[svn:parrot] r41860 - in branches/pcc_reapply: src/call src/pmc t/pmc

allison at svn.parrot.org allison at svn.parrot.org
Wed Oct 14 22:01:57 UTC 2009

Author: allison
Date: Wed Oct 14 22:01:55 2009
New Revision: 41860
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/41860

[pcc] Merge in the fast new internals of CallSignature PMC from
pcc_optimize_sig, with relevant changes to argument handling and additional


Modified: branches/pcc_reapply/src/call/args.c
--- branches/pcc_reapply/src/call/args.c	Wed Oct 14 21:59:40 2009	(r41859)
+++ branches/pcc_reapply/src/call/args.c	Wed Oct 14 22:01:55 2009	(r41860)
@@ -1189,26 +1189,21 @@
             if (!PMC_IS_NULL(named_arg_list)) {
                 INTVAL named_arg_count = VTABLE_elements(interp, named_arg_list);
                 INTVAL named_arg_index;
-                PMC *named_key = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Key);
-                VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, named_key, 0);
-                SETATTR_Key_next_key(interp, named_key, (PMC *)INITBucketIndex);
-                /* Low-level hash iteration. */
+                /* Named argument iteration. */
                 for (named_arg_index = 0; named_arg_index < named_arg_count; named_arg_index++) {
-                    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(named_key)) {
-                        STRING *name = (STRING *)parrot_hash_get_idx(interp,
-                                    (Hash *)VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, named_arg_list), named_key);
-                        PARROT_ASSERT(name);
-                        if ((PMC_IS_NULL(named_used_list)) ||
-                                !VTABLE_exists_keyed_str(interp, named_used_list, name)) {
-                            VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, collect_named, name,
-                                    VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, call_object, name));
-                            /* Mark the name as used, cannot be filled again. */
-                            if (PMC_IS_NULL(named_used_list)) /* Only created if needed. */
-                                named_used_list = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Hash);
-                            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_str(interp, named_used_list, name, 1);
-                            named_count++;
-                        }
+                    STRING *name = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_int( interp,
+                            named_arg_list, named_arg_index);
+                    if ((PMC_IS_NULL(named_used_list)) ||
+                            !VTABLE_exists_keyed_str(interp, named_used_list, name)) {
+                        VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, collect_named, name,
+                                VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, call_object, name));
+                        /* Mark the name as used, cannot be filled again. */
+                        if (PMC_IS_NULL(named_used_list)) /* Only created if needed. */
+                            named_used_list = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Hash);
+                        VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_str(interp, named_used_list, name, 1);
+                        named_count++;
@@ -1329,22 +1324,17 @@
                  * anyway, so spend a little extra effort to tell the user *which*
                  * named argument is extra. */
                 INTVAL named_arg_index;
-                PMC *named_key = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Key);
-                VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, named_key, 0);
-                SETATTR_Key_next_key(interp, named_key, (PMC *)INITBucketIndex);
-                /* Low-level hash iteration. */
+                /* Named argument iteration. */
                 for (named_arg_index = 0; named_arg_index < named_arg_count; named_arg_index++) {
-                    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(named_key)) {
-                        STRING *name = (STRING *)parrot_hash_get_idx(interp,
-                                    (Hash *)VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, named_arg_list), named_key);
-                        PARROT_ASSERT(name);
-                        if (!VTABLE_exists_keyed_str(interp, named_used_list, name)) {
-                            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL,
-                                    EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION,
-                                    "too many named arguments: '%S' not used",
-                                    name);
-                        }
+                    STRING *name = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_int(interp,
+                            named_arg_list, named_arg_index);
+                    if (!VTABLE_exists_keyed_str(interp, named_used_list, name)) {
+                        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL,
+                                EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION,
+                                "too many named arguments: '%S' not used",
+                                name);

Modified: branches/pcc_reapply/src/pmc/callsignature.pmc
--- branches/pcc_reapply/src/pmc/callsignature.pmc	Wed Oct 14 21:59:40 2009	(r41859)
