[svn:parrot] r47715 - in branches/gsoc_instrument: . compilers/data_json compilers/imcc compilers/pct compilers/pct/src/PAST compilers/pge compilers/pirc/src compilers/tge config/auto/sizes config/auto/zlib config/gen config/gen/makefiles docs docs/book/draft docs/book/pct docs/book/pir docs/dev docs/pdds docs/pdds/draft docs/project examples/embed examples/io examples/languages/abc examples/languages/squaak examples/pge examples/pir ext/Parrot-Embed/lib/Parrot ext/nqp-rx ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0 include/parrot include/parrot/oplib lib/Parrot lib/Parrot/Configure/Step lib/Parrot/Docs/Section ports/cygwin ports/debian ports/fedora/2.3.0 ports/suse/2.2.0 runtime/parrot/languages runtime/parrot/library runtime/parrot/library/LWP runtime/parrot/library/Math src src/call src/dynpmc src/gc src/interp src/io src/nci src/ops src/pmc src/runcore t/compilers/imcc/syn t/compilers/tge t/oo t/op t/pir t/pmc t/src t/steps/auto t/steps/gen t/steps/init/hints t/tools tools/build tools/ dev tools/util

khairul at svn.parrot.org khairul at svn.parrot.org
Sat Jun 19 16:17:14 UTC 2010

Author: khairul
Date: Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010
New Revision: 47715
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/47715

sync with trunk

      - copied unchanged from r47713, trunk/include/parrot/namespace.h
      - copied unchanged from r47713, trunk/src/namespace.c
      - copied unchanged from r47713, trunk/t/oo/objects.t
      - copied unchanged from r47713, trunk/t/tools/parrot_config.t
   branches/gsoc_instrument/   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/data_json/Rules.mak   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/imcc/Rules.in   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/pct/Rules.mak   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/pge/Rules.mak   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/tge/Rules.mak   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/config/auto/sizes/intval_maxmin_c.in   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/config/auto/zlib/   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/README   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/appa_glossary.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/appb_patch_submission.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/appc_command_line_options.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/appd_build_options.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/appe_source_code.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/ch01_introduction.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/ch02_getting_started.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/ch07_dynpmcs.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/ch08_dynops.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/ch10_opcode_reference.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/ch11_directive_reference.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/ch12_operator_reference.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/chXX_hlls.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/chXX_library.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/draft/chXX_testing_and_debugging.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/pct/ch01_introduction.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/pct/ch02_getting_started.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/pct/ch03_compiler_tools.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/pct/ch04_pge.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/pct/ch05_nqp.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/dev/c_functions.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/pdd30_install.pod   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/embed/cotorra.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/languages/abc/   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/languages/squaak/   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/pge/demo.pir   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/ext/nqp-rx/Rules.mak   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/call.h   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/gc_api.h   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/runcore_api.h   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/runcore_profiling.h   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/runcore_trace.h   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/lib/Parrot/Configure/Step/Test.pm   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/lib/Parrot/H2inc.pm   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/cygwin/parrot-1.0.0-1.cygport   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/debian/libparrot-dev.install.in   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/debian/libparrot.install.in   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/debian/parrot-doc.install.in   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/debian/parrot.install.in   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/fedora/2.3.0/   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/suse/2.2.0/   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/runtime/parrot/languages/   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/runtime/parrot/library/Math/Rand.pir   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/runtime/parrot/library/Rules.mak   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/call/ops.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/call/pcc.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/alloc_memory.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/alloc_resources.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/api.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/malloc.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/malloc_trace.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/mark_sweep.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/system.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/interp/inter_cb.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/interp/inter_create.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/interp/inter_misc.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/runcore/cores.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/runcore/main.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/runcore/profiling.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/src/runcore/trace.c   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/t/compilers/tge/NoneGrammar.tg   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/t/oo/root_new.t   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/namespace-old.t   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/t/src/embed.t   (contents, props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/t/steps/init/hints/linux-01.t   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/build/h2inc.pl   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/fetch_languages.pl   (contents, props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/mk_gitignore.pl   (props changed)
   branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/util/perlcritic-cage.conf   (props changed)

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/.gitignore
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/.gitignore	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/.gitignore	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # ex: set ro:
-# $Id
-# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Mon May 17 15:32:39 2010 UT
+# $Id: MANIFEST.SKIP 47057 2010-05-27 15:39:08Z fperrad 
+# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Thu May 27 15:25:37 2010 UT
 # This file should contain a transcript of the svn:ignore properties
 # of the directories in the Parrot subversion repository. (Needed for
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
@@ -102,6 +106,12 @@
+# generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/opsc/gen/Ops/'
+# generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/opsc/gen/Ops/Compiler/'
+# generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/opsc/gen/Ops/Trans/'
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/pct/src/PAST/'
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'compilers/pct/src/PCT/'
@@ -235,6 +245,8 @@
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'ext/Parrot-Embed/t/'
+# generated from svn:ignore of 'ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/'
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'include/parrot/'
@@ -248,11 +260,6 @@
-# generated from svn:ignore of 'include/parrot/oplib/'
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'include/pmc/'
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'lib/'
@@ -314,6 +321,8 @@
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/HTTP/'
+# generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/LWP/'
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/MIME/'
 # generated from svn:ignore of 'runtime/parrot/library/Math/'
@@ -582,6 +591,7 @@
 # generated from svn:ignore of 't/tools/'

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/CREDITS
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/CREDITS	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/CREDITS	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
 N: Gerd Pokorra
 E: pokorra at uni-siegen.de
-D: Release manager for 1.9.0 and 2.3.0
+D: Release manager for 1.9.0, 2.3.0 and 2.5.0
 N: Goplat
 D: Win98 and other fixes.

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/ChangeLog
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/ChangeLog	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/ChangeLog	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 #1 $Id$
+2010.06.15     Gerd
+	* Released 2.5.0
+	See NEWS for more.
 2010.05.18     Whiteknight
-        * Released 2.4.0
-        See NEWS for more
+	* Released 2.4.0
+	See NEWS for more
 2010.04.20     Gerd
 	* Released 2.3.0
@@ -157,7 +161,7 @@
 	See NEWS for more.
 2007.3.10     coke
-        * removed parakeet
+	* removed parakeet
 2007.02.22    pmichaud
 	* Released 0.4.9
@@ -223,7 +227,7 @@
 2006.07.20    audreyt
 	* --maintainer prerequesites are now bison 2.2+ and flex 2.5.3x
 	  (or some such --leo)
-          (at the moment code is checking for 2.0 -- ambs)
+	  (at the moment code is checking for 2.0 -- ambs)
 2006.07.17    chip
 	partial implementation of new pdd21:
@@ -236,7 +240,7 @@
 	See NEWS for more.
 2006.06.03    leo
-        * I and N registers are never cleared to 0 / 0.0 on subroutine entry
+	* I and N registers are never cleared to 0 / 0.0 on subroutine entry
 2006.05.14    leo
 	* Released 0.4.4
@@ -250,7 +254,7 @@
 	See NEWS for more.
 2006.03.06    leo
-        * Shifted argument type bits left by 2 according to r11754
+	* Shifted argument type bits left by 2 according to r11754
 	  change of docs/pdds/pdd03_calling_conventions.pod
 	* if you are creating PASM then code needs adjustment
@@ -353,7 +357,7 @@
 	* the usual bug fixes and improvements
 2005-03-06    leo
-        * Released 0.1.2
+	* Released 0.1.2
 	* big rewrite of string code, not yet finished but ...
 	* partial implementation of a generational garbage collector
 	* indirect register frame addressing
@@ -368,7 +372,7 @@
 	* and as always a lot more
 2004-10-09    leo
-        * Released 0.1.1
+	* Released 0.1.1
 	* Need Perl 5.6 now for building
 	* Basic AST support, PAST file parser, bits of code generation
 	* BigInt PMC using GMP
@@ -398,39 +402,39 @@
 	* ... and a lot more
 2004-02-29    leo
-        * Released 0.1.0
-        * "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... objects!"
-        * Huge documentation overhaul
-        * More supported platforms, s. PLATFORMS
-        * Basic thread support for pthread based architectures
-        * Basic event handling for timers and signals including:
-        * PASM callbacks for NCI (native C) functions.
-        * Improved platform configuration
-        * COW stacks now working, stacks code redone
-        * Structure handling vastly improved
-        * Random PMC and rand primitives
-        * Better subroutine call syntax in PIR
-        * Make PIR subroutines compliant with pdd03
-        * Improved profiling (DOD, GC timings)
-        * Hash code improvements, incl. random key order support
-        * Experimental freeze/thaw code for some PMC types
-        * IO improvements for buffered layer and Win32
-        * String iterators
-        * String bitwise vtables
-        * Many new opcodes
-        * Support for JIT, where malloced memory isn't executable
-        * Priority DOD scheme for objects that need timely destruction
-        * Improved bytecode loading (e.g. onLoad functions)
-        * Language updates: forth, Perl6/P6C, m4
-        * Libraries: Getopt_Long, SDL, Dumper, Sort
-        * new JAPH examples
-        * Unified imcc and parrot test handling
-        * Many new tests (make test reports 1386 tests)
-        * Numerous bug fixes
+	* Released 0.1.0
+	* "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... objects!"
+	* Huge documentation overhaul
+	* More supported platforms, s. PLATFORMS
+	* Basic thread support for pthread based architectures
+	* Basic event handling for timers and signals including:
+	* PASM callbacks for NCI (native C) functions.
+	* Improved platform configuration
+	* COW stacks now working, stacks code redone
+	* Structure handling vastly improved
+	* Random PMC and rand primitives
+	* Better subroutine call syntax in PIR
+	* Make PIR subroutines compliant with pdd03
+	* Improved profiling (DOD, GC timings)
+	* Hash code improvements, incl. random key order support
+	* Experimental freeze/thaw code for some PMC types
+	* IO improvements for buffered layer and Win32
+	* String iterators
+	* String bitwise vtables
+	* Many new opcodes
+	* Support for JIT, where malloced memory isn't executable
+	* Priority DOD scheme for objects that need timely destruction
+	* Improved bytecode loading (e.g. onLoad functions)
+	* Language updates: forth, Perl6/P6C, m4
+	* Libraries: Getopt_Long, SDL, Dumper, Sort
+	* new JAPH examples
+	* Unified imcc and parrot test handling
+	* Many new tests (make test reports 1386 tests)
+	* Numerous bug fixes
 2003-10-31    leo
-        * Released 0.0.13
+	* Released 0.0.13
 	* Yep thirteen - haunted by the ghost of 0.0.12
 	* Build imcc as parrot
 	* Objects more finished
@@ -453,7 +457,7 @@
 	* Many new tests and fixes
 2003-10-22    melvin
-        * imcc moved from parrot/languages/ to parrot/
+	* imcc moved from parrot/languages/ to parrot/
 2003-09-20    sfink
@@ -493,7 +497,7 @@
 2003-06-14 13:50 dan
 	* Moved the registers out of the context structure, since they
-          really aren't context
+	  really aren't context
 	* Changed the register stack frames to hold only 16 registers
 	  rather than 32, added half-set push and pop ops, and reworked
 	  the full set push/pops to do two half-set push/pops. Should
@@ -506,7 +510,7 @@
 	* Various files
 	  Update Yet Another copyright statements to reflect the (no longer
-          so) shiny new year.
+	  so) shiny new year.
 2003-03-11 22:06  chip

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/DEPRECATED.pod
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/DEPRECATED.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/DEPRECATED.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
 for Sub, Exception, and related PMC types will instead be handled by
 get_label and set_label.
-=item All bitwise ops [eligible in 2.1]
-All bitwise ops (all ops containing C<bitwise> in their names) will be provided
-by dynops.  B<NOTE>: Before removing the bitwise ops, make sure that the
-equivalent dynops are available and that the major HLLs (Rakudo, Partcl, Lua,
-etc) have switched to using them.
 =item get_results opcode order and features [eligible in 2.1]
 get_results no longer used to fetch exception object.
@@ -319,6 +310,12 @@
+=item C<Parrot_find_global_s> and C<Parrot_store_global_s>
+This function is not used or tested anywhere.
 =item PMC Attributes Allocation Functions [experimental]
@@ -348,6 +345,12 @@
+=item Parrot_get_runtime_prefix [eligible in 2.7]
+Use Parrot_get_runtime_path instead.
 =head1 Compiler tools

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/MANIFEST
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/MANIFEST	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/MANIFEST	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # ex: set ro:
 # $Id$
-# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Wed Jun  9 14:23:50 2010 UT
+# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Mon Jun 14 16:49:50 2010 UT
 # See below for documentation on the format of this file.
@@ -960,7 +960,6 @@
 include/parrot/exit.h                                       [main]include
 include/parrot/extend.h                                     [main]include
 include/parrot/gc_api.h                                     [main]include
-include/parrot/global.h                                     [main]include
 include/parrot/global_setup.h                               [main]include
 include/parrot/hash.h                                       [main]include
 include/parrot/hll.h                                        [main]include
@@ -976,6 +975,7 @@
 include/parrot/memory.h                                     [main]include
 include/parrot/misc.h                                       [main]include
 include/parrot/multidispatch.h                              [main]include
+include/parrot/namespace.h                                  [main]include
 include/parrot/nci.h                                        [main]include
 include/parrot/oo.h                                         [main]include
 include/parrot/oo_private.h                                 [main]include
@@ -1300,7 +1300,6 @@
 src/gc/malloc_trace.c                                       []
 src/gc/mark_sweep.c                                         []
 src/gc/system.c                                             []
-src/global.c                                                []
 src/global_setup.c                                          []
 src/hash.c                                                  []
 src/hll.c                                                   []
@@ -1326,6 +1325,7 @@
 src/main.c                                                  []
 src/misc.c                                                  []
 src/multidispatch.c                                         []
+src/namespace.c                                             []
 src/nci/api.c                                               []
 src/nci/core_thunks.c                                       []
 src/nci/core_thunks.nci                                     []
@@ -1785,6 +1785,7 @@
 t/oo/names.t                                                [test]
 t/oo/new-old.t                                              [test]
 t/oo/new.t                                                  [test]
+t/oo/objects.t                                              [test]
 t/oo/ops.t                                                  [test]
 t/oo/proxy.t                                                [test]
 t/oo/root_new.t                                             [test]
@@ -1910,7 +1911,6 @@
 t/pmc/object-meths.t                                        [test]
 t/pmc/object-mro.t                                          [test]
 t/pmc/object.t                                              [test]
-t/pmc/objects.t                                             [test]
 t/pmc/opcode.t                                              [test]
 t/pmc/oplib.t                                               [test]
 t/pmc/orderedhash.t                                         [test]
@@ -2079,6 +2079,7 @@
 t/tools/install/testlib/src/pmc/pmc_object.h                [test]
 t/tools/install/testlib/tools/build/ops2c.pl                [test]
 t/tools/install/testlib/vtable.dump                         [test]
+t/tools/parrot_config.t                                     [test]
 t/tools/parrot_debugger.t                                   [test]
 t/tools/pbc_disassemble.t                                   [test]
 t/tools/pbc_dump.t                                          [test]

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/MANIFEST.generated
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/MANIFEST.generated	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/MANIFEST.generated	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 # See tools/dev/install_files.pl for documentation on the
 # format of this file.
 # Please re-sort this file after *EVERY* modification
-blib/lib/libparrot.2.4.0.dylib                   [main]lib
+blib/lib/libparrot.2.5.0.dylib                   [main]lib
 blib/lib/libparrot.a                             [main]lib
 blib/lib/libparrot.dylib                         [main]lib
 blib/lib/libparrot.so                            [main]lib
-blib/lib/libparrot.so.2.4.0                      [main]lib
+blib/lib/libparrot.so.2.5.0                      [main]lib
 compilers/data_json/data_json.pbc                [data_json]
 config/gen/call_list/opengl.in                   []
 docs/ops/bit.pod                                 [doc]

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/NEWS
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/NEWS	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/NEWS	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,42 +1,26 @@
 # $Id$
 New in 2.5.0
-- Platforms
-  + EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) packages for RHEL6.beta are available
-  + Building and testing on amd64/i386, with gcc/g++
-  + Almost finished Parrot configure on RTEMS
-- Parrot starts to going Lorito
-  Lorito is the code name for a set of planned refactors to the core opcodes.
-  + The ops_pct branch has been merged into trunk. The "Stage 0" is done with it.
-       for more Information about Lorito see:
-           http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/Lorito
-           http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/LoritoRoadmap
 - Core
-  + Added ByteBuffer PMC
-  + Added a bunch of tests for Array PMCs
-  + Modify some PMC vtable functions to reduce complexity, simplifying its coverage.
-  + Deleted do-nothing custom mark in StringBuilder
-  + Fixed ticket #389; subs are not entered into a namespace unless you declare them
+  + Added ByteBuffer PMC to allow direct byte manipulation
+  + Modified some PMC vtable functions to reduce complexity, simplifying coverage.
+  + Modified PAST to generate symbolic PASM constants in PIR output.
+  + General STRING API cleanups
+  + Increased test coverage of core PMCs
   + Fixed up 'exit' opcode, added CONTROL_EXIT exception type.
-  + Modified PAST so that it can generate symbolic pasm constants in PIR output.
-  + Fixed some substr-out-of-range errors in Regex.match
-  + Various cleanups and some added functionality to NFG (Grapheme Normal Form).
-  + Various parts of the STRING API are now more graceful
-  + Improved implemented PAST::Pattern:
-      Can match on types, children, attributes, based on iseq to a constant,
-      based on true result from a closure and based on anything with an
-      ACCEPTS method.
-- Tests
-  + Fixed some tests that were failing because of dynops
-  + Some tests for the instrument dynpmc are added
-- NQP
-  + nqp-rx now supports multisubs and multimethods
+  + Experimental 'unroll' opcode renamed to 'finalize'
+- NQP-rx
+  + Added proper support for multisubs and multimethods
   + Fixed sigspace handling ** quantifier in regexes
   + Added \e strings
   + Added use of inversion lists for charclass lists in regexes
-- Languages
-  + resurrected partcl
-- Miscellaneous
+- Platforms
+  + EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) packages for RHEL6.beta are available
+- Begin moving towards Lorito, the ops refactor to enable pervasive self-hosting and JIT compilation.
+  + All ops are now built with the self-hosted opsc compiler.
+  + For more Information about Lorito see:
+      http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/Lorito
+      http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/LoritoRoadmap
 New in 2.4.0
 - Core

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/README
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/README	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/README	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-This is Parrot, version 2.4.0
+This is Parrot, version 2.5.0
 Parrot is Copyright (C) 2001-2010, Parrot Foundation.

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/VERSION
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/VERSION	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/VERSION	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/imcc/pbc.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/imcc/pbc.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/imcc/pbc.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
         sub->ns_entry_name = sub->name;
-    Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(interp, sub_pmc);
+    Parrot_ns_store_sub(interp, sub_pmc);
      * store the sub's strings

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/pct/src/PAST/Compiler.pir
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/pct/src/PAST/Compiler.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/pct/src/PAST/Compiler.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     piropsig['shl']        = 'PP+'
     piropsig['shr']        = 'PP+'
     piropsig['sleep']      = 'v+'
-    piropsig['splice']     = 'PPii'
+    piropsig['splice']     = '0PPii'
     piropsig['split']      = 'Pss'
     piropsig['sub']        = 'PP+'
     piropsig['substr']     = 'Ssii'

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/pirc/src/bcgen.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/pirc/src/bcgen.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/compilers/pirc/src/bcgen.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@
      * XXX must this be done always? (this w.r.t. the recent discussion about :vtable/:method
      * and being :anon etc.
-    Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(bc->interp, sub_pmc);
+    Parrot_ns_store_sub(bc->interp, sub_pmc);
     subconst_index = add_pmc_const(bc, sub_pmc);
     /* Add a new fixup entry in the fixup table for this sub. */

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/config/gen/config_pm.pm
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/config/gen/config_pm.pm	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/config/gen/config_pm.pm	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -119,7 +119,11 @@
                     # String
                     $v =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
                     $v =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
-                    print {$OUT} qq(    set \$P0["$k"], "$v"\n);
+                    my $charset = q{};
+                    if ($v =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/) {
+                        $charset = 'binary:';
+                    }
+                    print {$OUT} qq(    set \$P0["$k"], $charset"$v"\n);
                 else {
                     # Null

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/config/gen/makefiles/root.in
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/config/gen/makefiles/root.in	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/config/gen/makefiles/root.in	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
 	$(INC_DIR)/vtables.h \
 	$(INC_DIR)/multidispatch.h \
 	$(INC_DIR)/library.h \
-	$(INC_DIR)/global.h \
+	$(INC_DIR)/namespace.h \
 	$(INC_DIR)/stat.h \
 	$(INC_DIR)/hll.h \
 	$(INC_DIR)/pbcversion.h \
@@ -458,7 +458,6 @@
     src/gc/gc_inf$(O) \
     src/gc/mark_sweep$(O) \
     src/gc/system$(O) \
-    src/global$(O) \
     src/global_setup$(O) \
     src/hash$(O) \
     src/hll$(O) \
@@ -475,6 +474,7 @@
     src/longopt$(O) \
     src/misc$(O) \
     src/multidispatch$(O) \
+    src/namespace$(O) \
     src/frame_builder$(O) \
     src/nci/api$(O) \
     src/nci/core_thunks$(O) \
@@ -642,9 +642,10 @@
 $(LIBRARY_DIR)/Configure/genfile.pbc: $(DYNEXT_DIR)/sys_ops$(LOAD_EXT)
-$(LIBRARY_DIR)/HTTP/Message.pbc: $(DYNEXT_DIR)/sys_ops$(LOAD_EXT)
+# Message.pbc and distutils.pbc load io_ops to work around TT #1663
+638	$(LIBRARY_DIR)/HTTP/Message.pbc: $(DYNEXT_DIR)/sys_ops$(LOAD_EXT) $(DYNEXT_DIR)/io_ops$(LOAD_EXT)
-$(LIBRARY_DIR)/distutils.pbc: $(DYNEXT_DIR)/sys_ops$(LOAD_EXT)
+$(LIBRARY_DIR)/distutils.pbc: $(DYNEXT_DIR)/sys_ops$(LOAD_EXT) $(DYNEXT_DIR)/io_ops$(LOAD_EXT)
 $(LIBRARY_DIR)/pcre.pbc: $(DYNEXT_DIR)/sys_ops$(LOAD_EXT)
@@ -668,7 +669,6 @@
     src/debug.str \
     src/dynext.str \
     src/exceptions.str \
-    src/global.str \
     src/global_setup.str \
     src/hll.str \
     src/call/pcc.str \
@@ -680,6 +680,7 @@
     src/key.str \
     src/library.str \
     src/multidispatch.str \
+    src/namespace.str \
     src/frame_builder.str \
     src/nci/api.str \
     src/nci/core_thunks.str \
@@ -1281,7 +1282,7 @@
 src/global_setup$(O) : $(PARROT_H_HEADERS) src/global_setup.str src/global_setup.c
-src/global$(O) : $(PARROT_H_HEADERS) src/global.str src/global.c \
+src/namespace$(O) : $(PARROT_H_HEADERS) src/namespace.str src/namespace.c \
 src/pmc$(O) : include/pmc/pmc_class.h src/pmc.c \
@@ -1826,7 +1827,7 @@
 manifest_tests :
 	$(PERL) t/harness $(MANIFEST_TEST_FILES)
-examples_tests :
+examples_tests : test_prep
 	$(PERL) t/harness $(EXAMPLES_TEST_FILES)
 # benchmark tests

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/pir/ch07_objects.pod
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/pir/ch07_objects.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/book/pir/ch07_objects.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -94,6 +94,53 @@
+=head2 Instantiation
+With a created class, we can use the C<new> opcode to instantiate an object of
+that class in the same way we can instantiate a new PMC.
+    $P0 = newclass "Foo"
+    $P1 = new $P0
+Or, if we don't have the class object handy, we can do it by name too:
+    $P1 = new "Foo"
+PMCs have two VTABLE interface functions for dealing with instantiating a new
+object: C<init> and C<init_pmc>. The former is called when a new PMC is
+created, the later is called when a new PMC is created with an initialization
+=begin PIR
+    .namespace ["Foo"]
+    .sub 'init' :vtable
+        say "Creating a new Foo"
+    .end
+    .sub 'init_pmc' :vtable
+        .param pmc args
+        print "Creating a new Foo with argument "
+        say args
+    .end
+    .namespace[]
+    .sub 'main' :main
+        $P1 = new ['Foo']       # init
+        $P2 = new ['Foo'], $P1  # init_pmc
+    .end
+=end PIR
 =head2 Methods
@@ -346,7 +393,7 @@
 Classes defined in PIR using the C<newclass> opcode are instances of the
 C<Class> PMCX<Class PMC>. This PMC contains all the meta-information for
 the class, such as attribute definitions, methods, vtable overrides, and
-its inheritance hierarchy. The opcode C<inspect>X<inspect opcode> 
+its inheritance hierarchy. The opcode C<inspect>X<inspect opcode>
 provides a way to peek behind the curtain of encapsulation to see what
 makes a class tick. When called with no arguments, C<inspect> returns an
 associative array containing data on all characteristics of the class

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/embed.pod
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/embed.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/embed.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -288,12 +288,12 @@
 =over 4
-=item C<Parrot_PMC Parrot_find_global_cur(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_String name)>
+=item C<Parrot_PMC Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(PARROT_INTERP, Parrot_String name)>
 Find and return a global called C<name> in the current namespace.  Returns
 C<PMCNULL> if not found.
-=item C<Parrot_PMC Parrot_find_global_n(PARROT_INTERP, PMC namespace, Parrot_String name)>
+=item C<Parrot_PMC Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(PARROT_INTERP, PMC namespace, Parrot_String name)>
 Search the namespace PMC C<namespace> for an object with name C<globalname>.
 Return the object, or NULL if not found.
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
 Find and return a global called C<name> in the namespace C<namespace>.  Returns
 C<PMCNULL> if not found.
-=item C<void Parrot_store_global_n(PARROT_INTERP, PMC namespace, Parrot_String name, Parrot_PMC val)>
+=item C<void Parrot_ns_store_global(PARROT_INTERP, PMC namespace, Parrot_String name, Parrot_PMC val)>
 Store the PMC C<val> into the namespace PMC C<namespace> with name C<globalname>.
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
         /* find the subroutine named "foo" in the global namespace */
         pstr = string_from_literal(interp, "foo");
-        sub = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, pstr);
+        sub = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, pstr);
         /* run foo(), which returns nothing */
 	Parrot_ext_call(interp, sub, "->");
@@ -709,13 +709,13 @@
 =item C<Parrot_find_encoding_converter>
-=item C<Parrot_find_global_cur>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global>
 =item C<Parrot_find_global_k>
-=item C<Parrot_find_global_n>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global>
-=item C<Parrot_find_global_op>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op>
 =item C<Parrot_find_global_s>
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
 =item C<Parrot_find_method_with_cache>
-=item C<Parrot_find_name_op>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_find_named_item>
 =item C<Parrot_float_rand>
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@
 =item C<Parrot_get_encoding>
-=item C<Parrot_get_global>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_get_global>
 =item C<Parrot_get_HLL_id>
@@ -775,9 +775,9 @@
 =item C<Parrot_get_namespace_autobase>
-=item C<Parrot_get_namespace_keyed>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed>
-=item C<Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str>
 =item C<Parrot_get_numreg>
@@ -949,11 +949,11 @@
 =item C<Parrot_make_default_encoding>
-=item C<Parrot_make_namespace_autobase>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_make_namespace_autobase>
-=item C<Parrot_make_namespace_keyed>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed>
-=item C<Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str>
 =item C<Parrot_mmd_cache_create>
@@ -1105,12 +1105,6 @@
 =item C<Parrot_PMC_get_integer_keyed_str>
-=item C<Parrot_PMC_get_intval>
-=item C<Parrot_PMC_get_intval_intkey>
-=item C<Parrot_PMC_get_intval_pmckey>
 =item C<Parrot_PMC_get_iter>
 =item C<Parrot_PMC_get_namespace>
@@ -1503,7 +1497,7 @@
 =item C<Parrot_set_flag>
-=item C<Parrot_set_global>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_set_global>
 =item C<Parrot_set_intreg>
@@ -1533,11 +1527,11 @@
 =item C<Parrot_srand>
-=item C<Parrot_store_global_n>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_store_global>
 =item C<Parrot_store_global_s>
-=item C<Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace>
+=item C<Parrot_ns_store_sub>
 =item C<Parrot_str_boolean>

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/parrothist.pod
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/parrothist.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/parrothist.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -109,5 +109,6 @@
  Gerd        2.3.0 *        2010-Apr-20     "Samoan Lory"
  Whiteknight 2.4.0          2010-May-18     "Sulfer Crest"
+ Gerd        2.5.0          2010-Jun-15     "Cheops"

