[svn:parrot] r47714 - in trunk: src/pmc t/pmc

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Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 UTC 2010

Author: NotFound
Date: Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010
New Revision: 47714
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/47714

implement ByteBuffer set_integer_native vtable to do explicit resize and add some tests for it


Modified: trunk/src/pmc/bytebuffer.pmc
--- trunk/src/pmc/bytebuffer.pmc	Sat Jun 19 15:16:52 2010	(r47713)
+++ trunk/src/pmc/bytebuffer.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
@@ -116,6 +116,63 @@
+=item C<void set_integer_native()>
+Resize the buffer to the given value.
+    VTABLE void set_integer_native(INTVAL set_size) {
+        INTVAL size,  allocated_size;
+        unsigned char *content;
+        if (set_size < 0)
+            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
+                "Negative size in ByteBuffer");
+        GET_ATTR_allocated_size(INTERP, SELF, allocated_size);
+        if (set_size == 0) {
+            if (allocated_size == 0)
+                SET_ATTR_source(INTERP, SELF, STRINGNULL);
+            else {
+                GET_ATTR_content(INTERP, SELF, content);
+                Parrot_gc_free_memory_chunk(INTERP, content);
+            }
+            SET_ATTR_allocated_size(INTERP, SELF, 0);
+            SET_ATTR_size(INTERP, SELF, 0);
+            SET_ATTR_content(INTERP, SELF, NULL);
+        }
+        else {
+            GET_ATTR_size(INTERP, SELF, size);
+            /* If reducing size, just change the size value */
+            if (set_size > size) {
+                INTVAL copysize = set_size > size ? set_size : size;
+                if (allocated_size == 0) {
+                    content = (unsigned char *)Parrot_gc_allocate_memory_chunk(INTERP, set_size);
+                    if (size > 0) {
+                        STRING * source;
+                        GET_ATTR_source(INTERP, SELF, source);
+                        memcpy(content, source->strstart, copysize);
+                    }
+                    SET_ATTR_source(INTERP, SELF, STRINGNULL);
+                }
+                else {
+                    GET_ATTR_content(INTERP, SELF, content);
+                    content = (unsigned char *)
+                        Parrot_gc_reallocate_memory_chunk(INTERP, content, set_size);
+                }
+                if (copysize < set_size)
+                    memset(content + copysize, '\0', set_size - copysize);
+                SET_ATTR_allocated_size(INTERP, SELF, set_size);
+                SET_ATTR_content(INTERP, SELF, content);
+            }
+            SET_ATTR_size(INTERP, SELF, set_size);
+        }
+    }
 =item C<void set_string_native()>
 Reset the buffer with the content of the string.

Modified: trunk/t/pmc/bytebuffer.t
--- trunk/t/pmc/bytebuffer.t	Sat Jun 19 15:16:52 2010	(r47713)
+++ trunk/t/pmc/bytebuffer.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
@@ -18,16 +18,18 @@
 .include 'iglobals.pasm'
 .include 'iterator.pasm'
+.include 'except_types.pasm'
 .sub 'main' :main
     .include 'test_more.pir'
-    plan(26)
+    plan(33)
+    test_resize()
@@ -194,6 +196,53 @@
     is(s, 'hello', "push gives expected string result")
+.sub test_resize
+    .local pmc bb
+    .local int n
+    .local string s
+    bb = new ['ByteBuffer']
+    bb = 723
+    n = elements bb
+    is(n, 723, 'resize from empty')
+    bb = 42
+    n = elements bb
+    is(n, 42, 'reduce size')
+    bb = 0
+    n = elements bb
+    is(n, 0, 'resize to 0')
+    bb = 'foobar'
+    bb = 3
+    n = elements bb
+    is(n, 3, 'reduce size from string content')
+    s = bb.'get_string_as'(ascii:"")
+    is(s, 'foo', 'resized string content has correct value')
+    bb = 'foobar'
+    bb = 24
+    n = elements bb
+    is(n, 24, 'increase size from string content')
+    .local pmc eh
+    eh = new ['ExceptionHandler']
+    eh.'handle_types'(.EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS)
+    set_addr eh, catch_negative
+    n = 1
+    push_eh eh
+    bb = -1
+    n = 0
+    goto test_negative
+    finalize eh
+    pop_eh
+    ok(n, 'negative size throws')
 .sub test_alloc
     # Exercise buffer reallocation building a utf16 string with the
     # codepoints 32-8192

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