[svn:parrot] r42833 - in trunk: . config/gen/makefiles runtime/parrot/library runtime/parrot/library/Configure t/library tools/dev

fperrad at svn.parrot.org fperrad at svn.parrot.org
Tue Dec 1 09:23:37 UTC 2009

Author: fperrad
Date: Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009
New Revision: 42833
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/42833

[library] rename Configure.pir to Configure/genfile.pir (see TT #1279)

   trunk/runtime/parrot/library/Configure/   (props changed)
      - copied, changed from r42832, trunk/runtime/parrot/library/Configure.pir

Modified: trunk/MANIFEST
--- trunk/MANIFEST	Tue Dec  1 06:55:05 2009	(r42832)
+++ trunk/MANIFEST	Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009	(r42833)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # ex: set ro:
 # $Id$
-# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Wed Nov 25 08:07:07 2009 UT
+# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Tue Dec  1 09:00:46 2009 UT
 # See below for documentation on the format of this file.
@@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@
 runtime/parrot/languages/parrot/parrot.pir                  [library]
 runtime/parrot/library/CGI/QueryHash.pir                    [library]
 runtime/parrot/library/Config/JSON.pir                      [library]
-runtime/parrot/library/Configure.pir                        [library]
+runtime/parrot/library/Configure/genfile.pir                [library]
 runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pir                             [library]
 runtime/parrot/library/Curses.pir                           [library]
 runtime/parrot/library/Data/Dumper.pir                      [library]

Modified: trunk/MANIFEST.SKIP
--- trunk/MANIFEST.SKIP	Tue Dec  1 06:55:05 2009	(r42832)
+++ trunk/MANIFEST.SKIP	Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009	(r42833)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # ex: set ro:
 # $Id$
-# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Fri Nov 13 08:23:15 2009 UT
+# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Tue Dec  1 09:00:46 2009 UT
 # This file should contain a transcript of the svn:ignore properties
 # of the directories in the Parrot subversion repository. (Needed for
@@ -578,6 +578,9 @@
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Config/'
+# generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Configure/'
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Data/'

Modified: trunk/MANIFEST.generated
--- trunk/MANIFEST.generated	Tue Dec  1 06:55:05 2009	(r42832)
+++ trunk/MANIFEST.generated	Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009	(r42833)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 runtime/parrot/include/warnings.pasm              [main]
 runtime/parrot/library/CGI/QueryHash.pbc          [main]
 runtime/parrot/library/Config/JSON.pbc            [main]
-runtime/parrot/library/Configure.pbc              [main]
+runtime/parrot/library/Configure/genfile.pbc      [main]
 runtime/parrot/library/config.pbc                 [main]
 runtime/parrot/library/config.pir                 [main]
 runtime/parrot/library/Crow.pbc                   [main]

Modified: trunk/config/gen/makefiles/root.in
--- trunk/config/gen/makefiles/root.in	Tue Dec  1 06:55:05 2009	(r42832)
+++ trunk/config/gen/makefiles/root.in	Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009	(r42833)
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/CGI/QueryHash.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/Crow.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/config.pbc \
-    $(LIBRARY_DIR)/Configure.pbc \
+    $(LIBRARY_DIR)/Configure/genfile.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/Config/JSON.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/Data/Dumper/Base.pbc \
     $(LIBRARY_DIR)/Data/Dumper/Default.pbc \