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/draft/pdd06_pasm.pod
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/draft/pdd06_pasm.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/draft/pdd06_pasm.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -18,9 +18,7 @@
 language for it for those people who may need to generate bytecode directly,
 rather than indirectly through a high-level language.
-{{ NOTE: out-of-date and incomplete. It seems that it would be more
-useful as a specification of the format of PASM than as a comprehensive
-listing of all opcodes. }}
+{{ NOTE: out-of-date and incomplete. }}
 =head2 Questions
@@ -84,7 +82,9 @@
 All registers have a type prefix of P, S, I, or N, for PMC, string, integer,
-and number respectively.
+and number respectively. While parrot bytecode does not have a fixed limit
+on the number of registers, PASM has an implementation limit on the number of
+addressable registers of each type, currently set at 100 (0-99).
 =head2 Assembly Syntax
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 =head2 Opcode List
-In the following list, there may be multiple (but unlisted) versions of an
+There may be multiple (but unlisted) versions of an
 opcode. If an opcode takes a register that might be keyed, the keyed version
 of the opcode has a _k suffix. If an opcode might take multiple types of
 registers for a single parameter, the opcode function really has a _x suffix,
@@ -184,831 +184,7 @@
 either a register or constant of the appropriate type (PMC, string, integer,
 or number)
-=head3 Control flow
-The control flow opcodes check conditions and manage program flow.
-=over 4
-=item if tx, ix
-Check register tx. If true, branch by X.
-=item unless tx, ix
-Check register tx. If false, branch by X.
-=item jump tx
-Jump to the address held in register x (Px, Sx, or Ix).
-=item branch tx
-Branch forward or backward by the amount in register x. (X may be either Ix,
-Nx, or Px) Branch offset may also be an integer constant.
-=head3 Data manipulation
-These ops handle manipulating the data in registers
-=over 4
-=item new Px, iy
-Create a new PMC of class y stored in PMC register x.
-=item destroy Px
-Destroy the PMC in register X, leaving it undef
-=item set tx, ty
-Copies y into x. Note that strings and PMCs are referred to by pointer, so if
-you do something like:
-   set S0, S1
-this will copy the pointer in S1 into S0, leaving B<both> registers pointing
-at the same string.
-=item exchange tx, ty
-Exchange the contents of registers X and Y, which must be of the same type.
-(Generally cheaper than using the stack as an intermediary when setting up
-registers for function calls)
-=item assign Px, ty
-Takes the contents of Y and assigns them into the existing PMC in X.
-While set just copies pointers from one register to another, assign actually
-does a value assignment, as:
-    $foo = $bar;
-X's assign vtable function is invoked and it does whatever is appropriate.
-=item clone Px, Py
-=item clone Sx, xy
-Performs a "deeper" copy of y into x, using the vtable appropriate to the
-class of Py if cloning a PMC.
-=item tostring Sx, ty, Iz
-Take the value in register y and convert it to a string of type z, storing the
-result in string register x.
-=item add tx, ty, tz *
-Add registers y and z and store the result in register x. (x = y + z) The
-registers must all be the same type, PMC, integer, or number.
-=item sub tx, ty, tz *
-Subtract register z from register y and store the result in register x. (x = y
-- z) The registers must all be the same type, PMC, integer, or number.
-=item mul tx, ty, tz *
-Multiply register y by register z and store the results in register x. The
-registers must be the same type.
-=item div tx, ty, tz *
-Divide register y by register z, and store the result in register x.
-=item inc tx, nn *
-Increment register x by nn. nn is an integer constant. If nn is omitted,
-increment is 1.
-=item dec tx, nn *
-Decrement register x by nn. nn is an integer constant. If nn is omitted,
-decrement by 1.
-=item length Ix, Sy
-Put the length of string y into integer register x.
-=item concat Sx, Sy
-Add string y to the end of string x.
-=item repeat Sx, Sy, iz
-Copies string y z times into string x.
-=head3 Transcendental operations
-These opcodes handle the transcendental math functions. The destination
-register here must always be either a numeric or a PMC register.
-=over 4
-=item sin nx, ty
-Return the sine of the number in Y
-=item cos nx, ty
-Return the cosine of the number in Y
-=item tan nx, ty
-Return the tangent of the number in Y
-=item sec nx, ty
-Return the secant of the number in Y
-=item atan nx, ty
-Return the arctangent of Y
-=item atan2 nx, ty
-Return the result of atan2 of Y
-=item asin nx, ty
-Return the arcsine of y
-=item acos nx, ty
-Return the arccosine of y
-=item asec nx, ty
-Return the arcsecant of y
-=item cosh nx, ty
-Return the hyperbolic cosine of y
-=item sinh nx, ty
-Return the hyperbolic sine of y
-=item tanh nx, ty
-Return the hyperbolic tangent of y
-=item sech nx, ty
-Return the hyperbolic secant of y
-=item log2 nx, ty
-Return the base 2 log of y
-=item log10 nx, ty
-Return the base 10 log of y
-=item ln Nx, ty
-Return the base e log of y
-=item log nx, ty, tz
-Return the base Z log of Y
-=item pow nx, ty, tz
-Return Y to the Z power
-=item exp nx, ty
-Return e to the Y power
-=head3 Register and stack ops
-These opcodes deal with registers and stacks
-=over 4
-=item clearp
-Clean out the current set of PMC registers, setting them to NULL
-=item cleari
-Clean out the current set of I registers, setting them to 0
-=item clears
-Clean out the current set of S registers, setting them to NULL
-=item clearn
-Clean out the current set of N registers, setting them to 0
-=item null tx
-Set register X to a null value; for S and P registers, this will be NULL,
-while for I and N registers it is 0
-=item save tx
-Push register or constant X onto the generic stack
-=item restore tx
-Restore register X from the generic stack by popping off the topmost entry.
-The type of this entry must match the register type.
-=item entrytype Ix, iy
-Put the type of generic stack entry Y into integer register X
-=item depth Ix
-Get the current depth of the generic stack
-=item lookback tx, iy
-Fetch the entry that's at position Y from the top of the generic stack. This
-does not remove an entry from the stack, merely fetches the entry off it.
-0 is the entry at the top of the stack, 1 is the entry immediately previous to
-that, and so on. Entry -1 is the very bottom-most entry in the stack. (While
-the stack may be a tree when looked at from the bottom up,  you don't have
-access to any other branches when looking this way).
-=head3 Names, pads, and globals
-These operations are responsible for finding names in lexical or global
-scopes, as well as storing data into those slots.  A static scope is captured
-by a scratchpad.  The current dynamic scope is represented by the state of the
-lexical stack (which contains scratchpads).  For more detail on these ops see
-the inline POD documentation in F<ops/var.ops>.
-=over 4
-=item store_lex sx, Py
-=item find_lex Px, sy
-Instructions for storing in, and retrieving from, the scratchpad associated
-with the current context.
-=item find_global Px, sy, sz
-Find the PMC for the global variable sy from the table sz and store it in
-register X
-{{ DEPRECATED: op find_global was deprecated }}
-=item find_global Px, sy
-Find the PMC for the global in the default table and put it in X.
-{{ DEPRECATED: op find_global was deprecated }}
-=item find_global_table Px, sy
-Find the global symbol table Y and store its PMC in X
-=item find_global_slot ix, Py, sz
-Find the slot in the global table Y for the global named Z, and store its slot
-in register X.
-=item fetch_global Px, Py, iz
-Fetch the global in slot Z of the symbol table pointed to by Y
-=item store_global Px, sy
-Store X in the default global symbol table with a name of Y.
-{{ DEPRECATED: op store_global was deprecated }}
-=head3 Exceptions
-These opcodes deal with exception handling at the lowest level. Exception
-handlers are dynamically scoped, and any exception handler set in a scope will
-be removed when that scope is exited.
-=over 4
-=item set_eh Px
-Sets an exception handler in place. The code referred to by register Px will
-get called if an exception is thrown while the exception handler is in scope.
-=item pop_eh
-Pop the most recently placed exception off the handler stack.
-=item throw Px
-Throw an exception represented by the object in PMC register x.
-=item rethrow Px
-Only valid inside an exception handler. Rethrow the exception represented by
-the object in PMC register x. This object may have been altered by the
-exception handler.
-=head3 Object things
-These opcodes deal with PMCs as objects, rather than as opaque data items.
-=over 4
-=item find_method Px, Py, tz
-Find the method Z for object Y, and return a PMC for it in X.
-=item callmethod Px, ty
-=item set_attribute Px, ty, tz
-=item can Ix, Py, sz
-Sets X to TRUE if object Y can perform method Z; otherwise, X is set to FALSE.
-=item does Ix, Py, sz
-Sets X to TRUE if object Y can implements interface Z; otherwise, X is  set to
-=item isa Px, ty
-=head3 Module handling
-These opcodes deal with loading in bytecode or executable code libraries, and
-fetching info about those libraries. This is all dealing with precompiled
-bytecode or shared libraries.
-=over 4
-=item load_bytecode sx
-Load in the bytecode in file X. Search the library path if need be.
-=item load_opcode_lib sx, iy
-Load in the opcode library X, starting at opcode number Y. Search the path if
-=item load_string_lib sx
-Load in the string handling library named X
-=item get_op_count sx
-Return the number of opcodes in opcode library X
-=item get_string_name sx
-Get the name of the string encoding that the library X handles
-=item find_string_lib sx, sy
-Find the string library that handles strings of type Y. Return its name in X.
-=head3 I/O operations
-Reads and writes read and write records, for some value of record.
-=over 4
-=item new_fh px
-Create a new filehandle px
-=item open px, sy
-Open the file Y on filehandle X
-=item read px, py, pz
-Issue a read on the filehandle in y, and put the result in PMC X. PMC Z is the
-sync object.
-=item write px, sy, pz
-Write the string Y to filehandle X. PMC Z is the sync object.
-=item wait px
-Wait for the I/O operation represented by sync object X to finish
-=item readw px, py
-Read from filehandle Y and put the results in PMC X. Blocks until the read
-=item writew px, sy
-Write string Y to filehandle X, waiting for the write to complete.
-=item seek px, ty
-Seek filehandle X to position Y.
-=item tell tx, py
-Return the current position of filehandle Y and put it in X. Returns -1 for
-filehandles where this can't be determined. (Such as stream connections)
-=item status px, py, tz
-Get informational item Z for filehandle Y and put the result in X. This
-fetches things like the number of entries in the IO pipe, number of
-outstanding I/O ops, number of ops on the filehandle, and so forth.
-=head3 Threading ops
-=over 4
-=item lock Px
-Take out a high-level lock on the PMC in register X
-=item unlock Px
-Unlock the PMC in register X
-=item pushunlock Px
-Push an unlock request on the stack
-=head3 Interpreter ops
-=over 4
-=item newinterp Px, flags
-Create a new interpreter in X, using the passed flags.
-=item runinterp Px, iy
-Jump into interpreter X and run the code starting at offset Y from the current
-location. (This is temporary until we get something better)
-=item callout Pw, Px, sy, pz
-Call routine Y in interpreter x, passing it the list of parameters Z. W is a
-synchronization object returned. It can be waited on like the sync objects
-returned from async I/O routines.
-=item interpinfo Ix, iy
-Get information item Y and put it in register X. Currently defined are:
-=over 4
-The total amount of system memory allocated for later parceling out to
-Buffers.  Doesn't include any housekeeping memory, memory for Buffer or PMC
-structs, or things of that nature.
-=item 2 GC_MARK_RUNS
-The total number of garbage collection mark runs that have been made.
-The total number of garbage collection sweep runs that have been made.
-=item 4 ACTIVE_PMCS
-The number of PMCs considered active. This means the GC scan hasn't noted
-them as dead.
-The number of Buffers (usually STRINGs but could be other things) considered
-=item 6 TOTAL_PMCS
-The total number of PMCs the interpreter has available. Includes both active
-and free PMCs
-The total number of Buffer structs the interpreter has available.
-The number of new Buffer header block allocations that have been made since
-the last GC mark run. (Buffers, when allocated, are allocated in chunks)
-The number of times we've requested a block of memory from the system for
-allocation to Buffers since the last time we compacted the memory heap.
-=head3 Garbage collection
-=over 4
-=item sweep
-Fire off a dead object sweep
-=item collect
-Fire off a garbage collection sweep
-=item pausecollect
-Pause the garbage collector. No collections will be done for this interpreter
-until the collector is unpaused.
-=item resumecollect
-Unpause the collector. This doesn't necessarily do a GC run, merely allows the
-interpreter to fire one off when it deems it necessary.
-=head3 Key operations
-Keys are used to get access to individual elements of an aggregate variable.
-This is done to allow for opaque, packed, and multidimensional aggregate
-A key entry may be an integer, string, or PMC. Integers are used for array
-lookups, strings for hash lookups, and PMCs for either.
-=over 4
-=item new_key Sx
-Create a new key structure and put a pointer to it in register X.
-=item clone_key Sx, ky
-Make a copy of the key Y and put a pointer to it in register X. Y may be
-either an S register or a constant.
-=item size_key Sx, iy
-Make the key structure X large enough to hold Y key entries
-=item key_size Ix, ky
-Put the number of elements in key Y into integer register X.
-=item toss_key Sx
-Nuke key X. Throws the structure away and invalidates the register.
-=item ke_type Ix, ky, iz
-Put the type of key Y's entry Z in register X. Current values are 0, 1, and 2
-for Integer, String, and PMC, respectively.
-=item ke_value tx, ky, iz
-Put the value from key Y, entry Z into register X.
-=item chop_key Sx
-Toss the topmost entry from key X.
-=item inc_key Sx, iy
-Increment entry Y of key X by one.
-=item set_key Sw, [isp]x, iy[, iz]
-Set key W, offset Y, to value X. If X is a PMC, then the fourth operand must
-be specified. It can have a value of 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to integer,
-string, or object. Aggregates use this to figure out how to treat the key
-=head3 Properties
-Properties are a sort of runtime note attached to a PMC. Any PMC can have
-properties on it. Properties live in a flat namespace, and they are not in any
-way associated with the class of the PMC that they are attached to.
-Properties may be used for runtime notes on variables, or other metadata that
-may change. They are not for object attributes.
-=over 4
-=item setprop Px, sy, Pz
-Set the property named Y of PMC X to the PMC in Z
-=item getprop Px, sy, Pz
-Get the property named Y from PMC Z and put the result in register X. Returns
-a NULL if the property doesn't exist.
-=item delprop Px, sy
-Delete the property Y from PMC X
-=item prophash Px, Py
-Fetch the properties from Y, put them in a Hash, and put the Hash in X.
-=head3 Symbolic support for HLLs
-=over 4
-=item setline ix
-Sets the 'current line' marker.
-=item setfile sx
-Sets the 'current file' marker.
-=item setpackage sx
-Sets the 'current package' marker.
-=item getline ix
-Fetches the 'current line' marker.
-=item getfile sx
-Fetches the 'current file' marker.
-=item getpackage sx
-Fetches the 'current package' marker.
-=head3 Foreign library access
-These are the ops we use to load in and interface to non-parrot libraries.
-=over 4
-=item loadlib Px, Sy
-Load in the library whose name is specified by y, and put a handle to it into
-P register x.
-=item dlfunc Pw, Px, Sy, Sz
-Find a routine named Y, in library X (which you did, of course, open with
-loadlib), and put a sub PMC onto W for it. You can call this sub as if it were
-any other parrot subroutine.
-Z has the function signature, which tells Parrot how to build the interface
-from parrot (and parrot's calling conventions) to the calling conventions of
-the library routine. Yes, this does mean that you must know the function
-signature, but if you don't know that why the heck would you be invoking the
-function, right?
-The signature is a series of 1 or more characters, representing the types for
-the call. The first character is the return type, while the rest are the
-parameters. The types are:
-=over 4
-=item v
-Void. As a return type indicates that there I<is> no return type. As a
-parameter indicates that there are no parameters. Can't be mixed with other
-parameter types.
-=item c
-Char. This is an integer type, taken from (or put into) an I register.
-=item s
-short. An integer type, taken from 0 or put into an I register
-=item i
-int. An integer type.
-=item l
-long. An integer type. You know the drill.
-=item f
-float. F register denizen.
-=item d
-double. F register, double-precision floating point type
-=item p
-PMC thingie. A generic pointer, taken from or stuck into a PMC's data pointer.
-If this is a return type, parrot will create a new UnManagedStruct PMC type,
-which is just a generic "pointer so some damn thing or other" PMC type which
-Parrot does I<no> management of.
-=item t
-string pointer. Taken from, or stuck into, a string register. (Converted to a
-null-terminated C string before passing in)
-So the signature for, for example, this SDL routine:
-   int SDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *src,
-                       SDL_Rect    *srcrect,
-                       SDL_Surface *dst,
-                       SDL_Rect    *dstrect);
-would be C<ipppp>, since it returns an integer and takes four pointers.
-Presumably previous calls would have set those pointers up properly.
-Do note that parrot makes no guarantees as to the behaviour of the libraries,
-and currently does no type checking on the input parameters. We will fix that
-The generated routine follows the calling conventions in PDD03. Note that int,
-string, pmc, and float parameters are counted separately. So if you have a
-signature of C<ippiidd> the return goes into I5, and the parameters come from
-P5, P6, I5, I6, N5, and N6, respectively. A signature of C<ipdiidp> has the
-identical same set of registers used (and in the same order).
-=item invoke
-Invoke a subroutine in P0. Presumes that all the registers are set up right
-for the call. The invoked subroutine I<must> preserve any registers that are
-not explicitly return parameters or calling convention metadata parameters.
-(Such as the number of I reg parameters, for example)
-=head3 Runtime compilation
-These opcodes deal with runtime creation of bytecode and compilation of source
-=over 4
-=item compile Px, Py, Sz
-Compile source string Z, with compiler unit Y, and stick a handle to a
-subroutine for the resulting bytecode segment (already loaded into the current
-interpreter) into X.
-Y is a assembler/compiler object of some sort, as registered with the
-B<compreg> opcode or the Parrot_compreg function. This will be something like
-"Perl5", "Perl6", "Perl5RE", "Perl6RE", "Python", "Ruby"... you get the
-Imcc registers "PASM" and "PIR" compilers automatically.
-This is a high-level op, with the assumption that the resulting sub will be
-called. It's the equivalent of perl 5's string eval, except for the actual
-execution of the resulting code.
-=item compreg Px, Sy
-Get a compiler for source type Y.
-=item compreg Sx, Py
-Register the sub Y as a parser/compiler function named X. It will be called
-whenever anyone invokes the compile op with the name X.
+L<docs/ops> for a list of current parrot opcodes, 
 =head2 References

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/draft/pdd11_extending.pod
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/draft/pdd11_extending.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/draft/pdd11_extending.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@
 A keyed version of C<Parrot_PMC_get_pointer>. Returns the pointer value of
 whatever is stored at the element of the PMC indexed by C<key>.
-=item C<Parrot_PMC_get_intval(interp, pmc)>
+=item C<Parrot_PMC_get_integer(interp, pmc)>
 Returns the integer value of the PMC.
-=item C<Parrot_PMC_get_intval_intkey(interp, pmc, Parrot_Int key)>
+=item C<Parrot_PMC_get_integer_keyed_int(interp, pmc, Parrot_Int key)>
-A keyed version of C<Parrot_PMC_get_intval>. Returns the integer value of
+A keyed version of C<Parrot_PMC_get_integer>. Returns the integer value of
 whatever is stored at the element of the PMC indexed by C<key>.
 =item C<Parrot_PMC_get_numval(interp, pmc)>

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/pdd28_strings.pod
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/pdd28_strings.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/pdds/pdd28_strings.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
 =head4 string_make
 A crippled version of a string initializer, now replaced with the full version
 =head4 string_capacity

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/project/release_manager_guide.pod
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/project/release_manager_guide.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/docs/project/release_manager_guide.pod	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -118,10 +118,23 @@
 =item f
+In the two files F<src/ops/core_ops.c> and F<include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h>
+is the function C<Parrot_DynOp_core_a_b_c>, which has a name that includes
+the version number. a_b_c is the version number. You have to update this
+version number on two places in the file F<src/ops/core_ops.c>.
+In the file F<include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h> you have to change this line:
+ op_lib_t *Parrot_DynOp_core_a_b_c(PARROT_INTERP, long init);
+Ignore the warning to not edit this files. It is necessary to edit this files,
+so that "make" builds with the increased version number.
+=item g
 Configure parrot and run C<make distro_tests>, and either fix
 what those tests complain about, or fix them so they don't complain.
-=item g
+=item h
 If this is a developer release, or there have been no new entries to the
 F<PBC_COMPAT> file, skip this step.
@@ -142,7 +155,7 @@
 built for this to work, and that this script will reconfigure and rebuild
 Parrot with various primitive size options.
-=item h
+=item i
 Make sure everything works:
@@ -394,7 +407,6 @@
 visible at
- - Jun 15, 2010 - 2.5  - gerd
  - Jul 20, 2010 - 2.6* - coke
  - Aug 17, 2010 - 2.7  - ??
  - Sep 21, 2010 - 2.8  - gerd

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/io/http.pir
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/io/http.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/io/http.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
 HTTP client, connects to WWW port and grabs a page (L<http://www.ibm.com>).
-You should be running the echo service on your box (port 7). Be sure to
-set C<PARROT_NET_DEVEL> to 1 in F<io/io_private.h> and rebuld Parrot or
-the network layer won't exist.
+You should be running the echo service on your box (port 7).

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/io/httpd.pir
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/io/httpd.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/io/httpd.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@
     print "Could not open socket.\n"
-    print "Did you enable PARROT_NET_DEVEL in include/io_private.h?\n"
     print "bind failed\n"

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/pir/make_hello_pbc.pir
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/pir/make_hello_pbc.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/examples/pir/make_hello_pbc.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
     $P1 = new 'PackfileFixupEntry'
     $P1 = 'hello'
-    $P1.'set_type'(2)
+    $P1.'set_type'(1)
     $P1 = 5 # offset
     pffixup[0] = $P1

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/ext/Parrot-Embed/lib/Parrot/Embed.xs
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/ext/Parrot-Embed/lib/Parrot/Embed.xs	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/ext/Parrot-Embed/lib/Parrot/Embed.xs	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -153,26 +153,26 @@
             ns_str += 2;
             if (!ns)
-                ns = Parrot_find_global_cur(real_interp,
+                ns = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(real_interp,
                     Parrot_str_new_constant(real_interp, prev));
-                ns = Parrot_find_global_n(real_interp, ns,
+                ns = Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(real_interp, ns,
                     Parrot_str_new_constant(real_interp, prev));
             prev    = ns_str;
         if (!ns)
-            ns = Parrot_find_global_cur(real_interp,
+            ns = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(real_interp,
                 Parrot_str_new_constant(real_interp, prev));
-            ns = Parrot_find_global_n(real_interp, ns,
+            ns = Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(real_interp, ns,
                 Parrot_str_new_constant(real_interp, prev));
-        pmc          = Parrot_find_global_n(real_interp, ns, p_global);
+        pmc          = Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(real_interp, ns, p_global);
-        pmc         = Parrot_find_global_cur( real_interp, p_global );
+        pmc         = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global( real_interp, p_global );
     RETVAL = make_pmc( aTHX_ ST(0), pmc );

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/nqp-setting.nqp
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/nqp-setting.nqp	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/nqp-setting.nqp	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@
 =begin item slurp
 Returns the contents of C<$filename> as a single string.
+=end item
 our sub slurp ($filename) {
-    my $handle := FileHandle.new();
-    $handle.open($file, 'r');
+    my $handle := pir::new__Ps('FileHandle');
+    $handle.open($filename, 'r');
     my $contents := $handle.readall;
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
 =end item
 our sub spew($filename, $contents) {
-    my $handle := FileHandle.new();
+    my $handle := pir::new__Ps('FileHandle');
     $handle.open($filename, 'w');

Deleted: branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/global.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/global.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47714)
+++ /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(deleted)
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-/* global.h
- *  Copyright (C) 2004, Parrot Foundation.
- *  SVN Info
- *     $Id$
- *  Overview:
- *      Contains accessor functions for globals
- *  Data Structure and Algorithms:
- *  History:
- *  Notes:
- *  References:
- */
-/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: src/global.c */
-/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
-PMC * Parrot_find_global_cur(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
-PMC * Parrot_find_global_n(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
-PMC * Parrot_find_global_op(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *ns),
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname),
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(void *next))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
-PMC * Parrot_find_global_s(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key),
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
-PMC * Parrot_find_name_op(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(STRING *name),
-    SHIM(void *next))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
-PMC * Parrot_get_global(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
-PMC * Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-    ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
-PMC * Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
-PMC * Parrot_make_namespace_autobase(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *key))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
-PMC * Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-    ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
-PMC * Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-    ARGIN(STRING *str_key))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
-PMC * Parrot_ns_get_name(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *_namespace))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
-void Parrot_set_global(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname),
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
-void Parrot_store_global_n(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname),
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
-void Parrot_store_global_s(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key),
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname),
-    ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
-void Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_find_global_cur __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_find_global_n __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_find_global_op __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_find_global_s __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_find_name_op __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(name))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_get_global __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_get_namespace_keyed __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(pmc_key))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str \
-     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_make_namespace_autobase \
-     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_make_namespace_keyed __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(pmc_key))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str \
-     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(str_key))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_get_name __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(_namespace))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_set_global __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_store_global_n __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_store_global_s __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(sub_pmc))
-/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
-/* HEADERIZER END: src/global.c */
- * Local variables:
- *   c-file-style: "parrot"
- * End:
- * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
- */

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/interpreter.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/interpreter.h	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/interpreter.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     PARROT_IS_THREAD        = 0x1000, /* interpreter is a thread */
     PARROT_THR_COPY_INTERP  = 0x2000, /* thread start copies interp state */
-    PARROT_THR_THREAD_POOL  = 0x4000, /* type3 threads */
+    PARROT_THR_THREAD_POOL  = 0x4000  /* type3 threads */
 } Parrot_Interp_flag;
 /* &end_gen */

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/key.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/key.h	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/key.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -88,13 +88,6 @@
-PMC * key_new_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *value))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
 PMC * key_new_string(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(STRING *value))
@@ -132,13 +125,6 @@
-void key_set_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, ARGMOD(PMC *key), ARGIN(PMC *value))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3)
-        FUNC_MODIFIES(*key);
 void key_set_register(PARROT_INTERP,
     ARGMOD(PMC *key),
     INTVAL value,
@@ -190,9 +176,6 @@
 #define ASSERT_ARGS_key_new_number __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_key_new_pmc __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(value))
 #define ASSERT_ARGS_key_new_string __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
        PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
     , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(value))
@@ -211,10 +194,6 @@
 #define ASSERT_ARGS_key_set_number __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
        PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
     , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_key_set_pmc __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(value))
 #define ASSERT_ARGS_key_set_register __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
        PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
     , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key))

Copied: branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/namespace.h (from r47713, trunk/include/parrot/namespace.h)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/namespace.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715, copy of r47713, trunk/include/parrot/namespace.h)
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+/* namespace.h
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004-2010, Parrot Foundation.
+ *  SVN Info
+ *     $Id$
+ *  Overview:
+ *      Contains accessor functions for globals
+ *  Data Structure and Algorithms:
+ *  History:
+ *  Notes:
+ *  References:
+ */
+/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: src/namespace.c */
+/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
+PMC * Parrot_find_global_s(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key),
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *ns),
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname),
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(void *next))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_find_named_item(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(STRING *name),
+    SHIM(void *next))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_get_global(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_get_name(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *_namespace))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+    ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_make_namespace_autobase(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *key))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+    ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
+PMC * Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+    ARGIN(STRING *str_key))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
+void Parrot_ns_set_global(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname),
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+void Parrot_ns_store_global(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname),
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+void Parrot_ns_store_sub(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
+void Parrot_store_global_s(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key),
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname),
+    ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_find_global_s __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global \
+     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_find_named_item __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(name))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global \
+     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_get_global __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_get_name __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(_namespace))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(pmc_key))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str \
+     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_make_namespace_autobase \
+     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed \
+     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(pmc_key))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str \
+     __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(str_key))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_set_global __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_store_global __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_ns_store_sub __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(sub_pmc))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_Parrot_store_global_s __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
+/* HEADERIZER END: src/namespace.c */
+ * Local variables:
+ *   c-file-style: "parrot"
+ * End:
+ * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
+ */