+++ branches/pcc_reapply/src/pmc/callsignature.pmc	Wed Oct 14 22:01:55 2009	(r41860)
@@ -19,20 +19,339 @@
-#define CAPTURE_DATA_SIZE   2
-#define CAPTURE_array_CREATE(i, obj) \
-    if (!PARROT_CAPTURE(obj)->array) \
-        PARROT_CAPTURE(obj)->array = pmc_new((i), enum_class_ResizablePMCArray);
-#define CAPTURE_hash_CREATE(i, obj) \
-    if (!PARROT_CAPTURE(obj)->hash) \
-        PARROT_CAPTURE(obj)->hash = pmc_new((i), enum_class_Hash);
-pmclass CallSignature extends Capture auto_attrs provides array provides hash {
-    ATTR PMC    *results;      /* Storage for return arguments */
-    ATTR PMC    *type_tuple;   /* Cached argument types for multiple dispatch */
-    ATTR STRING *short_sig;    /* Simple string signature args & returns */
-    ATTR PMC    *arg_flags;    /* Integer array of argument flags */
-    ATTR PMC    *return_flags; /* Integer array of return argument flags */
+typedef struct Pcc_cell
+    union u {
+        PMC     *p;
+        STRING  *s;
+        INTVAL   i;
+        FLOATVAL n;
+    } u;
+    struct Pcc_cell *next;
+} Pcc_cell;
+/* mask off lower three bits for pointer tag */
+#define UNTAG_CELL(c) INTVAL2PTR(Pcc_cell *, (PTR2INTVAL(c)) & ~3)
+#define CELL_INT(c)     UNTAG_CELL(c)->u.i
+#define CELL_FLOAT(c)   UNTAG_CELL(c)->u.n
+#define CELL_STRING(c)  UNTAG_CELL(c)->u.s
+#define CELL_PMC(c)     UNTAG_CELL(c)->u.p
+#define NEXT_CELL(c) UNTAG_CELL(c)->next
+#define FREE_CELL(c) mem_sys_free(UNTAG_CELL(c))
+#define CELL_TYPE_MASK(c) (PTR2INTVAL(c)) & 3
+#define INTCELL    0
+#define FLOATCELL  1
+#define STRINGCELL 2
+#define PMCCELL    3
+#define SET_CELL_INT(c) \
+#define SET_CELL_FLOAT(c) \
+#define SET_CELL_STRING(c) \
+#define SET_CELL_PMC(c) \
+#define CREATE_INTVAL_CELL   SET_CELL_INT(mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(Pcc_cell))
+#define CREATE_FLOATVAL_CELL SET_CELL_FLOAT(mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(Pcc_cell))
+#define CREATE_STRING_CELL   SET_CELL_STRING(mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(Pcc_cell))
+#define CREATE_PMC_CELL      SET_CELL_PMC(mem_allocate_zeroed_typed(Pcc_cell))
+#define APPEND_CELL(SELF, cell) \
+    do { \
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const a = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);\
+        (a)->num_positionals++; \
+        if ((a)->positionals) { \
+            Pcc_cell *c = (a)->positionals; \
+            while (NEXT_CELL(c)) { \
+                c = NEXT_CELL(c); \
+            } \
+            NEXT_CELL(c) = cell; \
+        } \
+        else \
+            (a)->positionals = cell; \
+    } while (0)
+#define PREPEND_CELL(SELF, cell) \
+    do { \
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const a = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);\
+        a->num_positionals++; \
+        NEXT_CELL(cell) = a->positionals; \
+        a->positionals  = cell; \
+    } while (0)
+/* TODO: could use get_cell_at */
+static Pcc_cell *
+    Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+    Pcc_cell *cell = attrs->positionals;
+    Pcc_cell *prev = NULL;
+    /* no cells */
+    if (!cell)
+        return NULL;
+    attrs->num_positionals--;
+    /* one cell */
+    if (!NEXT_CELL(cell)) {
+        attrs->positionals = NULL;
+        return cell;
+    }
+    while (cell) {
+        if (!NEXT_CELL(cell)) {
+            NEXT_CELL(prev) = NULL;
+            return cell;
+        }
+        prev = cell;
+        cell = NEXT_CELL(cell);
+    }
+    /* should abort here */
+    attrs->num_positionals++;
+    return NULL;
+static Pcc_cell *
+    Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+    Pcc_cell *cell = attrs->positionals;
+    /* no cells */
+    if (!cell)
+        return NULL;
+    attrs->num_positionals--;
+    /* one cell */
+    if (!NEXT_CELL(cell))
+        attrs->positionals = NULL;
+    else
+        attrs->positionals = NEXT_CELL(cell);
+    return cell;
+static Pcc_cell *
+    Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+    Pcc_cell *cell = attrs->positionals;
+    INTVAL    i;
+    if (key > attrs->num_positionals)
+        return NULL;
+    while (key) {
+        /* XXX: shouldn't happen */
+        if (!NEXT_CELL(cell))
+            return NULL;
+        cell = NEXT_CELL(cell);
+        key--;
+    }
+    return cell;
+static INTVAL
+autobox_intval(PARROT_INTERP, Pcc_cell *cell)
+    switch (CELL_TYPE_MASK(cell)) {
+        case INTCELL:
+            return CELL_INT(cell);
+        case FLOATCELL:
+            return (INTVAL)CELL_FLOAT(cell);
+        case STRINGCELL:
+            return CELL_STRING(cell) ? Parrot_str_to_int(interp, CELL_STRING(cell)) : 0;
+        case PMCCELL:
+            return PMC_IS_NULL(CELL_PMC(cell))
+                    ? 0
+                    : VTABLE_get_integer(interp, CELL_PMC(cell));
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    /* exception */
+    return 0;
+static FLOATVAL
+autobox_floatval(PARROT_INTERP, Pcc_cell *cell)
+    switch (CELL_TYPE_MASK(cell)) {
+        case INTCELL:
+            return (FLOATVAL)CELL_INT(cell);
+        case FLOATCELL:
+            return CELL_FLOAT(cell);
+        case STRINGCELL:
+            return CELL_STRING(cell) ? Parrot_str_to_num(interp, CELL_STRING(cell)) : 0.0;
+        case PMCCELL:
+            return PMC_IS_NULL(CELL_PMC(cell))
+                    ? 0.0
+                    : VTABLE_get_number(interp, CELL_PMC(cell));
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    /* exception */
+    return 0.0;
+static STRING *
