in $0");
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: cperl
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
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