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/oplib.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/oplib.h	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/oplib.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
     CORE_OPS_check_events,      /* explicit event check */
     CORE_OPS_check_events__,    /* inserted into op dispatch when an event
                                    got scheduled */
-    CORE_OPS_wrapper__,         /* inserted by dynop_register for new ops */
+    CORE_OPS_wrapper__          /* inserted by dynop_register for new ops */
         /* 2 more reserved */
 } special_core_ops_enum;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "parrot/oplib.h"
 #include "parrot/runcore_api.h"
- op_lib_t *Parrot_DynOp_core_2_4_0(PARROT_INTERP, long init);
+ op_lib_t *Parrot_DynOp_core_2_5_0(PARROT_INTERP, long init);
  opcode_t * Parrot_end(opcode_t *, PARROT_INTERP);
  opcode_t * Parrot_noop(opcode_t *, PARROT_INTERP);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/packfile.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/packfile.h	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/packfile.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -91,6 +91,42 @@
+** Enumerated constants
+** Changes here require update PBC_COMPAT
+** The prefered way to eliminate a value is just to stop using it without
+** renumbering others, that helps to keep backward compatibility.
+/* Packfile segment types */
+/* &gen_from_enum(packfile_segments.pasm) */
+typedef enum {
+    PF_DIR_SEG          = 0,
+    PF_UNKNOWN_SEG      = 1,
+    PF_FIXUP_SEG        = 2,
+    PF_CONST_SEG        = 3,
+    PF_BYTEC_SEG        = 4,
+    PF_DEBUG_SEG        = 5,
+    PF_MAX_SEG          = 7
+} pack_file_types;
+/* &end_gen */
+#define PF_DIR_FORMAT 1
+/* Fixup types */
+typedef enum {
+    enum_fixup_none = 0,
+    enum_fixup_sub  = 1,
+    enum_fixup_MAXUSEDVALUE = enum_fixup_sub
+} enum_fixup_t;
 ** Structure Definitions:
@@ -174,24 +210,6 @@
     PackFile_Segment_dump_func_t        dump;
 } PackFile_funcs;
-/* &gen_from_enum(packfile_segments.pasm) */
-typedef enum {
-    PF_DIR_SEG          = 0,
-    PF_UNKNOWN_SEG      = 1,
-    PF_FIXUP_SEG        = 2,
-    PF_CONST_SEG        = 3,
-    PF_BYTEC_SEG        = 4,
-    PF_DEBUG_SEG        = 5,
-    PF_MAX_SEG          = 7
-} pack_file_types;
-/* &end_gen */
-#define PF_DIR_FORMAT 1
 typedef struct PackFile_Segment {
     struct PackFile           * pf;
     struct PackFile_Directory * dir;
@@ -220,11 +238,6 @@
     opcode_t                  offset;   /* location of the item */
 } PackFile_FixupEntry;
-typedef enum {
-    enum_fixup_none,
-    enum_fixup_sub
-} enum_fixup_t;
 typedef struct PackFile_FixupTable {
     PackFile_Segment             base;
     opcode_t                     fixup_count;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/parrot.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/parrot.h	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/include/parrot/parrot.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
 #include "parrot/vtables.h"
 #include "parrot/multidispatch.h"
 #include "parrot/library.h"
-#include "parrot/global.h"
+#include "parrot/namespace.h"
 #include "parrot/stat.h"
 #include "parrot/hll.h"
 #include "parrot/pbcversion.h"

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/lib/Parrot/Docs/Section/Parrot.pm
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/lib/Parrot/Docs/Section/Parrot.pm	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/lib/Parrot/Docs/Section/Parrot.pm	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -31,17 +31,10 @@
 use Parrot::Distribution;
 use Parrot::Docs::Section::Developer;
-#use Parrot::Docs::Section::Examples;
 use Parrot::Docs::Section::PMCs;
-#use Parrot::Docs::Section::C;
 use Parrot::Docs::Section::Ops;
-#use Parrot::Docs::Section::IMCC;
-#use Parrot::Docs::Section::Perl;
-#use Parrot::Docs::Section::Libs;
 use Parrot::Docs::Section::Tools;
 use Parrot::Docs::Section::Compilers;
-#use Parrot::Docs::Section::Config;
-#use Parrot::Docs::Section::Tests;
 use Parrot::Docs::Section::PDDs;
 use Parrot::Docs::Section::PCT_Tutorial;
@@ -74,7 +67,6 @@
             $self->new_item( 'Running Parrot', 'docs/running.pod'),
             $self->new_item( 'Testing Parrot', 'docs/tests.pod'),
-#            Parrot::Docs::Section::Examples->new,
             $self->new_item( 'Developer FAQ', 'docs/gettingstarted.pod'),
             $self->new_item( 'Submitting Bug Reports & Patches', 'docs/submissions.pod' ),
@@ -122,13 +114,6 @@
             $self->new_item( 'Chapter 4 Grammar Engine', 'docs/book/pct/ch04_pge.pod'),
             $self->new_item( 'Chapter 5 Grammar Actions', 'docs/book/pct/ch05_nqp.pod'),
-#        Parrot::Docs::Section::C->new,
-#        Parrot::Docs::Section::IMCC->new,
-#        Parrot::Docs::Section::Perl->new,
-#        Parrot::Docs::Section::Libs->new,
-#        Parrot::Docs::Section::Tests->new,
-#        Parrot::Docs::Section::Config->new,
@@ -167,38 +152,6 @@
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=over 4
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Info>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Docs>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Examples>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::PMCs>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::C>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Ops>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::IMCC>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Perl>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Libs>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Tools>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Compilers>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Config>
-=item C<Parrot::Docs::Section::Tests>

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/cygwin/README
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/cygwin/README	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/ports/cygwin/README	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Parrot is a virtual machine designed to efficiently compile and
-execute bytecode for interpreted languages. Parrot is a target for Perl 6 
+execute bytecode for interpreted languages. Parrot is a target for Perl 6
 and a lot of other languages.
 Runtime requirements:
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   w32api pcre libpq5 openssl
 Build requirements:
-  readline libncurses-devel libicu-devel libgmp-devel libgdbm-devel perl 
+  readline libncurses-devel libicu-devel libgmp-devel libgdbm-devel perl
   make gcc
 Optional build requirements:
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-Or use 'cygport parrot-<VER>-<REL>.cygport prep' to get a patched 
+Or use 'cygport parrot-<VER>-<REL>.cygport prep' to get a patched
 source directory.
@@ -657,7 +657,6 @@
- /usr/include/parrot/1.0.0/parrot/global.h
@@ -676,6 +675,7 @@
+ /usr/include/parrot/1.0.0/parrot/namespace.h
@@ -1877,7 +1877,7 @@
 ----- version parrot-1.0.0-1 -----
 * cygwin 1.7, gcc-4.3 only
 * renamed libparrot-devel to parrot-devel
-* removed libparrot1 
+* removed libparrot1
 * new parrot-docs for make html
 * library.c patch to allow library/*.pbc
 * removed pbc_info
@@ -1910,21 +1910,21 @@
 ----- version parrot-0.7.0-1 -----
 * removed /usr/runtime and its preremove and postinstall scripts
-* added parrot_exists_check to .cygport. Already installed parrot 
+* added parrot_exists_check to .cygport. Already installed parrot
   still not supported, despite my #39742 patch
 * other minor .cygport improvements: export PATH in seperate lines to fix check
-* new patches: 
+* new patches:
   [perl #39742] [BUG]   installed conflict
   [perl #58034] [TODO]  config_args
   [perl #56996] [TODO]  FHS runtime paths
-* enhanced patch: 
+* enhanced patch:
   [perl #56554] [TODO]  make install -C languages
 * upstream fixed patches:
   [perl #56544] [PATCH] install_files.pl
   [perl #56998] [TODO]  rename cygwin dll to cygparrot$MAJOR_$MINOR_$PATCH.dll
   [perl #57006] [PATCH] add cygwin opengl config quirks
   [perl #57296] [TODO]  make install -C languages
-* fixed pipp, perl6, pheme, tcl installables. added pcbc's to library  
+* fixed pipp, perl6, pheme, tcl installables. added pcbc's to library
 ----- version parrot-0.6.4-2 -----
 * fixed invalid parrot languages and perl6 paths referencing the build_dir
@@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@
 * added myconfig parrotbug VERSION to /usr/lib/parrot
 * moved language dll's to parrot-languages
 * added more sublanguage exe's: bfc, bfco
-* added usr/lib/parrot/include/config.fpmc usr/lib/parrot/include/interpinfo.pasm 
+* added usr/lib/parrot/include/config.fpmc usr/lib/parrot/include/interpinfo.pasm
   to parrot
 ----- version parrot-0.6.4-1 -----
@@ -1951,11 +1951,11 @@
      [perl #57114] [PATCH] urm RealBin issue
 ----- version parrot-0.6.3-1 -----
-* first port, with the help from #parrot, fedora spec, 
+* first port, with the help from #parrot, fedora spec,
   gentoo ebuild and freebsd ports.
 * the php implementation plumhead is still named plumhead.
   will be renamed to pipp from the next release 0.6.4 on.
 Cygwin port maintained by: Reini Urban <rurban at x-ray.at>
-Please address all questions to the Cygwin mailing list 
+Please address all questions to the Cygwin mailing list
 at <cygwin at cygwin.com>

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/runtime/parrot/library/LWP/UserAgent.pir
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/runtime/parrot/library/LWP/UserAgent.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/runtime/parrot/library/LWP/UserAgent.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 .namespace ['LWP';'UserAgent']
-.loadlib 'io_ops'
 .sub '' :init :load :anon
     load_bytecode 'URI.pbc'
@@ -287,17 +286,19 @@
 .sub 'progress' :method
     .param string status
     .param pmc msg
+    .local pmc stderr
+    stderr = getstderr
     $P0 = getattribute self, 'show_progress'
     if null $P0 goto L1
     unless $P0 goto L1
     unless status == 'begin' goto L2
-    printerr "** "
+    print stderr, "** "
     $P0 = getattribute msg, 'method'
-    printerr $P0
-    printerr " "
+    print stderr, $P0
+    print stderr, " "
     $P0 = getattribute msg, 'uri'
-    printerr $P0
-    printerr " ==> "
+    print stderr, $P0
+    print stderr, " ==> "
     $N1 = time
     $P0 = box $N1
     setattribute self, 'progress_start', $P0
@@ -316,15 +317,15 @@
     setattribute self, 'progress_lastp', $P0
     setattribute self, 'progress_ani', $P0
     $S0 = msg.'status_line'()
-    printerr $S0
+    print stderr, $S0
     $N0 =$N2 - $N1
     $I0 = $N0
     unless $I0 goto L4
-    printerr " ("
-    printerr $I0
-    printerr "s)"
+    print stderr, " ("
+    print stderr, $I0
+    print stderr, "s)"
-    printerr "\n"
+    print stderr, "\n"
     goto L1
     unless status == 'tick' goto L5
@@ -333,8 +334,8 @@
     $P0 %= 4
     $P1 = split '', '-\|/'
     $S0 = $P1[$P0]
-    printerr $S0
-    printerr "\b"
+    print stderr, $S0
+    print stderr, "\b"
     goto L1
     $N0 = status
@@ -347,8 +348,8 @@
     $S0 = $P0
     if $S0 == $S1 goto L1
     set $P0, $S1
-    printerr $S1
-    printerr "\b\b\b\b"
+    print stderr, $S1
+    print stderr, "\b\b\b\b"

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/dynpmc/Defines.in
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/dynpmc/Defines.in	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/dynpmc/Defines.in	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
     include/parrot/extend_vtable.h \
     include/parrot/feature.h \
     include/parrot/gc_api.h \
-    include/parrot/global.h \
     include/parrot/global_setup.h \
     include/parrot/has_header.h \
     include/parrot/hash.h \
@@ -63,6 +62,7 @@
     include/parrot/memory.h \
     include/parrot/misc.h \
     include/parrot/multidispatch.h \
+    include/parrot/namespace.h \
     include/parrot/nci.h \
     include/parrot/oo.h \
     include/parrot/op.h \

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/gc_private.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/gc_private.h	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/gc/gc_private.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 typedef enum _gc_sys_type_enum {
     MS,  /*mark and sweep*/
-    INF /*infinite memory core*/
+    INF  /*infinite memory core*/
 } gc_sys_type_enum;
 /* how often to skip a full GC when this pool has nothing free */

Deleted: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/global.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/global.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47714)
+++ /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(deleted)
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Parrot Foundation.
-=head1 NAME
-Access to global PMCs
-=over 4
-#include "parrot/parrot.h"
-#include "global.str"
-#include "pmc/pmc_sub.h"
-#include "pmc/pmc_callcontext.h"
-/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/global.h */
-/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
-/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
-static PMC * get_namespace_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
-static PMC * internal_ns_keyed(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-    ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key),
-    int flags)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
-static PMC * internal_ns_keyed_key(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *ns),
-    ARGIN(PMC *key),
-    int flags)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
-static PMC * internal_ns_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-    ARGIN(STRING *key),
-    int flags)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
-static PMC * internal_ns_maybe_create(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *ns),
-    ARGIN(STRING *key),
-    int flags)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
-static void store_sub_in_multi(PARROT_INTERP,
-    ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc),
-    ARGIN(PMC *ns))
-        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_get_namespace_pmc __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(sub_pmc))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_internal_ns_keyed __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(pmc_key))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_internal_ns_keyed_key __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(ns) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_internal_ns_keyed_str __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_internal_ns_maybe_create __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(ns) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key))
-#define ASSERT_ARGS_store_sub_in_multi __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
-       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
-    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(sub_pmc) \
-/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
-/* HEADERIZER END: static */
-#define DEBUG_GLOBAL 0
-/* flags for internal_ns_keyed */
-#define INTERN_NS_CREAT 1       /* I'm a fan of the classics */
-=item C<static PMC * internal_ns_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, STRING
-*key, int flags)>
-Internal function to do keyed namespace lookup relative to a given namespace
-PMC.  Understands STRINGs.
-static PMC *
-internal_ns_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-    ARGIN(STRING *key), int flags)
-    ASSERT_ARGS(internal_ns_keyed_str)
-    PMC * const ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, base_ns, key);
-    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns) && VTABLE_isa(interp, ns, CONST_STRING(interp, "NameSpace")))
-        return ns;
-    return internal_ns_maybe_create(interp, base_ns, key, flags);
-=item C<static PMC * internal_ns_keyed_key(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, PMC *key, int
-Internal function to do keyed namespace lookup relative to a given namespace
-PMC.  Understands Key PMCs.  Used from C<internal_ns_keyed>.
-static PMC *
-internal_ns_keyed_key(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *ns), ARGIN(PMC *key), int flags)
-    ASSERT_ARGS(internal_ns_keyed_key)
-    while (key) {
-        STRING * const part = VTABLE_get_string(interp, key);
-        PMC    *sub_ns      = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, part);
-        if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns) || !VTABLE_isa(interp, sub_ns, CONST_STRING(interp, "NameSpace"))) {
-            sub_ns = internal_ns_maybe_create(interp, ns, part, flags);
-            if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns))
-                return PMCNULL;
-        }
-        ns  = sub_ns;
-        key = VTABLE_shift_pmc(interp, key);
-    }
-    return ns;
-=item C<static PMC * internal_ns_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, PMC
-*pmc_key, int flags)>
-internal_ns_keyed: Internal function to do keyed namespace lookup relative to a
-given namespace PMC.  Understands String, Key, and array PMCs containing
-static PMC *
-internal_ns_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns), ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key), int flags)
-    ASSERT_ARGS(internal_ns_keyed)
-    if (VTABLE_isa(interp, pmc_key, CONST_STRING(interp, "String"))) {
-        STRING * const str_key = VTABLE_get_string(interp, pmc_key);
-        return internal_ns_keyed_str(interp, base_ns, str_key, flags);
-    }
-    else if (pmc_key->vtable->base_type == enum_class_Key)
-        return internal_ns_keyed_key(interp, base_ns, pmc_key, flags);
-    else {
-        /* array of strings */
-        STRING * const isans = CONST_STRING(interp, "NameSpace");
-        const INTVAL n = VTABLE_elements(interp, pmc_key);
-        INTVAL i;
-        PMC *ns = base_ns;
-        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-            STRING * const part = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_int(interp, pmc_key, i);
-            PMC *sub_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, part);
-            if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns) || !VTABLE_isa(interp, sub_ns, isans)) {
-                sub_ns = internal_ns_maybe_create(interp, ns, part, flags);
-                if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns))
-                    return PMCNULL;
-            }
-            ns = sub_ns;
-        }
-        return ns;
-    }
-=item C<static PMC * internal_ns_maybe_create(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING
-*key, int flags)>
-Given the a namespace PMC, a STRING containing a name, and flags from
-C<internal_ns_keyed> or C<internal_ns_keyed_str>, creates and returns a new
-namespace with the given name in the given namespace.  This is an internal
-function only.
-static PMC *
-internal_ns_maybe_create(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *ns), ARGIN(STRING *key), int flags)
-    ASSERT_ARGS(internal_ns_maybe_create)
-    PMC *sub_ns;
-    /* TT #1220 - stop depending on typed namespace */
-    if (!(flags & INTERN_NS_CREAT))
-        return PMCNULL;
-    /* TT #1221 - match HLL of enclosing namespace? */
-    sub_ns = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_type(interp,
-                                                 enum_class_NameSpace));
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns))
-        return PMCNULL;
-    VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, key, sub_ns);
-    return sub_ns;
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, PMC
-Find the namespace relative to the namespace C<base_ns> with the key
-C<pmc_key>, which may be a String, a Key, or an array of strings.  Return
-the namespace, or NULL if not found.
-PMC *
-Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns), ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_get_namespace_keyed)
-    return internal_ns_keyed(interp, base_ns, pmc_key, 0);
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, STRING
-Find the namespace relative to the namespace C<base_ns> with the string key
-C<str_key>.  Return the namespace, or NULL if not found.
-PMC *
-Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str)
-    return internal_ns_keyed_str(interp, base_ns, str_key, 0);
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, PMC
-Find, or create if necessary, the namespace relative to the namespace
-C<base_ns> with the key C<pmc_key>, which may be a String, a Key, or an
-array of strings.  Return the namespace.  Errors will result in exceptions.
-PMC *
-Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-        ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_make_namespace_keyed)
-    return internal_ns_keyed(interp, base_ns, pmc_key, INTERN_NS_CREAT);
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns,
-STRING *str_key)>
-Find, or create if necessary, the namespace relative to the namespace
-C<base_ns> with the string key C<str_key>.  Return the namespace.  Errors
-will result in exceptions.
-PMC *
-Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
-        ARGIN(STRING *str_key))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str)
-    return internal_ns_keyed_str(interp, base_ns, str_key, INTERN_NS_CREAT);
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_make_namespace_autobase(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *key)>
-Find, or create if necessary, a namespace with the key C<key>, which may be a
-String, a Key, or an array of strings. If it is a String, then the lookup is
-relative to the current namespace. Otherwise, it is relative to the current HLL
-root namespace. Return the namespace.  Errors will result in exceptions.
-PMC *
-Parrot_make_namespace_autobase(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *key))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_make_namespace_autobase)
-    PMC *base_ns;
-    if (VTABLE_isa(interp, key, CONST_STRING(interp, "String")))
-        base_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    else
-        base_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, interp->HLL_namespace,
-            Parrot_pcc_get_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp)));
-    return Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, base_ns, key);
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_get_name(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *_namespace)>
-Retrieve an array of names from a namespace object.
-PMC *
-Parrot_ns_get_name(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *_namespace))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_get_name)
-    PMC *names;
-    Parrot_pcc_invoke_method_from_c_args(interp, _namespace, CONST_STRING(interp, "get_name"), "->P", &names);
-    return names;
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_get_global(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING *globalname)>
-Parrot_get_global allows a null namespace without throwing an exception; it
-simply returns PMCNULL in that case.
-NOTE: At present the use of the {get, set}_global functions is mandatory due to the
-      wacky namespace typing of the default Parrot namespace.  Eventually it will be
-      safe to just use the standard hash interface (if desired).
-Look up the global named C<globalname> in the namespace C<ns>.  Return the
-global, or return PMCNULL if C<ns> is null or if the global is not found.
-KLUDGE ALERT: Currently prefers non-namespaces in case of collision.
- * {get, set}_global.
- *
- * Parrot_get_global allows a null namespace without throwing an exception; it
- * simply returns PMCNULL in that case.
- *
- * NOTE: At present the use of the {get, set}_global functions is mandatory due to the
- *       wacky namespace typing of the default Parrot namespace.  Eventually it will be
- *       safe to just use the standard hash interface (if desired).
- */
-PMC *
-Parrot_get_global(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *ns), ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_get_global)
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
-        return PMCNULL;
-    return (PMC *)VTABLE_get_pointer_keyed_str(interp, ns, globalname);
-=item C<void Parrot_set_global(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING *globalname, PMC
-Set the global named C<globalname> in the namespace C<ns> to the value C<val>.
-Parrot_set_global(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *ns),
-        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname), ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_set_global)
-    VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, globalname, val);
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_find_global_n(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING *globalname)>
-Search the namespace PMC C<ns> for an object with name C<globalname>.
-Return the object, or NULL if not found.
-TT #1222 - For now this function prefers non-namespaces, it will eventually
-entirely use the untyped interface.
-PMC *
-Parrot_find_global_n(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *ns), ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_find_global_n)
-    PMC *res;
-    if (globalname)
-        Parrot_io_printf(interp, "find_global name '%Ss'\n", globalname);
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
-        res = PMCNULL;
-    else {
-        /*
-         * TT #1219 - we should be able to use 'get_pmc_keyed' here,
-         * but we can't because Parrot's default namespaces are not
-         * fully typed and there's a pseudo-typed interface that
-         * distinguishes 'get_pmc_keyed' from 'get_pointer_keyed';
-         * the former is for NS and the latter is for non-NS.
-         */
-        res = (PMC *)VTABLE_get_pointer_keyed_str(interp, ns, globalname);
-    }
-    return PMC_IS_NULL(res) ? NULL : res;
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_find_global_cur(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *globalname)>
-Finds and returns the data time named C<globalname> in the current namespace.
-PMC *
-Parrot_find_global_cur(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_find_global_cur)
-    PMC * const ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    return Parrot_find_global_n(interp, ns, globalname);
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_find_global_s(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *str_key, STRING
-Search the namespace designated by C<str_key>, or the HLL root if
-C<str_key> is NULL, for an object with name C<globalname>.  Return the
-object, or NULL if not found.
-TT #1222 - For now this function prefers non-namespaces, it will eventually
-entirely use the untyped interface.
-PMC *
-Parrot_find_global_s(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key),
-        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_find_global_s)
-    PMC *const ns =
-        Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
-                                       Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp),
-                                       str_key);
-    return Parrot_find_global_n(interp, ns, globalname);
-=item C<void Parrot_store_global_n(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING *globalname,
-PMC *val)>
-Store the PMC C<val> into the namespace PMC C<ns> with name C<globalname>.
-Parrot_store_global_n(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *ns),
-        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname), ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_store_global_n)
-    if (globalname)
-        Parrot_io_printf(interp, "store_global name '%Ss'\n", globalname);
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
-        return;
-    VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, globalname, val);
-=item C<void Parrot_store_global_s(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *str_key, STRING
-*globalname, PMC *val)>
-Store the PMC C<val> into the namespace designated by C<str_key>, or
-the HLL root if C<str_key> is NULL, with the name C<globalname>.
-Parrot_store_global_s(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key),
-        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname), ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_store_global_s)
-    PMC * const ns = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
-                                         Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp),
-                                         str_key);
-    Parrot_store_global_n(interp, ns, globalname, val);
-    /* TT #1225 - method cache invalidation should be a namespace function */
-    Parrot_invalidate_method_cache(interp, str_key);
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_find_global_op(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING *globalname,
-void *next)>
-If the global exists in the given namespace PMC, return it.  If not, return
-PMC *
-Parrot_find_global_op(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *ns),
-        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname), ARGIN_NULLOK(void *next))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_find_global_op)
-    PMC *res;
-    if (STRING_IS_NULL(globalname))
-        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, next, EXCEPTION_GLOBAL_NOT_FOUND,
-            "Tried to get null global");
-    res = Parrot_find_global_n(interp, ns, globalname);
-    if (!res)
-        res = PMCNULL;
-    return res;
-=item C<PMC * Parrot_find_name_op(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *name, void *next)>
-TT #1223 - THIS IS BROKEN - it doesn't walk up the scopes yet
-Find the given C<name> in lexicals, then the current namespace, then the HLL
-root namespace, and finally Parrot builtins.  If the name isn't found
-anywhere, return PMCNULL.
-PMC *
-Parrot_find_name_op(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(STRING *name), SHIM(void *next))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_find_name_op)
-    PMC * const ctx     = CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp);
-    PMC * const lex_pad = Parrot_find_pad(interp, name, ctx);
-    PMC *g;
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(lex_pad))
-        g = PMCNULL;
-    else
-        g = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, lex_pad, name);
-    /* TT #1223 - walk up the scopes!  duh!! */
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(g))
-        g = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, name);
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(g))
-        g = Parrot_find_global_n(interp, Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp), name);
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(g))
-        return PMCNULL;
-    else
-        return g;
-=item C<static PMC * get_namespace_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *sub_pmc)>
-Return the namespace PMC associated with the PMC C<sub>. If C<sub> is NULL,
-return the Associated HLL namespace PMC instead.
-static PMC *
-get_namespace_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(get_namespace_pmc)
-    Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
-    PMC        *nsname, *nsroot;
-    PMC_get_sub(interp, sub_pmc, sub);
-    nsname = sub->namespace_name;
-    nsroot = Parrot_get_HLL_namespace(interp, sub->HLL_id);
-    /* If we have a NULL, return the HLL namespace */
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(nsname))
-        return nsroot;
-    /* If we have a String, do a string lookup */
-    else if (nsname->vtable->base_type == enum_class_String)
-        return Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, nsroot,
-                VTABLE_get_string(interp, nsname));
-    /* Otherwise, do a PMC lookup */
-    else
-        return Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, nsroot, nsname);
-=item C<static void store_sub_in_multi(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *sub_pmc, PMC *ns)>
-Adds the sub C<sub> into a mulisub of the same name in the namespace C<ns>.
-If no multisub by that name currently exists, we create one.
-static void
-store_sub_in_multi(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc), ARGIN(PMC *ns))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(store_sub_in_multi)
-    Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
-    STRING     *ns_entry_name;
-    PMC        *multisub;
-    PMC_get_sub(interp, sub_pmc, sub);
-    ns_entry_name = sub->ns_entry_name;
-    multisub      = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, ns_entry_name);
-    /* is there an existing MultiSub PMC? or do we need to create one? */
-    if (PMC_IS_NULL(multisub)) {
-        multisub = Parrot_pmc_new(interp,  Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_type(interp, enum_class_MultiSub));
-        /* we have to push the sub onto the MultiSub before we try to store
-        it because storing requires information from the sub */
-        VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, multisub, sub_pmc);
-        VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, ns_entry_name, multisub);
-    }
-    else
-        VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, multisub, sub_pmc);
-=item C<void Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *sub_pmc)>
-Adds the PMC C<sub> into the current namespace. Adds the sub to a multi of the
-same name if it's defined as a multi.
-Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace)
-    const INTVAL cur_id = Parrot_pcc_get_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC        *ns;
-    Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
-    /* PF structures aren't fully constructed yet */
-    Parrot_block_GC_mark(interp);
-    /* store relative to HLL namespace */
-    PMC_get_sub(interp, sub_pmc, sub);
-    Parrot_pcc_set_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp), sub->HLL_id);
-    ns = get_namespace_pmc(interp, sub_pmc);
-    /* attach a namespace to the sub for lookups */
-    sub->namespace_stash = ns;
-    /* store a :multi sub */
-    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(sub->multi_signature))
-        store_sub_in_multi(interp, sub_pmc, ns);
-    /* store other subs (as long as they're not :anon) */
-    else if (!(PObj_get_FLAGS(sub_pmc) & SUB_FLAG_PF_ANON)
-        || sub->vtable_index != -1) {
-        STRING * const ns_entry_name = sub->ns_entry_name;
-        PMC    * const nsname        = sub->namespace_name;
-        Parrot_store_global_n(interp, ns, ns_entry_name, sub_pmc);
-        /* TT #1224:
-           TEMPORARY HACK - cache invalidation should be a namespace function */
-        if (!PMC_IS_NULL(nsname)) {
-            STRING * const nsname_s = VTABLE_get_string(interp, nsname);
-            Parrot_invalidate_method_cache(interp, nsname_s);
-        }
-    }
-    /* restore HLL_id */
-    Parrot_pcc_set_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp), cur_id);
-    Parrot_unblock_GC_mark(interp);
-=head1 SEE ALSO
- * Local variables:
- *   c-file-style: "parrot"
- * End:
- * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
- */

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/hll.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/hll.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/hll.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
      * ns_hash to another type, if mappings provide one
      * XXX - FIXME
-    ns_hash = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, interp->root_namespace,
+    ns_hash = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, interp->root_namespace,
     /* cache HLL's toplevel namespace */
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
              * here because the typemap already exists, but it is not currently
              * done for consistency.
-            ns_hash = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
+            ns_hash = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
                 interp->root_namespace, hll_name);
             VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, interp->HLL_namespace,

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/io_private.h
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/io_private.h	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/io_private.h	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -27,23 +27,19 @@
 #define PARROT_IN_IO 1
 #include <parrot/io.h>
 /* XXX: Parrot config is currently not probing for all headers so
  * I'm sticking here rather than parrot.h
-#  ifdef UNIX
-#    include <sys/socket.h>
-#  endif
-#  ifdef WIN32
-#    include <winsock.h>
-#  endif
+#ifdef UNIX
+#  include <sys/socket.h>
-#endif /* PARROT_NET_DEVEL */
+#ifdef WIN32
+#  include <winsock.h>
 /* IO object flags */
 #define PIO_F_READ      00000001

