[svn:parrot] r46259 - in trunk: . examples/pir examples/tutorial runtime/parrot/library/ProfTest src/dynpmc src/pmc t/dynpmc t/oo t/pmc tools/dev tools/util

coke at svn.parrot.org coke at svn.parrot.org
Tue May 4 00:27:03 UTC 2010

Author: coke
Date: Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010
New Revision: 46259
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/46259

Migrate File and OS PMCs to dynamic PMCs.

Resolves TT #448.

      - copied, changed from r46243, trunk/src/pmc/file.pmc
      - copied, changed from r46243, trunk/src/pmc/os.pmc
      - copied, changed from r46243, trunk/t/pmc/file.t
      - copied, changed from r46243, trunk/t/pmc/os.t

Modified: trunk/DEPRECATED.pod
--- trunk/DEPRECATED.pod	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/DEPRECATED.pod	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -45,18 +45,6 @@
-=item File [eligible in 1.1]
-Move from static PMC to dynamic PMC
-=item OS [eligible in 1.1]
-Move from static PMC to dynamic PMC
 =item multiple dispatch within core PMCs [eligible in 1.1]

Modified: trunk/MANIFEST
--- trunk/MANIFEST	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/MANIFEST	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # ex: set ro:
 # $Id$
-# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Mon May  3 05:14:11 2010 UT
+# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Mon May  3 20:01:25 2010 UT
 # See below for documentation on the format of this file.
@@ -1238,10 +1238,12 @@
 src/dynpmc/Rules.in                                         []
 src/dynpmc/dynlexpad.pmc                                    []
 src/dynpmc/ext.pir                                          []
+src/dynpmc/file.pmc                                         []
 src/dynpmc/foo.pmc                                          []
 src/dynpmc/foo2.pmc                                         []
 src/dynpmc/gziphandle.pmc                                   []
 src/dynpmc/main.pasm                                        []
+src/dynpmc/os.pmc                                           []
 src/dynpmc/pccmethod_test.pmc                               []
 src/dynpmc/rational.pmc                                     []
 src/dynpmc/rotest.pmc                                       []
@@ -1338,7 +1340,6 @@
 src/pmc/exception.pmc                                       []
 src/pmc/exceptionhandler.pmc                                []
 src/pmc/exporter.pmc                                        []
-src/pmc/file.pmc                                            []
 src/pmc/filehandle.pmc                                      []
 src/pmc/fixedbooleanarray.pmc                               []
 src/pmc/fixedfloatarray.pmc                                 []
@@ -1368,7 +1369,6 @@
 src/pmc/oplib.pmc                                           []
 src/pmc/orderedhash.pmc                                     []
 src/pmc/orderedhashiterator.pmc                             []
-src/pmc/os.pmc                                              []
 src/pmc/packfile.pmc                                        []
 src/pmc/packfileannotation.pmc                              []
 src/pmc/packfileannotations.pmc                             []
@@ -1616,9 +1616,11 @@
 t/dynoplibs/math.t                                          [test]
 t/dynoplibs/obscure.t                                       [test]
 t/dynpmc/dynlexpad.t                                        [test]
+t/dynpmc/file.t                                             [test]
 t/dynpmc/foo.t                                              [test]
 t/dynpmc/foo2.t                                             [test]
 t/dynpmc/gziphandle.t                                       [test]
+t/dynpmc/os.t                                               [test]
 t/dynpmc/pccmethod_test.t                                   [test]
 t/dynpmc/rational.t                                         [test]
 t/dynpmc/rotest.t                                           [test]
@@ -1809,7 +1811,6 @@
 t/pmc/exception.t                                           [test]
 t/pmc/exceptionhandler.t                                    [test]
 t/pmc/exporter.t                                            [test]
-t/pmc/file.t                                                [test]
 t/pmc/filehandle.t                                          [test]
 t/pmc/fixedbooleanarray.t                                   [test]
 t/pmc/fixedfloatarray.t                                     [test]
@@ -1850,7 +1851,6 @@
 t/pmc/oplib.t                                               [test]
 t/pmc/orderedhash.t                                         [test]
 t/pmc/orderedhashiterator.t                                 [test]
-t/pmc/os.t                                                  [test]
 t/pmc/packfile.t                                            [test]
 t/pmc/packfileannotation.t                                  [test]
 t/pmc/packfileannotations.t                                 [test]

Modified: trunk/PBC_COMPAT
--- trunk/PBC_COMPAT	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/PBC_COMPAT	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 # please insert tab separated entries at the top of the list
+6.13	2010.05.03	coke	move File/OS pmcs to src/dynpmc
 6.12	2010.05.02	plobsing	store constant PMC strings as top level constant strings    
 6.11	2010.04.29	tewk	remove ParrotRunningThread
 6.10	2010.04.29	NotFound	packfiledebug.pmc

Modified: trunk/examples/pir/io.pir
--- trunk/examples/pir/io.pir	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/examples/pir/io.pir	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
     print $S0
     # now clean up after ourselves.
+    $P0 = loadlib 'os'
     $P1 = new "OS"

Modified: trunk/examples/tutorial/40_file_ops.pir
--- trunk/examples/tutorial/40_file_ops.pir	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/examples/tutorial/40_file_ops.pir	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
     close filein
     # Be nice and remove the temporary file we created.
+    $P0 = loadlib 'os'
     $P1 = new ['OS']

Modified: trunk/runtime/parrot/library/ProfTest/PIRProfile.nqp
--- trunk/runtime/parrot/library/ProfTest/PIRProfile.nqp	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/runtime/parrot/library/ProfTest/PIRProfile.nqp	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
     my $pprof_fh  := pir::new__p_sc('FileHandle');
     self<profile> := $pprof_fh.readall($tmp_pprof);
+    pir::loadlib__ps('os');

