[svn:parrot] r39693 - in trunk: config/gen/makefiles examples/opengl runtime/parrot/library/OpenGL

japhb at svn.parrot.org japhb at svn.parrot.org
Mon Jun 22 02:23:30 UTC 2009

Author: japhb
Date: Mon Jun 22 02:23:28 2009
New Revision: 39693
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/39693

[OpenGL] Beginnings of OpenGL::Math (not yet generally usable)


Modified: trunk/config/gen/makefiles/root.in
--- trunk/config/gen/makefiles/root.in	Sun Jun 21 22:08:28 2009	(r39692)
+++ trunk/config/gen/makefiles/root.in	Mon Jun 22 02:23:28 2009	(r39693)
@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/ncurses.pbc \
 #IF(has_opengl):    $(LIBRARY_DIR)/OpenGL.pbc \
 #IF(has_opengl):    $(LIBRARY_DIR)/OpenGL_funcs.pbc \
+#IF(has_opengl):    $(LIBRARY_DIR)/OpenGL/Math.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/P6object.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/parrotlib.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/pcore.pbc \

Added: trunk/examples/opengl/math.pir
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/examples/opengl/math.pir	Mon Jun 22 02:23:28 2009	(r39693)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Parrot Foundation.
+# $Id$
+=head1 TITLE
+math.pir - Demo OpenGL::Math module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    $ cd parrot-home
+    $ ./parrot examples/opengl/math.pir
+This is a simple demo of functionality available from the C<OpenGL::Math>
+Parrot module.
+.sub main :main
+    # Load OpenGL::Math and data dumping debug module
+    load_bytecode 'OpenGL/Math.pbc'
+    load_bytecode 'dumper.pbc'
+    # Test some basics
+    $P1 = new 'FixedFloatArray'
+    $P1 = 4
+    $P1[0] = 0.5
+    $P1[1] = 1.0
+    $P1[2] = 2.0
+    $P1[3] = 4.0
+    $P2 = new 'FixedFloatArray'
+    $P2 = 4
+    $P2[0] = 1.0
+    $P2[1] = 2.0
+    $P2[2] = 3.0
+    $P2[3] = 4.0
+    .local pmc Vec4
+    Vec4 = get_class ['OpenGL';'Math';'Vec4']
+    $P3 = new Vec4
+    $P3.'set_vals'($P1)
+    $P4 = new Vec4
+    $P4.'set_vals'($P2)
+    $P5 = $P3.'mult'($P4)
+    _dumper($P3, 'Vec4')
+    _dumper($P4, 'Vec4')
+    _dumper($P5, 'Vec4')
+# Local Variables:
+#   mode: pir
+#   fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=pir:

Added: trunk/runtime/parrot/library/OpenGL/Math.pir
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/runtime/parrot/library/OpenGL/Math.pir	Mon Jun 22 02:23:28 2009	(r39693)
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Parrot Foundation.
+# $Id$
+=head1 NAME
+OpenGL;Math - Parrot extension for linear algebra following OpenGL conventions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+For more examples, look in F<examples/opengl/>, starting with
+  # During init ...
+  load_bytecode 'OpenGL/Math.pbc'
+  # Later ...
+Any 3D API has to pick certain conventions for handling of vectors and
+matrices, such as the handedness of the default coordinate systems,
+whether matrices are packed in column-major or row-major order, and
+so forth.
+This module implements the basic operations of linear algebra according
+to the conventions chosen by OpenGL, and attempts to do so efficiently
+within the bounds set by a pure PIR implementation.  It also provides
+efficient packing and unpacking of matrix and vector elements so that
+users need not directly understand the vagaries of OpenGL NCI structures.
+Finally, it is a primary goal that users of this module should not need to
+provide any hand-written versions of standard OpenGL matrix manipulations.
+Thus, methods are provided to perform rotations, translations, projections,
+.namespace ['OpenGL';'Math']
+=head2 OpenGL;Math
+The OpenGL;Math class/namespace handles the necessary housekeeping to make
+everything else work smoothly.
+=head3 Initialization
+The initialization routines are mostly for internal use only.  They
+=over 4
+=item _opengl_math_init()
+At module load time, calls the other initialization routines in the proper
+.sub _opengl_math_init :load
+    _create_classes()
+=item _create_classes()
+Creates Parrot classes to match each of the OpenGL;Math namespaces, and
+sets up their attributes.
+.sub _create_classes
+    .local pmc Vec4
+    Vec4 = newclass ['OpenGL';'Math';'Vec4']
+    addattribute Vec4, 'vals'
+.namespace ['OpenGL';'Math';'Vec4']
+=head2 OpenGL;Math;Vec4
+=head3 Instantiation
+=over 4
+=item Vec4 vec4 = new Vec4
+Create a new object representing a four-element vector.  You will need
+to set the initial values using the C<set_vals()> method.
+=head3 Accessors
+=over 4
+=item pmc vals = vector.get_vals()
+Return a four element array representing the current vector value.
+.sub get_vals :method
+    $P0 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+    .return($P0)
+=item vector.set_vals(pmc vals)
+Set the current vector value to a four element array.
+.sub set_vals :method
+    .param pmc vals
+    $I0 = vals
+    unless $I0 == 4 goto wrong_vector_length
+    setattribute self, 'vals', vals
+    .return()
+  wrong_vector_length:
+    $S0  = 'Input vector is wrong length ('
+    $S1  = $I0
+    $S0 .= $S1
+    $S0 .= ')'
+    die $S0
+=head3 Elementwise Operations
+=over 4
+=item Vec4 result = vec1.add(Vec4 vec2)
+Calculate the elementwise addition C<vec1 + vec2> and return
+a new C<Vec4> vector C<result>.
+.sub add :method
+   .param pmc vec2
+   .local pmc v1, v2
+   v1 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   v2 = getattribute vec2, 'vals'
+   .local pmc v3
+   v3 = new 'FixedFloatArray'
+   v3 = 4
+   $N10 = v1[0]
+   $N11 = v1[1]
+   $N12 = v1[2]
+   $N13 = v1[3]
+   $N20 = v2[0]
+   $N21 = v2[1]
+   $N22 = v2[2]
+   $N23 = v2[3]
+   $N30 = $N10 + $N20
+   $N31 = $N11 + $N21
+   $N32 = $N12 + $N22
+   $N33 = $N13 + $N23
+   v3[0] = $N30
+   v3[1] = $N31
+   v3[2] = $N32
+   v3[3] = $N33
+   .local pmc result
+   $P0 = typeof self
+   result = new $P0
+   setattribute result, 'vals', v3
+   .return(result)
+=item Vec4 result = vec1.sub(Vec4 vec2)
+Calculate the elementwise subtraction C<vec1 - vec2> and return