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/socket_unix.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/socket_unix.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/socket_unix.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@
 =head2 Networking
-Define C<PARROT_NET_DEVEL> to enable networking.
 These could be native extensions but they probably should be here if we
 wish to make them integrated with the async IO system.
@@ -110,8 +108,6 @@
 =item C<INTVAL Parrot_io_socket_unix(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *s, int fam, int type,
@@ -314,13 +310,13 @@
         switch (errno) {
           case EINTR:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    ifdef EWOULDBLOCK
           case EWOULDBLOCK:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    else
+#  else
           case EAGAIN:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    endif
+#  endif
           case EPIPE:
             /* XXX why close it here and not below */
@@ -363,13 +359,13 @@
         switch (errno) {
           case EINTR:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    ifdef EWOULDBLOCK
           case EWOULDBLOCK:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    else
+#  else
           case EAGAIN:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    endif
+#  endif
           case ECONNRESET:
             /* XXX why close it on err return result is -1 anyway */
@@ -457,12 +453,12 @@
     const int family = AF_INET;
     struct sockaddr_in * const sa = (struct sockaddr_in*)VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, sockaddr);
     if (inet_aton(host, &sa->sin_addr) != 0) {
-#    else
+#  else
     /* positive retval is success */
     if (inet_pton(family, host, &sa->sin_addr) > 0) {
-#    endif
+#  endif
         /* Success converting numeric IP */
     else {
@@ -482,7 +478,6 @@
     sa->sin_family = family;
     sa->sin_port = htons(port);
-#  endif
 #endif /* PIO_OS_UNIX */

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/socket_win32.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/socket_win32.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/socket_win32.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -51,13 +51,11 @@
 /* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
 /* HEADERIZER END: static */
 /* Helper macros to get sockaddr_in */
-#    define SOCKADDR_LOCAL(p) ((struct sockaddr_in*)VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, \
-                PARROT_SOCKET((p))->local))
-#    define SOCKADDR_REMOTE(p) ((struct sockaddr_in*)VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, \
-                PARROT_SOCKET((p))->remote))
+#  define SOCKADDR_LOCAL(p) ((struct sockaddr_in*)VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, \
+              PARROT_SOCKET((p))->local))
+#  define SOCKADDR_REMOTE(p) ((struct sockaddr_in*)VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, \
+              PARROT_SOCKET((p))->remote))
@@ -262,13 +260,13 @@
         switch (errno) {
           case WSAEINTR:
             goto AGAIN;
           case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    else
+#  else
           case WSAEAGAIN:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    endif
+#  endif
           case EPIPE:
             /* XXX why close it here and not below */
@@ -311,13 +309,13 @@
         switch (errno) {
           case EINTR:
             goto AGAIN;
           case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    else
+#  else
           case WSAEAGAIN:
             goto AGAIN;
-#    endif
+#  endif
           case WSAECONNRESET:
             /* XXX why close it on err return result is -1 anyway */
@@ -452,8 +450,6 @@
     return sockaddr;
-#  endif /* PARROT_NET_DEVEL */
 #endif /* PIO_OS_WIN32 */

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/win32.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/win32.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/io/win32.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -134,10 +134,8 @@
     HANDLE h;
     struct WSAData sockinfo;
     int ret;
-#  endif
     if ((h = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
         _PIO_STDIN(interp) = Parrot_io_fdopen_win32(interp, PMCNULL, h, PIO_F_READ);
@@ -157,7 +155,6 @@
     else {
         _PIO_STDERR(interp) = PMCNULL;
     /* Start Winsock
      * no idea where or whether destroy it
@@ -167,7 +164,6 @@
         return -4;
-#  endif
     return 0;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/key.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/key.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/key.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -146,31 +146,6 @@
     return key_new_string(interp, Parrot_str_new(interp, value, 0));
-=item C<PMC * key_new_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *value)>
-Returns a new PMC C<Key> PMC with value C<value>.
-PMC *
-key_new_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *value))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(key_new_pmc)
-    PMC * const key = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Key);
-    PObj_get_FLAGS(key) |= KEY_pmc_FLAG;
-    Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, 1, "this is broken - see slice.pmc");
 =item C<void key_set_integer(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *key, INTVAL value)>
@@ -263,33 +238,6 @@
-=item C<void key_set_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *key, PMC *value)>
-Set the PMC C<value> in C<key>.
-key_set_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, ARGMOD(PMC *key), ARGIN(PMC *value))
-    ASSERT_ARGS(key_set_pmc)
-    PObj_get_FLAGS(key) &= ~KEY_type_FLAGS;
-    PObj_get_FLAGS(key) |=  KEY_pmc_FLAG;
-    /*
-     * XXX leo
-     * what for is this indirection?
-     */
-    Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, 1, "this is broken - see slice.pmc");
 =item C<INTVAL key_type(PARROT_INTERP, const PMC *key)>

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/multidispatch.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/multidispatch.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/multidispatch.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -329,9 +329,9 @@
     STRING * const multi_str = CONST_STRING(interp, "MULTI");
-    PMC    * const ns        = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
+    PMC    * const ns        = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
                                     interp->root_namespace, multi_str);
-    PMC    * const multi_sub = Parrot_get_global(interp, ns, name);
+    PMC    * const multi_sub = Parrot_ns_get_global(interp, ns, name);
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(multi_sub)) {
         return PMCNULL;
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
-    multi_sub = Parrot_get_global(interp, ns, name);
+    multi_sub = Parrot_ns_get_global(interp, ns, name);
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(multi_sub))
@@ -868,9 +868,9 @@
     STRING * const multi_str = CONST_STRING(interp, "MULTI");
-    PMC    * const ns        = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
+    PMC    * const ns        = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
                                     interp->root_namespace, multi_str);
-    PMC           *multi_sub = Parrot_get_global(interp, ns, name);
+    PMC           *multi_sub = Parrot_ns_get_global(interp, ns, name);
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(multi_sub))
@@ -896,13 +896,13 @@
     STRING * const multi_str = CONST_STRING(interp, "MULTI");
-    PMC    * const ns        = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
+    PMC    * const ns        = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
                                     interp->root_namespace, multi_str);
-    PMC           *multi_sub = Parrot_get_global(interp, ns, sub_name);
+    PMC           *multi_sub = Parrot_ns_get_global(interp, ns, sub_name);
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(multi_sub)) {
         multi_sub = Parrot_pmc_new_constant(interp, enum_class_MultiSub);
-        Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, sub_name, multi_sub);
+        Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, sub_name, multi_sub);
     PARROT_ASSERT(multi_sub->vtable->base_type == enum_class_MultiSub);
@@ -930,12 +930,12 @@
     PMC * const hll_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp,
                         Parrot_pcc_get_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp)));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, hll_ns, ns_name);
-    PMC        *multi_sub = Parrot_get_global(interp, ns, sub_name);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, hll_ns, ns_name);
+    PMC        *multi_sub = Parrot_ns_get_global(interp, ns, sub_name);
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(multi_sub)) {
         multi_sub = Parrot_pmc_new_constant(interp, enum_class_MultiSub);
-        Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, sub_name, multi_sub);
+        Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, sub_name, multi_sub);
     PARROT_ASSERT(multi_sub->vtable->base_type == enum_class_MultiSub);

Copied: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/namespace.c (from r47713, trunk/src/namespace.c)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/namespace.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715, copy of r47713, trunk/src/namespace.c)
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Parrot Foundation.
+=head1 NAME
+Common routines for storing and finding elements in namespaces
+#include "parrot/parrot.h"
+#include "namespace.str"
+#include "pmc/pmc_sub.h"
+#include "pmc/pmc_callcontext.h"
+/* HEADERIZER HFILE: include/parrot/namespace.h */
+/* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
+/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
+static PMC * get_namespace_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2);
+static PMC * internal_ns_keyed(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+    ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key),
+    int flags)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
+static PMC * internal_ns_keyed_key(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *ns),
+    ARGIN(PMC *key),
+    int flags)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
+static PMC * internal_ns_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+    ARGIN(STRING *key),
+    int flags)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
+static PMC * internal_ns_maybe_create(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *ns),
+    ARGIN(STRING *key),
+    int flags)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
+static void store_sub_in_multi(PARROT_INTERP,
+    ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc),
+    ARGIN(PMC *ns))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_get_namespace_pmc __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(sub_pmc))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_internal_ns_keyed __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(pmc_key))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_internal_ns_keyed_key __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(ns) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_internal_ns_keyed_str __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(base_ns) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_internal_ns_maybe_create __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(ns) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(key))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_store_sub_in_multi __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(sub_pmc) \
+/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
+/* HEADERIZER END: static */
+/* flags for internal_ns_keyed */
+#define INTERN_NS_CREAT 1       /* I'm a fan of the classics */
+=head1 Internal Static Functions
+=over 4
+=item C<static PMC * internal_ns_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, STRING
+*key, int flags)>
+Looks up a nested NameSpace PMC starting from C<base_ns> and doing a relative
+lookup. C<key> is a STRING containing the name of the NameSpace to look up.
+Flags can be 0 or INTERN_NS_CREAT. In the former case, PMCNULL is returned
+if the namespace is not found. In the later, a new namespace with the given
+is created and returned if it is not found.
+static PMC *
+internal_ns_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+    ARGIN(STRING *key), int flags)
+    ASSERT_ARGS(internal_ns_keyed_str)
+    PMC * const ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, base_ns, key);
+    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns) && VTABLE_isa(interp, ns, CONST_STRING(interp, "NameSpace")))
+        return ns;
+    return internal_ns_maybe_create(interp, base_ns, key, flags);
+=item C<static PMC * internal_ns_keyed_key(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, PMC *key, int
+Internal function to do keyed namespace lookup relative to a given namespace
+PMC. The namespace to find is located by C<key> relative to C<ns>. C<flags>
+determines what happens when an existing namespace is not found. 0 means
+PMCNULL is returned, INTERN_NS_CREAT means a new namespace is created.
+static PMC *
+internal_ns_keyed_key(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *ns), ARGIN(PMC *key), int flags)
+    ASSERT_ARGS(internal_ns_keyed_key)
+    while (key) {
+        STRING * const part = VTABLE_get_string(interp, key);
+        PMC    *sub_ns      = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, part);
+        if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns) || !VTABLE_isa(interp, sub_ns, CONST_STRING(interp, "NameSpace"))) {
+            sub_ns = internal_ns_maybe_create(interp, ns, part, flags);
+            if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns))
+                return PMCNULL;
+        }
+        ns  = sub_ns;
+        key = VTABLE_shift_pmc(interp, key);
+    }
+    return ns;
+=item C<static PMC * internal_ns_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, PMC
+*pmc_key, int flags)>
+Search for a namespace PMC starting from a base namespace C<base_ns> and
+following C<pmc_key> to the nested namespace. C<pmc_key> can be a String,
+a Key, or an array of strings (such as an ResizableStringArray, or a
+ResizablePMCArray that contains Strings). Flags determines what we do if the
+requested namespace is not found: 0 means we return PMCNULL, INTERN_NS_CREAT
+means we create the new namespace and return it.
+static PMC *
+internal_ns_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns), ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key), int flags)
+    ASSERT_ARGS(internal_ns_keyed)
+    if (VTABLE_isa(interp, pmc_key, CONST_STRING(interp, "String"))) {
+        STRING * const str_key = VTABLE_get_string(interp, pmc_key);
+        return internal_ns_keyed_str(interp, base_ns, str_key, flags);
+    }
+    else if (PMC_IS_TYPE(pmc_key, Key))
+        return internal_ns_keyed_key(interp, base_ns, pmc_key, flags);
+    else {
+        /* array of strings */
+        STRING * const isans = CONST_STRING(interp, "NameSpace");
+        const INTVAL n = VTABLE_elements(interp, pmc_key);
+        INTVAL i;
+        PMC *ns = base_ns;
+        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+            STRING * const part = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_int(interp, pmc_key, i);
+            PMC *sub_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, part);
+            if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns) || !VTABLE_isa(interp, sub_ns, isans)) {
+                sub_ns = internal_ns_maybe_create(interp, ns, part, flags);
+                if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns))
+                    return PMCNULL;
+            }
+            ns = sub_ns;
+        }
+        return ns;
+    }
+=item C<static PMC * internal_ns_maybe_create(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING
+*key, int flags)>
+Given a namespace PMC C<ns>, a STRING C<key> containing a name, and flags from
+C<internal_ns_keyed> or C<internal_ns_keyed_str>, creates and returns a new
+namespace with the given name as a child of the given namespace.  This is an
+internal function only.
+static PMC *
+internal_ns_maybe_create(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *ns), ARGIN(STRING *key), int flags)
+    ASSERT_ARGS(internal_ns_maybe_create)
+    /* TT #1220 - stop depending on typed namespace */
+    if (!(flags & INTERN_NS_CREAT))
+        return PMCNULL;
+    else {
+        const INTVAL type_id = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_type(interp, enum_class_NameSpace);
+        /* TT #1221 - match HLL of enclosing namespace? */
+        PMC * const sub_ns = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, type_id);
+        if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub_ns))
+            return PMCNULL;
+        VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, key, sub_ns);
+        return sub_ns;
+    }
+=item C<static PMC * get_namespace_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *sub_pmc)>
+Return the namespace PMC associated with the PMC C<sub>. If there is no
+NameSpace associated with the sub, return it's HLL NameSpace PMC instead.
+static PMC *
+get_namespace_pmc(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(get_namespace_pmc)
+    Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
+    PMC        *nsname, *nsroot;
+    PMC_get_sub(interp, sub_pmc, sub);
+    nsname = sub->namespace_name;
+    nsroot = Parrot_get_HLL_namespace(interp, sub->HLL_id);
+    /* If we have a NULL, return the HLL namespace */
+    if (PMC_IS_NULL(nsname))
+        return nsroot;
+    /* If we have a String, do a string lookup */
+    else if (nsname->vtable->base_type == enum_class_String)
+        return Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, nsroot,
+                VTABLE_get_string(interp, nsname));
+    /* Otherwise, do a PMC lookup */
+    else
+        return Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, nsroot, nsname);
+=item C<static void store_sub_in_multi(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *sub_pmc, PMC *ns)>
+Adds the sub C<sub> into a multisub of the same name in the namespace C<ns>.
+If no multisub by that name currently exists, we create one.
+static void
+store_sub_in_multi(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc), ARGIN(PMC *ns))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(store_sub_in_multi)
+    Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
+    STRING     *ns_entry_name;
+    PMC        *multisub;
+    PMC_get_sub(interp, sub_pmc, sub);
+    ns_entry_name = sub->ns_entry_name;
+    multisub      = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, ns_entry_name);
+    /* is there an existing MultiSub PMC? or do we need to create one? */
+    if (PMC_IS_NULL(multisub)) {
+        multisub = Parrot_pmc_new(interp,  Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_type(interp, enum_class_MultiSub));
+        /* we have to push the sub onto the MultiSub before we try to store
+        it because storing requires information from the sub */
+        VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, multisub, sub_pmc);
+        VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, ns_entry_name, multisub);
+    }
+    else
+        VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, multisub, sub_pmc);
+=head1 NameSpace API Functions
+=over 4
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, PMC
+Find the namespace relative to the namespace C<base_ns> with the key
+C<pmc_key>, which may be a String, a Key, or an array of strings.  Return
+the namespace, or NULL if not found.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns), ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed)
+    return internal_ns_keyed(interp, base_ns, pmc_key, 0);
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns,
+STRING *str_key)>
+Find the namespace relative to the namespace C<base_ns> with the string key
+C<str_key>.  Return the namespace, or NULL if not found.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str)
+    return internal_ns_keyed_str(interp, base_ns, str_key, 0);
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns, PMC
+Find, or create if necessary, the namespace relative to the namespace
+C<base_ns> with the key C<pmc_key>, which may be a String, a Key, or an
+array of strings.  Return the namespace.  Errors will result in exceptions.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+        ARGIN(PMC *pmc_key))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed)
+    return internal_ns_keyed(interp, base_ns, pmc_key, INTERN_NS_CREAT);
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *base_ns,
+STRING *str_key)>
+Find, or create if necessary, the namespace relative to the namespace
+C<base_ns> with the string key C<str_key>.  Return the namespace.  Errors
+will result in exceptions.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *base_ns),
+        ARGIN(STRING *str_key))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str)
+    return internal_ns_keyed_str(interp, base_ns, str_key, INTERN_NS_CREAT);
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_make_namespace_autobase(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *key)>
+Find, or create if necessary, a namespace with the key C<key>, which may be a
+String, a Key, or an array of strings. If it is a String, then the lookup is
+relative to the current namespace. Otherwise, it is relative to the current HLL
+root namespace. Return the namespace.  Errors will result in exceptions.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_make_namespace_autobase(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *key))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_make_namespace_autobase)
+    PMC *base_ns;
+    if (VTABLE_isa(interp, key, CONST_STRING(interp, "String")))
+        base_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
+    else
+        base_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, interp->HLL_namespace,
+            Parrot_pcc_get_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp)));
+    return Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, base_ns, key);
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_get_name(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *_namespace)>
+Get the name of the namespace, as a ResizableStringArray. For instance, the
+namespace Foo:Bar:Baz would return an RSA with three elements.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_get_name(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *_namespace))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_get_name)
+    PMC *names;
+    STRING * const get_name = CONST_STRING(interp, "get_name");
+    Parrot_pcc_invoke_method_from_c_args(interp, _namespace, get_name, "->P", &names);
+    return names;
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_get_global(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING *globalname)>
+Look up the global named C<globalname> in the namespace C<ns>.  Return the
+global, or return PMCNULL if C<ns> is null or if the global is not found.
+Parrot_ns_get_global allows a null namespace without throwing an exception; it
+simply returns PMCNULL in that case.
+NOTE: At present the use of the {get, set}_global functions is mandatory due
+      to the wacky namespace typing of the default Parrot namespace.
+      Eventually it will be safe to just use the standard hash interface
+      (if desired).
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_get_global(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *ns), ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_get_global)
+    if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
+        return PMCNULL;
+    return (PMC *)VTABLE_get_pointer_keyed_str(interp, ns, globalname);
+=item C<void Parrot_ns_set_global(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING *globalname,
+PMC *val)>
+Set the global named C<globalname> in the namespace C<ns> to the value C<val>.
+Parrot_ns_set_global(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *ns),
+        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname), ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_set_global)
+    VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, globalname, val);
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING
+Search the namespace PMC C<ns> for an object with name C<globalname>.
+Return the object, or NULL if not found.
+TT #1222 - For now this function prefers non-namespaces, it will eventually
+entirely use the untyped interface.
+PMC *
+        ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *ns), ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global)
+    PMC *res;
+    if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
+        res = PMCNULL;
+    else {
+        /*
+         * TT #1219 - we should be able to use 'get_pmc_keyed' here,
+         * but we can't because Parrot's default namespaces are not
+         * fully typed and there's a pseudo-typed interface that
+         * distinguishes 'get_pmc_keyed' from 'get_pointer_keyed';
+         * the former is for NS and the latter is for non-NS.
+         */
+        res = (PMC *)VTABLE_get_pointer_keyed_str(interp, ns, globalname);
+    }
+    return PMC_IS_NULL(res) ? NULL : res;
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(PARROT_INTERP, STRING
+Finds and returns the data time named C<globalname> in the current namespace.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global)
+    PMC * const ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
+    return Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(interp, ns, globalname);
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_find_global_s(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *str_key, STRING
+Search the namespace designated by C<str_key>, or the HLL root if
+C<str_key> is NULL, for an object with name C<globalname>.  Return the
+object, or NULL if not found.
+TT #1222 - For now this function prefers non-namespaces, it will eventually
+entirely use the untyped interface.
+PMC *
+Parrot_find_global_s(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key),
+        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_find_global_s)
+    PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
+    PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(interp, hll_ns, str_key);
+    return Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(interp, ns, globalname);
+=item C<void Parrot_ns_store_global(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING *globalname,
+PMC *val)>
+Store the PMC C<val> into the namespace PMC C<ns> with name C<globalname>. If
+the namespace is null, do nothing.
+Parrot_ns_store_global(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *ns),
+        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname), ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_store_global)
+    if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
+        return;
+    VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, ns, globalname, val);
+=item C<void Parrot_store_global_s(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *str_key, STRING
+*globalname, PMC *val)>
+Store the PMC C<val> into the namespace designated by C<str_key>, or
+the HLL root if C<str_key> is NULL, with the name C<globalname>.
+Parrot_store_global_s(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *str_key),
+        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname), ARGIN_NULLOK(PMC *val))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_store_global_s)
+    PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
+    PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, hll_ns, str_key);
+    Parrot_ns_store_global(interp, ns, globalname, val);
+    /* TT #1225 - method cache invalidation should be a namespace function */
+    Parrot_invalidate_method_cache(interp, str_key);
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *ns, STRING
+*globalname, void *next)>
+If the global exists in the given namespace PMC, return it.  If not, return
+PMCNULL. Throw an exception if a NULL name is passed.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *ns),
+        ARGIN_NULLOK(STRING *globalname), ARGIN_NULLOK(void *next))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op)
+    if (STRING_IS_NULL(globalname))
+        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, next, EXCEPTION_GLOBAL_NOT_FOUND,
+            "Tried to get null global");
+    else {
+        PMC * const res = Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(interp, ns, globalname);
+        if (!res)
+            return PMCNULL;
+        return res;
+    }
+=item C<PMC * Parrot_ns_find_named_item(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *name, void
+TT #1223 - THIS IS BROKEN - it doesn't walk up the scopes yet
+Find the given C<name> in lexicals, then the current namespace, then the HLL
+root namespace, and finally Parrot builtins.  If the name isn't found
+anywhere, return PMCNULL.
+PMC *
+Parrot_ns_find_named_item(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(STRING *name), SHIM(void *next))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_find_named_item)
+    PMC * const ctx     = CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp);
+    PMC * const lex_pad = Parrot_find_pad(interp, name, ctx);
+    PMC * g = PMCNULL;
+    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(lex_pad)) {
+        g = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, lex_pad, name);
+        /* TT #1223 - walk up the scopes!  duh!! */
+        if (!PMC_IS_NULL(g))
+            return g;
+    }
+    g = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, name);
+    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(g))
+        return g;
+    g = Parrot_ns_find_namespace_global(interp, Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp), name);
+    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(g))
+        return g;
+    return PMCNULL;
+=item C<void Parrot_ns_store_sub(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *sub_pmc)>
+Adds the PMC C<sub> into the current namespace. Adds the sub to a multi of the
+same name if it's defined as a multi.
+Parrot_ns_store_sub(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *sub_pmc))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_ns_store_sub)
+    const INTVAL cur_id = Parrot_pcc_get_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
+    PMC *ns;
+    Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
+    /* PF structures aren't fully constructed yet */
+    Parrot_block_GC_mark(interp);
+    /* store relative to HLL namespace */
+    PMC_get_sub(interp, sub_pmc, sub);
+    Parrot_pcc_set_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp), sub->HLL_id);
+    ns = get_namespace_pmc(interp, sub_pmc);
+    /* attach a namespace to the sub for lookups */
+    sub->namespace_stash = ns;
+    /* store a :multi sub */
+    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(sub->multi_signature))
+        store_sub_in_multi(interp, sub_pmc, ns);
+    /* store other subs (as long as they're not :anon) */
+    else if (!(PObj_get_FLAGS(sub_pmc) & SUB_FLAG_PF_ANON)
+        || sub->vtable_index != -1) {
+        STRING * const ns_entry_name = sub->ns_entry_name;
+        PMC    * const nsname        = sub->namespace_name;
+        Parrot_ns_store_global(interp, ns, ns_entry_name, sub_pmc);
+        /* TT #1224:
+           TEMPORARY HACK - cache invalidation should be a namespace function
+         */
+        if (!PMC_IS_NULL(nsname)) {
+            STRING * const nsname_s = VTABLE_get_string(interp, nsname);
+            Parrot_invalidate_method_cache(interp, nsname_s);
+        }
+    }
+    /* restore HLL_id */
+    Parrot_pcc_set_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp), cur_id);
+    Parrot_unblock_GC_mark(interp);
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ * Local variables:
+ *   c-file-style: "parrot"
+ * End:
+ * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
+ */