+autobox_string(PARROT_INTERP, Pcc_cell *cell)
+    switch (CELL_TYPE_MASK(cell)) {
+        case INTCELL:
+            return Parrot_str_from_int(interp, CELL_INT(cell));
+        case FLOATCELL:
+            return Parrot_str_from_num(interp, CELL_FLOAT(cell));
+        case STRINGCELL:
+            return CELL_STRING(cell);
+        case PMCCELL:
+            return PMC_IS_NULL(CELL_PMC(cell))
+                    ? NULL
+                    : VTABLE_get_string(interp, CELL_PMC(cell));
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    /* exception */
+    return NULL;
+static PMC *
+autobox_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, Pcc_cell *cell)
+    PMC *result = PMCNULL;
+    /* TODO: respect HLL types? */
+    switch (CELL_TYPE_MASK(cell)) {
+        case INTCELL:
+            result = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Integer);
+            VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, result, CELL_INT(cell));
+            break;
+        case FLOATCELL:
+            result = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Float);
+            VTABLE_set_number_native(interp, result, CELL_FLOAT(cell));
+            break;
+        case STRINGCELL:
+            result = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_String);
+            VTABLE_set_string_native(interp, result, CELL_STRING(cell));
+            break;
+        case PMCCELL:
+            return CELL_PMC(cell);
+        default:
+            /* exception */
+            break;
+    }
+    return result;
+static Hash *
+    Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+    if (!attrs->hash)
+        attrs->hash = parrot_new_hash(interp);
+    return attrs->hash;
+static void
+mark_positionals(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(Pcc_cell *c))
+    while (c) {
+        switch (CELL_TYPE_MASK(c)) {
+            case STRINGCELL:
+                if (CELL_STRING(c))
+                    Parrot_gc_mark_STRING_alive(interp, CELL_STRING(c));
+                break;
+            case PMCCELL:
+                if (!PMC_IS_NULL(CELL_PMC(c)))
+                    Parrot_gc_mark_PMC_alive(interp, CELL_PMC(c));
+                break;
+            case INTCELL:
+            case FLOATCELL:
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+        c = NEXT_CELL(c);
+    }
+/* don't look now, but here goes encapsulation.... */
+static void
+mark_hash(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(Hash *h))
+    UINTVAL entries = h->entries;
+    INTVAL  i;
+    for (i = h->mask; i >= 0; --i) {
+        HashBucket *b = h->bi[i];
+        while (b) {
+            Parrot_gc_mark_PObj_alive(interp, (PObj *)b->key);
+            mark_positionals(interp, (Pcc_cell *)b->value);
+            b = b->next;
+        }
+    }
+static PMC *
+get_named_names(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *SELF))
+    Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+    PMC *result = PMCNULL;
+    /* yes, this *looks* risky, but it's a Parrot STRING hash internally */
+    if (attrs->hash && attrs->hash->entries) {
+        UINTVAL i, j = 0;
+        result  = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_FixedStringArray);
+        VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, result, attrs->hash->entries);
+        for (i = 0; i <= attrs->hash->mask; i++) {
+            HashBucket *b = attrs->hash->bi[i];
+            while (b) {
+                VTABLE_set_string_keyed_int(interp, result,
+                    j++, (STRING *)b->key);
+                b = b->next;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+pmclass CallSignature auto_attrs provides array provides hash {
+    ATTR struct Pcc_cell *positionals; /* linked list of positionals */
+    ATTR PMC    *results;              /* Storage for return arguments */
+    ATTR PMC    *type_tuple;           /* Cached argument types for MDD */
+    ATTR STRING *short_sig;            /* Simple string sig args & returns */
+    ATTR PMC    *arg_flags;            /* Integer array of argument flags */
+    ATTR PMC    *return_flags;         /* Integer array of return flags */
+    ATTR Hash   *hash;                 /* Hash of named arguments */
+    ATTR INTVAL  num_positionals;      /* count of positionals */
@@ -45,11 +364,14 @@
     VTABLE void init() {
-        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const sig_struct =
-            (Parrot_CallSignature_attributes *) PMC_data(SELF);
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs =
+            PMC_data_typed(SELF, Parrot_CallSignature_attributes *);
-        sig_struct->type_tuple = PMCNULL;
-        sig_struct->results    = PMCNULL;
+        attrs->type_tuple      = PMCNULL;
+        attrs->results         = PMCNULL;
+        attrs->positionals     = NULL;
+        attrs->num_positionals = 0;
+        PObj_custom_mark_destroy_SETALL(SELF);
@@ -63,8 +385,8 @@
     VTABLE void set_string_native(STRING *value) {
-        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const sig_struct = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
-        sig_struct->short_sig = value;
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+        attrs->short_sig = value;
@@ -78,8 +400,8 @@
     VTABLE STRING *get_string() {
-        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const sig_struct = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
-        return sig_struct->short_sig;
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+        return attrs->short_sig;
