[svn:parrot] r39601 - branches/cindent/t/codingstd

jkeenan at svn.parrot.org jkeenan at svn.parrot.org
Wed Jun 17 02:13:23 UTC 2009

Author: jkeenan
Date: Wed Jun 17 02:13:22 2009
New Revision: 39601
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/39601

Consolidate 6 variables into a hash for ease in debugging.


Modified: branches/cindent/t/codingstd/c_indent.t
--- branches/cindent/t/codingstd/c_indent.t	Wed Jun 17 02:02:04 2009	(r39600)
+++ branches/cindent/t/codingstd/c_indent.t	Wed Jun 17 02:13:22 2009	(r39601)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 use warnings;
 use lib qw( . lib ../lib ../../lib );
+use Data::Dumper;$Data::Dumper::Indent=1;
 use Test::More tests => 2;
 use Parrot::Distribution;
@@ -49,25 +50,27 @@
             or die "Can not open '$path' for reading!\n";
         @source = <$IN>;
-        my @stack;    # for tracking indention level
-        my $line_cnt       = 0;
-        my $block_indent   = undef;
-        my $prev_last_char = '';
-        my $last_char      = '';
-        my $in_comment     = 0;
+        my %state = (
+            stack           => [],
+            line_cnt        => 0,
+            block_indent    => undef,
+            prev_last_char  => '',
+            last_char       => '',
+            in_comment      => 0,
+        );
         foreach (@source) {
-            $line_cnt++;
+            $state{line_cnt}++;
             next unless defined $_;
-            $prev_last_char = $last_char;
-            $last_char = substr( $_, -1, 1 );
+            $state{prev_last_char} = $state{last_char};
+            $state{last_char} = substr( $_, -1, 1 );
             # ignore multi-line comments (except the first line)
-            $in_comment = 0, next if $in_comment && m{\*/} && $' !~ m{/\*};
-            next if $in_comment;
-            $in_comment = 1 if m{/\*} && $' !~ m{\*/};
+            $state{in_comment} = 0, next if $state{in_comment} && m{\*/} && $' !~ m{/\*};
+            next if $state{in_comment};
+            $state{in_comment} = 1 if m{/\*} && $' !~ m{\*/};
             ## preprocessor scan
             if (
@@ -81,14 +84,14 @@
                 next if (m/PARROT_IN_CORE|_GUARD/);
                 next if (m/__cplusplus/);
-                my $indent = q{  } x @stack;
+                my $indent = q{  } x @{ $state{stack} };
                 if ( $1 ne $indent ) {
-                    push @pp_indent => "$path:$line_cnt\n"
+                    push @pp_indent => "$path:$state{line_cnt}\n"
                         . "     got: $_"
                         . "expected: #$indent$2 $3'\n";
                     $pp_failed{"$path\n"} = 1;
-                push @stack, "#$2 $3";
+                push @{ $state{stack} }, "#$2 $3";
             if (
@@ -101,12 +104,12 @@
                 # stay where we are, but indenting should be
                 # back even with the opening brace.
-                my $indent = q{  } x ( @stack - 1 );
+                my $indent = q{  } x ( @{ $state{stack} } - 1 );
                 if ( $1 ne $indent ) {
-                    push @pp_indent => "$path:$line_cnt\n"
+                    push @pp_indent => "$path:$state{line_cnt}\n"
                         . "     got: $_"
                         . "expected: #$indent$2 -- it's inside of "
-                        . ( join ' > ', @stack ) . "\n";
+                        . ( join ' > ', @{ $state{stack} } ) . "\n";
                     $pp_failed{"$path\n"} = 1;
@@ -118,18 +121,18 @@
-                my $indent = q{  } x ( @stack - 1 );
+                my $indent = q{  } x ( @{ $state{stack} } - 1 );
                 if ( $1 ne $indent ) {
-                    push @pp_indent => "$path:$line_cnt\n"
+                    push @pp_indent => "$path:$state{line_cnt}\n"
                         . "     got: $_"
                         . "expected: #$indent$2 --  it's inside of "
-                        . ( join ' > ', @stack ) . "\n";
+                        . ( join ' > ', @{ $state{stack} } ) . "\n";
                     $pp_failed{"$path\n"} = 1;
-                pop @stack;
+                pop @{ $state{stack} };
-            next unless @stack;
+            next unless @{ $state{stack} };
             if (
                 m/ ^ \s* \#
@@ -139,12 +142,12 @@
                 next if (m/ASSERT_ARGS_/); # autogenerated by headerizer
-                my $indent = q{  } x (@stack);
+                my $indent = q{  } x (@{ $state{stack} });
                 if ( $1 ne $indent ) {
-                    push @pp_indent => "$path:$line_cnt\n"
+                    push @pp_indent => "$path:$state{line_cnt}\n"
                         . "     got: $_"
                         . "expected: #$indent$2 -- it's inside of "
-                        . ( join ' > ', @stack ) . "\n";
+                        . ( join ' > ', @{ $state{stack} } ) . "\n";
                     $pp_failed{"$path\n"} = 1;
@@ -158,34 +161,34 @@
             if (/^(\s*).*\{\s*$/) {
                 # note the beginning of a block, and its indent depth.
-                $block_indent = length($1);
+                $state{block_indent} = length($1);
             if (/^\s*([\#\}])/) {
                 # skip the last line of the func or cpp directives.
-                $block_indent = undef if ( $1 eq "}" );
+                $state{block_indent} = undef if ( $1 eq "}" );
-            if ( defined($block_indent) ) {
+            if ( defined($state{block_indent}) ) {
                 # first line of a block
-                if ( $block_indent == 0 ) {
+                if ( $state{block_indent} == 0 ) {
                     # first line of a top-level block (first line of a function,
                     # in other words)
                     my ($indent) = /^(\s*)/;
                     if ( length($indent) != 4 ) {
-                        push @c_indent => "$path:$line_cnt\n"
+                        push @c_indent => "$path:$state{line_cnt}\n"
                             . "    apparent non-4 space indenting ("
                             . length($indent)
                             . " spaces)\n";
                         $c_failed{"$path\n"} = 1;
-                $block_indent = undef;
+                $state{block_indent} = undef;
             my ($indent) = /^(\s+)/ or next;
@@ -197,8 +200,8 @@
             # The indentation of the previous line is not considered.
             # Check sanity by verifying that the indentation of the current line
             # is divisible by four.
-            if ( $indent % 4 && !$in_comment && $prev_last_char eq ';' ) {
-                push @c_indent => "$path:$line_cnt\n"
+            if ( $indent % 4 && !$state{in_comment} && $state{prev_last_char} eq ';' ) {
+                push @c_indent => "$path:$state{line_cnt}\n"
                     . "    apparent non-4 space indenting ($indent space"
                     . ( $indent == 1 ? '' : 's' ) . ")\n";
                 $c_failed{"$path\n"} = 1;

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