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/nci/core_thunks.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/nci/core_thunks.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/nci/core_thunks.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
     char *t_1; STRING *ts_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_1);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (PMC *)(*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1);
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PS", &t_1, &ts_2);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1, t_2);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/nci/extra_thunks.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/nci/extra_thunks.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/nci/extra_thunks.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
     PMC *t_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SP", &ts_0, &t_1);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_1) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_1));
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSI", &t_1, &ts_2, &t_3);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(interp, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_1) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_1), t_2, t_3);
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
     char *t_1; STRING *ts_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PS", &t_0, &ts_1);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1);
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PIS", &t_0, &t_1, &ts_2);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
      (*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2);
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSS", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
      (*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2);
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
     char *t_6; STRING *ts_6;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SIIIPS", &ts_1, &t_2, &t_3, &t_4, &t_5, &ts_6);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_6 = ts_6 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_6) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_6 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_6) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_6);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
      (*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_5) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_5), t_6);
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
     PMC * t_4;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SSPP", &ts_1, &ts_2, &t_3, &t_4);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4);
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SPI", &ts_1, &t_2, &t_3);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (PMC *)(*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_2) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_2), t_3);
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
     char *t_1; STRING *ts_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PS", &t_0, &ts_1);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
      (*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1);
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PS", &t_1, &ts_2);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
      (*fn_pointer)(interp, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_1) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_1), t_2);
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSII", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2, &t_3);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSSI", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &t_3);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@
     INTVAL t_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSI", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2);
@@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@
     INTVAL t_4;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSSSI", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &ts_3, &t_4);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;t_3 = ts_3 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);t_3 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_3) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4);
@@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@
     char *t_1; STRING *ts_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SS", &ts_0, &ts_1);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1);
@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PiS", &t_1, &ts_2);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (INTVAL)(*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1, t_2);
@@ -2027,7 +2027,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "ISSI", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &t_3);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (long)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@
     char *t_5; STRING *ts_5;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSSSSS", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &ts_3, &ts_4, &ts_5);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;t_3 = ts_3 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3) : (char *)NULL;t_4 = ts_4 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_4) : (char *)NULL;t_5 = ts_5 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_5) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);t_3 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_3) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3);t_4 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_4) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_4);t_5 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_5) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_5);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5);
@@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@
     char *t_3; STRING *ts_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSSS", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &ts_3);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;t_3 = ts_3 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);t_3 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_3) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -2284,7 +2284,7 @@
     INTVAL t_7;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSSSSISI", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &ts_3, &ts_4, &t_5, &ts_6, &t_7);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;t_3 = ts_3 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3) : (char *)NULL;t_4 = ts_4 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_4) : (char *)NULL;t_6 = ts_6 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_6) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);t_3 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_3) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3);t_4 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_4) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_4);t_6 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_6) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_6);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7);
@@ -2317,7 +2317,7 @@
     char *t_1; STRING *ts_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PS", &t_0, &ts_1);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1);
@@ -2341,7 +2341,7 @@
     INTVAL t_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSI", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2);
@@ -2431,7 +2431,7 @@
     char *t_1; STRING *ts_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PS", &t_0, &ts_1);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1);
@@ -2460,7 +2460,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSS", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2);
@@ -2489,7 +2489,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PIS", &t_0, &t_1, &ts_2);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2);
@@ -2542,7 +2542,7 @@
     INTVAL t_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SSI", &ts_0, &ts_1, &t_2);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (long)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, t_2);
@@ -2568,7 +2568,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSSI", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &t_3);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (long)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -2592,7 +2592,7 @@
     char *t_0; STRING *ts_0;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_0);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
@@ -2621,7 +2621,7 @@
     INTVAL t_7;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSSSSISI", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &ts_3, &ts_4, &t_5, &ts_6, &t_7);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;t_3 = ts_3 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3) : (char *)NULL;t_4 = ts_4 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_4) : (char *)NULL;t_6 = ts_6 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_6) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);t_3 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_3) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3);t_4 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_4) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_4);t_6 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_6) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_6);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7);
@@ -2658,7 +2658,7 @@
     PMC * t_4;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SISPP", &ts_0, &t_1, &ts_2, &t_3, &t_4);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *) NULL;i_3 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_3);
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *) NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);i_3 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_3);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, &t_2, &i_3, t_4);
@@ -2692,7 +2692,7 @@
     PMC * t_4;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SIPPP", &ts_0, &t_1, &t_2, &t_3, &t_4);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;i_3 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_3);
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);i_3 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_3);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_2) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_2), &i_3, t_4);
@@ -2728,7 +2728,7 @@
     INTVAL t_7;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PPSIIIPI", &t_0, &t_1, &ts_2, &t_3, &t_4, &t_5, &t_6, &t_7);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_6) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_6), t_7);
@@ -2761,7 +2761,7 @@
     INTVAL t_5;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SPIISI", &ts_0, &t_1, &t_2, &t_3, &t_4, &t_5);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_1) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_1), t_2, t_3, Buffer_bufstart(t_4), t_5);
@@ -2795,7 +2795,7 @@
     INTVAL t_7;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSIPPPPI", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2, &t_3, &t_4, &t_5, &t_6, &t_7);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_3) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_3), PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_4) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_4), PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_5) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_5), PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_6) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_6), t_7);
@@ -2870,7 +2870,7 @@
     PMC *t_4;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSSIP", &t_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &t_3, &t_4);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_4) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_4));
@@ -2906,7 +2906,7 @@
     INTVAL t_6;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSIPPPI", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2, &t_3, &t_4, &t_5, &t_6);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_3) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_3), PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_4) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_4), PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_5) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_5), t_6);
@@ -3052,7 +3052,7 @@
     INTVAL t_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSI", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2);
@@ -3108,7 +3108,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSII", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2, &t_3);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -3138,7 +3138,7 @@
     INTVAL t_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SI", &ts_0, &t_1);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1);
@@ -3167,7 +3167,7 @@
     PMC *t_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSP", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_2) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_2));
@@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
     PMC *t_3; int i_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSPP", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2, &t_3);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;i_2 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_2);i_3 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_3);
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);i_2 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_2);i_3 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_3);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, &i_2, &i_3);
@@ -3643,7 +3643,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "IIS", &t_0, &t_1, &ts_2);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, t_2);
@@ -3669,7 +3669,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "IISI", &t_0, &t_1, &ts_2, &t_3);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -3722,7 +3722,7 @@
     INTVAL t_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "ISI", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, t_2);
@@ -4253,7 +4253,7 @@
     char *t_3; STRING *ts_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PIIS", &t_0, &t_1, &t_2, &ts_3);
-    t_3 = ts_3 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_3 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_3) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -4281,7 +4281,7 @@
     INTVAL t_4;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PIISI", &t_0, &t_1, &t_2, &ts_3, &t_4);
-    t_3 = ts_3 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_3 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_3) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4);
@@ -4615,7 +4615,7 @@
     INTVAL t_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSI", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2);
@@ -4641,7 +4641,7 @@
     INTVAL t_3;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PISI", &t_0, &t_1, &ts_2, &t_3);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3);
@@ -4813,7 +4813,7 @@
     char *t_0; STRING *ts_0;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_0);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(t_0);
@@ -4835,7 +4835,7 @@
     INTVAL t_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SI", &ts_0, &t_1);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1);
@@ -5097,7 +5097,7 @@
     char *t_0; STRING *ts_0;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_0);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *) NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *) NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(&t_0);
@@ -5149,7 +5149,7 @@
     char *t_1; STRING *ts_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_1);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1);
@@ -5402,7 +5402,7 @@
     char *t_0; STRING *ts_0;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_0);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0);
@@ -5430,7 +5430,7 @@
     PMC *t_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SPP", &ts_0, &t_1, &t_2);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_1) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_1), PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_2) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_2));
@@ -5464,7 +5464,7 @@
     char *t_6; STRING *ts_6;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SSSSSSS", &ts_0, &ts_1, &ts_2, &ts_3, &ts_4, &ts_5, &ts_6);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;t_3 = ts_3 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3) : (char *)NULL;t_4 = ts_4 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_4) : (char *)NULL;t_5 = ts_5 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_5) : (char *)NULL;t_6 = ts_6 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_6) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);t_3 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_3) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_3);t_4 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_4) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_4);t_5 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_5) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_5);t_6 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_6) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_6);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (void *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6);
@@ -5636,7 +5636,7 @@
     char *t_0; STRING *ts_0;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_0);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0);
@@ -5661,7 +5661,7 @@
     PMC *t_2; long i_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SIP", &ts_0, &t_1, &t_2);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;i_2 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_2);
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);i_2 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, t_1, &i_2);
@@ -5687,7 +5687,7 @@
     PMC *t_1; long i_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SP", &ts_0, &t_1);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;i_1 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_1);
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);i_1 = VTABLE_get_integer(interp, t_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, &i_1);
@@ -5851,7 +5851,7 @@
     char *t_0; STRING *ts_0;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_0);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *) NULL;
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *) NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (char *)(*fn_pointer)(&t_0);
@@ -6062,7 +6062,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PiS", &t_1, &ts_2);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1, t_2);
@@ -6085,7 +6085,7 @@
     char *t_1; STRING *ts_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "S", &ts_1);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(interp, t_1);
@@ -6385,7 +6385,7 @@
     char *t_2; STRING *ts_2;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PPS", &t_0, &t_1, &ts_2);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_1) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_1), t_2);
@@ -6608,7 +6608,7 @@
     PMC *t_1; void *v_1;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "SP", &ts_0, &t_1);
-    t_0 = ts_0 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0) : (char *)NULL;v_1 = VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_1);
+    t_0 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_0) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_0);v_1 = VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_1);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(t_0, &v_1);
@@ -6634,7 +6634,7 @@
     PMC *t_4;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PSIPP", &t_0, &ts_1, &t_2, &t_3, &t_4);
-    t_1 = ts_1 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1) : (char *)NULL;v_3 = VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_3);
+    t_1 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_1) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_1);v_3 = VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_3);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, &v_3, PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_4) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_4));
@@ -6688,7 +6688,7 @@
     INTVAL t_4;
     UNUSED(return_data); /* Potentially unused, at least */
     Parrot_pcc_fill_params_from_c_args(interp, call_object, "PISII", &t_0, &t_1, &ts_2, &t_3, &t_4);
-    t_2 = ts_2 ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2) : (char *)NULL;
+    t_2 = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_2) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_2);
     GETATTR_NCI_orig_func(interp, nci, orig_func);
     fn_pointer = (func_t)D2FPTR(orig_func);
     return_data =  (int)(*fn_pointer)(PMC_IS_NULL((PMC*)t_0) ? (void *)NULL : VTABLE_get_pointer(interp, t_0), t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/oo.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/oo.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/oo.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
                 PMC * const hll_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp,
                                         Parrot_pcc_get_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp)));
-                PMC * const ns     = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp,
+                PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp,
                                         hll_ns, key);
                 if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
@@ -334,9 +334,9 @@
         return type_class;
     else {
-        PMC * const parrot_hll = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(interp, interp->root_namespace, CONST_STRING(interp, "parrot"));
+        PMC * const parrot_hll = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(interp, interp->root_namespace, CONST_STRING(interp, "parrot"));
         PMC * const pmc_ns =
-            Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, parrot_hll,
+            Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp, parrot_hll,
         PMC * proxy = VTABLE_get_class(interp, pmc_ns);
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
         /* First check in current HLL namespace */
         PMC * const hll_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, interp->HLL_namespace,
                                Parrot_pcc_get_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp)));
-        PMC * const ns     = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(interp, hll_ns, name);
+        PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(interp, hll_ns, name);
         PMC * const _class = PMC_IS_NULL(ns)
                            ? PMCNULL : VTABLE_get_class(interp, ns);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/core_ops.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/core_ops.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/core_ops.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -19803,7 +19803,7 @@
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const key      = PREG(2);
     PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
+    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
     PMC * classobj       = PMCNULL;
     if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
@@ -19823,7 +19823,7 @@
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const key      = CONST(2)->u.key;
     PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
+    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
     PMC * classobj       = PMCNULL;
     if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
@@ -19843,7 +19843,7 @@
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const key      = PREG(2);
     PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
+    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
     PMC * classobj       = PMCNULL;
     if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
@@ -19863,7 +19863,7 @@
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const key      = CONST(2)->u.key;
     PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
+    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
     PMC * classobj       = PMCNULL;
     if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
@@ -19883,7 +19883,7 @@
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const key      = PREG(2);
     PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
+    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
     PMC * classobj       = PMCNULL;
     if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
@@ -19903,7 +19903,7 @@
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const key      = CONST(2)->u.key;
     PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
+    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
     PMC * classobj       = PMCNULL;
     if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
@@ -22823,7 +22823,7 @@
 Parrot_get_namespace_p_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(2));
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(2));
     PREG(1) = PMC_IS_NULL(ns) ? PMCNULL : ns;
@@ -22833,7 +22833,7 @@
 Parrot_get_namespace_p_pc(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
     PREG(1) = PMC_IS_NULL(ns) ? PMCNULL : ns;
@@ -22854,7 +22854,7 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(hll_ns))
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(2));
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(2));
         PREG(1) = ns;
@@ -22867,7 +22867,7 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(hll_ns))
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
         PREG(1) = ns;
@@ -22888,7 +22888,7 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(root_ns))
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(2));
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(2));
         PREG(1) = ns;
@@ -22901,7 +22901,7 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(root_ns))
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
         PREG(1) = ns;
@@ -22911,7 +22911,7 @@
 Parrot_get_global_p_s(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, cur_ns, SREG(2),cur_opcode + 3);
+    PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, cur_ns, SREG(2),cur_opcode + 3);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -22919,7 +22919,7 @@
 Parrot_get_global_p_sc(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, cur_ns, CONST(2)->u.string,cur_opcode + 3);
+    PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, cur_ns, CONST(2)->u.string,cur_opcode + 3);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -22931,11 +22931,11 @@
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(2));
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(2));
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -22948,11 +22948,11 @@
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -22965,11 +22965,11 @@
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(2));
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(2));
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -22982,11 +22982,11 @@
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -22995,7 +22995,7 @@
 Parrot_get_hll_global_p_s(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, hll_ns, SREG(2),cur_opcode + 3);
+    PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, hll_ns, SREG(2),cur_opcode + 3);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23003,7 +23003,7 @@
 Parrot_get_hll_global_p_sc(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, hll_ns, CONST(2)->u.string,cur_opcode + 3);
+    PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, hll_ns, CONST(2)->u.string,cur_opcode + 3);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23015,11 +23015,11 @@
         PREG(1) = hll_ns;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(2));
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(2));
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23032,11 +23032,11 @@
         PREG(1) = hll_ns;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23049,11 +23049,11 @@
         PREG(1) = hll_ns;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(2));
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(2));
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23066,11 +23066,11 @@
         PREG(1) = hll_ns;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23079,7 +23079,7 @@
 Parrot_get_root_global_p_s(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, root_ns, SREG(2),cur_opcode + 3);
+    PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, root_ns, SREG(2),cur_opcode + 3);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23087,7 +23087,7 @@
 Parrot_get_root_global_p_sc(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, root_ns, CONST(2)->u.string,cur_opcode + 3);
+    PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, root_ns, CONST(2)->u.string,cur_opcode + 3);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23098,11 +23098,11 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(root_ns))
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(2));
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(2));
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23114,11 +23114,11 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(root_ns))
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, SREG(3),cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23130,11 +23130,11 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(root_ns))
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(2));
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(2));
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23146,11 +23146,11 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(root_ns))
         PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(2)->u.key);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             PREG(1) = PMCNULL;
-            PREG(1) = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
+            PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, CONST(3)->u.string,cur_opcode + 4);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23159,7 +23159,7 @@
 Parrot_set_global_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, cur_ns, SREG(1), PREG(2));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, cur_ns, SREG(1), PREG(2));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23167,7 +23167,7 @@
 Parrot_set_global_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, cur_ns, CONST(1)->u.string, PREG(2));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, cur_ns, CONST(1)->u.string, PREG(2));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23175,9 +23175,9 @@
 Parrot_set_global_p_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(1));
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(1));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23185,9 +23185,9 @@
 Parrot_set_global_pc_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23195,9 +23195,9 @@
 Parrot_set_global_p_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(1));
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, PREG(1));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23205,9 +23205,9 @@
 Parrot_set_global_pc_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23215,7 +23215,7 @@
 Parrot_set_hll_global_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, hll_ns, SREG(1), PREG(2));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, hll_ns, SREG(1), PREG(2));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23223,7 +23223,7 @@
 Parrot_set_hll_global_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, hll_ns, CONST(1)->u.string, PREG(2));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, hll_ns, CONST(1)->u.string, PREG(2));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23231,9 +23231,9 @@
 Parrot_set_hll_global_p_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(1));
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(1));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23241,9 +23241,9 @@
 Parrot_set_hll_global_pc_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23251,9 +23251,9 @@
 Parrot_set_hll_global_p_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(1));
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, PREG(1));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23261,9 +23261,9 @@
 Parrot_set_hll_global_pc_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23271,7 +23271,7 @@
 Parrot_set_root_global_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, root_ns, SREG(1), PREG(2));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, root_ns, SREG(1), PREG(2));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23279,7 +23279,7 @@
 Parrot_set_root_global_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, root_ns, CONST(1)->u.string, PREG(2));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, root_ns, CONST(1)->u.string, PREG(2));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23287,9 +23287,9 @@
 Parrot_set_root_global_p_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(1));
+    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(1));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23297,9 +23297,9 @@
 Parrot_set_root_global_pc_s_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
+    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, SREG(2), PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23307,9 +23307,9 @@
 Parrot_set_root_global_p_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(1));
+    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, PREG(1));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23317,9 +23317,9 @@
 Parrot_set_root_global_pc_sc_p(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
+    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, CONST(1)->u.key);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, CONST(2)->u.string, PREG(3));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 4;}
@@ -23332,7 +23332,7 @@
                 "Tried to find null name");return (opcode_t *)handler;
-    PREG(1) = Parrot_find_name_op(interp, SREG(2),cur_opcode + 3);
+    PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_named_item(interp, SREG(2),cur_opcode + 3);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23345,7 +23345,7 @@
                 "Tried to find null name");return (opcode_t *)handler;
-    PREG(1) = Parrot_find_name_op(interp, CONST(2)->u.string,cur_opcode + 3);
+    PREG(1) = Parrot_ns_find_named_item(interp, CONST(2)->u.string,cur_opcode + 3);
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 3;}
@@ -23353,7 +23353,7 @@
 Parrot_find_sub_not_null_p_s(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     opcode_t *dest =cur_opcode + 3;
-    PMC *sub = Parrot_find_name_op(interp, SREG(2), dest);
+    PMC *sub = Parrot_ns_find_named_item(interp, SREG(2), dest);
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub)) {
         opcode_t *handler;
@@ -23371,7 +23371,7 @@
 Parrot_find_sub_not_null_p_sc(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
     opcode_t *dest =cur_opcode + 3;
-    PMC *sub = Parrot_find_name_op(interp, CONST(2)->u.string, dest);
+    PMC *sub = Parrot_ns_find_named_item(interp, CONST(2)->u.string, dest);
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub)) {
         opcode_t *handler;
@@ -24779,7 +24779,7 @@
     /* if it's clearly a PIR-level PMC */
     if (type > enum_class_core_max) {
         PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
+        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
         PMC * const _class   = Parrot_oo_get_class(interp, ns);
         if (!PMC_IS_NULL(_class)) {
             PMC *initial = Parrot_pmc_new(interp,
@@ -24813,7 +24813,7 @@
     /* if it's clearly a PIR-level PMC */
     if (type > enum_class_core_max) {
         PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
+        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
         PMC * const _class   = Parrot_oo_get_class(interp, ns);
         if (!PMC_IS_NULL(_class)) {
             PMC *initial = Parrot_pmc_new(interp,
@@ -24847,7 +24847,7 @@
     /* if it's clearly a PIR-level PMC */
     if (type > enum_class_core_max) {
         PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
+        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
         PMC * const _class   = Parrot_oo_get_class(interp, ns);
         if (!PMC_IS_NULL(_class)) {
             PMC *initial = Parrot_pmc_new(interp,
@@ -24881,7 +24881,7 @@
     /* if it's clearly a PIR-level PMC */
     if (type > enum_class_core_max) {
         PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
+        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
         PMC * const _class   = Parrot_oo_get_class(interp, ns);
         if (!PMC_IS_NULL(_class)) {
             PMC *initial = Parrot_pmc_new(interp,
@@ -25032,7 +25032,7 @@
   1083,             /* op_count */
   core_op_info_table,       /* op_info_table */
   core_op_func_table,       /* op_func_table */
-  get_op          /* op_code() */ 
+  get_op          /* op_code() */
@@ -25138,7 +25138,7 @@
 op_lib_t *
-Parrot_DynOp_core_2_4_0(PARROT_INTERP, long init) {
+Parrot_DynOp_core_2_5_0(PARROT_INTERP, long init) {
     /* initialize and return op_lib ptr */
     if (init == 1) {
@@ -25167,7 +25167,7 @@
     PMC *const lib = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ParrotLibrary);
-    ((Parrot_ParrotLibrary_attributes*)PMC_data(lib))->oplib_init = (void *) Parrot_DynOp_core_2_4_0;
+    ((Parrot_ParrotLibrary_attributes*)PMC_data(lib))->oplib_init = (void *) Parrot_DynOp_core_2_5_0;
     dynop_register(interp, lib);
     return lib;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/experimental.ops
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/experimental.ops	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/experimental.ops	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
     /* if it's clearly a PIR-level PMC */
     if (type > enum_class_core_max) {
         PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
+        PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, name_key);
         PMC * const _class   = Parrot_oo_get_class(interp, ns);
         if (!PMC_IS_NULL(_class)) {
             PMC *initial = Parrot_pmc_new(interp,

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/pmc.ops
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/pmc.ops	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/pmc.ops	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 op root_new(out PMC, in PMC) {
     PMC * const key      = $2;
     PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
+    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
     PMC * classobj       = PMCNULL;
     if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
 op root_new(out PMC, in PMC, in PMC) {
     PMC * const key      = $2;
     PMC * const root_ns  = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
+    PMC * const ns       = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, key);
     PMC * classobj       = PMCNULL;
     if (!PMC_IS_NULL(ns))

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/var.ops
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/var.ops	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/ops/var.ops	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 op get_namespace(out PMC, in PMC) {
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, $2);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, $2);
     $1 = PMC_IS_NULL(ns) ? PMCNULL : ns;
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(hll_ns))
         $1 = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, $2);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, $2);
         $1 = ns;
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(root_ns))
         $1 = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, $2);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, $2);
         $1 = ns;
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
 op get_global(out PMC, in STR) {
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    $1 = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, cur_ns, $2, expr NEXT());
+    $1 = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, cur_ns, $2, expr NEXT());
 op get_global(out PMC, in PMC, in STR) {
@@ -284,11 +284,11 @@
         $1 = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, $2);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, $2);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             $1 = PMCNULL;
-            $1 = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, $3, expr NEXT());
+            $1 = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, $3, expr NEXT());
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
 op get_hll_global(out PMC, in STR) {
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    $1 = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, hll_ns, $2, expr NEXT());
+    $1 = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, hll_ns, $2, expr NEXT());
 op get_hll_global(out PMC, in PMC, in STR) {
@@ -316,11 +316,11 @@
         $1 = hll_ns;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, $2);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, $2);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             $1 = PMCNULL;
-            $1 = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, $3, expr NEXT());
+            $1 = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, $3, expr NEXT());
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
 op get_root_global(out PMC, in STR) {
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    $1 = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, root_ns, $2, expr NEXT());
+    $1 = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, root_ns, $2, expr NEXT());
 op get_root_global(out PMC, in PMC, in STR) {
@@ -347,11 +347,11 @@
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(root_ns))
         $1 = PMCNULL;
     else {
-        PMC * const ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, $2);
+        PMC * const ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, $2);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
             $1 = PMCNULL;
-            $1 = Parrot_find_global_op(interp, ns, $3, expr NEXT());
+            $1 = Parrot_ns_find_global_from_op(interp, ns, $3, expr NEXT());
@@ -379,14 +379,14 @@
 op set_global(in STR, invar PMC) {
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, cur_ns, $1, $2);
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, cur_ns, $1, $2);
 op set_global(in PMC, in STR, invar PMC) {
     PMC * const cur_ns = Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, $1);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, cur_ns, $1);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, $2, $3);
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, $2, $3);
 =item B<set_hll_global>(in STR, invar PMC)
@@ -403,14 +403,14 @@
 op set_hll_global(in STR, invar PMC) {
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, hll_ns, $1, $2);
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, hll_ns, $1, $2);
 op set_hll_global(in PMC, in STR, invar PMC) {
     PMC * const hll_ns = Parrot_get_ctx_HLL_namespace(interp);
-    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, $1);
+    PMC * const ns     = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, $1);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, $2, $3);
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, $2, $3);
 =item B<set_root_global>(in STR, invar PMC)
@@ -427,14 +427,14 @@
 op set_root_global(in STR, invar PMC) {
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, root_ns, $1, $2);
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, root_ns, $1, $2);
 op set_root_global(in PMC, in STR, invar PMC) {
     PMC * const root_ns = interp->root_namespace;
-    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, $1);
+    PMC * const ns      = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, root_ns, $1);
-    Parrot_set_global(interp, ns, $2, $3);
+    Parrot_ns_set_global(interp, ns, $2, $3);
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
         goto ADDRESS(handler);
-    $1 = Parrot_find_name_op(interp, $2, expr NEXT());
+    $1 = Parrot_ns_find_named_item(interp, $2, expr NEXT());
 =item B<find_sub_not_null>(out PMC, in STR)
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
 inline op find_sub_not_null(out PMC, in STR) :base_core {
     opcode_t *dest = expr NEXT();
-    PMC *sub = Parrot_find_name_op(interp, $2, dest);
+    PMC *sub = Parrot_ns_find_named_item(interp, $2, dest);
     if (PMC_IS_NULL(sub)) {
         opcode_t *handler;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/packfile.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/packfile.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/packfile.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -3129,7 +3129,7 @@
         /* Vtable overrides and methods were already cloned, so don't reclone them. */
         if (new_sub->vtable_index == -1
         && !(old_sub->comp_flags   &  SUB_COMP_FLAG_METHOD))
-            Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(interp, new_sub_pmc);
+            Parrot_ns_store_sub(interp, new_sub_pmc);
         ret->u.key = new_sub_pmc;
@@ -3987,7 +3987,7 @@
     /* finally place the sub into some namespace stash
      * XXX place this code in Sub.thaw ?  */
     if (VTABLE_isa(interp, pmc, _sub))
-        Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(interp, pmc);
+        Parrot_ns_store_sub(interp, pmc);
     /* restore code */
     interp->code = cs_save;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/arrayiterator.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/arrayiterator.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/arrayiterator.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 TODO: Discuss idea of having separate get_iter/get_reverse_iter VTABLEs
 to avoid this caveat.
-=head1 Methods
+=head1 Vtable functions
 =over 4
@@ -53,6 +53,15 @@
 /* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
+/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
+static void out_of_bounds(PARROT_INTERP)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_out_of_bounds __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp))
+/* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
 /* HEADERIZER END: static */
 pmclass ArrayIterator extends Iterator no_ro auto_attrs {
@@ -199,24 +208,25 @@
     VTABLE void set_integer_native(INTVAL value) {
         PMC *array;
+        INTVAL element;
+        GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
+        element = VTABLE_elements(INTERP, array);
-        if (value == ITERATE_FROM_START) {
-            GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
+        switch (value) {
+          case ITERATE_FROM_START:
             SET_ATTR_reverse(INTERP, SELF, 0);
             SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, 0);
-            SET_ATTR_length(INTERP, SELF, VTABLE_elements(INTERP, array));
-        }
-        else if (value == ITERATE_FROM_END) {
-            INTVAL element;
-            GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
-            element = VTABLE_elements(INTERP, array);
+            SET_ATTR_length(INTERP, SELF, element);
+            break;
+          case ITERATE_FROM_END:
             SET_ATTR_reverse(INTERP, SELF, 1);
             SET_ATTR_length(INTERP, SELF, element);
             SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, element);
-        }
-        else
+            break;
+          default:
             Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION,
                     "Wrong direction for ArrayIterator");
+        }
@@ -254,8 +264,7 @@
         GET_ATTR_length(INTERP, SELF, length);
         if (pos >= length)
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-                "StopIteration");
+            out_of_bounds(INTERP);
         GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
         SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos+1);
@@ -278,8 +287,7 @@
         GET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos);
         if (!STATICSELF.get_bool())
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-                "StopIteration");
+            out_of_bounds(INTERP);
         GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
         SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos+1);
@@ -303,8 +311,7 @@
         GET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos);
         if (!STATICSELF.get_bool())
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-                "StopIteration");
+            out_of_bounds(INTERP);
         GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
         SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos+1);
@@ -331,8 +338,7 @@
         if (!STATICSELF.get_bool())
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-                "StopIteration");
+            out_of_bounds(INTERP);
         GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
         SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos+1);
@@ -360,8 +366,7 @@
         if (!STATICSELF.get_bool())
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-                "StopIteration");
+            out_of_bounds(INTERP);
         GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
         SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, --pos);
@@ -384,8 +389,7 @@
         GET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos);
         if (!STATICSELF.get_bool())
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-                "StopIteration");
+            out_of_bounds(INTERP);
         GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
         SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, --pos);
@@ -409,8 +413,7 @@
         GET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos);
         if (!STATICSELF.get_bool())
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-                "StopIteration");
+            out_of_bounds(INTERP);
         GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
         SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, --pos);
@@ -436,8 +439,7 @@
         GET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, pos);
         if (!STATICSELF.get_bool())
-            Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-                "StopIteration");
+            out_of_bounds(INTERP);
         GET_ATTR_array(INTERP, SELF, array);
         SET_ATTR_pos(INTERP, SELF, --pos);
@@ -646,6 +648,32 @@
+=head1 Auxiliar functions
+=over 4
+=item C<static void out_of_bounds(PARROT_INTERP)>
+Throw out-of-bounds exception.
+static void
+    ASSERT_ARGS(out_of_bounds)
+    Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
+            "StopIteration");

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/bytebuffer.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/bytebuffer.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/bytebuffer.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -160,7 +160,8 @@
 =item C<void set_integer_keyed_int()>
-Set the value of the byte at position.
+Set the value of the byte at position, resizing the buffer if the position
+is out of current size.
@@ -211,6 +212,23 @@
+=item C<void push_integer(INTVAL value)>
+Extends the buffer by adding a byte of value C<value> to the end.
+    VTABLE void push_integer(INTVAL value) {
+        INTVAL size;
+        GET_ATTR_size(INTERP, SELF, size);
+        SELF.set_integer_keyed_int(size, value);
+    }
 =item C<PMC *get_iter()>
 Return a new Iterator for this PMC.

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/capture.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/capture.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/capture.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -855,8 +855,8 @@
             PMC    *ns        = INTERP->root_namespace;
             STRING *attribute = CONST_STRING(INTERP, "proxy");
-            ns                = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, CONST_STRING(INTERP, "parrot"));
-            ns                = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, CONST_STRING(INTERP, "Capture"));
+            ns                = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, CONST_STRING(INTERP, "parrot"));
+            ns                = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, CONST_STRING(INTERP, "Capture"));
             classobj          = Parrot_oo_get_class(INTERP, ns);
             capt              = VTABLE_get_attr_keyed(INTERP, SELF, classobj, attribute);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/class.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/class.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/class.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
         else {
             PMC * const hll_ns = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp,
                     interp->HLL_namespace, Parrot_pcc_get_HLL(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp)));
-            new_namespace = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, name_arg);
+            new_namespace = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(interp, hll_ns, name_arg);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(new_namespace))
@@ -1589,13 +1589,13 @@
         STRING * const semicolon_str = CONST_STRING(INTERP, ";");
         PMC    * const namespace_array =
             Parrot_str_split(INTERP, semicolon_str, serial_namespace);
-        PMC *ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(INTERP,
+        PMC *ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(INTERP,
                 INTERP->root_namespace, namespace_array);
         /* If the namespace doesn't exist, we create it, and initialize
          * ourselves in it */
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns)) {
-            ns = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(INTERP,
+            ns = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(INTERP,
                     INTERP->root_namespace, namespace_array);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/eval.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/eval.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/eval.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -57,30 +57,25 @@
-    INTVAL               i;
-    PackFile_ByteCode   * const seg = sub_data->seg;
-    PackFile_FixupTable *ft;
-    PackFile_ConstTable *ct;
-    if (!seg)
-        return;
-    ft = seg->fixups;
-    if (!ft)
-        return;
-    ct = seg->const_table;
-    if (!ct)
-        return;
+    PackFile_ByteCode * const seg = sub_data->seg;
-    for (i = 0; i < ft->fixup_count; ++i) {
-        PackFile_FixupEntry * const e = ft->fixups + i;
-        if (e->type == enum_fixup_sub) {
-            opcode_t  ci             = e->offset;
-            ct->constants[ci]->u.key = NULL;
-            e->type                  = 0;
+    if (seg) {
+        PackFile_FixupTable * const ft = seg->fixups;
+        if (ft) {
+            PackFile_ConstTable * const ct = seg->const_table;
+            if (ct) {
+                INTVAL i;
+                for (i = 0; i < ft->fixup_count; ++i) {
+                    PackFile_FixupEntry * const e = ft->fixups + i;
+                    if (e->type == enum_fixup_sub) {
+                        opcode_t  ci             = e->offset;
+                        ct->constants[ci]->u.key = NULL;
+                        e->type                  = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
@@ -92,34 +87,29 @@
-    INTVAL                 i, n;
     Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
     PackFile_ByteCode     *seg;
-    PackFile_FixupTable   *ft;
-    PackFile_ConstTable   *ct;
     PMC_get_sub(interp, self, sub);
     seg = sub->seg;
-    if (!seg)
-        return PMCNULL;
-    ft = seg->fixups;
-    if (!ft)
-        return PMCNULL;
-    ct = seg->const_table;
-    if (!ct)
-        return PMCNULL;
-    for (i = n = 0; i < ft->fixup_count; ++i) {
-        const PackFile_FixupEntry * const e = ft->fixups + i;
-        if (e->type == enum_fixup_sub) {
-            opcode_t ci = e->offset;
-            if (n++ == idx)
-                return ct->constants[ci]->u.key;
+    if (seg) {
+        PackFile_FixupTable * const ft = seg->fixups;
+        if (ft) {
+            PackFile_ConstTable * const ct = seg->const_table;
+            if (ct) {
+                INTVAL i, n;
+                for (i = n = 0; i < ft->fixup_count; ++i) {
+                    const PackFile_FixupEntry * const e = ft->fixups + i;
+                    if (e->type == enum_fixup_sub) {
+                        opcode_t ci = e->offset;
+                        if (n++ == idx)
+                            return ct->constants[ci]->u.key;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
@@ -133,32 +123,27 @@
     Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
     PackFile_ByteCode   *seg;
-    PackFile_FixupTable *ft;
-    PackFile_ConstTable *ct;
-    INTVAL               i;
     PMC_get_sub(interp, self, sub);
     seg = sub->seg;
-    if (!seg)
-        return;
-    ft = seg->fixups;
-    if (!ft)
-        return;
-    ct = seg->const_table;
-    if (!ct)
-        return;
-    for (i = 0; i < ft->fixup_count; ++i) {
-        const PackFile_FixupEntry * const e = ft->fixups + i;
-        if (e->type == enum_fixup_sub) {
-            opcode_t  ci  = e->offset;
-            PMC      *sub = ct->constants[ci]->u.key;
-            Parrot_gc_mark_PMC_alive(interp, sub);
+    if (seg) {
+        PackFile_FixupTable * const ft = seg->fixups;
+        if (ft) {
+            PackFile_ConstTable * const ct = seg->const_table;
+            if (ct) {
+                INTVAL i;
+                for (i = 0; i < ft->fixup_count; ++i) {
+                    const PackFile_FixupEntry * const e = ft->fixups + i;
+                    if (e->type == enum_fixup_sub) {
+                        opcode_t  ci  = e->offset;
+                        PMC      *sub = ct->constants[ci]->u.key;
+                        Parrot_gc_mark_PMC_alive(interp, sub);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
@@ -411,26 +396,24 @@
     VTABLE INTVAL elements() {
-        INTVAL               i, n;
+        INTVAL                 n = 0;
         Parrot_Sub_attributes *sub;
-        PackFile_ByteCode   *seg;
-        PackFile_FixupTable *ft;
+        PackFile_ByteCode     *seg;
         PMC_get_sub(INTERP, SELF, sub);
         seg = sub->seg;
-        if (!seg)
-            return 0;
-        ft = seg->fixups;
-        if (!ft)
-            return 0;
-        for (i = n = 0; i < ft->fixup_count; ++i) {
-            const PackFile_FixupEntry * const e = ft->fixups + i;
-            if (e->type == enum_fixup_sub)
-                ++n;
+        if (seg) {
+            PackFile_FixupTable *const ft = seg->fixups;
+            if (ft) {
+                INTVAL i;
+                for (i = n = 0; i < ft->fixup_count; ++i) {
+                    const PackFile_FixupEntry * const e = ft->fixups + i;
+                    if (e->type == enum_fixup_sub)
+                        ++n;
+                }
+            }
         return n;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/hash.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/hash.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/hash.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1080,26 +1080,6 @@
-=item C<PMC *slice(PMC *key)>
-Return a new iterator for the slice PMC C<key>
-    VTABLE PMC *slice(PMC *key, INTVAL f) {
-        if (f == 0) {
-            return SELF.get_iter();
-        }
-        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
-            "Hash: Unknown slice type");
-    }
 =item C<void visit(PMC *info)>
 Used during archiving to visit the elements in the hash.