Modified: trunk/src/dynpmc/Defines.in
--- trunk/src/dynpmc/Defines.in	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/src/dynpmc/Defines.in	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
 #IF(has_zlib):    $(DYNEXT_DIR)/gziphandle$(LOAD_EXT) \
     $(DYNEXT_DIR)/dynlexpad$(LOAD_EXT) \
+    $(DYNEXT_DIR)/file$(LOAD_EXT) \
     $(DYNEXT_DIR)/foo_group$(LOAD_EXT) \
+    $(DYNEXT_DIR)/os$(LOAD_EXT) \
     $(DYNEXT_DIR)/pccmethod_test$(LOAD_EXT) \
     $(DYNEXT_DIR)/rotest$(LOAD_EXT) \
     $(DYNEXT_DIR)/rational$(LOAD_EXT) \

Modified: trunk/src/dynpmc/Rules.in
--- trunk/src/dynpmc/Rules.in	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/src/dynpmc/Rules.in	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -14,6 +14,23 @@
 src/dynpmc/dynlexpad.dump: src/dynpmc/dynlexpad.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
 	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/dynlexpad.pmc
+$(DYNEXT_DIR)/file$(LOAD_EXT): src/dynpmc/file$(O)
+	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/file$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/file$(O) $(LINKARGS)
+#IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
+#IF(cygwin or hpux):   $(CHMOD) 0775 $@
+src/dynpmc/file$(O): src/dynpmc/file.c $(DYNPMC_H_FILES)
+src/dynpmc/file.c: src/dynpmc/file.dump
+	$(PMC2CC) src/dynpmc/file.pmc
+src/dynpmc/file.dump: src/dynpmc/file.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
+	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/file.pmc
 $(DYNEXT_DIR)/foo_group$(LOAD_EXT): $(DYNPMC_FOO_OBJS) src/dynpmc/foo_group$(O)
 	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/foo_group$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/foo_group$(O) $(DYNPMC_FOO_OBJS) $(LINKARGS)
 #IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
@@ -42,6 +59,38 @@
 src/dynpmc/foo2.dump: src/dynpmc/foo2.pmc src/dynpmc/foo.dump vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
 	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/foo2.pmc
+$(DYNEXT_DIR)/gziphandle$(LOAD_EXT): src/dynpmc/gziphandle$(O)
+	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/gziphandle$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/gziphandle$(O) $(LINKARGS) $(LIB_ZLIB)
+#IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
+#IF(cygwin or hpux):   $(CHMOD) 0775 $@
+src/dynpmc/gziphandle$(O): src/dynpmc/gziphandle.c $(DYNPMC_H_FILES)
+src/dynpmc/gziphandle.c: src/dynpmc/gziphandle.dump
+	$(PMC2CC) src/dynpmc/gziphandle.pmc
+src/dynpmc/gziphandle.dump: src/dynpmc/gziphandle.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
+	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/gziphandle.pmc
+$(DYNEXT_DIR)/os$(LOAD_EXT): src/dynpmc/os$(O)
+	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/os$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/os$(O) $(LINKARGS)
+#IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
+#IF(cygwin or hpux):   $(CHMOD) 0775 $@
+src/dynpmc/os$(O): src/dynpmc/os.c $(DYNPMC_H_FILES)
+src/dynpmc/os.c: src/dynpmc/os.dump
+	$(PMC2CC) src/dynpmc/os.pmc
+src/dynpmc/os.dump: src/dynpmc/os.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
+	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/os.pmc
 $(DYNEXT_DIR)/pccmethod_test$(LOAD_EXT): src/dynpmc/pccmethod_test$(O)
 	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/pccmethod_test$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/pccmethod_test$(O) $(LINKARGS)
 #IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
@@ -54,6 +103,8 @@
 src/dynpmc/pccmethod_test.dump: src/dynpmc/pccmethod_test.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
 	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/pccmethod_test.pmc
 $(DYNEXT_DIR)/rotest$(LOAD_EXT): src/dynpmc/rotest$(O)
 	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/rotest$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/rotest$(O) $(LINKARGS)
 #IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
@@ -67,6 +118,8 @@
 src/dynpmc/rotest.dump: src/dynpmc/rotest.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
 	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/rotest.pmc
 $(DYNEXT_DIR)/rational$(LOAD_EXT): src/dynpmc/rational$(O)
 	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/rational$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/rational$(O) $(LINKARGS)
 #IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
@@ -80,6 +133,8 @@
 src/dynpmc/rational.dump: src/dynpmc/rational.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
 	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/rational.pmc
 $(DYNEXT_DIR)/subproxy$(LOAD_EXT): src/dynpmc/subproxy$(O)
 	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/subproxy$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/subproxy$(O) $(LINKARGS)
 #IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
@@ -92,17 +147,3 @@
 src/dynpmc/subproxy.dump: src/dynpmc/subproxy.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
 	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/subproxy.pmc
-$(DYNEXT_DIR)/gziphandle$(LOAD_EXT): src/dynpmc/gziphandle$(O)
-	$(LD)  @ld_out@$(DYNEXT_DIR)/gziphandle$(LOAD_EXT) src/dynpmc/gziphandle$(O) $(LINKARGS) $(LIB_ZLIB)
-#IF(win32):	if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
-#IF(cygwin or hpux):   $(CHMOD) 0775 $@
-src/dynpmc/gziphandle$(O): src/dynpmc/gziphandle.c $(DYNPMC_H_FILES)
-src/dynpmc/gziphandle.c: src/dynpmc/gziphandle.dump
-	$(PMC2CC) src/dynpmc/gziphandle.pmc
-src/dynpmc/gziphandle.dump: src/dynpmc/gziphandle.pmc vtable.dump $(CLASS_O_FILES)
-	$(PMC2CD) src/dynpmc/gziphandle.pmc

Copied and modified: trunk/src/dynpmc/file.pmc (from r46243, trunk/src/pmc/file.pmc)
--- trunk/src/pmc/file.pmc	Mon May  3 17:53:28 2010	(r46243, copy source)
+++ trunk/src/dynpmc/file.pmc	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 /* TT #1050 apparently, strerror_r is thread-safe and should be used instead.*/
 static PMC *File_PMC;
-pmclass File singleton {
+pmclass File dynpmc singleton {