@@ -93,8 +415,8 @@
     VTABLE void set_pmc(PMC *value) {
-        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const sig_struct = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
-        sig_struct->type_tuple = value;
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+        attrs->type_tuple = value;
@@ -219,7 +541,7 @@
             GET_ATTR_return_flags(interp, SELF, value);
         else if (Parrot_str_equal(INTERP, key, CONST_STRING(INTERP, "named"))) {
-            GET_ATTR_hash(interp, SELF, value);
+            value = get_named_names(INTERP, SELF);
         else {
             /* If unknown attribute name, throw an exception. */
@@ -241,7 +563,6 @@
     VTABLE void mark() {
         Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
         if (!attrs)
@@ -250,9 +571,528 @@
         Parrot_gc_mark_STRING_alive(interp, attrs->short_sig);
         Parrot_gc_mark_PMC_alive(interp, attrs->arg_flags);
         Parrot_gc_mark_PMC_alive(interp, attrs->return_flags);
-        SUPER();
+        if (attrs->num_positionals)
+            mark_positionals(interp, attrs->positionals);
+        if (attrs->hash)
+            mark_hash(interp, attrs->hash);
+    }
+    VTABLE void destroy() {
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+        if (!attrs)
+            return;
+        if (attrs->num_positionals) {
+            Pcc_cell *c = attrs->positionals;
+            while (c) {
+                Pcc_cell *to_free = c;
+                c = NEXT_CELL(c);
+                FREE_CELL(to_free);
+            }
+        }
+        if (attrs->hash) {
+            UINTVAL i;
+            for (i = 0; i <= attrs->hash->mask; i++) {
+                HashBucket *b = attrs->hash->bi[i];
+                while (b) {
+                    FREE_CELL((Pcc_cell *)b->value);
+                    b = b->next;
+                }
+            }
+            parrot_hash_destroy(interp, attrs->hash);
+        }
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL elements () {
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+        if (!attrs)
+            return 0;
+        return attrs->num_positionals;
+    }
+    VTABLE void push_integer(INTVAL value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = CREATE_INTVAL_CELL;
+        APPEND_CELL(SELF, cell);
+        CELL_INT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void push_float(FLOATVAL value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = CREATE_FLOATVAL_CELL;
+        APPEND_CELL(SELF, cell);
+        CELL_FLOAT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void push_string(STRING *value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = CREATE_STRING_CELL;
+        APPEND_CELL(SELF, cell);
+        CELL_STRING(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void push_pmc(PMC *value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = CREATE_PMC_CELL;
+        APPEND_CELL(SELF, cell);
+        CELL_PMC(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL pop_integer() {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = pop_cell(interp, SELF);
+        if (cell) {
+            INTVAL result = autobox_intval(interp, cell);
+            FREE_CELL(cell);
+            return result;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    VTABLE FLOATVAL pop_float() {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = pop_cell(interp, SELF);
+        if (cell) {
+            FLOATVAL result = autobox_floatval(interp, cell);
+            FREE_CELL(cell);
+            return result;
+        }
+        return 0.0;
+    }
+    VTABLE PMC * pop_pmc() {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = pop_cell(interp, SELF);
+        if (cell) {
+            PMC *result = autobox_pmc(interp, cell);
+            FREE_CELL(cell);
+            return result;
+        }
+        return PMCNULL;
+    }
+    VTABLE STRING * pop_string() {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = pop_cell(interp, SELF);
+        if (cell) {
+            STRING *result = autobox_string(interp, cell);
+            FREE_CELL(cell);
+            return result;
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL get_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL key) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = get_cell_at(interp, SELF, key);
+        if (!cell)
+            return 0;
+        return autobox_intval(interp, cell);
+    }
+    VTABLE FLOATVAL get_number_keyed_int(INTVAL key) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = get_cell_at(interp, SELF, key);
+        if (!cell)
+            return 0.0;
+        return autobox_floatval(interp, cell);
+    }
+    VTABLE STRING * get_string_keyed_int(INTVAL key) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = get_cell_at(interp, SELF, key);
+        if (!cell)
+            return NULL;
+        return autobox_string(interp, cell);
+    }
+    VTABLE PMC * get_pmc_keyed_int(INTVAL key) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = get_cell_at(interp, SELF, key);
+        if (!cell)
+            return PMCNULL;
+        return autobox_pmc(interp, cell);
+    }
+    VTABLE void unshift_integer(INTVAL value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = CREATE_INTVAL_CELL;
+        PREPEND_CELL(SELF, cell);
+        CELL_INT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void unshift_float(FLOATVAL value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = CREATE_FLOATVAL_CELL;
+        PREPEND_CELL(SELF, cell);
+        CELL_FLOAT(cell) = value;
