[svn:parrot] r41892 - in branches/auto_libjit: . config/gen/libjit config/gen/makefiles src
jkeenan at svn.parrot.org
jkeenan at svn.parrot.org
Fri Oct 16 23:53:39 UTC 2009
Author: jkeenan
Date: Fri Oct 16 23:53:37 2009
New Revision: 41892
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/41892
Applying to auto_libjit branch two (of three) patches submitted by plobsing in
https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/ticket/1105. (Still not building on systems
lacking libjit.)
Modified: branches/auto_libjit/MANIFEST
--- branches/auto_libjit/MANIFEST Fri Oct 16 22:15:18 2009 (r41891)
+++ branches/auto_libjit/MANIFEST Fri Oct 16 23:53:37 2009 (r41892)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# ex: set ro:
# $Id$
-# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Tue Oct 13 02:18:39 2009 UT
+# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Fri Oct 16 23:51:49 2009 UT
# See below for documentation on the format of this file.
@@ -1273,6 +1273,8 @@
src/extend.c []
src/frame_builder.c []
src/frame_builder.h []
+src/frame_builder_libjit.c []
+src/frame_builder_libjit.h []
src/gc/alloc_memory.c []
src/gc/alloc_resources.c []
src/gc/api.c []
Modified: branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/libjit/frame_builder_libjit_c.in
--- branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/libjit/frame_builder_libjit_c.in Fri Oct 16 22:15:18 2009 (r41891)
+++ branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/libjit/frame_builder_libjit_c.in Fri Oct 16 23:53:37 2009 (r41892)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#include "frame_builder.h"
#include "frame_builder_libjit.h"
Modified: branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/libjit/frame_builder_libjit_h.in
--- branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/libjit/frame_builder_libjit_h.in Fri Oct 16 22:15:18 2009 (r41891)
+++ branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/libjit/frame_builder_libjit_h.in Fri Oct 16 23:53:37 2009 (r41892)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include "parrot/parrot.h"
#include "frame_builder.h"
#include <jit/jit.h>
Modified: branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/makefiles/root.in
--- branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/makefiles/root.in Fri Oct 16 22:15:18 2009 (r41891)
+++ branches/auto_libjit/config/gen/makefiles/root.in Fri Oct 16 23:53:37 2009 (r41892)
@@ -1204,17 +1204,14 @@
$(SRC_DIR)/frame_builder.h \
$(SRC_DIR)/frame_builder.c \
$(SRC_DIR)/frame_builder.str \
- $(INC_DIR)/parrot.h
$(SRC_DIR)/frame_builder_libjit$(O) : \
$(SRC_DIR)/frame_builder_libjit.h \
$(SRC_DIR)/frame_builder_libjit.c \
$(SRC_DIR)/frame_builder_libjit.str \
$(SRC_DIR)/frame_builder.h \
- $(SRC_DIR)/pmc/pmc_integer.h \
- $(SRC_DIR)/pmc/pmc_unmanagedstruct.h \
- $(SRC_DIR)/pmc/pmc_managedstruct.h \
- $(INC_DIR)/parrot.h
$(SRC_DIR)/vtables$(O) : $(GENERAL_H_FILES) $(SRC_DIR)/vtables.c
Added: branches/auto_libjit/src/frame_builder_libjit.c
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/auto_libjit/src/frame_builder_libjit.c Fri Oct 16 23:53:37 2009 (r41892)
@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+ * ex: set ro:
+ * Generated by Parrot::Configure::Compiler from config/gen/libjit/frame_builder_libjit_c.in
+ */
+Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Parrot Foundation.
+#include "parrot/parrot.h"
+#include "pmc/pmc_integer.h"
+#include "pmc/pmc_unmanagedstruct.h"
+#include "pmc/pmc_managedstruct.h"
+#include "frame_builder.h"
+#include "frame_builder_libjit.h"
+=over 4
+=item C<void *Parrot_jit_build_call_func(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *nci, STRING *sig, void **priv)>
+Public interface to NCI function interface builder.
+void *
+Parrot_jit_build_call_func(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *pmc, STRING *sig, void **priv) {
+ void *thunk;
+ char *sig_cstr;
+ sig_cstr = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, sig);
+ *priv = mem_sys_allocate(sizeof (struct jit_buffer_private_data));
+ thunk = Parrot_jit_create_thunk(interp, sig_cstr, *priv);
+ Parrot_str_free_cstring(sig_cstr);
+ return thunk;
+=item C<void Parrot_jit_free_buffer(PARROT_INTERP, void *ptr, void *priv)>
+This is a callback to implement the proper freeing semantics. It is called by
+the ManagedStruct PMC as it is garbage collected.