Copied and modified: trunk/src/dynpmc/os.pmc (from r46243, trunk/src/pmc/os.pmc)
--- trunk/src/pmc/os.pmc	Mon May  3 17:53:28 2010	(r46243, copy source)
+++ trunk/src/dynpmc/os.pmc	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 /* HEADERIZER END: static */
 static PMC *OS_PMC;
-pmclass OS singleton {
+pmclass OS dynpmc singleton {

Deleted: trunk/src/pmc/file.pmc
--- trunk/src/pmc/file.pmc	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46258)
+++ /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(deleted)
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2001-2010, Parrot Foundation.
-=head1 NAME
-src/pmc/file.pmc - File PMC
-C<File> is a singleton class which provides access to File functions.
-=head2 Methods
-=over 4
-#ifdef WIN32
-#  include <direct.h>
-/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
-/* HEADERIZER END: static */
-/* TT #1050 apparently, strerror_r is thread-safe and should be used instead.*/
-static PMC *File_PMC;
-pmclass File singleton {
-=item C<void *get_pointer()>
-=item C<void set_pointer(void *ptr)>
-These two functions are part of the singleton creation interface. For more
-information see F<src/pmc.c>.
-    void class_init() {
-        File_PMC = NULL;
-    }
-    VTABLE void *get_pointer() {
-        return File_PMC;
-    }
-    VTABLE void set_pointer(void *ptr) {
-        File_PMC = (PMC *)ptr;
-    }
-=item C<INTVAL exists(STRING *file)>
-Returns a true value (1) if the supplied file or directory exists.
-    METHOD exists(STRING *path) {
-        struct stat info;
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, path);
-#ifdef WIN32
-        const int error = stat(cpath, &info);
-        const int error = lstat(cpath, &info);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error)
-            RETURN(INTVAL 0);
-        RETURN(INTVAL 1);
-    }
-=item C<INTVAL is_dir(STRING *path)>
-Returns a true value (1) if the supplied path is a directory.
-    METHOD is_dir(STRING *path) {
-        struct stat info;
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, path);
-#ifdef WIN32
-        const int error = stat(cpath, &info);
-        const int error = lstat(cpath, &info);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode))
-            RETURN(INTVAL 1);
-        else
-            RETURN(INTVAL 0);
-    }
-=item C<INTVAL is_file(STRING *path)>
-Returns a true value (1) if the supplied path is a plain file.
-    METHOD is_file(STRING *path) {
-        struct stat info;
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, path);
-#ifdef WIN32
-        int error   = stat(cpath, &info);
-        int error   = lstat(cpath, &info);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        if (S_ISREG(info.st_mode))
-            RETURN(INTVAL 1);
-        else
-            RETURN(INTVAL 0);
-    }
-=item C<INTVAL is_link(STRING *path)>
-Returns a true value (1) if the supplied path is a link.
-    METHOD is_link(STRING *path) {
-#ifdef WIN32
-        /* I love win32 implementations */
-        RETURN(INTVAL 0);
-        struct stat info;
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, path);
-        const int    error = lstat(cpath, &info);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        if (S_ISLNK(info.st_mode))
-            RETURN(INTVAL 1);
-        else
-            RETURN(INTVAL 0);
-    }
-=item C<void copy(STRING *from, STRING *to)>
-Copy the contents from file represented by path C<from> to the path
-Uses the "work everywhere method". It is good enough to start with.
-NOTE: I'm sure that there should be more efficient ways to do this. Be
-free to change or give me hints on how to change it. -- ambs
-    METHOD copy(STRING *from, STRING *to) {
-#define CHUNK_SIZE 1024
-        char * const cfrom  = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, from);
-        FILE * const source = fopen(cfrom, "rb");
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cfrom);
-        if (source) {
-            char * const cto    = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, to);
-            FILE * const target = fopen(cto, "w+b");
-            Parrot_str_free_cstring(cto);
-            if (target) {
-                while (!feof(source)) {
-                    char buf[CHUNK_SIZE];
-                    const size_t bytes_read = fread(buf, 1, CHUNK_SIZE, source);
-                    if (bytes_read) {
-                        const size_t bytes_written = fwrite(buf, 1, bytes_read, target);
-                        if (bytes_read != bytes_written) {
-                            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL,
-                                EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR, "Error writing file");
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                fclose(target);
-            }
-            else {
-                const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-                Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                    errmsg);
-            }
-            fclose(source);
-        }
-        else {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-#undef CHUNK_SIZE
-    }
-=item C<void rename(STRING *from, STRING *to)>
-Rename a file C<from> to the path C<to>.
-    METHOD rename(STRING *from, STRING *to) {
-        char * const cfrom = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, from);
-        char * const   cto = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, to);
-        const int    error = rename(cfrom, cto);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cfrom);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cto);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-    }
-=head1 SEE ALS0
-   stat(2), rename(2)
- * Local variables:
- *   c-file-style: "parrot"
- * End:
- * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
- */