Deleted: trunk/runtime/parrot/library/Configure.pir
--- trunk/runtime/parrot/library/Configure.pir	Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009	(r42832)
+++ /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(deleted)
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009, Parrot Foundation.
-# $Id$
-=head1 NAME
-Configure.pir - Configure step helpers
-Supply C<genfile> function, which handles
-=over 4
-=item variable substitution
-=item slash/backslash substitution (for Windows)
-=item conditioned line #IF/UNLESS/ELSIF/ELSE
-=item with expression evaluation || OR && AND ! NOT (expr) != ==
-Pure PIR, without any dependencies.
-See as example,
-=head1 USAGE
-    # Retrieve the Parrot config
-    .local pmc config
-    $P0 = getinterp
-    config = $P0[.IGLOBALS_CONFIG_HASH]
-    # Sometime, we need extra configuration variables
-    config['foo'] = 'bar'
-    # Here, do the job
-    genfile('Makefile.in', 'Makefile', config)
-.include 'sysinfo.pasm'
-.sub 'genfile'
-    .param string tmpl
-    .param string outfile
-    .param pmc config
-    $S0 = slurp(tmpl)
-    $S0 = conditioned_line($S0, config)
-    $S0 = interpolate_var($S0, config)
-    $S1 = sysinfo .SYSINFO_PARROT_OS
-    $S0 = replace_slash($S0, $S1)
-    spew(outfile, $S0)
-    printerr "\n\tGenerating '"
-    printerr outfile
-    printerr "'\n\n"
-.sub 'slurp' :anon
-    .param string filename
-    $P0 = new 'FileHandle'
-    push_eh _handler
-    $S0 = $P0.'readall'(filename)
-    pop_eh
-    .return ($S0)
-  _handler:
-    .local pmc e
-    .get_results (e)
-    $S0 = "Can't open '"
-    $S0 .= filename
-    $S0 .= "' ("
-    $S1 = err
-    $S0 .= $S1
-    $S0 .= ")\n"
-    e = $S0
-    rethrow e
-.sub 'spew' :anon
-    .param string filename
-    .param string content
-    $P0 = new 'FileHandle'
-    push_eh _handler
-    $P0.'open'(filename, 'w')
-    pop_eh
-    $P0.'puts'(content)
-    $P0.'close'()
-    .return ()
-  _handler:
-    .local pmc e
-    .get_results (e)
-    $S0 = "Can't open '"
-    $S0 .= filename
-    $S0 .= "' ("
-    $S1 = err
-    $S0 .= $S1
-    $S0 .= ")\n"
-    e = $S0
-    rethrow e
-.sub 'conditioned_line'
-    .param string content
-    .param pmc config
-    $P0 = split "\n", content
-    .local string result, line
-    .local int truth, former_truth
-    former_truth = 0
-    result = ''
-  L1:
-    unless $P0 goto L2
-    line = shift $P0
-    $I0 = index line, "#IF("
-    unless $I0 == 0 goto L10
-    $I0 = index line, "):"
-    if $I0 < 0 goto L3
-    $I1 = $I0 - 4
-    $S0 = substr line, 4, $I1
-    truth = cond_eval($S0, config)
-    former_truth = truth
-    unless truth goto L1
-    $I0 += 2
-    $S0 = substr line, $I0
-    goto L4
-  L10:
-    $I0 = index line, "#UNLESS("
-    unless $I0 == 0 goto L20
-    $I0 = index line, "):"
-    if $I0 < 0 goto L3
-    $I1 = $I0 - 8
-    $S0 = substr line, 8, $I1
-    truth = cond_eval($S0, config)
-    former_truth = not truth
-    if truth goto L1
-    $I0 += 2
-    $S0 = substr line, $I0
-    goto L4
-  L20:
-    $I0 = index line, "#ELSIF("
-    unless $I0 == 0 goto L30
-    $I0 = index line, "):"
-    if $I0 < 0 goto L3
-    if former_truth goto L1
-    $I1 = $I0 - 7
-    $S0 = substr line, 7, $I1
-    truth = cond_eval($S0, config)
-    former_truth = truth
-    unless truth goto L1
-    $I0 += 2
-    $S0 = substr line, $I0
-    goto L4
-  L30:
-    $I0 = index line, "#ELSE:"
-    unless $I0 == 0 goto L40
-    if former_truth goto L1
-    $S0 = substr line, 6
-    goto L4
-  L40:
-  L3:
-    $S0 = line
-  L4:
-    result .= $S0
-    result .= "\n"
-    goto L1
-  L2:
-    .return (result)
-.sub 'cond_eval'
-    .param string expr
-    .param pmc config
-    .local int pos, end
-    end = length expr
-    pos = ws(expr, 0, end)
-    .tailcall or_expr(expr, pos, end, config)
-.sub 'or_expr' :anon
-    .param string str
-    .param int pos
-    .param int end
-    .param pmc config
-    .local int val1, val2
-    (val1, pos) = and_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    $I0 = index str, "||", pos
-    if $I0 == pos goto L1
-    $I0 = index str, "OR", pos
-    if $I0 == pos goto L1
-    # or_expr -> and_expr
-    .return (val1, pos)
-  L1:
-    pos = pos + 2
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    (val2, pos) = or_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-    $I0 = val1 || val2
-    # or_expr -> and_expr ( '||' | 'OR' or_expr )
-    .return ($I0, pos)
-.sub 'and_expr' :anon
-    .param string str
-    .param int pos
-    .param int end
-    .param pmc config
-    .local int val1, val2
-    (val1, pos) = rel_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    $I0 = index str, "&&", pos
-    if $I0 == pos goto L1
-    $I0 = index str, "AND", pos