+    VTABLE void unshift_string(STRING *value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = CREATE_STRING_CELL;
+        PREPEND_CELL(SELF, cell);
+        CELL_STRING(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void unshift_pmc(PMC *value) {
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const a = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = CREATE_PMC_CELL;
+        PREPEND_CELL(SELF, cell);
+        CELL_PMC(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL shift_integer() {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = shift_cell(interp, SELF);
+        if (cell) {
+            INTVAL result = autobox_intval(interp, cell);
+            FREE_CELL(cell);
+            return result;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    VTABLE FLOATVAL shift_float() {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = shift_cell(interp, SELF);
+        if (cell) {
+            FLOATVAL result = autobox_floatval(interp, cell);
+            FREE_CELL(cell);
+            return result;
+        }
+        return 0.0;
+    }
+    VTABLE STRING * shift_string() {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = shift_cell(interp, SELF);
+        if (cell) {
+            STRING *result = autobox_string(interp, cell);
+            FREE_CELL(cell);
+            return result;
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    VTABLE PMC * shift_pmc() {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = shift_cell(interp, SELF);
+        if (cell) {
+            PMC *result = autobox_pmc(interp, cell);
+            FREE_CELL(cell);
+            return result;
+        }
+        return PMCNULL;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL key, INTVAL value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = get_cell_at(interp, SELF, key);
+        if (!cell) {
+            Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const a =
+                    PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+            if (key == a->num_positionals)
+                VTABLE_push_integer(interp, SELF, value);
+            /* XXX: else throw exception? */
+            return;
+        }
+        CELL_INT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_number_keyed_int(INTVAL key, FLOATVAL value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = get_cell_at(interp, SELF, key);
+        if (!cell) {
+            Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const a =
+                    PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+            if (key == a->num_positionals)
+                VTABLE_push_float(interp, SELF, value);
+            /* XXX: else throw exception? */
+            return;
+        }
+        CELL_FLOAT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_string_keyed_int(INTVAL key, STRING *value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = get_cell_at(interp, SELF, key);
+        if (!cell) {
+            Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const a =
+                    PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+            if (key == a->num_positionals)
+                VTABLE_push_string(interp, SELF, value);
+            /* XXX: else throw exception? */
+            return;
+        }
+        CELL_STRING(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_pmc_keyed_int(INTVAL key, PMC *value) {
+        Pcc_cell *cell = get_cell_at(interp, SELF, key);
+        if (!cell) {
+            Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const a =
+                    PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+            if (key == a->num_positionals)
+                VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, SELF, value);
+            /* XXX: else throw exception? */
+            return;
+        }
+        CELL_PMC(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_integer_keyed_str(STRING *key, INTVAL value) {
+        Hash     *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, (void *)key);
+        if (!cell) {
+            cell = CREATE_INTVAL_CELL;
+            parrot_hash_put(interp, hash, (void *)key, (void *)cell);
+        }
+        else
+            SET_CELL_INT(cell);
+        CELL_INT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_number_keyed_str(STRING *key, FLOATVAL value) {
+        Hash     *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, (void *)key);
+        if (!cell) {
+            cell = CREATE_FLOATVAL_CELL;
+            parrot_hash_put(interp, hash, (void *)key, (void *)cell);
+        }
+        else
+            SET_CELL_FLOAT(cell);
+        CELL_FLOAT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_string_keyed_str(STRING *key, STRING *value) {
+        Hash     *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, (void *)key);
+        if (!cell) {
+            cell = CREATE_STRING_CELL;
+            parrot_hash_put(interp, hash, (void *)key, (void *)cell);
+        }
+        else
+            SET_CELL_STRING(cell);
+        CELL_STRING(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_pmc_keyed_str(STRING *key, PMC *value) {
+        Hash     *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, (void *)key);
+        if (!cell) {
+            cell = CREATE_PMC_CELL;
+            parrot_hash_put(interp, hash, (void *)key, (void *)cell);
+        }
+        else
+            SET_CELL_PMC(cell);
+        CELL_PMC(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_integer_keyed(PMC *key, INTVAL value) {