Deleted: trunk/src/pmc/os.pmc
--- trunk/src/pmc/os.pmc	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46258)
+++ /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(deleted)
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2001-2010, Parrot Foundation.
-=head1 NAME
-src/pmc/os.pmc - Files and Directories PMC
-C<OS> is a singleton class which provides access to the filesystem
-files and directories.
-=head2 Methods
-=over 4
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#  include <direct.h>
-#  include <io.h>
-#  include <tchar.h>
-#  include <windows.h>
-#elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
-#  include <dir.h>
-#  include <dirent.h>
-#  include <dirent.h>
-/* XXX Check if we need to deallocate strerror strings */
-/* XXX apparently, strerror_r is thread-safe and should be used instead.*/
-/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
-/* HEADERIZER END: static */
-static PMC *OS_PMC;
-pmclass OS singleton {
-=item C<void *get_pointer()>
-=item C<void set_pointer(void *ptr)>
-These two functions are part of the singleton creation interface. For more
-information see F<src/pmc.c>.
-    void class_init() {
-        OS_PMC = NULL;
-    }
-    VTABLE void *get_pointer() {
-        return OS_PMC;
-    }
-    VTABLE void set_pointer(void *ptr) {
-        OS_PMC = (PMC *)ptr;
-    }
-=item C<STRING *cwd()>
-Returns the current working directory.
-    METHOD cwd() {
-        char *cwd;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-        cwd = _getcwd(NULL, 0);
-        /* capitalize the drive letter */
-        cwd[0] = (char)toupper((unsigned char)cwd[0]);
-#  ifdef PATH_MAX
-        cwd = getcwd(NULL, PATH_MAX+1);
-#  else
-        cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0);
-#  endif
-        if (cwd) {
-            STRING * const scwd = Parrot_str_new(INTERP, cwd, strlen(cwd));
-            free(cwd);
-            RETURN(STRING *scwd);
-        }
-        else {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-    }
-=item C<void chdir(STRING *path)>
-Changes the current working directory to the one specified by C<path>.
-    METHOD chdir(STRING *path) {
-        int error;
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, path);
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-        error = _chdir(cpath);
-        error = chdir(cpath);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-    }
-=item C<void rm(STRING *path)>
-Calls C<remove> to remove the file or empty directory specified by
-    METHOD rm(STRING *path) {
-        struct stat info;
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, path);
-        int          error = stat(cpath, &info);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) {
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-            error = _rmdir(cpath);
-            error = rmdir(cpath);
-            Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-            if (error) {
-                const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-                Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                    errmsg);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            error = remove(cpath);
-            Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-            if (error) {
-                const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-                Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                    errmsg);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-=item C<void mkdir(STRING *path, STRING *mode)>
-Creates a directory specified by C<path> with mode C<mode>.
-    METHOD mkdir(STRING *path, INTVAL mode) {
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, path);
-        /* should we validate mode? */
-#ifdef WIN32
-        const int error = _mkdir(cpath);
-        const int error = mkdir(cpath, (mode_t)mode);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-    }
-=item C<fixedpmcarray *stat(STRING *path)>
-Stats a file, and returns a 13 position array as in Perl:
-     0 dev      device number of filesystem
-     1 ino      inode number
-     2 mode     file mode  (type and permissions)
-     3 nlink    number of (hard) links to the file
-     4 uid      numeric user ID of file's owner
-     5 gid      numeric group ID of file's owner
-     6 rdev     the device identifier (special files only)
-     7 size     total size of file, in bytes
-     8 atime    last access time in seconds since the epoch
-     9 mtime    last modify time in seconds since the epoch
-    10 ctime    inode change time in seconds since the epoch (*)
-    11 blksize  preferred block size for file system I/O
-    12 blocks   actual number of blocks allocated
-11 and 12 are not available under Windows.
-TT #849:  Provide a mechanism for setting 'mtime' and 'atime':
-    METHOD stat(STRING *path) {
-        struct stat   info;
-        char  * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, path);
-        const int     error = stat(cpath, &info);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        else {
-            PMC * const array = Parrot_pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_FixedPMCArray);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_native(INTERP, array, 13);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  0,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_dev);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  1,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_ino);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  2,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_mode);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  3,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_nlink);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  4,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_uid);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  5,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_gid);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  6,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_rdev);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  7,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_size);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  8,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_atime);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  9,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_mtime);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array, 10,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_ctime);
-#ifndef WIN32
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array, 11,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_blksize);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array, 12,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_blocks);
-            RETURN(PMC *array);
-        }
-    }
-=item C<fixedpmcarray *lstat(STRING *path)>
-Stats a file, and returns a 13 position array as in Perl:
-     0 dev      device number of filesystem
-     1 ino      inode number
-     2 mode     file mode  (type and permissions)
-     3 nlink    number of (hard) links to the file
-     4 uid      numeric user ID of file's owner
-     5 gid      numeric group ID of file's owner
-     6 rdev     the device identifier (special files only)
-     7 size     total size of file, in bytes
-     8 atime    last access time in seconds since the epoch
-     9 mtime    last modify time in seconds since the epoch
-    10 ctime    inode change time in seconds since the epoch (*)
-    11 blksize  preferred block size for file system I/O
-    12 blocks   actual number of blocks allocated
-11 and 12 are not available under Windows.
-    METHOD lstat(STRING *path) {
-        struct stat info;
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, path);
-#ifdef WIN32
-        const int error = stat(cpath, &info);
-        const int error = lstat(cpath, &info);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        else {
-            PMC * const array = Parrot_pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_FixedPMCArray);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_native(INTERP, array, 13);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  0,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_dev);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  1,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_ino);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  2,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_mode);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  3,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_nlink);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  4,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_uid);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  5,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_gid);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  6,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_rdev);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  7,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_size);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  8,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_atime);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array,  9,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_mtime);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array, 10,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_ctime);
-#ifndef WIN32
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array, 11,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_blksize);
-            VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_int(INTERP, array, 12,
-                    (INTVAL)info.st_blocks);
-            RETURN(PMC *array);
-        }
-    }
-=item C<void symlink(STRING *from, STRING *to)>
-Creates a symlink, where available
-    METHOD symlink(STRING *from, STRING *to) {
-#ifndef WIN32
-        char * const cfrom = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, from);
-        char * const cto   = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, to);
-        const int error    = symlink(cfrom, cto);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cfrom);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cto);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_UNIMPLEMENTED,
-                "Win32 does not support symlinks!");
-    }
-=item C<void link(STRING *from, STRING *to)>
-Creates a hard link, where available(?)
-    METHOD link(STRING *from, STRING *to) {
-#ifndef WIN32
-        char * const cfrom = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, from);
-        char * const cto   = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, to);
-        const int    error = link(cfrom, cto);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cfrom);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cto);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                "link() failed for OS PMC: %s\n", errmsg);
-        }
-        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_INTERNAL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
-                "Win32 is not POSIX. Need win32 developer!");
-    }
-=item C<INTVAL umask(INTVAL mask)>
-umask sets the process's file mode creation mask (and returns the
-previous one).
-    METHOD umask(INTVAL mask) {
-#ifndef _MSC_VER
-        const INTVAL old = umask((mode_t)mask);
-        RETURN(INTVAL old);
-        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL,
-            "Win32 is not POSIX. Need Win32 developer!");
-    }
-=item C<INTVAL chroot(STRING *path)>
-it makes the named directory the new root directory for all further
-pathnames that begin with a "/" by your process and all its children.
-B<NOTE>: perl restricts this operation to superusers. It might be a good
-idea to do the same with parrot.
-    METHOD chroot(STRING *path) {
-#ifndef WIN32
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, path);
-        const int    error = chroot(cpath);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_INTERNAL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
-                "Win32 is not POSIX. Need Win32 developer!");
-    }
-=item C<PMC *readdir(STRING *path)>
-reads entries from a directory.
-    METHOD readdir(STRING *path) {
-        PMC   * array = Parrot_pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_ResizableStringArray);
-#ifndef _MSC_VER
-        char  * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, path);
-        DIR           *dir  = opendir(cpath);
-        struct dirent *dirent;
-        STRING        *retval;
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (!dir) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-        while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
-            retval = Parrot_str_new(INTERP, dirent->d_name, 0) ;
-            VTABLE_push_string(INTERP, array, retval);
-        }
-        closedir(dir);
-        WIN32_FIND_DATA file_find_data;
-        char * cpath;
-        /* Add \* to the directory name and start search. */
-        STRING *last_char = Parrot_str_substr(interp, path,
-                                              Parrot_str_length(interp, path) - 1, 1, NULL, 0);
-        int trailing_slash = Parrot_str_equal(interp, last_char, string_from_literal(interp, "\\"))
-                             ||
-                             Parrot_str_equal(interp, last_char, string_from_literal(interp, "/"));
-        cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, Parrot_str_concat(interp,
-                path, string_from_literal(interp, trailing_slash ? "*" : "\\*"), 0));
-        hFind = FindFirstFile(cpath, &file_find_data);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-        {
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                "Unable to readdir");
-        }
-        /* Loop over all directories and add to result array. */
-        do
-        {
-            VTABLE_push_string(INTERP, array, Parrot_str_new(INTERP,
-                    file_find_data.cFileName, 0));
-        }
-        while (FindNextFile(hFind, &file_find_data) != 0);
-        if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
-        {
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                "Error during readdir");
-        }
-        FindClose(hFind);
-        RETURN(PMC *array);
-    }
-=item C<rename(STRING *oldpath, STRING *newpath)>
-This method is a wrapper for rename(2). On error a SystemError exception is
-    METHOD rename(STRING *oldpath, STRING *newpath) {
-        char * const coldpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, oldpath);
-        char * const cnewpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, newpath);
-        const int    ret      = rename(coldpath, cnewpath);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(coldpath);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cnewpath);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno) ;
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                "%s", errmsg);
-        }
-    }
-=item C<chmod(STRING *path, INTVAL mode)>
-    METHOD chmod(STRING *path, INTVAL mode) {
-        char * const cpath = Parrot_str_to_cstring(INTERP, path);
-#ifndef WIN32
-        const int    error = chmod(cpath, mode);
-        const int    error = _chmod(cpath, mode);
-        Parrot_str_free_cstring(cpath);
-        if (error) {
-            const char * const errmsg = strerror(errno);
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_EXTERNAL_ERROR,
-                errmsg);
-        }
-    }
-=head1 SEE ALS0
-   chdir(2), getcwd(3), unlink(2), mkdir(2), stat(2), lstat(2),
-   symlink(2), link(2), umask(2), chroot(2)
- * Local variables:
- *   c-file-style: "parrot"
- * End:
- * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
- */