-    if $I0 == pos goto L2
-    # and_expr -> rel_expr
-    .return (val1, pos)
-  L1:
-    pos = pos + 2
-    goto L3
-  L2:
-    pos = pos + 3
-  L3:
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    (val2, pos) = and_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-    $I0 = val1 && val2
-    # and_expr -> rel_expr ( '&&' | 'AND' and_expr )
-    .return ($I0, pos)
-.sub 'rel_expr' :anon
-    .param string str
-    .param int pos
-    .param int end
-    .param pmc config
-    .local int val1, val2
-    (val1, pos) = not_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    $I0 = index str, "==", pos
-    if $I0 == pos goto L1
-    $I0 = index str, "!=", pos
-    if $I0 == pos goto L1
-    # rel_expr -> not_expr
-    .return (val1, pos)
-  L1:
-    $S0 = substr str, pos, 2
-    pos = pos + 2
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    (val2, pos) = not_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-    unless $S0 == '==' goto L2
-    $I0 = val1 == val2
-    # rel_expr -> not_expr '==' not_expr
-    .return ($I0, pos)
-  L2:
-    $I0 = val1 != val2
-    # rel_expr -> not_expr '!=' not_expr
-    .return ($I0, pos)
-.sub 'not_expr' :anon
-    .param string str
-    .param int pos
-    .param int end
-    .param pmc config
-    $I0 = index str, '!', pos
-    if $I0 == pos goto L1
-    $I0 = index str, 'NOT', pos
-    if $I0 == pos goto L2
-    # not_expr -> prim_expr
-    .tailcall prim_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-  L1:
-    pos = pos + 1
-    goto L3
-  L2:
-    pos = pos + 3
-  L3:
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    .local int val
-    (val, pos) = not_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-    $I0 = not val
-    # not_expr -> ( '!' | 'NOT' ) not_expr
-    .return ($I0, pos)
-.sub 'prim_expr' :anon
-    .param string str
-    .param int pos
-    .param int end
-    .param pmc config
-    .local int val
-    $S0 = substr str, pos, 1
-    unless $S0 == '(' goto L1
-    inc pos
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    (val, pos) = or_expr(str, pos, end, config)
-    pos = ws(str, pos, end)
-    $S0 = substr str, pos, 1
-    if $S0 == ')' goto L2
-    error(str, pos, "')' expected")
-  L2:
-    inc pos
-    # prim_expr -> '(' or_expr ')'
-    .return (val, pos)
-  L1:
-    # prim_expr -> idf
-    .tailcall idf(str, pos, end, config)
-.include 'cclass.pasm'
-.sub 'idf' :anon
-    .param string str
-    .param int pos
-    .param int end
-    .param pmc config
-    $I1 = pos
-  L1:
-    $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_WORD, str, pos
-    unless $I0 goto L2
-    inc pos
-    if pos >= end goto L2
-    goto L1
-  L2:
-    $I2 = pos - $I1
-    $S0 = substr str, $I1, $I2
-    $I0 = config[$S0]
-    .return ($I0, pos)
-.sub 'ws' :anon
-    .param string str
-    .param int pos
-    .param int end
-  L1:
-    $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_WHITESPACE, str, pos
-    unless $I0 goto L2
-    inc pos
-    if pos >= end goto L2
-    goto L1
-  L2:
-    .return (pos)
-.sub 'error' :anon
-    .param string str
-    .param int pos
-    .param string msg
-    printerr "in '"
-    printerr str
-    printerr "' at "
-    printerr pos
-    printerr " : "
-    printerr msg
-    printerr "\n"
-.sub 'interpolate_var'
-    .param string content
-    .param pmc config
-    $P0 = split "\n", content
-    .local string result, line
-    result = ''
-  L1:
-    unless $P0 goto L2
-    line = shift $P0
-    $I0 = 0
-    $S0 = ''
-  L3:
-    $I1 = index line, '@', $I0
-    if $I1 < 0 goto L4
-  L8:
-    $I2 = $I1 - $I0
-    inc $I1
-    $I3 = index line, '@', $I1
-    if $I3 < 0 goto L4
-    $S1 = substr line, $I0, $I2
-    $S0 .= $S1
-    $I4 = $I3 - $I1
-    $S1 = substr line, $I1, $I4
-    $I7 = exists config[$S1]
-    unless $I7 goto L5
-    $S2 = config[$S1]
-    $S0 .= $S2
-    goto L6
-  L5:
-    $I8 = $I3 + 1
-    $I9 = index line, '@', $I8
-    if $I9 < 0 goto L7
-    $I0 = $I1 - 1
-    $I1 = $I3
-    goto L8
-  L7:
-    printerr "\tunknown config: "
-    printerr $S1
-    printerr "\n"
-  L6:
-    $I0 = $I3 + 1
-    goto L3
-  L4:
-    $S1 = substr line, $I0
-    $S0 .= $S1
-    result .= $S0
-    result .= "\n"
-    goto L1
-  L2:
-    .return (result)
-.sub 'replace_slash'
-    .param string str
-    .param string OS
-    unless OS == 'MSWin32' goto L1
-    $P0 = split "/", str
-    str = join "\\", $P0
-    $P0 = split "\\\\", str
-    str = join "/", $P0
-    $P0 = split "\\*", str
-    str = join "\\\\*", $P0
-    .return (str)
-  L1:
-    $P0 = split "//", str
-    str = join "/", $P0
-    .return (str)
-# Local Variables:
-#   mode: pir
-#   fill-column: 100
-# End:
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=pir:

Copied and modified: trunk/runtime/parrot/library/Configure/genfile.pir (from r42832, trunk/runtime/parrot/library/Configure.pir)
--- trunk/runtime/parrot/library/Configure.pir	Tue Dec  1 06:55:05 2009	(r42832, copy source)
+++ trunk/runtime/parrot/library/Configure/genfile.pir	Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009	(r42833)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 =head1 NAME
-Configure.pir - Configure step helpers
+Configure/genfile.pir - Configure step helpers
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@
 Pure PIR, without any dependencies.
-See as example,
 =head1 USAGE
     # Retrieve the Parrot config

Modified: trunk/t/library/configure.t
--- trunk/t/library/configure.t	Tue Dec  1 06:55:05 2009	(r42832)
+++ trunk/t/library/configure.t	Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009	(r42833)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 .sub 'main' :main
     .include 'test_more.pir'
-    load_bytecode 'Configure.pbc'
+    load_bytecode 'Configure/genfile.pbc'

Modified: trunk/tools/dev/mk_language_shell.pl
--- trunk/tools/dev/mk_language_shell.pl	Tue Dec  1 06:55:05 2009	(r42832)
+++ trunk/tools/dev/mk_language_shell.pl	Tue Dec  1 09:23:33 2009	(r42833)
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 .include 'iglobals.pasm'
 .sub 'main' :main
-    load_bytecode 'Configure.pbc'
+    load_bytecode 'Configure/genfile.pbc'
     # Wave to the friendly users
     print "Hello, I'm Configure. My job is to poke and prod\n"

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