+Parrot_jit_free_buffer(PARROT_INTERP, void *ptr, void *priv)
+ struct jit_buffer_private_data *jit = (struct jit_buffer_private_data*)priv;
+ jit_context_destroy(jit->ctx);
+ mem_sys_free(jit->sig);
+ mem_sys_free(priv);
+=item C<PMC *Parrot_jit_clone_buffer(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *pmc, void *priv)>
+This is a callback to implement the proper cloning semantics for jit buffers.
+It is called by the ManagedStruct PMC's clone() function.
+PMC *
+Parrot_jit_clone_buffer(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *pmc, void *priv)
+ PMC * const rv = pmc_new(interp, pmc->vtable->base_type);
+ VTABLE_init(interp, rv);
+ /* copy the attributes */
+ {
+ void (*tmpfreefunc)(PARROT_INTERP, void*, void*);
+ GETATTR_ManagedStruct_custom_free_func(interp, pmc, tmpfreefunc);
+ SETATTR_ManagedStruct_custom_free_func(interp, rv , tmpfreefunc);
+ }
+ {
+ PMC* (*tmpclonefunc)(PARROT_INTERP, PMC*, void*);
+ GETATTR_ManagedStruct_custom_clone_func(interp, pmc, tmpclonefunc);
+ SETATTR_ManagedStruct_custom_clone_func(interp, rv , tmpclonefunc);
+ }
+ /* compile a clone of the function */
+ if (PARROT_MANAGEDSTRUCT(pmc)->ptr) {
+ void *rv_priv;
+ struct jit_buffer_private_data *jit = (struct jit_buffer_private_data*)priv;
+ STRING *sig = Parrot_str_new(interp, jit->sig, 0);
+ PARROT_MANAGEDSTRUCT(rv)->ptr = Parrot_jit_build_call_func(interp, rv, sig, &rv_priv);
+ }
+ return rv;
+ * JIT functions
+ */
+void *
+Parrot_jit_create_thunk(PARROT_INTERP, char *sig, void *priv) {
+ struct jit_buffer_private_data *p;
+ jit_function_t f;
+ jit_value_t jit_interp, jit_func;
+ jit_type_t *jit_args_t;
+ jit_value_t *jit_args_v, *jit_regs;
+ /* populate private data */
+ p = (struct jit_buffer_private_data*)priv;
+ p->ctx = jit_context_create();
+ p->sig = mem_sys_strdup(sig);
+ /* start compiling */
+ jit_context_build_start(p->ctx);
+ /* start JIT function */
+ {
+ jit_type_t arg_types[] = {
+ jit_type_void_ptr, /* interp */
+ jit_type_void_ptr /* nci_info */
+ };
+ jit_type_t f_sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, arg_types, 2, 1);
+ f = jit_function_create(p->ctx, f_sig);
+ }
+ /* get the incomming args */
+ jit_interp = jit_value_get_param(f, 0);
+ jit_func = jit__vtable_get_pointer(f, jit_interp, jit_value_get_param(f, 1));
+ /* get the outgoing args */
+ {
+ jit_value_t st;
+ int nargs;
+ {
+ jit_value_t sizeof_call_state
+ = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, sizeof (call_state));
+ st = jit_insn_alloca(f, sizeof_call_state);
+ }
+ nargs = Parrot_jit_parse_sig_args_pre(interp, sig, f, jit_interp, st,
+ &jit_args_t, &jit_args_v, &jit_regs);
+ /* get the return type */
+ {
+ jit_type_t ret_t;
+ jit_value_t ret_v;
+ ret_t = Parrot_jit_parse_sig_ret_pre(interp, sig);
+ /* make the call */
+ {
+ jit_type_t jit_sig
+ = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, ret_t, jit_args_t, nargs, 1);
+ ret_v = jit_insn_call_indirect(f, jit_func, jit_sig, jit_args_v, nargs, 0);
+ }
+ /* get the incomming return */
+ Parrot_jit_parse_sig_ret_post(interp, sig, f, jit_interp, st, ret_v);
+ }
+ /* clean up args */
+ Parrot_jit_parse_sig_args_post(interp, sig, nargs, f, jit_interp, jit_args_v, jit_regs);
+ }
+ /* end JIT function */
+ jit_insn_return(f, NULL);
+ /* compile to native callable func poitner */
+ jit_function_compile(f);
+ jit_context_build_end(p->ctx);
+ mem_sys_free(jit_args_t);
+ mem_sys_free(jit_args_v);
+ mem_sys_free(jit_regs);
+ return jit_function_to_closure(f);
+Parrot_jit_parse_sig_args_pre(PARROT_INTERP, char *sig, jit_function_t f,
+ jit_value_t jinterp, jit_value_t st,
+ jit_type_t **arg_types,
+ jit_value_t **arg_vals, jit_value_t **arg_regs) {
+ int nargs, nregs, i, j;
+ sig += 1; /* ignore return character */
+ nargs = strlen(sig);
+ nregs = Parrot_jit_init_pcc(sig, nargs, f, jinterp, st);
+ *arg_types = (jit_type_t *)mem_sys_allocate(nargs * sizeof (jit_type_t));
+ *arg_vals = (jit_value_t *)mem_sys_allocate(nargs * sizeof (jit_value_t));
+ *arg_regs = (jit_value_t *)mem_sys_allocate(nregs * sizeof (jit_value_t));
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
+ char c;
+ jit_type_t t1;
+ jit_value_t v1, v2, v3, v4;
+ switch (c = sig[i]) {
+ case 'I':
+ read_int_reg:
+ (*arg_types)[i] = t1;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_I(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = (*arg_vals)[i] = v2;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_char;
+ goto read_int_reg;
+ case 's':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_short;
+ goto read_int_reg;
+ case 'i':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_int;
+ goto read_int_reg;
+ case 'l':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_long;