Modified: trunk/src/pmc/pmc.num
--- trunk/src/pmc/pmc.num	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/src/pmc/pmc.num	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -77,8 +77,5 @@
 parrotclass.pmc    49
 parrotobject.pmc    50
-os.pmc    51
-file.pmc    52
-oplib.pmc    53
-opcode.pmc    54
+oplib.pmc    51
+opcode.pmc    52

Copied and modified: trunk/t/dynpmc/file.t (from r46243, trunk/t/pmc/file.t)
--- trunk/t/pmc/file.t	Mon May  3 17:53:28 2010	(r46243, copy source)
+++ trunk/t/dynpmc/file.t	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 # test is_dir
 pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_dir" );
 .sub main :main
+        \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
         \$P1 = new ['File']
         \$S1 = '$xpto'
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
 # test is_dir
 pir_error_output_like( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_dir error" );
 .sub main :main
+        \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
         \$P1 = new ['File']
         #make a filename that's long enough to cause lstat to fail
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@
 # test is_file
 pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_file" );
 .sub main :main
+        \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
         \$P1 = new ['File']
         \$S1 = '$xpto'
@@ -129,6 +132,7 @@
 # test is_file
 pir_error_output_like( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_file error" );
 .sub main :main
+        \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
         \$P1 = new ['File']
         #make a filename that's long enough to cause lstat to fail
@@ -155,6 +159,7 @@
     # test is_link
     pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_link with links to files" );
 .sub main :main
+        \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
         \$P1 = new ['File']
         \$S1 = '$lotpx'
@@ -190,6 +195,7 @@
     # test is_link
     pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_link with links to directories" );
 .sub main :main
+        \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
         \$P1 = new ['File']
         \$S1 = '$xptol'
@@ -223,6 +229,8 @@
        \$S1 = '$otpx'
        \$S2 = '$otpxcopy'
+       \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
+       \$P0 = loadlib 'os'
        \$P1 = new ['File']
        \$P2 = new ['OS']
@@ -256,6 +264,8 @@
        \$S1 = '$otpx'
        \$S2 = '$otpxcopy'
+       \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
+       \$P0 = loadlib 'os'
        \$P1 = new ['File']
        \$P2 = new ['OS']
@@ -286,6 +296,7 @@
 # test exists
 pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test rename for files" );
 .sub main :main
+       \$P0 = loadlib 'file'
        \$P1 = new ['File']
        \$I1 = \$P1.'exists'( '$otpxcopy' )