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/key.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/key.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/key.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -78,11 +78,8 @@
               case KEY_pmc_FLAG:
               case KEY_pmc_FLAG | KEY_register_FLAG:
-                {
-                    PMC * const p = key_pmc(INTERP, key);
-                    key_set_pmc(INTERP, dkey, VTABLE_clone(INTERP, p));
-                }
-                break;
+                Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_UNIMPLEMENTED,
+                        "this is broken - see TT #1683");
@@ -223,7 +220,8 @@
     VTABLE void set_pmc(PMC *value) {
-        key_set_pmc(INTERP, SELF, value);
+        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_UNIMPLEMENTED,
+                "this is broken - see TT #1683");

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/namespace.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/namespace.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/namespace.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -456,11 +456,11 @@
                 key                 = VTABLE_shift_pmc(INTERP, key);
                 if (!key) {
-                    Parrot_set_global(INTERP, ns, part, value);
+                    Parrot_ns_set_global(INTERP, ns, part, value);
-                ns = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
+                ns = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@
                 STRING * const part = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_int(INTERP, key, i);
                 if ((i + 1) >= elements) { /* Last entry in the array */
-                    Parrot_set_global(INTERP, ns, part, value);
+                    Parrot_ns_set_global(INTERP, ns, part, value);
-                ns = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
+                ns = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
             if (!key)
                 return VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
-            ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
+            ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
             if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
                 return PMCNULL;
@@ -531,14 +531,14 @@
                     /* What to do here? Throw an exception or something? */
-                ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, name);
+                ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, name);
             return ns;
         else {
             STRING * const name = VTABLE_get_string(INTERP, key);
-            ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, name);
+            ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, name);
             return ns;
         /* If we get the wrong type, should we throw an exception?
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
                     if (!key)
                         return VTABLE_get_pointer_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
-                    ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
+                    ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
                     if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
                         return PMCNULL;
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
                     if ((i + 1) >= elements)
                         return VTABLE_get_pointer_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
-                    ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
+                    ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed_str(INTERP, ns, part);
                     if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns))
                         return PMCNULL;
@@ -729,9 +729,9 @@
     METHOD make_namespace(PMC *key) {
-        PMC *ns = Parrot_get_namespace_keyed(INTERP, SELF, key);
+        PMC *ns = Parrot_ns_get_namespace_keyed(INTERP, SELF, key);
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(ns)) {
-            ns = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed(INTERP, SELF, key);
+            ns = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed(INTERP, SELF, key);
         RETURN(PMC *ns);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/resizablepmcarray.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/resizablepmcarray.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/resizablepmcarray.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
 /* HEADERIZER BEGIN: static */
 /* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
+static void do_shift(ARGIN(PMC *arr))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1);
+static void do_unshift(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *arr), ARGIN(PMC *val))
+        __attribute__nonnull__(1)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(2)
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);
 static void throw_pop_empty(PARROT_INTERP)
@@ -35,6 +45,12 @@
 static void throw_shift_empty(PARROT_INTERP)
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_do_shift __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(arr))
+#define ASSERT_ARGS_do_unshift __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
+       PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(interp) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(arr) \
+    , PARROT_ASSERT_ARG(val))
 #define ASSERT_ARGS_throw_pop_empty __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
 #define ASSERT_ARGS_throw_shift_empty __attribute__unused__ int _ASSERT_ARGS_CHECK = (\
@@ -42,6 +58,34 @@
 /* Don't modify between HEADERIZER BEGIN / HEADERIZER END.  Your changes will be lost. */
 /* HEADERIZER END: static */
+static void
+do_shift(ARGIN(PMC *arr))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(do_shift)
+    INTVAL    size = PMC_size(arr);
+    PMC     **item = PMC_array(arr);
+    PMC_size(arr) = --size;
+    mem_sys_memmove(item, item + 1, size * sizeof (PMC *));
+    item[size] = PMCNULL;
+static void
+do_unshift(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *arr), ARGIN(PMC *val))
+    ASSERT_ARGS(do_unshift)
+    const INTVAL size = PMC_size(arr);
+    PMC        **item;
+    VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, arr, size + 1);
+    item = PMC_array(arr);
+    mem_sys_memmove(item + 1, item, size * sizeof (PMC *));
+    item[0] = val;
 pmclass ResizablePMCArray extends FixedPMCArray auto_attrs provides array {
     ATTR INTVAL resize_threshold; /* max size before array needs resizing */
@@ -143,82 +187,50 @@
     VTABLE FLOATVAL shift_float() {
-        INTVAL    size = PMC_size(SELF);
-        PMC      *data;
-        PMC     **item;
-        FLOATVAL  value;
+        INTVAL   size = PMC_size(SELF);
+        FLOATVAL value;
         if (0 == size)
-        item           = PMC_array(SELF);
-        data           = item[0];
-        value          = VTABLE_get_number(INTERP, data);
-        PMC_size(SELF) = --size;
-        mem_sys_memmove(item, item + 1, size * sizeof (PMC *));
-        item[size] = PMCNULL;
+        value = VTABLE_get_number(INTERP, PMC_array(SELF)[0]);
+        do_shift(SELF);
         return value;
     VTABLE INTVAL shift_integer() {
-        INTVAL    size = PMC_size(SELF);
-        PMC      *data;
-        PMC     **item;
-        INTVAL    value;
+        INTVAL size = PMC_size(SELF);
+        INTVAL value;
         if (0 == size)
-        item           = PMC_array(SELF);
-        data           = item[0];
-        value          = VTABLE_get_integer(INTERP, data);
-        PMC_size(SELF) = --size;
-        mem_sys_memmove(item, item + 1, size * sizeof (PMC*));
-        item[size] = PMCNULL;
+        value = VTABLE_get_integer(INTERP, PMC_array(SELF)[0]);
+        do_shift(SELF);
         return value;
     VTABLE PMC *shift_pmc() {
-        INTVAL  size = PMC_size(SELF);
-        PMC    *data;
-        PMC   **item;
+        INTVAL size = PMC_size(SELF);
+        PMC   *data;
         if (0 == size)
-        item           = PMC_array(SELF);
-        data           = item[0];
-        PMC_size(SELF) = --size;
-        mem_sys_memmove(item, item + 1, size * sizeof (PMC *));
-        item[size] = PMCNULL;
+        data = PMC_array(SELF)[0];
+        do_shift(SELF);
         return data;
     VTABLE STRING *shift_string() {
         INTVAL   size = PMC_size(SELF);
-        PMC     *data;
-        PMC    **item;
         STRING  *value;
         if (0 == size)
-        item           = PMC_array(SELF);
-        data           = item[0];
-        value          = VTABLE_get_string(INTERP, data);
-        PMC_size(SELF) = --size;
-        mem_sys_memmove(item, item + 1, size * sizeof (PMC *));
-        item[size] = PMCNULL;
+        value = VTABLE_get_string(INTERP, PMC_array(SELF)[0]);
+        do_shift(SELF);
         return value;
@@ -515,79 +527,27 @@
     VTABLE void unshift_float(FLOATVAL value) {
-        const INTVAL size = PMC_size(SELF);
-        PMC * const val   = Parrot_pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_Float);
-        PMC   **data;
-        INTVAL  i;
+        PMC * const val = Parrot_pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_Float);
         VTABLE_set_number_native(INTERP, val, value);
-        SELF.set_integer_native(size + 1);
-        data = PMC_array(SELF);
-        for (i = size; i; --i)
-            data[i] = data[i - 1];
-        data[0] = val;
-        return;
+        do_unshift(INTERP, SELF, val);
     VTABLE void unshift_integer(INTVAL value) {
-        const INTVAL size = PMC_size(SELF);
-        PMC * const val   = Parrot_pmc_new_init_int(INTERP, enum_class_Integer, value);
-        PMC    **data;
-        INTVAL   i;
-        SELF.set_integer_native(size + 1);
-        data = PMC_array(SELF);
-        for (i = size; i; --i)
-            data[i] = data[i - 1];
-        data[0] = val;
-        return;
+        PMC * const val = Parrot_pmc_new_init_int(INTERP, enum_class_Integer, value);
+        do_unshift(INTERP, SELF, val);
     VTABLE void unshift_pmc(PMC *value) {
-        const INTVAL size = PMC_size(SELF);
-        PMC   **data;
-        INTVAL  i;
-        SELF.set_integer_native(size + 1);
-        data = PMC_array(SELF);
-        for (i = size; i; --i)
-            data[i] = data[i - 1];
-        data[0] = value;
-        return;
+        do_unshift(INTERP, SELF, value);
     VTABLE void unshift_string(STRING *value) {
-        const INTVAL size = PMC_size(SELF);
-        PMC * const val  = Parrot_pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_String);
-        PMC   **data;
-        INTVAL  i;
+        PMC * const val = Parrot_pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_String);
         VTABLE_set_string_native(INTERP, val, value);
-        SELF.set_integer_native(size + 1);
-        data = PMC_array(SELF);
-        for (i = size; i; --i)
-            data[i] = data[i - 1];
-        data[0] = val;
-        return;
+        do_unshift(INTERP, SELF, val);
@@ -790,6 +750,14 @@
 =over 4
+=item C<static void do_shift(PMC *arr)>
+Common part for shift operations.
+=item C<static void do_unshift(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *arr, PMC *val)>
+Common part for unshift operations.
 =item C<static void throw_shift_empty(PARROT_INTERP)>
 =item C<static void throw_pop_empty(PARROT_INTERP)>

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/role.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/role.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/role.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
          * to look one up with and do so. */
         PMC *_namespace = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, info, namespace_str);
         if (!VTABLE_isa(interp, _namespace, ns_string))
-            _namespace = Parrot_make_namespace_autobase(interp, _namespace);
+            _namespace = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_autobase(interp, _namespace);
         /* If we get something null back it's an error; otherwise, store it. */
         if (!PMC_IS_NULL(_namespace))
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
         /* Namespace is nested in the current namespace and with the name of
          * the role. */
-        role->_namespace = Parrot_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
+        role->_namespace = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_keyed_str(interp,
             Parrot_pcc_get_namespace(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp)), role->name);
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
          * to look one up with and do so. */
         PMC *_namespace = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, info, namespace_str);
         if (!VTABLE_isa(interp, _namespace, ns_string))
-            _namespace = Parrot_make_namespace_autobase(interp, _namespace);
+            _namespace = Parrot_ns_make_namespace_autobase(interp, _namespace);
         /* If we get something null back it's an error; otherwise, store it. */
         if (PMC_IS_NULL(_namespace))

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/string.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/string.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/string.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -56,10 +56,6 @@
     VTABLE void mark() {
         STRING *str_val;
-        if (!PMC_data(SELF))
-            return;
         GET_ATTR_str_val(INTERP, SELF, str_val);
         Parrot_gc_mark_STRING_alive(INTERP, str_val);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/stringhandle.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/stringhandle.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/stringhandle.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -109,12 +109,9 @@
         PMC * const copy = Parrot_pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_StringHandle);
         Parrot_StringHandle_attributes * const data_struct = PARROT_STRINGHANDLE(copy);
-        if (old_struct->stringhandle != NULL)
-            data_struct->stringhandle = old_struct->stringhandle;
-        if (old_struct->mode != NULL)
-            data_struct->mode     = old_struct->mode;
-        if (old_struct->encoding != NULL)
-            data_struct->encoding = old_struct->encoding;
+        data_struct->stringhandle = old_struct->stringhandle;
+        data_struct->mode     = old_struct->mode;
+        data_struct->encoding = old_struct->encoding;
         data_struct->flags    = old_struct->flags;
         return copy;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/stringiterator.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/stringiterator.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/stringiterator.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -139,19 +139,21 @@
     VTABLE void set_integer_native(INTVAL value) {
         Parrot_StringIterator_attributes * const attrs =
-        if (value == ITERATE_FROM_START) {
+        switch (value) {
+          case ITERATE_FROM_START:
             attrs->reverse   = 0;
             attrs->pos       = 0;
             attrs->length    = VTABLE_elements(INTERP, attrs->string);
-        }
-        else if (value == ITERATE_FROM_END) {
+            break;
+          case ITERATE_FROM_END:
             attrs->reverse   = 1;
             attrs->pos       = attrs->length
                              = VTABLE_elements(INTERP, attrs->string);
-        }
-        else
+            break;
+          default:
             Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(INTERP, NULL, EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION,
                     "Wrong direction for StringIterator");
+        }

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/timer.pmc
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/timer.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/pmc/timer.pmc	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 =item C<void init_pmc(PMC *init)>
-See F<docs/pdds/pdd02_vtables.pod> for initializers.
+Takes an even-length collection of keys and values.

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/src/thread.c
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/src/thread.c	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/src/thread.c	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
         /* Skip vtable overrides and methods. */
         if (ret_val_sub->vtable_index == -1
                 && !(ret_val_sub->comp_flags & SUB_COMP_FLAG_METHOD)) {
-            Parrot_store_sub_in_namespace(interp, ret_val);
+            Parrot_ns_store_sub(interp, ret_val);
     else {

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/compilers/imcc/syn/regressions.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/compilers/imcc/syn/regressions.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/compilers/imcc/syn/regressions.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 use warnings;
 use lib qw( . lib ../lib ../../lib );
 use Test::More;
-use Parrot::Test tests => 22;
+use Parrot::Test tests => 21;
 pir_error_output_like( <<'CODE', <<'OUT', 'invalid get_results syntax');
 .sub main :main
@@ -191,19 +191,6 @@
-TODO: {
-    local $TODO = "works in PIR, not PASM";
-pasm_output_is( <<"CODE", <<'OUT', 'long register numbers in PASM (TT #1025)');
-      new P$register, 'Integer'
-      assign P$register, 3
-  say P$register
 pir_error_output_like( <<'CODE', <<'OUT', 'die in immediate, TT #629');
 .sub 'foo' :immediate
   die 'no'