+ goto read_int_reg;
+ case 'N':
+ read_float_reg:
+ (*arg_types)[i] = t1;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_N(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = (*arg_vals)[i] = v2;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_float;
+ goto read_float_reg;
+ case 'd':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_double;
+ goto read_float_reg;
+ case 'S':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_S(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = (*arg_vals)[i] = v2;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_S(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = v2;
+ (*arg_vals)[i] = jit__Parrot_str_to_cstring(f, jinterp, v2);
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_S(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = v2;
+ (*arg_vals)[i] = jit__Buffer_bufstart(f, v2);
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_S(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = v2;
+ v3 = jit__Parrot_str_to_cstring(f, jinterp, v2);
+ jit_value_set_addressable(v3);
+ (*arg_vals)[i] = jit_insn_address_of(f, v3);
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_p(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = (*arg_vals)[i] = v2;
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ case 'O':
+ case '@':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_P(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = (*arg_vals)[i] = v2;
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_short;
+ goto call_get_integer;
+ case '3':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_int;
+ goto call_get_integer;
+ case '4':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_long;
+ call_get_integer:
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_P(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = v2;
+ v3 = jit__vtable_get_integer(f, jinterp, v2);
+ v4 = jit_value_create(f, t1);
+ jit_value_set_addressable(v4);
+ jit_insn_store(f, v4, v3);
+ (*arg_vals)[i] = jit_insn_address_of(f, v4);
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, j);
+ v2 = jit__get_nci_P(f, jinterp, st, v1);
+ (*arg_regs)[j++] = v2;
+ v3 = jit__vtable_get_pointer(f, jinterp, v2);
+ v4 = jit_value_create(f, jit_type_void_ptr);
+ jit_value_set_addressable(v4);
+ jit_insn_store(f, v4, v3);
+ (*arg_vals)[i] = jit_insn_address_of(f, v4);
+ break;
+ case '0':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ (*arg_vals)[i] = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_void_ptr, (jit_nint)NULL);
+ break;
+ case 'J':
+ (*arg_types)[i] = jit_type_void_ptr;
+ (*arg_vals)[i] = jinterp;
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ /* TODO */
+ Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_JIT_ERROR,
+ "arg type 'U' not yet implemented");
+ return -1;
+ default:
+ Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_JIT_ERROR,
+ "unkown arg type '%c'", c);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return nargs;
+Parrot_jit_init_pcc(char *sig, int nargs, jit_function_t f, jit_value_t interp, jit_value_t st) {
+ int i, j;
+ char pcc_sig[nargs];
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
+ switch (sig[i]) {
+ case 'I':
+ case 'c':
+ case 's':
+ case 'i':
+ case 'l':
+ pcc_sig[j++] = 'I';
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ case 'f':
+ case 'd':
+ pcc_sig[j++] = 'N';
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ case 't':
+ case 'b':
+ case 'B':
+ pcc_sig[j++] = 'S';
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ case 'O':
+ case 'V':
+ case '2':
+ case '3':
+ case '4':
+ pcc_sig[j++] = 'P';
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ pcc_sig[j++] = '@';
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pcc_sig[j] = '\0';
+ jit__Parrot_init_arg_nci(f, interp, st,
+ jit_value_create_string_constant(f, pcc_sig, j+1));
+ return j;
+Parrot_jit_parse_sig_ret_pre(PARROT_INTERP, char *sig) {
+ char c;
+ switch (c = sig[0]) {
+ case 'v':
+ return jit_type_void;
+ case 'I':
+ case 'c':
+ return jit_type_sys_char;
+ case 's':
+ return jit_type_sys_short;
+ case 'i':
+ return jit_type_sys_int;
+ case 'l':
+ return jit_type_sys_long;
+ case 'N':
+ case 'f':
+ return jit_type_sys_float;
+ case 'd':
+ return jit_type_sys_double;
+ case 'S':
+ case 't':
+ return jit_type_void_ptr;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ return jit_type_void_ptr;
+ case 'U':
+ /* TODO */
+ Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_JIT_ERROR,
+ "return type 'U' not yet implemented");
+ return NULL;
+ default:
+ /* FAIL */
+ Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_JIT_ERROR,