Copied and modified: trunk/t/dynpmc/os.t (from r46243, trunk/t/pmc/os.t)
--- trunk/t/pmc/os.t	Mon May  3 17:53:28 2010	(r46243, copy source)
+++ trunk/t/dynpmc/os.t	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
     $cwd = lc($cwd);
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test cwd' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
         $S2 = downcase $S1
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
 else {
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test cwd' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
         print $S1
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test chdir' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "src"
@@ -104,6 +107,7 @@
 else {
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test chdir' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "src"
@@ -135,6 +139,7 @@
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test mkdir' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
@@ -163,6 +168,7 @@
 else {
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test mkdir' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
@@ -192,6 +198,7 @@
 pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<'OUT', 'Test rm call in a directory' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
@@ -227,6 +234,7 @@
     $stat = sprintf("0x%08x\n" x 11, @s);
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', $stat, 'Test OS.stat' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
         $P2 = $P1."stat"($S1)
@@ -246,6 +254,7 @@
     $stat = sprintf("0x%08x\n" x 13, @s);
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', $stat, 'Test OS.stat' );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
         $P2 = $P1."stat"($S1)
@@ -270,6 +279,7 @@
     my $entries = join( ' ', @entries ) . "\n";
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', $entries, 'Test OS.readdir' );
 .sub main :main
+    $P0 = loadlib 'os'
     $P1 = new ['OS']
     $P2 = $P1.'readdir'('docs')
@@ -286,6 +296,7 @@
     close $FILE;
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test OS.rename' );
 .sub main :main
+    $P0 = loadlib 'os'
     $P1 = new ['OS']
     $P1.'rename'('____some_test_file', '___some_other_file')
     $I0 = stat '___some_other_file', 0
@@ -314,6 +325,7 @@
     $lstat = sprintf( "0x%08x\n" x 13, @s );
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', $lstat, "Test OS.lstat" );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
         $P2 = $P1."lstat"($S1)
@@ -330,6 +342,7 @@
 # Test remove on a file
 pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", "Test rm call in a file" );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
@@ -352,6 +365,7 @@
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", "Test symlink" );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
@@ -376,6 +390,7 @@
     pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", "Test link" );
 .sub main :main
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
         $P1 = new ['OS']
         $S1 = "xpto"
@@ -403,6 +418,7 @@
 .sub main :main
     .local pmc os
     .local string xpto, tools
+    \$P0 = loadlib 'os'
     os    = new ['OS']
     xpto  = "xpto"
     tools = "tools"

Modified: trunk/t/oo/methods.t
--- trunk/t/oo/methods.t	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/t/oo/methods.t	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 .sub delete_library
     .local pmc os
+    $P0 = loadlib 'os'
     os = new 'OS'
     $S0 = "method_library.pir"

Modified: trunk/t/pmc/eval.t
--- trunk/t/pmc/eval.t	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/t/pmc/eval.t	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -329,6 +329,7 @@
   print io, \$S0
   close io
   load_bytecode "$temp_pbc"
+  \$P0 = loadlib 'os'
   os = new ['OS']
   f2 = compi("foo_2", "hello from foo_2")