+a new C<Vec4> vector C<result>.
+.sub sub :method
+   .param pmc vec2
+   .local pmc v1, v2
+   v1 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   v2 = getattribute vec2, 'vals'
+   .local pmc v3
+   v3 = new 'FixedFloatArray'
+   v3 = 4
+   $N10 = v1[0]
+   $N11 = v1[1]
+   $N12 = v1[2]
+   $N13 = v1[3]
+   $N20 = v2[0]
+   $N21 = v2[1]
+   $N22 = v2[2]
+   $N23 = v2[3]
+   $N30 = $N10 - $N20
+   $N31 = $N11 - $N21
+   $N32 = $N12 - $N22
+   $N33 = $N13 - $N23
+   v3[0] = $N30
+   v3[1] = $N31
+   v3[2] = $N32
+   v3[3] = $N33
+   .local pmc result
+   $P0 = typeof self
+   result = new $P0
+   setattribute result, 'vals', v3
+   .return(result)
+=item Vec4 result = vec1.mult(Vec4 vec2)
+Calculate the elementwise multiplication C<vec1 * vec2> and return
+a new C<Vec4> vector C<result>.
+.sub mult :method
+   .param pmc vec2
+   .local pmc v1, v2
+   v1 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   v2 = getattribute vec2, 'vals'
+   .local pmc v3
+   v3 = new 'FixedFloatArray'
+   v3 = 4
+   $N10 = v1[0]
+   $N11 = v1[1]
+   $N12 = v1[2]
+   $N13 = v1[3]
+   $N20 = v2[0]
+   $N21 = v2[1]
+   $N22 = v2[2]
+   $N23 = v2[3]
+   $N30 = $N10 * $N20
+   $N31 = $N11 * $N21
+   $N32 = $N12 * $N22
+   $N33 = $N13 * $N23
+   v3[0] = $N30
+   v3[1] = $N31
+   v3[2] = $N32
+   v3[3] = $N33
+   .local pmc result
+   $P0 = typeof self
+   result = new $P0
+   setattribute result, 'vals', v3
+   .return(result)
+=item Vec4 result = vec1.div(Vec4 vec2)
+Calculate the elementwise division C<vec1 / vec2> and return a new C<Vec4>
+vector C<result>.  No attempt is made to prevent division by zero,
+.sub div :method
+   .param pmc vec2
+   .local pmc v1, v2
+   v1 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   v2 = getattribute vec2, 'vals'
+   .local pmc v3
+   v3 = new 'FixedFloatArray'
+   v3 = 4
+   $N10 = v1[0]
+   $N11 = v1[1]
+   $N12 = v1[2]
+   $N13 = v1[3]
+   $N20 = v2[0]
+   $N21 = v2[1]
+   $N22 = v2[2]
+   $N23 = v2[3]
+   $N30 = $N10 / $N20
+   $N31 = $N11 / $N21
+   $N32 = $N12 / $N22
+   $N33 = $N13 / $N23
+   v3[0] = $N30
+   v3[1] = $N31
+   v3[2] = $N32
+   v3[3] = $N33
+   .local pmc result
+   $P0 = typeof self
+   result = new $P0
+   setattribute result, 'vals', v3
+   .return(result)
+=item Vec4 result = vec1.mod(Vec4 vec2)
+Calculate the elementwise modulus C<vec1 % vec2> and return
+a new C<Vec4> vector C<result>.
+.sub mod :method
+   .param pmc vec2
+   .local pmc v1, v2
+   v1 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   v2 = getattribute vec2, 'vals'
+   .local pmc v3
+   v3 = new 'FixedFloatArray'
+   v3 = 4
+   $N10 = v1[0]
+   $N11 = v1[1]
+   $N12 = v1[2]
+   $N13 = v1[3]
+   $N20 = v2[0]
+   $N21 = v2[1]
+   $N22 = v2[2]
+   $N23 = v2[3]
+   $N30 = $N10 % $N20
+   $N31 = $N11 % $N21
+   $N32 = $N12 % $N22
+   $N33 = $N13 % $N23
+   v3[0] = $N30
+   v3[1] = $N31
+   v3[2] = $N32
+   v3[3] = $N33
+   .local pmc result
+   $P0 = typeof self
+   result = new $P0
+   setattribute result, 'vals', v3
+   .return(result)
+=head3 Other Operations
+=over 4
+=item Vec4 cp = vec1.cross(Vec4 vec2)
+Calculate the cross product C<vec1 cross vec2> (using only the first three
+elements of each vector), and return the result as a new C<Vec4> whose
+first three elements are the cross product and whose last element is 1.0.
+.sub cross :method
+   .param pmc vec2
+   .local pmc v1, v2
+   v1 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   v2 = getattribute vec2, 'vals'
+   .local pmc v3
+   v3 = new 'FixedFloatArray'
+   v3 = 4
+   $N10 = v1[0]
+   $N11 = v1[1]
+   $N12 = v1[2]
+   $N20 = v2[0]
+   $N21 = v2[1]
+   $N22 = v2[2]
+   $N0  = $N11 * $N22
+   $N1  = $N21 * $N12
+   $N30 = $N0 - $N1
+   $N2  = $N20 * $N12
+   $N3  = $N10 * $N22