+        Hash     *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        void     *k    = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+        if (!cell) {
+            cell = CREATE_INTVAL_CELL;
+            parrot_hash_put(interp, hash, k, (void *)cell);
+        }
+        else
+            SET_CELL_INT(cell);
+        CELL_INT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_number_keyed(PMC *key, FLOATVAL value) {
+        Hash     *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        void     *k    = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+        if (!cell) {
+            cell = CREATE_FLOATVAL_CELL;
+            parrot_hash_put(interp, hash, k, (void *)cell);
+        }
+        else
+            SET_CELL_FLOAT(cell);
+        CELL_FLOAT(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_string_keyed(PMC *key, STRING *value) {
+        Hash     *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        void     *k    = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+        if (!cell) {
+            cell = CREATE_STRING_CELL;
+            parrot_hash_put(interp, hash, k, (void *)cell);
+        }
+        else
+            SET_CELL_STRING(cell);
+        CELL_STRING(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE void set_pmc_keyed(PMC *key, PMC *value) {
+        Hash     *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        void     *k    = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+        Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+        if (!cell) {
+            cell = CREATE_PMC_CELL;
+            parrot_hash_put(interp, hash, k, (void *)cell);
+        }
+        else
+            SET_CELL_PMC(cell);
+        CELL_PMC(cell) = value;
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL get_integer_keyed(PMC *key) {
+        Hash *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        if (hash) {
+            void     *k    = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+            Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+            if (cell)
+                return autobox_intval(interp, cell);
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL get_integer_keyed_str(STRING *key) {
+        Hash *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        if (hash) {
+            void     *k    = hash_key_from_string(interp, hash, key);
+            Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+            if (cell)
+                return autobox_intval(interp, cell);
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    VTABLE FLOATVAL get_number_keyed(PMC *key) {
+        Hash *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        if (hash) {
+            void     *k    = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+            Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+            if (cell)
+                return autobox_floatval(interp, cell);
+        }
+        return 0.0;
+    }
+    VTABLE STRING * get_string_keyed(PMC *key) {
+        Hash *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        if (hash) {
+            void     *k    = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+            Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+            if (cell)
+                return autobox_string(interp, cell);
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    VTABLE PMC * get_pmc_keyed(PMC *key) {
+        Hash *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        if (hash) {
+            void     *k    = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+            Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+            if (cell)
+                return autobox_pmc(interp, cell);
+        }
+        return PMCNULL;
+    }
+    VTABLE PMC * get_pmc_keyed_str(STRING *key) {
+        Hash *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        if (hash) {
+            void     *k    = hash_key_from_string(interp, hash, key);
+            Pcc_cell *cell = (Pcc_cell *)parrot_hash_get(interp, hash, k);
+            if (cell)
+                return autobox_pmc(interp, cell);
+        }
+        return PMCNULL;
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL exists_keyed(PMC *key) {
+        Hash *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        if (hash) {
+            void     *k = hash_key_from_pmc(interp, hash, key);
+            return parrot_hash_exists(interp, hash, k);
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL exists_keyed_str(STRING *key) {
+        Hash *hash = get_hash(interp, SELF);
+        if (hash) {
+            void     *k = hash_key_from_string(interp, hash, key);
+            return parrot_hash_exists(interp, hash, k);
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    VTABLE INTVAL exists_keyed_int(INTVAL key) {
+        Parrot_CallSignature_attributes * const attrs = PARROT_CALLSIGNATURE(SELF);
+        if (attrs->num_positionals)
+            return key < attrs->num_positionals;
+        return 0;
+    }

Modified: branches/pcc_reapply/t/pmc/callsignature.t
--- branches/pcc_reapply/t/pmc/callsignature.t	Wed Oct 14 21:59:40 2009	(r41859)
+++ branches/pcc_reapply/t/pmc/callsignature.t	Wed Oct 14 22:01:55 2009	(r41860)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #! parrot
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2008, Parrot Foundation.
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2009, Parrot Foundation.