Deleted: trunk/t/pmc/file.t
--- trunk/t/pmc/file.t	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46258)
+++ /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(deleted)
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-#! perl
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2006, Parrot Foundation.
-# $Id$
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use lib qw( . lib ../lib ../../lib );
-use Test::More;
-use Parrot::Test tests => 9;
-use Parrot::Config;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Temp;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-my $tempdir = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
-our ( $MSWin32, $cygwin );
-$MSWin32 = 1 if $^O =~ m!MSWin32!;
-$cygwin  = 1 if $^O =~ m!cygwin!;
-=head1 NAME
-t/pmc/file.t - Files functions
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    % prove t/pmc/file.t
-Tests the C<File> PMC.
-my $xpto = catdir( $tempdir, 'xpto' );
-mkdir $xpto unless -d $xpto;
-my $otpx = catfile( $xpto, 'otpx' );
-open my $fh, '>', $otpx or die $!;
-print $fh 'xpto';
-close $fh;
-# test is_dir
-pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_dir" );
-.sub main :main
-        \$P1 = new ['File']
-        \$S1 = '$xpto'
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_dir"(\$S1)
-        if \$I1 goto ok1
-        print "not "
-        print "ok 1\\n"
-        \$S1 = '$otpx'
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_dir"(\$S1)
-        \$I1 = !\$I1
-        if \$I1 goto ok2
-        print "not "
-        print "ok 2\\n"
-        end
-ok 1
-ok 2
-# test is_dir
-pir_error_output_like( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_dir error" );
-.sub main :main
-        \$P1 = new ['File']
-        #make a filename that's long enough to cause lstat to fail
-        \$I0 = 1000
-        \$S0 = concat \$S0, "1234567890"
-        \$I0 = \$I0 - 1
-        if \$I0 goto loop
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_dir"(\$S0)
-        end
-/^[\\w \t\r\n]+current instr\.:/
-# test is_file
-pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_file" );
-.sub main :main
-        \$P1 = new ['File']
-        \$S1 = '$xpto'
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_file"(\$S1)
-        \$I1 = !\$I1
-        if \$I1 goto ok1
-        print "not "
-        print "ok 1\\n"
-        \$S1 = '$otpx'
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_file"(\$S1)
-        if \$I1 goto ok2
-        print "not "
-        print "ok 2\\n"
-        end
-ok 1
-ok 2
-# test is_file
-pir_error_output_like( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_file error" );
-.sub main :main
-        \$P1 = new ['File']
-        #make a filename that's long enough to cause lstat to fail
-        \$I0 = 1000
-        \$S0 = concat \$S0, "1234567890"
-        \$I0 = \$I0 - 1
-        if \$I0 goto loop
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_file"(\$S0)
-        end
-/^[\\w \t\r\n]+current instr\.:/
-SKIP: {
-    skip "Links not available under Windows", 1 if $MSWin32;
-    my $lotpx = catfile( $xpto, 'lotpx' );
-    symlink $otpx, $lotpx;
-    # test is_link
-    pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_link with links to files" );
-.sub main :main
-        \$P1 = new ['File']
-        \$S1 = '$lotpx'
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_link"(\$S1)
-        if \$I1 goto ok1
-        print "not "
-        print "ok 1\\n"
-        \$S1 = '$otpx'
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_link"(\$S1)
-        \$I1 = !\$I1
-        if \$I1 goto ok2
-        print "not "
-        print "ok 2\\n"
-        end
-ok 1
-ok 2
-SKIP: {
-    skip "Links not available under Windows", 1 if $MSWin32;
-    my $xptol = catdir( $xpto, 'xptol' );
-    symlink $xpto, $xptol;
-    # test is_link
-    pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test is_link with links to directories" );
-.sub main :main
-        \$P1 = new ['File']
-        \$S1 = '$xptol'
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_link"(\$S1)
-        if \$I1 goto ok1
-        print "not "
-        print "ok 1\\n"
-        \$S1 = '$xpto'
-        \$I1 = \$P1."is_link"(\$S1)
-        \$I1 = !\$I1
-        if \$I1 goto ok2
-        print "not "
-        print "ok 2\\n"
-        end
-ok 1
-ok 2
-my $otpxcopy = catdir( $xpto, 'otpxcopy' );
-# test copy
-pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test copy for files" );
-.sub main :main
-       \$S1 = '$otpx'
-       \$S2 = '$otpxcopy'
-       \$P1 = new ['File']
-       \$P2 = new ['OS']
-       \$P1."copy"(\$S1,\$S2)
-       print "ok\\n"
-       \$P3 = \$P2."stat"(\$S1)
-       \$P4 = \$P2."stat"(\$S2)
-       \$I1 = \$P3[7]
-       \$I2 = \$P4[7]
-       if \$I1 == \$I2 goto ok
-       print "not "
-       print "ok\\n"
-       end
-# test rename
-SKIP: {
-    skip 'file exists', 1 if $MSWin32;
-    pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test rename for files" );
-.sub main :main
-       \$S1 = '$otpx'
-       \$S2 = '$otpxcopy'
-       \$P1 = new ['File']
-       \$P2 = new ['OS']
-       \$P3 = \$P2."stat"(\$S1)
-       \$I1 = \$P3[7]
-       \$P1."rename"(\$S1,\$S2)
-       print "ok\\n"
-       \$P4 = \$P2."stat"(\$S2)
-       \$I2 = \$P4[7]
-       if \$I1 == \$I2 goto ok
-       print "not "
-       print "ok\\n"
-       end
-my $bad_file = catfile( $xpto, 'not a file' );
-# test exists
-pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test rename for files" );
-.sub main :main
-       \$P1 = new ['File']
-       \$I1 = \$P1.'exists'( '$otpxcopy' )
-       if \$I1 goto file_exists
-       print "not "
-  file_exists:
-       print "ok 1 - file exists\\n"
-       \$I1 = \$P1.'exists'( '$xpto' )
-       if \$I1 goto dir_exists
-       print "not "
-  dir_exists:
-       print "ok 2 - directory exists\\n"
-       \$I1 = \$P1.'exists'( '$bad_file' )
-       if \$I1 == 0 goto file_does_not_exist
-       print "not "
-  file_does_not_exist:
-       print "ok 3 - file does not exist\\n"
-       end
-ok 1 - file exists
-ok 2 - directory exists
-ok 3 - file does not exist
-# Local Variables:
-#   mode: cperl
-#   cperl-indent-level: 4
-#   fill-column: 100
-# End:
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