+ "unknown return type '%c'", c);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+Parrot_jit_parse_sig_ret_post(PARROT_INTERP, char *sig,
+ jit_function_t f, jit_value_t jinterp, jit_value_t st,
+ jit_value_t retval) {
+ jit_type_t t1;
+ jit_value_t v1, v2, v3;
+ switch (sig[0]) {
+ case 'v':
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ case 'c':
+ case 's':
+ case 'i':
+ case 'l':
+ jit__set_nci_I(f, jinterp, st, retval);
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ case 'f':
+ case 'd':
+ jit__set_nci_N(f, jinterp, st, retval);
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ jit__set_nci_S(f, jinterp, st, retval);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ v1 = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, 0);
+ v2 = jit__Parrot_str_new(f, jinterp, retval, v1);
+ jit__set_nci_S(f, jinterp, st, v2);
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ jit__set_nci_P(f, jinterp, st, retval);
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ v1 = jit_value_create_intval_constant(f, enum_class_UnManagedStruct);
+ v2 = jit__pmc_new_noinit(f, jinterp, v1);
+ jit__vtable_set_pointer(f, jinterp, v2, retval);
+ jit__set_nci_P(f, jinterp, st, v2);
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_short;
+ goto create_int_pmc;
+ case '3':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_int;
+ goto create_int_pmc;
+ case '4':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_long;
+ create_int_pmc:
+ v1 = jit_insn_load_relative(f, retval, 0, t1);
+ v2 = jit_value_create_intval_constant(f, enum_class_Integer);
+ v3 = jit__pmc_new_noinit(f, jinterp, v2);
+ jit__vtable_set_integer_native(f, jinterp, v3, v1);
+ jit__set_nci_P(f, jinterp, st, v3);
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ /* ignore (failed elsewhere) */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* ignore (failed elsewhere) */
+ break;
+ }
+Parrot_jit_parse_sig_args_post(PARROT_INTERP, char *sig, int nargs,
+ jit_function_t f, jit_value_t jinterp,
+ jit_value_t *args, jit_value_t *regs) {
+ int i, j;
+ sig += 1;
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
+ jit_type_t t1;
+ jit_value_t v1;
+ switch (sig[i]) {
+ case 't':
+ jit__Parrot_str_free_cstring(f, args[i]);
+ j++;
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ v1 = jit_insn_load_relative(f, args[i], 0, jit_type_void_ptr);
+ jit__Parrot_str_free_cstring(f, v1);
+ j++;
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_short;
+ goto set_integer;
+ case '3':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_int;
+ goto set_integer;
+ case '4':
+ t1 = jit_type_sys_long;
+ set_integer:
+ v1 = jit_insn_load_relative(f, args[i], 0, t1);
+ jit__vtable_set_integer_native(f, jinterp, regs[j], v1);
+ j++;
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ v1 = jit_insn_load_relative(f, args[i], 0, jit_type_void_ptr);
+ jit__vtable_set_pointer(f, jinterp, regs[j], v1);
+ j++;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ case 'c':
+ case 'i':
+ case 'l':
+ case 'N':
+ case 'f':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'S':
+ case 'b':
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ case 'O':
+ case '@':
+ j++;
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ /* TODO */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* ignore */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+jit_value_create_intval_constant(jit_function_t f, INTVAL i) {
+ return jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, JIT_TYPE_INTVAL, i);
+jit_value_create_string_constant(jit_function_t f, char *str, int len) {
+ jit_value_t jit_len, jit_str;
+ int i;
+ if (len < 1) {
+ len = strlen(str);
+ }
+ jit_len = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_int, len);
+ jit_str = jit_insn_alloca(f, jit_len);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ jit_value_t c = jit_value_create_nint_constant(f, jit_type_sys_char, str[i]);
+ jit_insn_store_relative(f, jit_str, i, c);
+ }
+ return jit_str;
+ * JIT wrappers
+ */
+/* custom wrappers */
+jit__Buffer_bufstart(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t buf) {
+ return jit_insn_load_relative(f, buf, offsetof(Buffer, _bufstart), jit_type_void_ptr);
+/* vtable wrappers */
+jit__vtable_get_pointer(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t interp, jit_value_t self ) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_value_t vtable, method;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { interp, self };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void_ptr, arg_t, 0 + 2, 1);
+ vtable = jit_insn_load_relative(f, self, offsetof(PMC, vtable), jit_type_void_ptr);