 # $Id$
 =head1 NAME
@@ -16,36 +16,27 @@
-.sub main :main
+.sub 'main' :main
     .include 'test_more.pir'
-    plan(8)
+    plan(65)
-    test_get_pmc()
+    test_push_pop_indexed_access()
+    test_shift_unshift_indexed_access()
+    test_indexed_access()
+    test_indexed_boxing()
+    test_keyed_access()
+    test_exists()
-.sub test_instantiate
-    $P0 = new ['CallSignature']
-    isa_ok($P0,'CallSignature', 'Instantiated CallSignature')
-.sub test_get_pmc
+.sub 'test_instantiate'
     $P0 = new ['CallSignature']
-    $P5 = new 'String'
-    $P5 = 'foobar'
-    setattribute $P0, 'returns', $P5
-    $P5 = 'cheese'
-    setattribute $P0, 'arg_flags', $P5
-    $P2 = $P0
-    isa_ok( $P2, 'CallSignature')
+    ok(1, 'Instantiated CallSignature')
-.sub test_get_set_attrs
+.sub 'test_get_set_attrs'
     $P0 = new ['CallSignature']
     $P5 = new 'String'
@@ -59,15 +50,240 @@
     setattribute $P0, 'return_flags', $P5
     ok(1, 'set return_flags attribute')
     getattribute $P1, $P0, 'return_flags'
-    is($P1,'moonbomb', 'got return_flags attribute')
+    is($P5,'moonbomb', 'got return_flags attribute')
     $P5 = 'cheese'
     setattribute $P0, 'arg_flags', $P5
     ok(1, 'set arg_flags attribute')
     getattribute $P1, $P0, 'arg_flags'
-    is($P1,'cheese', 'got arg_flags attribute')
+    is($P5,'cheese', 'got arg_flags attribute')
+.sub 'test_push_pop_indexed_access'
+    $P0 = new [ 'CallSignature' ]
+    $P1 = new [ 'Integer' ]
+    $P1 = 100
+    push $P0, $P1
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 1, 'elements after push' )
+    $P2 = $P0[0]
+    is( $P2, 100, 'push_pmc/get_pmc_keyed_int pair' )
+    $P2 = pop $P0
+    is( $P2, 100, 'push_pmc/pop_pmc pair' )
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 0, 'elements after pop' )
+    push $P0, 200
+    $I0 = $P0[0]
+    is( $I0, 200, 'push_integer/get_integer_keyed_int pair' )
+    $I0 = pop $P0
+    is( $I0, 200, 'push_integer/pop_integer pair' )
+    push $P0, 3.03
+    $N0 = $P0[0]
+    is( $N0, 3.03, 'push_number/get_number_keyed_int pair' )
+    $N0 = pop $P0
+    is( $N0, 3.03, 'push_number/pop_number pair' )
+    push $P0, 'hello'
+    $S0 = $P0[0]
+    is( $S0, 'hello', 'push_string/get_string_keyed_int pair' )
+    $S0 = pop $P0
+    is( $S0, 'hello', 'push_string/pop_string pair' )
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 0, 'elements after push/pop' )
+.sub 'test_shift_unshift_indexed_access'
+    $P0 = new [ 'CallSignature' ]
+    $P1 = new [ 'Integer' ]
+    $P1 = 100
+    unshift $P0, $P1
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 1, 'elements after unshift' )
+    $P2 = $P0[0]
+    is( $P2, 100, 'unshift_pmc/get_pmc_keyed_int pair' )
+    $P2 = shift $P0
+    is( $P2, 100, 'unshift_pmc/shift_pmc pair' )
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 0, 'elements after unshift/shift' )
+    unshift $P0, 200
+    $I0 = $P0[0]
+    is( $I0, 200, 'unshift_integer/get_integer_keyed_int pair' )
+    $I0 = shift $P0
+    is( $I0, 200, 'unshift_integer/shift_integer pair' )
+    unshift $P0, 3.03
+    $N0 = $P0[0]
+    is( $N0, 3.03, 'unshift_number/get_number_keyed_int pair' )
+    $N0 = shift $P0
+    is( $N0, 3.03, 'unshift_number/shift_number pair' )
+    unshift $P0, 'hello'
+    $S0 = $P0[0]
+    is( $S0, 'hello', 'unshift_string/get_string_keyed_int pair' )
+    $S0 = shift $P0
+    is( $S0, 'hello', 'unshift_string/shift_string pair' )
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 0, 'elements after unshift/shift' )
+.sub 'test_indexed_access'
+    $P0    = new [ 'CallSignature' ]
+    $P0[0] = 100
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 1, 'elements after set_*_indexed' )
+    $P0[1] = 1.11
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 2, 'elements after set_*_indexed' )