+   $N31 = $N2 - $N3
+   $N4  = $N10 * $N21
+   $N5  = $N20 * $N11
+   $N32 = $N4 - $N5
+   v3[0] = $N30
+   v3[1] = $N31
+   v3[2] = $N32
+   v3[3] = 1.0
+   .local pmc result
+   $P0 = typeof self
+   result = new $P0
+   setattribute result, 'vals', v3
+   .return(result)
+=item num dp = vec1.dot(Vec4 vec2)
+Calculate the dot product C<vec1 dot vec2> and return the result as a num.
+.sub dot :method
+   .param pmc vec2
+   .local pmc v1, v2
+   v1 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   v2 = getattribute vec2, 'vals'
+   $N10 = v1[0]
+   $N11 = v1[1]
+   $N12 = v1[2]
+   $N13 = v1[3]
+   $N20 = v2[0]
+   $N21 = v2[1]
+   $N22 = v2[2]
+   $N23 = v2[3]
+   $N30 = $N10 * $N20
+   $N31 = $N11 * $N21
+   $N32 = $N12 * $N22
+   $N33 = $N13 * $N23
+   .local num result
+   result  = $N30 + $N31
+   result += $N32
+   result += $N33
+   .return(result)
+=item num dp3 = vec1.dot3(Vec4 vec2)
+Calculate the dot product C<vec1 dot vec2>, considering only the first
+three elements of each vector, and return the result as a num.
+.sub dot3 :method
+   .param pmc vec2
+   .local pmc v1, v2
+   v1 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   v2 = getattribute vec2, 'vals'
+   $N10 = v1[0]
+   $N11 = v1[1]
+   $N12 = v1[2]
+   $N20 = v2[0]
+   $N21 = v2[1]
+   $N22 = v2[2]
+   $N30 = $N10 * $N20
+   $N31 = $N11 * $N21
+   $N32 = $N12 * $N22
+   .local num result
+   result  = $N30 + $N31
+   result += $N32
+   .return(result)
+=item num len = vector.length()
+Calculate the length of C<vector> as C<sqrt(vector dot vector)>, and return
+the result as a num.
+.sub length :method
+     $N0 = self.'dot'(self)
+     $N1 = sqrt $N0
+     .return($N1)
+=item num len3 = vector.length3()
+Calculate the length of C<vector> as C<sqrt(vector dot3 vector)> (thus
+considering only the first three elements), and return the result as a num.
+.sub length :method
+     $N0 = self.'dot3'(self)
+     $N1 = sqrt $N0
+     .return($N1)
+=item num dist = vec1.distance(vec2)
+Treat two vectors C<vec1> and C<vec2> as points and determine the distance
+between them as C<length(vec1 - vec2)>, returning the result as a num.
+.sub distance :method
+     .param pmc vec2
+     $P0 = self.'sub'(vec2)
+     $N0 = $P0.'length'()
+     .return($N0)
+=item num dist3 = vec1.distance3(vec2)
+Treat two vectors C<vec1> and C<vec2> as points and determine the distance
+between them as C<length3(vec1 - vec2)> (thus considering only the first
+three elements), and returning the result as a num.
+.sub distance3 :method
+     .param pmc vec2
+     $P0 = self.'sub'(vec2)
+     $N0 = $P0.'length3'()
+     .return($N0)
+=head3 Miscellaneous Methods
+=over 4
+=item __dump(pmc dumper, str label)
+Callback function for Parrot's C<Data::Dumper> clone.
+.sub __dump :method
+   .param pmc    dumper
+   .param string label
+   ($S1, $S0) = dumper.'newIndent'()
+   say '['
+   print $S1
+   print 'vals = '
+   $P0 = getattribute self, 'vals'
+   dumper.'genericArray'('vals', $P0)
+   say ''
+   print $S0
+   say ']'
+=head1 ROADMAP
+Over time, the API provided by this module will grow to incorporate
+related low-level operations, such as quaternion ops.  However, it will
+B<not> include high level components such as particle systems and physics
+simulations.  These are properly the domain of other modules that use
+this one, or NCI wrappers for libraries such as ODE (L<http://www.ode.org/>)
+and Bullet (L<http://www.bulletphysics.com/wordpress/>).
+In order to allow the greatest audience of users, this module will track
+the evolving experimental API for HLL access to PIR modules.
+# Local Variables:
+#   mode: pir
+#   fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=pir:

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