+ method = jit_insn_load_relative(f, vtable, offsetof(VTABLE, get_pointer), jit_type_void_ptr);
+ return jit_insn_call_indirect(f, method, sig, arg_v, 0 + 2, 0);
+jit__vtable_set_pointer(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t interp, jit_value_t self , jit_value_t v1) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_value_t vtable, method;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr , jit_type_void_ptr };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { interp, self , v1 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, arg_t, 1 + 2, 1);
+ vtable = jit_insn_load_relative(f, self, offsetof(PMC, vtable), jit_type_void_ptr);
+ method = jit_insn_load_relative(f, vtable, offsetof(VTABLE, set_pointer), jit_type_void_ptr);
+ return jit_insn_call_indirect(f, method, sig, arg_v, 1 + 2, 0);
+jit__vtable_set_integer_native(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t interp, jit_value_t self , jit_value_t v1) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_value_t vtable, method;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr , JIT_TYPE_INTVAL };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { interp, self , v1 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, arg_t, 1 + 2, 1);
+ vtable = jit_insn_load_relative(f, self, offsetof(PMC, vtable), jit_type_void_ptr);
+ method = jit_insn_load_relative(f, vtable, offsetof(VTABLE, set_integer_native), jit_type_void_ptr);
+ return jit_insn_call_indirect(f, method, sig, arg_v, 1 + 2, 0);
+jit__vtable_get_integer(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t interp, jit_value_t self ) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_value_t vtable, method;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { interp, self };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, JIT_TYPE_INTVAL, arg_t, 0 + 2, 1);
+ vtable = jit_insn_load_relative(f, self, offsetof(PMC, vtable), jit_type_void_ptr);
+ method = jit_insn_load_relative(f, vtable, offsetof(VTABLE, get_integer), jit_type_void_ptr);
+ return jit_insn_call_indirect(f, method, sig, arg_v, 0 + 2, 0);
+/* function wrappers */
+jit__Parrot_str_free_cstring(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, arg_t, 1, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "Parrot_str_free_cstring", (void *)&Parrot_str_free_cstring, sig, arg_v, 1, 0);
+jit__get_nci_N(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_sys_int };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, JIT_TYPE_FLOATVAL, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "get_nci_N", (void *)&get_nci_N, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__Parrot_str_to_cstring(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void_ptr, arg_t, 2, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "Parrot_str_to_cstring", (void *)&Parrot_str_to_cstring, sig, arg_v, 2, 0);
+jit__get_nci_S(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_sys_int };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void_ptr, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "get_nci_S", (void *)&get_nci_S, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__set_nci_S(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "set_nci_S", (void *)&set_nci_S, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__set_nci_N(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, JIT_TYPE_FLOATVAL };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "set_nci_N", (void *)&set_nci_N, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__Parrot_init_arg_nci(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void_ptr, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "Parrot_init_arg_nci", (void *)&Parrot_init_arg_nci, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__get_nci_I(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_sys_int };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, JIT_TYPE_INTVAL, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "get_nci_I", (void *)&get_nci_I, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__set_nci_I(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, JIT_TYPE_INTVAL };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "set_nci_I", (void *)&set_nci_I, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__Parrot_str_new(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, JIT_TYPE_UINTVAL };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void_ptr, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "Parrot_str_new", (void *)&Parrot_str_new, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__set_nci_P(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "set_nci_P", (void *)&set_nci_P, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__get_nci_p(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_sys_int };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void_ptr, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "get_nci_p", (void *)&get_nci_p, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__get_nci_P(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2, jit_value_t v3) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_void_ptr, jit_type_sys_int };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2, v3 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void_ptr, arg_t, 3, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "get_nci_P", (void *)&get_nci_P, sig, arg_v, 3, 0);
+jit__pmc_new_noinit(jit_function_t f, jit_value_t v1, jit_value_t v2) {
+ jit_type_t sig;
+ jit_type_t arg_t[] = { jit_type_void_ptr, JIT_TYPE_INTVAL };
+ jit_value_t arg_v[] = { v1, v2 };
+ sig = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl, jit_type_void_ptr, arg_t, 2, 1);
+ return jit_insn_call_native(f, "pmc_new_noinit", (void *)&pmc_new_noinit, sig, arg_v, 2, 0);
+#endif /* PARROT_HAS_LIBJIT */
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-file-style: "parrot"
+ * End:
+ * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
+ */
Added: branches/auto_libjit/src/frame_builder_libjit.h
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/auto_libjit/src/frame_builder_libjit.h Fri Oct 16 23:53:37 2009 (r41892)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * ex: set ro:
+ * Generated by Parrot::Configure::Compiler from config/gen/libjit/frame_builder_libjit_h.in
+ */
+/* frame_builder_libjit.h
+ * $Id$
+ * Copyright (C) 2009, Parrot Foundation.
+ */
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+# define EXTERN extern "C"
+# define EXTERN
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "parrot/parrot.h"
+#include "frame_builder.h"
+#include <jit/jit.h>
+ * JITted function state data
+ */
+struct jit_buffer_private_data {
+ jit_context_t ctx;
+ char *sig;
+ * JIT types
+ */
+#define JIT_TYPE_UINTVAL jit_type_sys_ulong // jit_type_sys_ulong
+#define JIT_TYPE_INTVAL jit_type_sys_long // jit_type_sys_long
+#define JIT_TYPE_FLOATVAL jit_type_sys_double // jit_type_sys_double
+ * JIT functions
+ */
+void *
+Parrot_jit_create_thunk(Interp *, char *, void *);
+Parrot_jit_parse_sig_args_pre(Interp *, char *, jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t,
+ jit_type_t **, jit_value_t **, jit_value_t **);
+Parrot_jit_init_pcc(char *, int, jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+Parrot_jit_parse_sig_ret_pre(Interp *, char *);
+Parrot_jit_parse_sig_ret_post(Interp *, char *, jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+Parrot_jit_parse_sig_args_post(Interp *, char *, int, jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t *, jit_value_t *);
+jit_value_create_intval_constant(jit_function_t, INTVAL);
+jit_value_create_string_constant(jit_function_t, char *, int);
+ * JIT wrappers
+ */
+/* custom wrappers */
+jit__Buffer_bufstart(jit_function_t, jit_value_t);
+/* vtable wrappers */
+jit__vtable_get_pointer(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t );
+jit__vtable_set_pointer(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t , jit_value_t);
+jit__vtable_set_integer_native(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t , jit_value_t);
+jit__vtable_get_integer(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t );
+/* function wrappers */
+jit__Parrot_str_free_cstring(jit_function_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__get_nci_N(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__Parrot_str_to_cstring(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__get_nci_S(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__set_nci_S(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__set_nci_N(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__Parrot_init_arg_nci(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__get_nci_I(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__set_nci_I(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__Parrot_str_new(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__set_nci_P(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__get_nci_p(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__get_nci_P(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+jit__pmc_new_noinit(jit_function_t, jit_value_t, jit_value_t);
+#endif /* PARROT_HAS_LIBJIT */
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-file-style: "parrot"
+ * End:
+ * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
+ */
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