+    $S0    = '2.22'
+    $P0[2] = $S0
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 3, 'elements after set_*_indexed' )
+    $P1    = new [ 'Float' ]
+    $P1    = 3.33
+    $P0[3] = $P1
+    $I0 = elements $P0
+    is( $I0, 4, 'elements after set_*_indexed' )
+    $I1    = $P0[0]
+    is( $I1, 100, 'set_integer_keyed_int/get_integer_keyed_int pair' )
+    $N1    = $P0[1]
+    is( $N1, 1.11, 'set_number_keyed_int/get_number_keyed_int pair' )
+    $S1    = $P0[2]
+    is( $S1, '2.22', 'set_string_keyed_int/get_string_keyed_int pair' )
+    $P1    = $P0[3]
+    is( $P1, 3.33, 'set_pmc_keyed_int/get_pmc_keyed_int pair' )
+    $I1 = shift $P0
+    is( $I1, 100, 'set_integer_keyed_int/shift_integer pair' )
+    $N1 = $P0[0]
+    is( $N1, 1.11, 'shift_* should remove elements from array' )
+    $N1 = shift $P0
+    is( $N1, 1.11, 'set_number_keyed_int/shift_number pair' )
+    $S1 = $P0[0]
+    is( $S1, '2.22', 'shift_* should remove elements from array' )
+    $S1 = shift $P0
+    is( $S1, '2.22', 'set_string_keyed_int/shift_string pair' )
+    $P1 = $P0[0]
+    is( $P1, 3.33, 'shift_* should remove elements from array' )
+    $P1 = shift $P0
+    is( $P1, 3.33, 'set_pmc_keyed_int/shift_pmc pair' )
+.sub 'test_indexed_boxing'
+    $P0    = new [ 'CallSignature' ]
+    $P0[0] = 100
+    $P0[1] = 1.11
+    $S0    = '2.22'
+    $P0[2] = $S0
+    $P1    = new [ 'Float' ]
+    $P1    = 3.33
+    $P0[3] = $P1
+    $I0    = $P0[1]
+    is( $I0, 1, 'indexed float converted to int on get_integer_keyed_int' )
+    $I0    = $P0[2]
+    is( $I0, 2, 'indexed string converted to int on get_integer_keyed_int' )
+    $I0    = $P0[3]
+    is( $I0, 3, 'indexed PMC converted to int on get_integer_keyed_int' )
+    $N0    = $P0[0]
+    is( $N0, 100.0, 'indexed integer converted to num on get_number_keyed_int' )
+    $N0    = $P0[2]
+    is( $N0, 2.22,  'indexed string converted to num on get_number_keyed_int' )
+    $N0    = $P0[3]
+    is( $N0, 3.33,  'indexed PMC converted to int num get_number_keyed_int' )
+    $S0    = $P0[0]
+    is( $S0, '100',  'indexed int converted to string on get_string_keyed_int' )
+    $S0    = $P0[1]
+    is( $S0, '1.11', 'indexed num converted to string on get_string_keyed_int' )
+    $S0    = $P0[3]
+    is( $S0, '3.33', 'indexed PMC converted to string get_string_keyed_int' )
+    $P1    = $P0[0]
+    is( $P1, 100,  'indexed int converted to PMC on get_pmc_keyed_int' )
+    $P1    = $P0[1]
+    is( $P1, 1.11, 'indexed float converted to PMC on get_pmc_keyed_int' )
+    $P1    = $P0[2]
+    is( $P1, 2.22, 'indexed string converted to PMC on get_pmc_keyed_int' )
+.sub 'test_keyed_access'
+    $P0        = new [ 'CallSignature' ]
+    $P0['foo'] = 100
+    $P0['bar'] = 1.11
+    $P0['baz'] = '2.22'
+    $P1        = new [ 'Float' ]
+    $P1        = 3.33
+    $P0['qux'] = $P1
+    $I0 = $P0['foo']
+    is( $I0, 100, 'set/get_intval_keyed_str' )
+    $N0 = $P0['bar']
+    is( $N0, 1.11, 'set/get_number_keyed_str' )
+    $S0 = $P0['baz']
+    is( $S0, '2.22', 'set/get_string_keyed_str' )
+    $P2 = $P0['qux']
+    is( $P2, 3.33, 'set/get_pmc_keyed_str' )
+    $P1 = getattribute $P0, 'named'
+    $I0 = elements $P1
+    is( $I0, 4, 'elements after set_*_keyed' )
+.sub 'test_exists'
+    $P0        = new [ 'CallSignature' ]
+    $P0[0]     = 111
+    $P0['foo'] = 100
+    $I0 = exists $P0[0]
+    ok( $I0, 'exists_keyed_int' )
+    $I0 = exists $P0['foo']
+    ok( $I0, 'exists_keyed_str' )
+    $I0 = exists $P0[100]
+    nok( $I0, 'exists_keyed_int -- non-existant' )
+    $I0 = exists $P0['bar']
+    nok( $I0, 'exists_keyed_str -- non-existant' )
 # Local Variables:
 #   mode: pir

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