Deleted: trunk/t/pmc/os.t
--- trunk/t/pmc/os.t	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46258)
+++ /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(deleted)
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-#! perl
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2009, Parrot Foundation.
-# $Id$
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use lib qw( . lib ../lib ../../lib );
-use Test::More;
-use Parrot::Test tests => 16;
-use Parrot::Config;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Spec;
-my $MSWin32 = $^O =~ m!MSWin32!;
-my $cygwin  = $^O =~ m!cygwin!;
-my $solaris = $^O =~ m!solaris!;
-my $MSVC = $PConfig{cc} =~ m/\bcl(?:\.exe)?/i;
-=head1 NAME
-t/pmc/os.t - Files and Dirs
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    % prove t/pmc/os.t
-Tests the C<OS> PMC.
-END {
-    # Clean up environment on exit
-    rmdir "xpto"  if -d "xpto";
-    unlink "xpto" if -f "xpto";
-# test 'cwd'
-my $cwd = File::Spec->canonpath(getcwd);
-if (File::Spec->case_tolerant(substr($cwd,0,2))) {
-    $cwd = lc($cwd);
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test cwd' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        $S2 = downcase $S1
-        print $S2
-        print "\n"
-        end
-else {
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test cwd' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        print $S1
-        print "\n"
-        end
-#  TEST chdir
-chdir "src";
-my $upcwd = File::Spec->canonpath(getcwd);
-chdir '..';
-if (File::Spec->case_tolerant(substr($cwd,0,2))) {
-    $cwd = lc($cwd);
-    $upcwd = lc($upcwd);
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test chdir' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "src"
-        $P1."chdir"($S1)
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        $S2 = downcase $S1
-        say $S2
-        $S1 = ".."
-        $P1."chdir"($S1)
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        $S2 = downcase $S1
-        say $S2
-        end
-else {
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test chdir' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "src"
-        $P1."chdir"($S1)
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        say $S1
-        $S1 = ".."
-        $P1."chdir"($S1)
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        say $S1
-        end
-# Test mkdir
-my $xpto = $upcwd;
-$xpto =~ s/src([\/\\]?)$/xpto$1/;
-if (File::Spec->case_tolerant(substr($cwd,0,2))) {
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test mkdir' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $I1 = 0o555
-        $P1."mkdir"($S1,$I1)
-        $P1."chdir"($S1)
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        $S2 = downcase $S1
-        say $S2
-        $S1 = ".."
-        $P1."chdir"($S1)
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        $S2 = downcase $S1
-        say $S2
-        end
-else {
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test mkdir' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $I1 = 0o555
-        $P1."mkdir"($S1,$I1)
-        $P1."chdir"($S1)
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        say $S1
-        $S1 = ".."
-        $P1."chdir"($S1)
-        $S1 = $P1."cwd"()
-        say $S1
-        end
-# Test remove on a directory
-mkdir "xpto" unless -d "xpto";
-pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<'OUT', 'Test rm call in a directory' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $P1."rm"($S1)
-        print "ok\n"
-        end
-ok( !-d $xpto, "Test that rm removed the directory" );
-rmdir $xpto if -d $xpto;    # this way next test doesn't fail if this one does
-# test stat
-open my $X, '>', "xpto";
-print $X "xpto";
-close $X;
-my $stat;
-my $count = $MSWin32 ? 11 : 13;
-my @s = stat('xpto');
-if ( $cygwin ) {
-    # Mask inode number (fudge it)
-    $s[1] &= 0xffffffff;
-if ( $MSWin32 ) {
-    $stat = sprintf("0x%08x\n" x 11, @s);
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', $stat, 'Test OS.stat' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $P2 = $P1."stat"($S1)
-        $S1 = repeat "0x%08x\n", 11
-        $S2 = sprintf $S1, $P2
-        print $S2
-        end
-else {
-  SKIP: {
-    skip 'broken test TT #457', 1 if $solaris;
-    $stat = sprintf("0x%08x\n" x 13, @s);
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', $stat, 'Test OS.stat' );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $P2 = $P1."stat"($S1)
-        $S1 = repeat "0x%08x\n", 13
-        $S2 = sprintf $S1, $P2
-        print $S2
-        end
-# test readdir
-SKIP: {
-    skip 'not implemented on windows yet', 1 if ( $MSWin32 && $MSVC );
-    opendir my $IN, 'docs';
-    my @entries = readdir $IN;
-    closedir $IN;
-    my $entries = join( ' ', @entries ) . "\n";
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', $entries, 'Test OS.readdir' );
-.sub main :main
-    $P1 = new ['OS']
-    $P2 = $P1.'readdir'('docs')
-    $S0 = join ' ', $P2
-    print $S0
-    print "\n"
-# test rename
-SKIP: {
-    open my $FILE, ">", "____some_test_file";
-    close $FILE;
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", 'Test OS.rename' );
-.sub main :main
-    $P1 = new ['OS']
-    $P1.'rename'('____some_test_file', '___some_other_file')
-    $I0 = stat '___some_other_file', 0
-    print $I0
-    print "\n"
-    $P1.'rm'('___some_other_file')
-# test lstat
-my $lstat;
-SKIP: {
-    skip 'lstat not on Win32', 1 if $MSWin32;
-    skip 'broken test TT #457', 1 if $solaris;
-    my @s = lstat('xpto');
-    if ($cygwin) {
-        # Mask inode number (fudge it)
-        $s[1] &= 0xffffffff;
-    }
-    $lstat = sprintf( "0x%08x\n" x 13, @s );
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', $lstat, "Test OS.lstat" );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $P2 = $P1."lstat"($S1)
-        $S1 = repeat "0x%08x\n", 13
-        $S2 = sprintf $S1, $P2
-        print $S2
-        end
-# Test remove on a file
-pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", "Test rm call in a file" );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $P1."rm"($S1)
-        print "ok\n"
-        end
-ok( !-f $xpto, "Test that rm removed file" );
-rmdir $xpto if -f $xpto;    # this way next test doesn't fail if this one does
-# Test symlink
-SKIP: {
-    skip "Symlinks not available under Windows", 2 if $MSWin32;
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", "Test symlink" );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $S2 = "MANIFEST"
-        $P1."symlink"($S2, $S1)
-        print "ok\n"
-        end
-    ok( -l "xpto", "symlink was really created" );
-    unlink "xpto" if -f "xpto";
-# Test link to file. May require root permissions
-SKIP: {
-    skip "Hardlinks to files not possible on Windows", 2 if $MSWin32 or $cygwin;
-    pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUT", "Test link" );
-.sub main :main
-        $P1 = new ['OS']
-        $S1 = "xpto"
-        $S2 = "myconfig"
-        $P1."link"($S2, $S1)
-        print "ok\n"
-        end
-    my $nl = [ stat("myconfig") ]->[3];
-    ok( $nl > 1, "hard link to file was really created" );
-    unlink "xpto" if -f "xpto";
-SKIP: {
-    skip "Hardlinks to files not possible on Windows", 1 if $MSWin32 or $cygwin;
-    my $prevnl = [ stat("tools") ]->[3];
-    pir_output_like( <<"CODE", <<"OUT", "Test dirlink" );
-.sub main :main
-    .local pmc os
-    .local string xpto, tools
-    os    = new ['OS']
-    xpto  = "xpto"
-    tools = "tools"
-    push_eh no_root_perms
-    os."link"(tools, xpto)
-    pop_eh
-    .local pmc statvals
-    statvals = os.'stat'(tools)
-    # nlink
-    .local int nlink
-    nlink = statvals[3]
-    gt nlink, $prevnl, is_okay
-    end
-  no_root_perms:
-    .local pmc e
-    .local string message
-    .get_results( e )
-    pop_eh
-    message = e['message']
-    say message
-    end
-  is_okay:
-    say "ok"
-    end
-/link.* failed for OS PMC:/
-# Local Variables:
-#   mode: cperl
-#   cperl-indent-level: 4
-#   fill-column: 100
-# End:
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

Modified: trunk/tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir
--- trunk/tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -660,6 +660,7 @@
     # Check if there is a MSVC app manifest
     .local pmc file
+    $P0 = loadlib 'file'
     file = new 'File'
     .local string manifest_file_name
     manifest_file_name  = clone exefile

Modified: trunk/tools/util/pgegrep
--- trunk/tools/util/pgegrep	Mon May  3 23:18:58 2010	(r46258)
+++ trunk/tools/util/pgegrep	Tue May  4 00:27:02 2010	(r46259)
@@ -130,7 +130,9 @@
 	filecount = files
 	# define with-filename if there's more than one file
 	.If(filecount >= 2, { opts['with-filename'] = 1 })
+        $P0 = loadlib 'file'
 	File = new 'File'
+        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
 	OS = new 'OS'
 	# This must be here, or else it'll get filled with junk data we use stdin...
 	i = 0

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