Copied: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/oo/objects.t (from r47713, trunk/t/oo/objects.t)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/oo/objects.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715, copy of r47713, trunk/t/oo/objects.t)
@@ -0,0 +1,1791 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2010, Parrot Foundation.
+# $Id$
+=head1 NAME
+t/oo/objects.t - Objects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    % prove t/oo/objects.t
+Tests the object/class subsystem.
+.sub main :main
+    .include 'test_more.pir'
+    .include "iglobals.pasm"
+    .include "interpinfo.pasm"
+    plan(194)
+    get_classname_from_class()
+    test_get_class()
+    test_isa()
+    does_scalar()
+    does_array()
+    new_object()
+    new_object__isa_test()
+    new_object__classname()
+    isa_subclass()
+    isa_subclass__objects()
+    test_addmethod()
+    test_addattribute()
+    addattribute_subclass()
+    addattribute_subclass__same_name()
+    set_and_get_object_attribs()
+    set_and_get_multiple_object_attribs()
+    attribute_values_are_specific_to_objects()
+    attribute_values_and_subclassing()
+    attribute_values_and_subclassing_2()
+    PMC_as_classes__overridden_mmd_methods()
+    typeof_class()
+    typeof_objects()
+    multiple_inheritance__with_attributes()
+    attributes_two_levels_of_inheritance()
+    class_op_test()
+    anon_subclass_has_no_name()
+    get_attrib_by_name()
+    get_attrib_by_name_subclass()
+    set_attrib_by_name_subclass()
+    PMC_as_classes()
+    PMC_as_classes__subclass()
+    PMC_as_classes__instantiate()
+    PMC_as_classes__methods()
+    PMC_as_classes__mmd_methods()
+    PMC_as_classes__derived_1()
+    PMC_as_classes__derived_2()
+    PMC_as_classes__derived_3()
+    subclassing_Class()
+    namespace_vs_name()
+    multiple_anon_classes()
+    subclassed_Integer_bug()
+    equality_of_subclassed_Integer()
+    short_name_attributes()
+    init_with_and_without_arg()
+    newclass_bracket_parsing()
+    verify_namespace_types()
+    verify_data_type()
+    new_keyed()
+    new_keyed_2()
+    new_keyed_3()
+    subclass_keyed()
+    test_class_name_multipart_name()
+    test_get_class_multipart_name()
+    isa_bug()
+    new_nested_ordering()
+    vtable_override_once_removed()
+    vtable_fails_for_subclasses_of_core_classes()
+    super___init_called_twice()
+    using_class_object_from_typeof_op_with_new()
+    setting_non_existent_attribute()
+    setting_non_existent_attribute_by_name()
+    getting_null_attribute()
+    getting_non_existent_attribute()
+    addparent_exceptions_1()
+    addparent_exceptions_2()
+    subclassing_a_non_existent_class()
+    anon_subclass_of_non_existent_class()
+    addattribute_duplicate()
+    wrong_way_to_create_new_objects()
+    attribute_values__subclassing_access_meths()
+    attribute_values__inherited_access_meths()
+.sub get_classname_from_class
+    newclass $P1, "Foo5"
+    set $S0, $P1
+    is( $S0, "Foo5", "got classname Foo5" )
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar5"
+    set $S1, $P2
+    is( $S1, "Bar5", "got subclass Bar5" )
+    subclass $P3, "Foo5", "Baz5"
+    set $S2, $P3
+    is( $S2, "Baz5", "got subclass Baz5" )
+.sub test_get_class
+    newclass $P1, "Foo6"
+    get_class $P2, "Foo6"
+    set $S2, $P2
+    is( $S2, "Foo6", 'get_class for Foo6' )
+    subclass $P3, $P1, "FooBar6"
+    get_class $P4, "FooBar6"
+    set $S4, $P4
+    is( $S4, 'FooBar6', 'get_class for FooBar6' )
+    get_class $P3, "NoSuch6"
+    isnull $I0, $P3
+    ok( $I0, "no class for 'NoSuch6'" )
+.sub test_isa
+    new $P1, ['Boolean']
+    isa $I0, $P1, "Boolean"
+    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean isa Boolean' )
+    isa $I0, $P1, "Bool"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa Bool' )
+    isa $I0, $P1, "scalar"
+    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean isa scalar' )
+    isa $I0, $P1, "calar"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa calar' )
+    isa $I0, $P1, "Integer"
+    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean isa Integer' )
+    isa $I0, $P1, "Integ"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa Integ' )
+    isa $I0, $P1, "eger"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa eger' )
+    isa $I0, $P1, " "
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa " "' )
+    isa $I0, $P1, ""
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa ""' )
+    null $S0
+    isa $I0, $P1, $S0
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa null $S0' )
+    set $S0, "scalar"
+    isa $I0, $P1, $S0
+    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean isa scalar $S0' )
+.sub does_scalar
+    new $P1, ['Boolean']
+    does $I0, $P1, "Boolean"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !does Boolean' )
+    does $I0, $P1, "Bool"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !does Bool' )
+    does $I0, $P1, "scalar"
+    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean does scalar' )
+.sub does_array
+    new $P1, ['OrderedHash']
+    does $I0, $P1, "Boolean"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'OrderedHash !does Boolean' )
+    does $I0, $P1, "Bool"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'OrderedHash !does Bool' )
+    does $I0, $P1, "hash"
+    is( $I0, 1, 'OrderedHash does hash' )
+    does $I0, $P1, "array"
+    is( $I0, 1, 'OrderedHash does array' )
+.sub new_object
+    newclass $P1, "Foo7"
+    new $P2, "Foo7"
+    ok( 1, 'created new object from Foo7 class' )
+.sub new_object__isa_test
+    newclass $P1, "Foo8"
+    new $P2, $P1
+    ok( 1, 'created new object from Foo8 class' )
+    isa $I0, $P2, "Foo8"
+    ok( $I0, 'new object isa Foo8' )
+.sub new_object__classname
+    newclass $P1, "Foo9"
+    new $P2, $P1
+    set $S0, $P1    # class
+    is( $S0, "Foo9", 'new object from Foo9 class as a string is Foo9' )
+    typeof $S0, $P2 # object
+    is( $S0, 'Foo9', 'typeof obj is Foo9' )
+    class $P3, $P1
+    set $S0, $P1    # class
+    is( $S0, 'Foo9', 'class of obj is Foo9' )
+    typeof $S0, $P2 # object
+    is( $S0, 'Foo9', 'typeof obj is Foo9' )
+.sub isa_subclass
+    newclass $P1, "Foo10"
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar10"
+    isa_ok( $P2, "Foo10", 'newclass isa Foo10' )
+    isa_ok( $P2, "Bar10", 'new subclass isa Bar10' )
+    isa_ok( $P2, "Foo10", 'new subclass isa parent' )
+    isa_ok( $P2, "Class", 'new subclass isa Class' )
+    isa $I0, $P2, "Object"
+    is( $I0, 0, 'new subclass !isa Object' )
+.sub isa_subclass__objects
+    newclass $P3, "Foo30"
+    subclass $P4, $P3, "Bar30"
+    $P1 = $P3.'new'()
+    $P2 = $P4.'new'()
+    isa_ok( $P1, "Foo30",  'obj isa its class' )
+    isa_ok( $P2, "Bar30",  'obj isa its class' )
+    isa_ok( $P2, "Foo30",  'obj isa its parent class' )
+    isa_ok( $P2, "Object", 'obj isa Object' )
+    isa_ok( $P2, "Class",  'obj isa Class' )
+.sub test_addmethod
+    newclass $P0, 'Foo31'
+    $P2 = get_hll_global 'sayFoo31'
+    # add a method BEFORE creating a Foo object
+    addmethod $P0, 'foo31', $P2
+    $P1 = new 'Foo31'
+    $P1.'foo31'()
+    # get a method from some other namespace
+    $P2 = get_hll_global ['Bar31'], 'sayBar31'
+    # add a method AFTER creating the object
+    addmethod $P0, 'bar31', $P2
+    $P1.'bar31'()
+.sub sayFoo31
+    ok( 1, 'called method added before creating obj' )
+.namespace ['Bar31']
+.sub sayBar31
+    ok( 1, 'called method added after created obj' )
+.namespace [] # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub test_addattribute
+    newclass $P1, "Foo11"
+    addattribute $P1, "foo_i"
+    ok( 1, 'addattribute did not blow up' )
+    set $S0, $P1
+    is( $S0, "Foo11", '$P1 is still the same class as PMC' )
+    # Check that we can add multiple attributes
+    set $I0, 0
+    set $S0, $I0
+    addattribute $P1, $S0
+    inc $I0
+    lt $I0, 1000, l1
+    ok( 1, 'addattribute 1000x without blow up' )
+.sub addattribute_subclass
+    newclass $P1, "Foo12"
+    addattribute $P1, "foo_i"
+    ok( 1, 'addattribute to Foo12' )
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar12"
+    addattribute $P2, "bar_i"
+    ok( 1, 'addattribute to subclass of Foo12' )
+.sub addattribute_subclass__same_name
+    newclass $P1, "Foo32"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    addattribute $P1, "j"
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar32"
+    addattribute $P2, "j"
+    addattribute $P2, "k"
+    ok( 1, 'created class and subclass and added attributes' )
+    .local pmc o
+    o = $P2.'new'()
+    $P0 = getattribute o, 'i'
+    is( $P0, 'Foo32.i', 'parent attrib initialized in init' )
+    $P0 = getattribute o, ['Foo32'], 'j'
+    is( $P0, 'Foo32.j', 'parent attrib initialized in init' )
+    $P0 = getattribute o, ['Bar32'], 'j'
+    is( $P0, 'Bar32.j', 'subclass attrib initialized in init' )
+    $P0 = getattribute o, 'k'
+    is( $P0, 'Bar32.k', 'subclass attrib initialized in init' )
+    $P0 = getattribute o, 'i'
+    is( $P0, 'Foo32.i', 'parent attrib init-ed' )
+    $P0 = getattribute o, ['Foo32'], "j"
+    is( $P0, 'Foo32.j', 'parent attrib init-ed' )
+    $P0 = getattribute o, 'j'
+    is( $P0, 'Bar32.j', 'subclass attrib returned over parent' )
+    $P0 = getattribute o, 'k'
+    is( $P0, 'Bar32.k', 'subclass attrib init-ed' )
+.namespace ['Bar32']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    $P0 = new ['String']
+    $P0 = 'Foo32.i'
+    setattribute self, ['Foo32'], "i", $P0
+    $P0 = new ['String']
+    $P0 = 'Foo32.j'
+    setattribute self, ["Foo32"], "j", $P0
+    $P0 = new ['String']
+    $P0 = 'Bar32.j'
+    setattribute self, ["Bar32"], "j", $P0
+    $P0 = new ['String']
+    $P0 = 'Bar32.k'
+    setattribute self, ["Bar32"], "k", $P0
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub set_and_get_object_attribs
+    newclass $P1, "Foo13"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    new $P2, $P1
+    new $P3, ['Integer']
+    set $P3, 1024
+    setattribute $P2, "i", $P3
+    new $P4, ['Integer']
+    getattribute $P4, $P2, "i"
+    is( $P4, 1024, 'set/get Integer attribute' )
+.sub set_and_get_multiple_object_attribs
+    newclass $P1, "Foo14"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    addattribute $P1, "j"
+    new $P2, "Foo14"
+    new $P3, ['Integer']
+    set $P3, 4201
+    new $P4, ['Hash']
+    set $P4["Key"], "Value"
+    setattribute $P2, "i", $P3
+    setattribute $P2, "j", $P4
+    getattribute $P5, $P2, "i"
+    is( $P5, '4201', 'set/get Integer attribute' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, "j"
+    set $S0, $P6["Key"]
+    is( $S0, 'Value', 'set/get Hash attribute on same obj' )
+.sub attribute_values_are_specific_to_objects
+    newclass $P1, "Foo15"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    new $P2, $P1
+    new $P3, $P1
+    new $P4, ['Integer']
+    set $P4, 100
+    setattribute $P2, "i", $P4
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "One hundred"
+    setattribute $P3, "i", $P5
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, "i"
+    is( $P6, 100, 'attribute value on 1st object is specific to obj' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P3, "i"
+    is( $P6, 'One hundred', 'attribute value on 2nd obj is specific to obj' )
+.sub attribute_values_and_subclassing
+    newclass $P1, "Foo16"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    addattribute $P1, "j"
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar16"
+    addattribute $P2, "k"
+    addattribute $P2, "l"
+    new $P2, "Bar16"
+    new $P3, "Bar16"
+    # Note that setattribute holds the actual PMC, not a copy, so
+    # in this test both attributes get the PMC from $P4, and should
+    # both have the same value, despite the C<inc>.
+    new $P4, ['Integer']
+    set $P4, 10
+    setattribute $P2, "i", $P4
+    inc $P4
+    setattribute $P2, "j", $P4
+    new $P5, ['Integer']
+    set $P5, 100
+    setattribute $P3, "i", $P5
+    inc $P5
+    setattribute $P3, "j", $P5
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, "i"
+    is( $P6, 11, 'setattrib with a PMC holds actual PMC not copy' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, "j"
+    is( $P6, 11, '...so changes to the PMC appear through the attrib' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P3, "i"
+    is( $P6, 101, '...and second test on new objects' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P3, "j"
+    is( $P6, 101, '...should have same result' )
+.sub attribute_values_and_subclassing_2
+    newclass $P1, "Foo17"
+    # must add attributes before object instantiation
+    addattribute $P1, ".i"
+    addattribute $P1, ".j"
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar17"
+    addattribute $P2, ".k"
+    addattribute $P2, ".l"
+    # subclass is preferred for the SI case over
+    #   newclass $P2, "Bar"
+    #   addattrib ...
+    #   addparent $P2, $P1
+    # which is suitable for adding multiple parents to one class
+    # instantiate a Bar object
+    new $P3, "Bar17"
+    # Set the attribute values
+    new $P10, ['String']           # set attribute values
+    set $P10, "i"                # attribute slots have reference semantics
+    setattribute $P3, ".i", $P10  # so always put new PMCs in
+                                # if you have unique values
+    new $P10, ['String']
+    set $P10, "j"
+    setattribute $P3, ".j", $P10
+    new $P10, ['String']
+    set $P10, "k"
+    setattribute $P3, ".k", $P10
+    new $P10, ['String']
+    set $P10, "l"
+    setattribute $P3, ".l", $P10
+    # retrieve attribs
+    getattribute $P11, $P3, ".i"
+    is( $P11, "i", 'string attribute get/set on parent' )
+    getattribute $P11, $P3, ".j"
+    is( $P11, "j", 'string attribute get/set on parent' )
+    getattribute $P11, $P3, ".k"
+    is( $P11, "k", 'string attribute get/set on subclass' )
+    getattribute $P11, $P3, ".l"
+    is( $P11, "l", 'string attribute get/set on subclass' )
+.sub PMC_as_classes__overridden_mmd_methods
+    .local pmc myint, i, j, k
+    get_class $P0, "Integer"
+    subclass myint, $P0, "MyInt1"
+    i = new 'MyInt1'
+    j = new 'MyInt1'
+    k = new 'MyInt1'
+    i = 6
+    j = 7
+    k = i + j
+    is( k, 13, 'added two MyInt1' )
+    j = new ['Integer']
+    j = 100
+    k = i + j
+    is( k, 106, 'added MyInt1 and an Integer' )
+.namespace ["MyInt1"]
+.sub add :multi(MyInt1, MyInt1, MyInt1)
+    .param pmc self
+    .param pmc right
+    .param pmc dest
+    ok( 1, 'in the add method' )
+    $P0 = getattribute self, ['Integer'], "proxy"
+    $I0 = $P0
+    $I1 = right
+    $I2 = $I0 + $I1
+    dest = $I2
+    .return(dest)
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub typeof_class
+    newclass $P0, "Foo21"
+    typeof $S0, $P0
+    is( $S0, "Class", 'typeof for a Class PMC is "Class"' )
+.sub typeof_objects
+    newclass $P0, "A"
+    newclass $P1, "B"
+    new $P0, ['A']
+    new $P1, ['B']
+    typeof $S0, $P0
+    typeof $S1, $P1
+    is( $S0, 'A', 'typeof object of class A is "A"' )
+    is( $S1, 'B', 'typeof object of class B is "B"' )
+.sub multiple_inheritance__with_attributes
+    newclass $P1, "Star"
+    addattribute $P1, "Spectral Type"
+    newclass $P2, "Company"
+    addattribute $P2, "Annual Profit"
+    subclass $P3, $P1, "Sun"
+    addparent $P3, $P2
+    new $P4, ['Sun']
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "G"
+    setattribute $P4, "Spectral Type", $P5
+    new $P6, ['String']
+    set $P6, "$100,000,000"
+    setattribute $P4, "Annual Profit", $P6
+    getattribute $P7, $P4, "Spectral Type"
+    is( $P7, 'G', 'direct parents attribute' )
+    getattribute $P8, $P4, "Annual Profit"
+    is( $P8, '$100,000,000', "addparent's attribute" )
+.sub attributes_two_levels_of_inheritance
+    newclass $P0, "Astronomical Object"
+    addattribute $P0, "Location"
+    subclass $P1, $P0, "Star2"
+    addattribute $P1, "Spectral Type"
+    newclass $P2, "Sun2"
+    addparent $P2, $P1
+    addparent $P2, $P0
+    new $P4, "Sun2"
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "Taurus"
+    setattribute $P4, "Location", $P5
+    getattribute $P6, $P4, "Location"
+    is( $P6, 'Taurus', 'attributes with two levels of inheritance' )
+.sub class_op_test
+    newclass $P0, "City1"
+    new $P1, "City1"
+    class $P2, $P1
+    set $S0, $P2
+    is( $S0, 'City1', 'class op works' )
+.sub anon_subclass_has_no_name
+    newclass $P0, "City2"
+    subclass $P1, $P0
+    set $S0, $P1
+    is( $S0, '', 'anonymous subclass has no name' )
+.sub get_attrib_by_name
+    newclass $P1, "Foo18"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    new $P2, "Foo18"
+    new $P3, ['String']
+    set $P3, "ok"
+    setattribute $P2, "i", $P3
+    getattribute $P4, $P2, ["Foo18"], "i"
+    is( $P4, 'ok', 'get attrib by name' )
+.sub get_attrib_by_name_subclass
+    newclass $P0, "Bar19"
+    addattribute $P0, "j"
+    subclass $P1, $P0, "Foo19"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    new $P2, "Foo19"
+    new $P3, ['String']
+    set $P3, "foo i"
+    setattribute $P2, "i", $P3
+    new $P3, ['String']
+    set $P3, "bar j"
+    setattribute $P2, "j", $P3
+    getattribute $P4, $P2, ["Foo19"], "i"
+    is( $P4, 'foo i', 'attribute from subclass get by name' )
+    getattribute $P4, $P2, ["Bar19"], "j"
+    is( $P4, 'bar j', 'attribute from parent class get by name' )
+.sub set_attrib_by_name_subclass
+    newclass $P0, "Bar20"
+    addattribute $P0, "j"
+    subclass $P1, $P0, "Foo20"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    new $P2, "Foo20"
+    new $P3, ['String']
+    set $P3, "foo i"
+    setattribute $P2, ["Foo20"], "i", $P3
+    new $P3, ['String']
+    set $P3, "bar j"
+    setattribute $P2, ["Bar20"], "j", $P3
+    getattribute $P4, $P2, "i"
+    is( $P4, 'foo i', 'attribute from subclass set by name' )
+    getattribute $P4, $P2, "j"
+    is( $P4, 'bar j', 'attribute from parent class set by name' )
+.sub PMC_as_classes
+    get_class $P0, "Integer"
+    ok( 1, "get_class of Integer did't croak" )
+    get_class $P0, "Integer"
+    ok( 1, "get_class of Integer did't croak second time" )
+    typeof $S0, $P0
+    is( $S0, 'PMCProxy', 'typeof PMCProxy' )
+.sub PMC_as_classes__subclass
+    .local pmc MyInt3
+    get_class $P0, "Integer"
+    ok( 1, "get_class on Integer didn't blow up" )
+    subclass MyInt3, $P0, "MyInt3"
+    ok( 1, "subclassing didn't blow up" )
+    $S0 = typeof MyInt3
+    is( $S0, 'Class', 'new subclass is typeof Class' )
+    $I0 = isa MyInt3, "MyInt3"
+    ok( $I0, 'new subclass isa MyInt' )
+    $I0 = isa MyInt3, "Integer"
+    ok( $I0, 'new subclass isa parent class' )
+.sub PMC_as_classes__instantiate
+    .local pmc MyInt4
+    get_class $P0, "Integer"
+    ok( 1, 'able to get_class of Integer' )
+    subclass MyInt4, $P0, "MyInt4"
+    addattribute MyInt4, ".i"
+    ok( 1, 'able to addattribute to subclass' )
+    .local pmc i
+    i = new "MyInt4"
+    ok( 1, 'able to instantiate obj of subclass w/ attribute' )
+.sub PMC_as_classes__methods
+    .local pmc MyInt5
+    get_class $P0, "Integer"
+    subclass MyInt5, $P0, "MyInt5"
+    addattribute MyInt5, "intval"
+    .local pmc i, i2
+    i = new "MyInt5"
+    i2 = new ['Integer']
+    i2 = 43
+    i = 42    # set_integer is inherited from Integer
+    ok( 1, 'able to assign int to MyInt' )
+    $I0 = i   # get_integer is overridden below
+    is( $I0, 42, 'get_integer is overridden for MyInt5' )
+    $S0 = i   # get_string is overridden below
+    is( $S0, 'MyInt5(42)', 'get_string is overridden for MyInt5' )
+.namespace ["MyInt5"]
+.sub set_integer_native :vtable :method
+   .param int new_value
+   $P1 = new ['Integer']
+   $P1 = new_value
+   setattribute self, "intval", $P1
+.sub get_integer :vtable :method
+   $P0 = getattribute self, "intval"
+   $I0 = $P0
+   .return ($I0)
+.sub get_string :vtable :method
+   $P0 = getattribute self, "intval"
+   $I0 = $P0
+   $S1 = $I0
+   $S0 = "MyInt5("
+   $S0 .= $S1
+   $S0 .= ")"
+   .return ($S0)
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub PMC_as_classes__mmd_methods
+  .local pmc MyInt6
+  get_class $P0, "Integer"
+  subclass MyInt6, $P0, "MyInt6"
+  .local pmc i
+  .local pmc j
+  .local pmc k
+  i = new "MyInt6"
+  j = new "MyInt6"
+  k = new "MyInt6"
+  i = 6
+  j = 7
+  k = i * j
+  $I0 = k
+  is( $I0, 42, 'MyInt6 defaults to Integer class for mult' )
+  $S0 = k   # get_string is overridden below
+  is( $S0, 'MyInt6(42)', 'get_string is overridden for MyInt6' )
+.namespace ["MyInt6"]
+.sub get_string :vtable :method
+   $I0 = self   # get_integer is not overridden
+   $S1 = $I0
+   $S0 = "MyInt6("
+   $S0 .= $S1
+   $S0 .= ")"
+   .return ($S0)
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub PMC_as_classes__derived_1
+  .local pmc MyInt8
+  .local pmc MyInt8_2
+  get_class $P0, "Integer"
+  subclass MyInt8, $P0, "MyInt8"
+  addattribute MyInt8, 'intval'
+  get_class $P1, "MyInt8"
+  subclass MyInt8_2, $P1, "MyInt8_2"
+  .local pmc i
+  i = new "MyInt8_2"
+  $I0 = isa i, "Integer"
+  ok( $I0, 'obj isa grandparent (Integer)' )
+  $I0 = isa i, "MyInt8"
+  ok( $I0, 'obj isa parent (MyInt8)' )
+  $I0 = isa i, "MyInt8_2"
+  ok( $I0, 'obj isa its class (MyInt8_2)' )
+  i = 42    # set_integer is overridden below
+  $I0 = i   # get_integer is overridden below
+  is( $I0, 42, 'set/get_integer overridden' )
+  $S0 = i   # get_string is overridden below
+  is( $S0, 'MyInt8_2(42)', 'set/get_string overridden' )
+.namespace ["MyInt8"]
+.sub 'set_integer_native' :vtable :method
+    .param int val
+    $P1 = new ['Integer']
+    $P1 = val
+    setattribute self, "intval", $P1
+    .return ()
+.sub get_integer :vtable :method
+   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
+   $I0 = $P0
+   .return ($I0)
+.sub get_string :vtable :method
+   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
+   $I0 = $P0
+   $S1 = $I0
+   $S0 = typeof self
+   $S0 .= "("
+   $S0 .= $S1
+   $S0 .= ")"
+   .return ($S0)
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub PMC_as_classes__derived_2
+  .local pmc MyInt9
+  .local pmc MyInt9_2
+  get_class $P0, "Integer"
+  subclass MyInt9, $P0, "MyInt9"
+  addattribute MyInt9, 'intval'
+  get_class $P1, "MyInt9"
+  subclass MyInt9_2, $P1, "MyInt9_2"
+  .local pmc i
+  i = new "MyInt9_2"
+  $I0 = isa i, "Integer"
+  ok( $I0, 'obj isa grandparent (Integer)' )
+  $I0 = isa i, "MyInt9"
+  ok( $I0, 'obj isa parent (MyInt9)' )
+  $I0 = isa i, "MyInt9_2"
+  ok( $I0, 'obj isa its class (MyInt9_2)' )
+  i = 42    # set_integer is overridden below
+  $I0 = i   # get_integer is overridden below
+  is( $I0, 43, 'set/get_integer overridden' )
+  $S0 = i   # get_string is overridden below
+  is( $S0, 'MyInt9_2(42)', 'set/get_string overridden' )
+.namespace ["MyInt9_2"]
+# subclassing methods from MyInt9 is ok
+# this one changes the value a bit
+.sub get_integer :vtable :method
+   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
+   $I0 = $P0
+   inc $I0            # <<<<<
+   .return ($I0)
+.namespace ["MyInt9"]
+.sub 'set_integer_native' :vtable :method
+    .param int val
+    $P1 = new ['Integer']
+    $P1 = val
+    setattribute self, "intval", $P1
+    .return ()
+.sub get_integer :vtable :method
+   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
+   $I0 = $P0
+   .return ($I0)
+.sub get_string :vtable :method
+   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
+   $I0 = $P0
+   $S1 = $I0
+   $S0 = typeof self
+   $S0 .= "("
+   $S0 .= $S1
+   $S0 .= ")"
+   .return ($S0)
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub PMC_as_classes__derived_3
+    .local pmc MyInt10
+    .local pmc MyInt10_2
+    get_class $P0, "Integer"
+    subclass MyInt10, $P0, "MyInt10"
+    addattribute MyInt10, 'intval'
+    get_class $P1, "MyInt10"
+    subclass MyInt10_2, $P1, "MyInt10_2"
+    .local pmc i
+    i = new "MyInt10_2"
+    $I0 = isa i, "Integer"
+    ok( $I0, 'obj isa grandparent (Integer)' )
+    $I0 = isa i, "MyInt10"
+    ok( $I0, 'obj isa parent (MyInt10)' )
+    $I0 = isa i, "MyInt10_2"
+    ok( $I0, 'obj isa its class (MyInt102)' )
+    i = 42    # set_integer is overridden below
+    $I0 = i   # get_integer is overridden below
+    is( $I0, 42, 'set/get_integer overridden' )
+    $S0 = i   # get_string is overridden below
+    is( $S0, 'MyInt10_2(42)', 'set/get_string overridden' )
+.namespace ["MyInt10_2"]
+.sub get_integer :vtable :method
+    $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
+    $I0 = $P0
+    .return ($I0)
+.sub get_string :vtable :method
+    $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
+    $I0 = $P0
+    $S1 = $I0
+    $S0 = typeof self
+    $S0 .= "("
+    $S0 .= $S1
+    $S0 .= ")"
+    .return ($S0)
+.namespace ['MyInt10']
+.sub 'set_integer_native' :vtable :method
+    .param int val
+    $P1 = new ['Integer']
+    $P1 = val
+    setattribute self, "intval", $P1
+    .return ()
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub subclassing_Class
+    .local pmc cl
+    .local pmc parent
+    parent = get_class "Class"
+    cl = subclass parent, "Foo33"
+    ok( 1, 'able to subclass Class' )
+    .local pmc o
+    o = new "Foo33"
+    ok( 1, 'able to instantiate subclass of Class' )
+    $S0 = typeof o
+    is( $S0, 'Foo33', 'object returns correct class' )
+.sub namespace_vs_name
+    .local pmc o, cl, f
+    newclass cl, "Foo34"
+    o = new "Foo34"
+    is( o, 'Foo34::get_string', 'found Foo34 namespace' )
+    o = Foo34()
+    is( o, 'Foo34', 'found global Foo34' )
+    f = get_global "Foo34"
+    o = f()
+    is( o, 'Foo34', 'found global Foo34 explicitly' )
+    f = get_global ["Foo34"], "Foo34"
+    o = f()
+    is( o, 'Foo34::Foo34', 'found method in Foo34 namespace' )
+.sub Foo34
+    .return("Foo34")
+.namespace [ "Foo34" ]
+.sub get_string :vtable :method
+    .return("Foo34::get_string")
+.sub Foo34
+    .return("Foo34::Foo34")
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub multiple_anon_classes
+     newclass $P0, "City3"
+     subclass $P1, $P0
+     newclass $P2, "State3"
+     subclass $P3, $P2
+     ok( 1,  "multiple anon classes didn't croak (bug #33103)" )
+.sub subclassed_Integer_bug
+   .local pmc class
+   .local pmc a
+   .local pmc b
+    subclass class, "Integer", "LispInteger1"
+    a = new "LispInteger1"
+    b = new "LispInteger1"
+    a = 1
+    b = 1
+    set $S0, a
+    is( $S0, '1', 'subclassed Integer is 1' )
+    set $S0, b
+    is( $S0, '1', 'subclassed Integer is 1' )
+    a = a * b
+    set $S0, a
+    is( $S0, '1', 'multip and reasign to subclassed Integer is 1' )
+.sub equality_of_subclassed_Integer
+  .local pmc class
+  class = subclass "Integer", "LispInteger2"
+  .local pmc a
+  a = new 'LispInteger2'
+  a = 123
+  .local pmc b
+  b = new 'LispInteger2'
+  b = 123
+  $I0 = a == b
+  ok( $I0, '123 is equal to 123' )
+.sub short_name_attributes
+    newclass $P1, "Foo22"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    addattribute $P1, "j"
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar22"
+    addattribute $P2, "k"
+    addattribute $P2, "l"
+    new $P2, "Bar22"
+    # set a bunch of attribs
+    new $P4, ['Integer']
+    set $P4, 10
+    setattribute $P2, "i", $P4
+    new $P4, ['Integer']
+    set $P4, 11
+    setattribute $P2, "j", $P4
+    new $P4, ['Integer']
+    set $P4, 20
+    setattribute $P2, "k", $P4
+    new $P4, ['Integer']
+    set $P4, 21
+    setattribute $P2, "l", $P4
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, "i"
+    is( $P6, 10, '"i" getattribute on parent class attrib' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, "j"
+    is( $P6, 11, '"j" getattribute on parent class attrib' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, "k"
+    is( $P6, 20, '"k" getattribute on subclass attrib' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, "l"
+    is( $P6, 21, '"l" getattribute on subclass attrib' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, ["Foo22"], "i"
+    is( $P6, 10, '["Foo22"], "i" getattribute on parent class attrib' )
+    getattribute $P6, $P2, ["Bar22"], "k"
+    is( $P6, 20, '["Bar22"], "k" getattribute on subclass attrib' )
+.sub init_with_and_without_arg
+    .local pmc cl, o, h, a
+    cl = newclass "Foo35"
+    addattribute cl, "a"
+    o = cl.'new'()
+    a = getattribute o, "a"
+    is( a, 'ok 1', 'init without an arg' )
+    h = new ['Hash']
+    $P0 = new ['String']
+    $P0 = "ok 2"
+    h['a'] = $P0
+    o  = new cl, h
+    a = getattribute o, "a"
+    is( a, 'ok 2', 'init with an arg' )
+.namespace ["Foo35"]
+.sub init_pmc :vtable :method
+    .param pmc args
+    $P0 = args['a']
+    setattribute self, 'a', $P0
+    .return()
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    $P0 = new ['String']
+    $P0 = "ok 1"
+    setattribute self, 'a', $P0
+.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
+.sub newclass_bracket_parsing
+    newclass $P0, ['Foo23';'Bar23']
+    ok( 1, 'newclass  created with brackets' )
+.sub verify_namespace_types
+    newclass $P0, ['Foo24';'Bar24']
+    getinterp $P0
+    typeof $S0, $P1
+    is( $S0, 'NameSpace', 'namespace verified' )
+    set $P2, $P1['Foo24']
+    typeof $S0, $P2
+    is( $S0, 'NameSpace', 'namespace verified' )
+.sub verify_data_type
+    newclass $P0, ['Foo25';'Bar25']
+    getinterp $P0
+    set $P2, $P1['Foo25']
+    set $P3, $P2['Bar25']
+    set $I0, $P3
+    isgt $I0, $I0, 0
+    ok( $I0, 'verified datatype > 0' )
+# Puts init in a namespace
+.sub new_keyed
+    .local pmc cl, o, p
+    cl = newclass ['Foo36';'Bar36']
+    addattribute cl, "init_check"
+    o = cl.'new'()
+    ok( 1, 'obj successfully created' )
+    p = getattribute o, "init_check"
+    is( p, 999, "overridden init called")
+.namespace ['Foo36';'Bar36']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    .local pmc p
+    p = new ['Integer']
+    p = 999
+    setattribute self, "init_check", p
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.sub new_keyed_2
+    .local pmc c1, c2, o1, o2
+    c1 = newclass ['Foo37';'Bar37']
+    c2 = newclass ['Foo37';'Fuz37']
+    o1 = c1.'new'()
+    o2 = c2.'new'()
+    ok( 1, 'objects created successfully' )
+.namespace ['Foo37';'Bar37']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 1, '__init Bar37' )
+.namespace ['Foo37';'Fuz37']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 1, '__init Fuz37' )
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.sub new_keyed_3
+    .local pmc c1, c2, c3, o1, o2, o3
+    c1 = newclass ['Foo38';'Bar38']
+    c2 = newclass ['Foo38';'Buz38']
+    c3 = newclass 'Foo38'
+    o1 = new      ['Foo38';'Bar38']
+    o2 = new      ['Foo38';'Buz38']
+    o3 = new      'Foo38'
+    ok( 1, 'objects created successfully' )
+.namespace ['Foo38';'Bar38']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 1, '__init Bar38' )
+.namespace ['Foo38';'Buz38']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 1, '__init Buz38' )
+.namespace ['Foo38']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 1, '__init Foo38' )
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.sub subclass_keyed
+    .local pmc base, o1, o2
+    base = subclass 'Hash', ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
+    addattribute base, '$.source'                  # original source
+    addattribute base, '$.pos'                     # offset position
+    $P0 = subclass base, ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Sub']
+    $P0 = subclass base, ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Stmt']
+    ok( 1, 'ok 1\n' )
+    o1 = new   ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Sub']
+    o2 = new   ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Stmt']
+    ok( 1, 'objects created successfully' )
+.namespace ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Stmt']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 1, '__init Stmt' )
+.namespace ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Sub']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 1, '__init Sub' )
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.sub test_class_name_multipart_name
+    .local pmc base, o1
+    base = subclass 'Hash', ['Perl6'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
+    o1 = new base
+    $S0 = typeof o1
+    is( $S0, "Perl6;PAST;Node", "typeof returns object's class name" )
+.sub test_get_class_multipart_name
+    .local pmc base, o1
+    base = subclass 'Hash', ['Perl6a'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
+    $P0 = get_class ['Perl6a'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
+    o1 = new $P0
+    $S0 = typeof o1
+    is( $S0, 'Perl6a;PAST;Node', 'typeof returns objects created from get_class' )
+.sub isa_bug
+    .local pmc base, o1, o2
+    base = subclass 'Hash', ['Perl6b'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
+    $P0 = new [ 'Perl6b'; 'PAST'; 'Node' ]
+    $I0 = isa $P0, [ 'Perl6b'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
+    is( $I0, 1, 'obj isa the full class name' )
+    $I0 = isa $P0, 'Hash'
+    is( $I0, 1, 'obj isa the parent class' )
+    $I0 = isa $P0, 'Perl6b'
+    is( $I0, 0, 'obj !isa the first part of the class name' )
+.sub new_nested_ordering
+    .local pmc c1, c2, o
+    c1 = newclass ['Foo39']
+    c2 = newclass ['Foo39';'Bar39']
+    o = c2.'new'()
+    ok( 1, 'objects created successfully' )
+.namespace ['Foo39']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 0, '__init Foo39' )     # shouldn't be called
+.namespace ['Foo39';'Bar39']
+.sub init :vtable :method
+    ok( 1, '__init Bar39' )     # should be called
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.sub vtable_override_once_removed
+    .local pmc base
+    $P0 = get_class 'Integer'
+    base = subclass $P0, 'Foo40'      # create subclass 'Foo40'
+    addattribute base, '@!capt'
+    $P0 = subclass 'Foo40', 'Bar40'   # create subclass 'Bar40'
+    $P1 = new 'Bar40'                 # create an instance of 'Bar40'
+    $S1 = $P1                         # get its string representation
+    is( $S1, 'ok bar', 'get_string overridden' )
+.namespace [ 'Bar40' ]
+.sub 'get_string' :vtable :method
+    $S0 = 'ok bar'
+    .return ($S0)
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.sub vtable_fails_for_subclasses_of_core_classes
+    $P0 = subclass 'Hash', 'Foo41'
+    $P0 = subclass 'Hash', 'Bar41'
+    $P1 = new 'Foo41'
+    $S1 = $P1
+    is( $S1, 'Hello world', 'get_string :vtable :method' )
+    $P1 = new 'Bar41'
+    $S1 = $P1
+    is( $S1, 'Hello world', 'get_string :method :vtable' )
+.namespace [ 'Foo41' ]
+.sub 'get_string' :vtable :method
+    .return('Hello world')
+.namespace [ 'Bar41' ]
+.sub 'get_string' :method :vtable
+    .return('Hello world')
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.sub super___init_called_twice
+    $P0 = newclass 'Foo42'
+    $P1 = subclass $P0, 'Bar42'
+    addattribute $P1, 'i'
+    $P2 = $P1.'new'()
+.namespace [ 'Foo42' ]
+.sub 'init' :vtable :method
+    $P0 = getattribute self, 'i'
+    isnull $I1, $P0
+    ok( $I1, 'should be null' )
+    $P1 = new ['Integer']
+    setattribute self, "i", $P1  # i won't be null if init called again
+    .return ()
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.sub using_class_object_from_typeof_op_with_new
+    $P0 = newclass [ "Monkey" ; "Banana" ]
+    $P0 = $P0.'new'()
+    $S0 = $P0."ook"()
+    is( $S0, "Ook!", 'obj created from .new() class method' )
+    $P2 = typeof $P0
+    $P3 = new $P2
+    $S0 = $P3."ook"()
+    is( $S0, "Ook!", 'obj created from "new" called on result of typeof' )
+.namespace [ "Monkey" ; "Banana" ]
+.sub ook :method
+    $S1 = "Ook!"
+    .return ($S1)
+.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
+.macro exception_is ( M )
+    .local pmc exception
+    .local string message
+    .get_results (exception)
+    message = exception['message']
+    is( message, .M, .M )
+.sub setting_non_existent_attribute
+    newclass $P1, "Foo45"
+    new $P2, $P1
+    new $P3, ['Integer']
+    push_eh handler
+        setattribute $P2, "bar", $P3
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "'No such attribute' exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "No such attribute 'bar'" )
+.sub setting_non_existent_attribute_by_name
+    newclass $P1, "Foo47"
+    new $P2, $P1
+    new $P3, ['Integer']
+    push_eh handler
+        setattribute $P2, ["Foo47"], "no_such", $P3
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "'No such attribute' exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "No such attribute 'no_such' in class 'Foo47'" )
+.sub getting_null_attribute
+    newclass $P1, "Foo51"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    new $P2, "Foo51"
+    getattribute $P3, $P2, "i"
+    isnull $I0, $P3
+    is($I0, 1, "null attribute is null")
+.sub getting_non_existent_attribute
+    newclass $P1, "Foo52"
+    $P2 = $P1.'new'()
+    push_eh handler
+        getattribute $P3, $P2, "bar"
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "'No such attribute' exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "No such attribute 'bar'" )
+.sub addparent_exceptions_1
+    newclass $P0, "Astronomical Object 2"
+    new $P1, ['String']
+    set $P1, "Not a class"
+    push_eh handler
+        addparent $P0, $P1
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "'Parent isn\'t a Class' exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "Parent isn't a Class." )
+.sub addparent_exceptions_2
+    new $P0, ['Hash']
+    newclass $P1, "Trashcan"
+    push_eh handler
+        addparent $P0, $P1
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "'Only classes can be subclassed' exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "Only classes can be subclassed" )
+.sub subclassing_a_non_existent_class
+    push_eh handler
+        subclass $P1, "Character", "Nemo"
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "nonexistent class exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "Class 'Character' doesn't exist" )
+.sub anon_subclass_of_non_existent_class
+    push_eh handler
+        subclass $P1, "Character"
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "nonexistent class exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "Class 'Character' doesn't exist" )
+.sub addattribute_duplicate
+    newclass $P1, "Foo53"
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    addattribute $P1, "j"
+    push_eh handler
+        addattribute $P1, "i"
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "attribute already exists exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "Attribute 'i' already exists in 'Foo53'." )
+.sub wrong_way_to_create_new_objects
+    push_eh handler
+        new $P0, ['Object']
+    pop_eh
+    ok(0, "object instantiation exception not thrown")
+    goto end
+    .exception_is( "Object must be created by a class." )
+.sub attribute_values__subclassing_access_meths
+    newclass $P1, "Foo54"
+    # must add attributes before object instantiation
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    addattribute $P1, "j"
+    # define attrib access functions in Foo54 namespace
+    get_global $P5, "Foo54__set"
+    addmethod $P1, "Foo54__set", $P5
+    get_global $P5, "Foo54__get"
+    addmethod $P1, "Foo54__get", $P5
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar54"
+    addattribute $P2, "k"
+    addattribute $P2, "l"
+    get_global $P5, "Bar54__set"
+    addmethod $P2, "Bar54__set", $P5
+    get_global $P5, "Bar54__get"
+    addmethod $P2, "Bar54__get", $P5
+    # instantiate a Bar54 object
+    new $P13, "Bar54"
+    # Foo54 and Bar54 have attribute accessor methods
+    new $P5, ['String']        # set attribute values
+    set $P5, "i"       # attribute slots have reference semantics
+    set_args "0,0", $P5, "i"
+    callmethodcc $P13, "Foo54__set"
+    get_results ""
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "j"
+    set_args "0,0", $P5, "j"
+    callmethodcc  $P13,"Foo54__set"
+    get_results ""
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "k"
+    set_args "0,0", $P5, "k"
+    callmethodcc  $P13,"Bar54__set"
+    get_results ""
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "l"
+    set_args "0,0", $P5, "l"
+    callmethodcc  $P13,"Bar54__set"
+    get_results ""
+    # now retrieve attributes
+    set_args "0",  "i"
+    callmethodcc  $P13,"Foo54__get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, "i", 'got attrib i from Bar54->Foo54__get' )
+    set_args "0",  "j"
+    callmethodcc  $P13,"Foo54__get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, "j", 'got attrib j from Bar54->Foo54__get' )
+    set_args "0",  "k"
+    callmethodcc  $P13,"Bar54__get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, "k", 'got attrib k from Bar54->Bar54__get' )
+    set_args "0",  "l"
+    callmethodcc  $P13,"Bar54__get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, "l", 'got attrib l from Bar54->Bar54__get' )
+# set(obj: Pvalue, Iattr_idx)
+.sub Foo54__set
+    get_params "0,0", $P5, $S4
+    ok( 1, "in Foo54__set" )
+    setattribute $P2, $S4, $P5
+    set_returns ""
+    returncc
+# Pattr = get(obj: Iattr_idx)
+.sub Foo54__get
+    get_params "0", $S4
+    ok( 1, "in Foo54__get" )
+    getattribute $P5, $P2, $S4
+    set_returns "0", $P5
+    returncc
+.sub Bar54__set
+    get_params "0,0", $P5, $S4
+    ok( 1, "in Bar54__set" )
+    setattribute $P2, $S4, $P5
+    set_returns ""
+    returncc
+.sub Bar54__get
+    get_params "0", $S4
+    ok( 1, "in Bar54__get" )
+    getattribute $P5, $P2, $S4
+    set_returns "0", $P5
+    returncc
+.sub attribute_values__inherited_access_meths
+    newclass $P1, "Foo56"
+    # must add attributes before object instantiation
+    addattribute $P1, "i"
+    addattribute $P1, "j"
+    # define attrib access functions
+    get_global $P5, "set"
+    addmethod $P1, "set", $P5
+    get_global $P5, "get"
+    addmethod $P1, "get", $P5
+    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar56"
+    addattribute $P2, "k"
+    addattribute $P2, "l"
+    addattribute $P2, "m"
+    # subclass is preferred for the SI case over
+    #   newclass $P2, "Bar56"
+    #   addattrib ...
+    #   addparent $P2, $P1
+    # which is suitable for adding multiple parents to one class
+    # instantiate a Bar56 object
+    new $P2, "Bar56"
+    # Foo56 and Bar56 have attribute accessor methods
+    new $P5, ['String']        # set attribute values
+    set $P5, "i"       # attribute slots have reference semantics
+    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Foo56", "i"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "j"
+    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Foo56", "j"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "k"
+    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Bar56", "k"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "l"
+    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Bar56", "l"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
+    new $P5, ['String']
+    set $P5, "m"
+    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Bar56", "m"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
+    # now retrieve attributes
+    set_args "0,0", "Foo56", "i"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, 'i', 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
+    set_args "0,0", "Foo56", "j"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, "j", 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
+    set_args "0,0", "Bar56", "k"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, "k", 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
+    set_args "0,0", "Bar56", "l"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, "l", 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
+    set_args "0,0", "Bar56", "m"
+    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
+    get_results "0", $P5
+    is( $P5, "m", 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
+# Foo56 provides accessor functions which Bar56 inherits
+# they take an additional classname argument SClass
+# set(obj: Pvalue, SClass, Sattr)
+.sub set
+    get_params "0,0,0", $P5, $S4, $S5
+    setattribute $P2, $S5, $P5
+    set_returns ""
+    returncc
+# Pattr = get(obj: SClass, Sattr)
+.sub get
+    get_params "0,0", $S4, $S5
+    getattribute $P5, $P2, $S5
+    set_returns "0", $P5
+    returncc
+# Local Variables:
+#   mode: pir
+#   fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=pir:

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/oo/vtableoverride.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/oo/vtableoverride.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/oo/vtableoverride.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
     $P1 = new $P0
     $P2 = $P1[0]
     $I0 = isnull $P2
-    ok($I0, "Override get_pmc_keyed_int without .return")
+    ok($I0, "Override get_pmc_keyed_int without .return - TT #1593")
 .namespace [ 'MyObject' ]

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/op/sprintf2.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/op/sprintf2.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/op/sprintf2.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-Executes sprintf tests that were generated by tools/dev/sprintf2.pl
+Executes sprintf tests.

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pir/macro.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pir/macro.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pir/macro.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -21,14 +21,13 @@
 .macro bar(x)
-    ok(x, 'basic macro with argument')
+    ok(.x, 'basic macro with argument')
 .macro_const PI_APPROX 4
 .sub main :main
     .include 'test_more.pir'
-    .local int x

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/arrayiterator.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/arrayiterator.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/arrayiterator.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -19,15 +19,17 @@
 .namespace []
 .include 'iterator.pasm'
+.include 'except_types.pasm'
 .sub main :main
     .include 'test_more.pir'
-    plan(21)
+    plan(22)
     iterate_forward() # 8 tests
     iterate_backward() # 6 tests
     iterate_backward_string() # 6 test
+    iterate_wrong() # 1 test
     iterator_init() # 1 test
@@ -54,13 +56,38 @@
     nok(it, "Iterator is finished after second shift")
     is($P0, 42, "2nd element has correct value")
-    $I0 = 1
-    push_eh fail
+    .local int result
+    .local pmc ehandler
+    result = 0
+    ehandler = new ['ExceptionHandler']
+    ehandler.'handle_types'(.EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_BOUNDS)
+    push_eh ehandler
+    set_addr ehandler, handlep
     $P0 = shift it
-    $I0 = 0
+    goto fail
+    finalize ehandler
+    set_addr ehandler, handlei
+    $I0 = shift it
+    goto fail
+    finalize ehandler
+    set_addr ehandler, handlen
+    $N0 = shift it
+    goto fail
+    finalize ehandler
+    set_addr ehandler, handles
+    $S0 = shift it
+    goto fail
+    finalize ehandler
+    result = 1
-    ok($I0, "Shifting from finished iterator throws exception")
+    ok(result, "Shifting from finished iterator throws out of bounds exception")
@@ -116,6 +143,26 @@
     ok($I0, "Shifting from finished iterator throws exception - string")
+.sub 'iterate_wrong'
+    .local pmc foo, it, ex
+    .local int r
+    foo = new ['FixedIntegerArray'], 1
+    it = iter foo
+    push_eh catch_wrong
+    it = 42 # Let's hope we'll never have such direction
+    r = 0
+    goto dotest
+    .get_results(ex)
+    finalize ex
+    r = 1
+    pop_eh
+    ok(r, "Caught wrong direction")
 .sub 'iterator_init'
     .local pmc it, e
     .local string msg

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/bytebuffer.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/bytebuffer.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/bytebuffer.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@
 .sub 'main' :main
     .include 'test_more.pir'
-    plan(24)
+    plan(26)
+    test_push()
@@ -177,6 +178,22 @@
+.sub test_push
+    .local pmc bb
+    .local int c, n, m
+    bb = new ['ByteBuffer']
+    bb = 'hell'
+    n = elements bb
+    inc n
+    c = ord 'o'
+    push bb, c
+    m = elements bb
+    is(n, m, "push increments size")
+    .local string s
+    s = bb.'get_string_as'(ascii:"")
+    is(s, 'hello', "push gives expected string result")
 .sub test_alloc
     # Exercise buffer reallocation building a utf16 string with the
     # codepoints 32-8192

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/eval.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/eval.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/eval.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -46,11 +46,15 @@
     compreg P1, "PASM"
     set_args "0", S5
     invokecc P1
+    get_results "0", P2
+    elements I0, P2
+    say I0
     get_global P0, "_foo"
     invokecc P0
     print "back\n"

Deleted: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/objects.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/objects.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47714)
+++ /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(deleted)
@@ -1,1791 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2010, Parrot Foundation.
-# $Id$
-=head1 NAME
-t/pmc/objects.t - Objects
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    % prove t/pmc/objects.t
-Tests the object/class subsystem.
-.sub main :main
-    .include 'test_more.pir'
-    .include "iglobals.pasm"
-    .include "interpinfo.pasm"
-    plan(194)
-    get_classname_from_class()
-    test_get_class()
-    test_isa()
-    does_scalar()
-    does_array()
-    new_object()
-    new_object__isa_test()
-    new_object__classname()
-    isa_subclass()
-    isa_subclass__objects()
-    test_addmethod()
-    test_addattribute()
-    addattribute_subclass()
-    addattribute_subclass__same_name()
-    set_and_get_object_attribs()
-    set_and_get_multiple_object_attribs()
-    attribute_values_are_specific_to_objects()
-    attribute_values_and_subclassing()
-    attribute_values_and_subclassing_2()
-    PMC_as_classes__overridden_mmd_methods()
-    typeof_class()
-    typeof_objects()
-    multiple_inheritance__with_attributes()
-    attributes_two_levels_of_inheritance()
-    class_op_test()
-    anon_subclass_has_no_name()
-    get_attrib_by_name()
-    get_attrib_by_name_subclass()
-    set_attrib_by_name_subclass()
-    PMC_as_classes()
-    PMC_as_classes__subclass()
-    PMC_as_classes__instantiate()
-    PMC_as_classes__methods()
-    PMC_as_classes__mmd_methods()
-    PMC_as_classes__derived_1()
-    PMC_as_classes__derived_2()
-    PMC_as_classes__derived_3()
-    subclassing_Class()
-    namespace_vs_name()
-    multiple_anon_classes()
-    subclassed_Integer_bug()
-    equality_of_subclassed_Integer()
-    short_name_attributes()
-    init_with_and_without_arg()
-    newclass_bracket_parsing()
-    verify_namespace_types()
-    verify_data_type()
-    new_keyed()
-    new_keyed_2()
-    new_keyed_3()
-    subclass_keyed()
-    test_class_name_multipart_name()
-    test_get_class_multipart_name()
-    isa_bug()
-    new_nested_ordering()
-    vtable_override_once_removed()
-    vtable_fails_for_subclasses_of_core_classes()
-    super___init_called_twice()
-    using_class_object_from_typeof_op_with_new()
-    setting_non_existent_attribute()
-    setting_non_existent_attribute_by_name()
-    getting_null_attribute()
-    getting_non_existent_attribute()
-    addparent_exceptions_1()
-    addparent_exceptions_2()
-    subclassing_a_non_existent_class()
-    anon_subclass_of_non_existent_class()
-    addattribute_duplicate()
-    wrong_way_to_create_new_objects()
-    attribute_values__subclassing_access_meths()
-    attribute_values__inherited_access_meths()
-.sub get_classname_from_class
-    newclass $P1, "Foo5"
-    set $S0, $P1
-    is( $S0, "Foo5", "got classname Foo5" )
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar5"
-    set $S1, $P2
-    is( $S1, "Bar5", "got subclass Bar5" )
-    subclass $P3, "Foo5", "Baz5"
-    set $S2, $P3
-    is( $S2, "Baz5", "got subclass Baz5" )
-.sub test_get_class
-    newclass $P1, "Foo6"
-    get_class $P2, "Foo6"
-    set $S2, $P2
-    is( $S2, "Foo6", 'get_class for Foo6' )
-    subclass $P3, $P1, "FooBar6"
-    get_class $P4, "FooBar6"
-    set $S4, $P4
-    is( $S4, 'FooBar6', 'get_class for FooBar6' )
-    get_class $P3, "NoSuch6"
-    isnull $I0, $P3
-    ok( $I0, "no class for 'NoSuch6'" )
-.sub test_isa
-    new $P1, ['Boolean']
-    isa $I0, $P1, "Boolean"
-    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean isa Boolean' )
-    isa $I0, $P1, "Bool"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa Bool' )
-    isa $I0, $P1, "scalar"
-    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean isa scalar' )
-    isa $I0, $P1, "calar"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa calar' )
-    isa $I0, $P1, "Integer"
-    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean isa Integer' )
-    isa $I0, $P1, "Integ"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa Integ' )
-    isa $I0, $P1, "eger"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa eger' )
-    isa $I0, $P1, " "
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa " "' )
-    isa $I0, $P1, ""
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa ""' )
-    null $S0
-    isa $I0, $P1, $S0
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !isa null $S0' )
-    set $S0, "scalar"
-    isa $I0, $P1, $S0
-    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean isa scalar $S0' )
-.sub does_scalar
-    new $P1, ['Boolean']
-    does $I0, $P1, "Boolean"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !does Boolean' )
-    does $I0, $P1, "Bool"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'Boolean !does Bool' )
-    does $I0, $P1, "scalar"
-    is( $I0, 1, 'Boolean does scalar' )
-.sub does_array
-    new $P1, ['OrderedHash']
-    does $I0, $P1, "Boolean"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'OrderedHash !does Boolean' )
-    does $I0, $P1, "Bool"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'OrderedHash !does Bool' )
-    does $I0, $P1, "hash"
-    is( $I0, 1, 'OrderedHash does hash' )
-    does $I0, $P1, "array"
-    is( $I0, 1, 'OrderedHash does array' )
-.sub new_object
-    newclass $P1, "Foo7"
-    new $P2, "Foo7"
-    ok( 1, 'created new object from Foo7 class' )
-.sub new_object__isa_test
-    newclass $P1, "Foo8"
-    new $P2, $P1
-    ok( 1, 'created new object from Foo8 class' )
-    isa $I0, $P2, "Foo8"
-    ok( $I0, 'new object isa Foo8' )
-.sub new_object__classname
-    newclass $P1, "Foo9"
-    new $P2, $P1
-    set $S0, $P1    # class
-    is( $S0, "Foo9", 'new object from Foo9 class as a string is Foo9' )
-    typeof $S0, $P2 # object
-    is( $S0, 'Foo9', 'typeof obj is Foo9' )
-    class $P3, $P1
-    set $S0, $P1    # class
-    is( $S0, 'Foo9', 'class of obj is Foo9' )
-    typeof $S0, $P2 # object
-    is( $S0, 'Foo9', 'typeof obj is Foo9' )
-.sub isa_subclass
-    newclass $P1, "Foo10"
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar10"
-    isa_ok( $P2, "Foo10", 'newclass isa Foo10' )
-    isa_ok( $P2, "Bar10", 'new subclass isa Bar10' )
-    isa_ok( $P2, "Foo10", 'new subclass isa parent' )
-    isa_ok( $P2, "Class", 'new subclass isa Class' )
-    isa $I0, $P2, "Object"
-    is( $I0, 0, 'new subclass !isa Object' )
-.sub isa_subclass__objects
-    newclass $P3, "Foo30"
-    subclass $P4, $P3, "Bar30"
-    $P1 = $P3.'new'()
-    $P2 = $P4.'new'()
-    isa_ok( $P1, "Foo30",  'obj isa its class' )
-    isa_ok( $P2, "Bar30",  'obj isa its class' )
-    isa_ok( $P2, "Foo30",  'obj isa its parent class' )
-    isa_ok( $P2, "Object", 'obj isa Object' )
-    isa_ok( $P2, "Class",  'obj isa Class' )
-.sub test_addmethod
-    newclass $P0, 'Foo31'
-    $P2 = get_hll_global 'sayFoo31'
-    # add a method BEFORE creating a Foo object
-    addmethod $P0, 'foo31', $P2
-    $P1 = new 'Foo31'
-    $P1.'foo31'()
-    # get a method from some other namespace
-    $P2 = get_hll_global ['Bar31'], 'sayBar31'
-    # add a method AFTER creating the object
-    addmethod $P0, 'bar31', $P2
-    $P1.'bar31'()
-.sub sayFoo31
-    ok( 1, 'called method added before creating obj' )
-.namespace ['Bar31']
-.sub sayBar31
-    ok( 1, 'called method added after created obj' )
-.namespace [] # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub test_addattribute
-    newclass $P1, "Foo11"
-    addattribute $P1, "foo_i"
-    ok( 1, 'addattribute did not blow up' )
-    set $S0, $P1
-    is( $S0, "Foo11", '$P1 is still the same class as PMC' )
-    # Check that we can add multiple attributes
-    set $I0, 0
-    set $S0, $I0
-    addattribute $P1, $S0
-    inc $I0
-    lt $I0, 1000, l1
-    ok( 1, 'addattribute 1000x without blow up' )
-.sub addattribute_subclass
-    newclass $P1, "Foo12"
-    addattribute $P1, "foo_i"
-    ok( 1, 'addattribute to Foo12' )
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar12"
-    addattribute $P2, "bar_i"
-    ok( 1, 'addattribute to subclass of Foo12' )
-.sub addattribute_subclass__same_name
-    newclass $P1, "Foo32"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    addattribute $P1, "j"
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar32"
-    addattribute $P2, "j"
-    addattribute $P2, "k"
-    ok( 1, 'created class and subclass and added attributes' )
-    .local pmc o
-    o = $P2.'new'()
-    $P0 = getattribute o, 'i'
-    is( $P0, 'Foo32.i', 'parent attrib initialized in init' )
-    $P0 = getattribute o, ['Foo32'], 'j'
-    is( $P0, 'Foo32.j', 'parent attrib initialized in init' )
-    $P0 = getattribute o, ['Bar32'], 'j'
-    is( $P0, 'Bar32.j', 'subclass attrib initialized in init' )
-    $P0 = getattribute o, 'k'
-    is( $P0, 'Bar32.k', 'subclass attrib initialized in init' )
-    $P0 = getattribute o, 'i'
-    is( $P0, 'Foo32.i', 'parent attrib init-ed' )
-    $P0 = getattribute o, ['Foo32'], "j"
-    is( $P0, 'Foo32.j', 'parent attrib init-ed' )
-    $P0 = getattribute o, 'j'
-    is( $P0, 'Bar32.j', 'subclass attrib returned over parent' )
-    $P0 = getattribute o, 'k'
-    is( $P0, 'Bar32.k', 'subclass attrib init-ed' )
-.namespace ['Bar32']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    $P0 = new ['String']
-    $P0 = 'Foo32.i'
-    setattribute self, ['Foo32'], "i", $P0
-    $P0 = new ['String']
-    $P0 = 'Foo32.j'
-    setattribute self, ["Foo32"], "j", $P0
-    $P0 = new ['String']
-    $P0 = 'Bar32.j'
-    setattribute self, ["Bar32"], "j", $P0
-    $P0 = new ['String']
-    $P0 = 'Bar32.k'
-    setattribute self, ["Bar32"], "k", $P0
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub set_and_get_object_attribs
-    newclass $P1, "Foo13"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    new $P2, $P1
-    new $P3, ['Integer']
-    set $P3, 1024
-    setattribute $P2, "i", $P3
-    new $P4, ['Integer']
-    getattribute $P4, $P2, "i"
-    is( $P4, 1024, 'set/get Integer attribute' )
-.sub set_and_get_multiple_object_attribs
-    newclass $P1, "Foo14"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    addattribute $P1, "j"
-    new $P2, "Foo14"
-    new $P3, ['Integer']
-    set $P3, 4201
-    new $P4, ['Hash']
-    set $P4["Key"], "Value"
-    setattribute $P2, "i", $P3
-    setattribute $P2, "j", $P4
-    getattribute $P5, $P2, "i"
-    is( $P5, '4201', 'set/get Integer attribute' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, "j"
-    set $S0, $P6["Key"]
-    is( $S0, 'Value', 'set/get Hash attribute on same obj' )
-.sub attribute_values_are_specific_to_objects
-    newclass $P1, "Foo15"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    new $P2, $P1
-    new $P3, $P1
-    new $P4, ['Integer']
-    set $P4, 100
-    setattribute $P2, "i", $P4
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "One hundred"
-    setattribute $P3, "i", $P5
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, "i"
-    is( $P6, 100, 'attribute value on 1st object is specific to obj' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P3, "i"
-    is( $P6, 'One hundred', 'attribute value on 2nd obj is specific to obj' )
-.sub attribute_values_and_subclassing
-    newclass $P1, "Foo16"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    addattribute $P1, "j"
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar16"
-    addattribute $P2, "k"
-    addattribute $P2, "l"
-    new $P2, "Bar16"
-    new $P3, "Bar16"
-    # Note that setattribute holds the actual PMC, not a copy, so
-    # in this test both attributes get the PMC from $P4, and should
-    # both have the same value, despite the C<inc>.
-    new $P4, ['Integer']
-    set $P4, 10
-    setattribute $P2, "i", $P4
-    inc $P4
-    setattribute $P2, "j", $P4
-    new $P5, ['Integer']
-    set $P5, 100
-    setattribute $P3, "i", $P5
-    inc $P5
-    setattribute $P3, "j", $P5
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, "i"
-    is( $P6, 11, 'setattrib with a PMC holds actual PMC not copy' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, "j"
-    is( $P6, 11, '...so changes to the PMC appear through the attrib' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P3, "i"
-    is( $P6, 101, '...and second test on new objects' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P3, "j"
-    is( $P6, 101, '...should have same result' )
-.sub attribute_values_and_subclassing_2
-    newclass $P1, "Foo17"
-    # must add attributes before object instantiation
-    addattribute $P1, ".i"
-    addattribute $P1, ".j"
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar17"
-    addattribute $P2, ".k"
-    addattribute $P2, ".l"
-    # subclass is preferred for the SI case over
-    #   newclass $P2, "Bar"
-    #   addattrib ...
-    #   addparent $P2, $P1
-    # which is suitable for adding multiple parents to one class
-    # instantiate a Bar object
-    new $P3, "Bar17"
-    # Set the attribute values
-    new $P10, ['String']           # set attribute values
-    set $P10, "i"                # attribute slots have reference semantics
-    setattribute $P3, ".i", $P10  # so always put new PMCs in
-                                # if you have unique values
-    new $P10, ['String']
-    set $P10, "j"
-    setattribute $P3, ".j", $P10
-    new $P10, ['String']
-    set $P10, "k"
-    setattribute $P3, ".k", $P10
-    new $P10, ['String']
-    set $P10, "l"
-    setattribute $P3, ".l", $P10
-    # retrieve attribs
-    getattribute $P11, $P3, ".i"
-    is( $P11, "i", 'string attribute get/set on parent' )
-    getattribute $P11, $P3, ".j"
-    is( $P11, "j", 'string attribute get/set on parent' )
-    getattribute $P11, $P3, ".k"
-    is( $P11, "k", 'string attribute get/set on subclass' )
-    getattribute $P11, $P3, ".l"
-    is( $P11, "l", 'string attribute get/set on subclass' )
-.sub PMC_as_classes__overridden_mmd_methods
-    .local pmc myint, i, j, k
-    get_class $P0, "Integer"
-    subclass myint, $P0, "MyInt1"
-    i = new 'MyInt1'
-    j = new 'MyInt1'
-    k = new 'MyInt1'
-    i = 6
-    j = 7
-    k = i + j
-    is( k, 13, 'added two MyInt1' )
-    j = new ['Integer']
-    j = 100
-    k = i + j
-    is( k, 106, 'added MyInt1 and an Integer' )
-.namespace ["MyInt1"]
-.sub add :multi(MyInt1, MyInt1, MyInt1)
-    .param pmc self
-    .param pmc right
-    .param pmc dest
-    ok( 1, 'in the add method' )
-    $P0 = getattribute self, ['Integer'], "proxy"
-    $I0 = $P0
-    $I1 = right
-    $I2 = $I0 + $I1
-    dest = $I2
-    .return(dest)
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub typeof_class
-    newclass $P0, "Foo21"
-    typeof $S0, $P0
-    is( $S0, "Class", 'typeof for a Class PMC is "Class"' )
-.sub typeof_objects
-    newclass $P0, "A"
-    newclass $P1, "B"
-    new $P0, ['A']
-    new $P1, ['B']
-    typeof $S0, $P0
-    typeof $S1, $P1
-    is( $S0, 'A', 'typeof object of class A is "A"' )
-    is( $S1, 'B', 'typeof object of class B is "B"' )
-.sub multiple_inheritance__with_attributes
-    newclass $P1, "Star"
-    addattribute $P1, "Spectral Type"
-    newclass $P2, "Company"
-    addattribute $P2, "Annual Profit"
-    subclass $P3, $P1, "Sun"
-    addparent $P3, $P2
-    new $P4, ['Sun']
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "G"
-    setattribute $P4, "Spectral Type", $P5
-    new $P6, ['String']
-    set $P6, "$100,000,000"
-    setattribute $P4, "Annual Profit", $P6
-    getattribute $P7, $P4, "Spectral Type"
-    is( $P7, 'G', 'direct parents attribute' )
-    getattribute $P8, $P4, "Annual Profit"
-    is( $P8, '$100,000,000', "addparent's attribute" )
-.sub attributes_two_levels_of_inheritance
-    newclass $P0, "Astronomical Object"
-    addattribute $P0, "Location"
-    subclass $P1, $P0, "Star2"
-    addattribute $P1, "Spectral Type"
-    newclass $P2, "Sun2"
-    addparent $P2, $P1
-    addparent $P2, $P0
-    new $P4, "Sun2"
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "Taurus"
-    setattribute $P4, "Location", $P5
-    getattribute $P6, $P4, "Location"
-    is( $P6, 'Taurus', 'attributes with two levels of inheritance' )
-.sub class_op_test
-    newclass $P0, "City1"
-    new $P1, "City1"
-    class $P2, $P1
-    set $S0, $P2
-    is( $S0, 'City1', 'class op works' )
-.sub anon_subclass_has_no_name
-    newclass $P0, "City2"
-    subclass $P1, $P0
-    set $S0, $P1
-    is( $S0, '', 'anonymous subclass has no name' )
-.sub get_attrib_by_name
-    newclass $P1, "Foo18"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    new $P2, "Foo18"
-    new $P3, ['String']
-    set $P3, "ok"
-    setattribute $P2, "i", $P3
-    getattribute $P4, $P2, ["Foo18"], "i"
-    is( $P4, 'ok', 'get attrib by name' )
-.sub get_attrib_by_name_subclass
-    newclass $P0, "Bar19"
-    addattribute $P0, "j"
-    subclass $P1, $P0, "Foo19"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    new $P2, "Foo19"
-    new $P3, ['String']
-    set $P3, "foo i"
-    setattribute $P2, "i", $P3
-    new $P3, ['String']
-    set $P3, "bar j"
-    setattribute $P2, "j", $P3
-    getattribute $P4, $P2, ["Foo19"], "i"
-    is( $P4, 'foo i', 'attribute from subclass get by name' )
-    getattribute $P4, $P2, ["Bar19"], "j"
-    is( $P4, 'bar j', 'attribute from parent class get by name' )
-.sub set_attrib_by_name_subclass
-    newclass $P0, "Bar20"
-    addattribute $P0, "j"
-    subclass $P1, $P0, "Foo20"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    new $P2, "Foo20"
-    new $P3, ['String']
-    set $P3, "foo i"
-    setattribute $P2, ["Foo20"], "i", $P3
-    new $P3, ['String']
-    set $P3, "bar j"
-    setattribute $P2, ["Bar20"], "j", $P3
-    getattribute $P4, $P2, "i"
-    is( $P4, 'foo i', 'attribute from subclass set by name' )
-    getattribute $P4, $P2, "j"
-    is( $P4, 'bar j', 'attribute from parent class set by name' )
-.sub PMC_as_classes
-    get_class $P0, "Integer"
-    ok( 1, "get_class of Integer did't croak" )
-    get_class $P0, "Integer"
-    ok( 1, "get_class of Integer did't croak second time" )
-    typeof $S0, $P0
-    is( $S0, 'PMCProxy', 'typeof PMCProxy' )
-.sub PMC_as_classes__subclass
-    .local pmc MyInt3
-    get_class $P0, "Integer"
-    ok( 1, "get_class on Integer didn't blow up" )
-    subclass MyInt3, $P0, "MyInt3"
-    ok( 1, "subclassing didn't blow up" )
-    $S0 = typeof MyInt3
-    is( $S0, 'Class', 'new subclass is typeof Class' )
-    $I0 = isa MyInt3, "MyInt3"
-    ok( $I0, 'new subclass isa MyInt' )
-    $I0 = isa MyInt3, "Integer"
-    ok( $I0, 'new subclass isa parent class' )
-.sub PMC_as_classes__instantiate
-    .local pmc MyInt4
-    get_class $P0, "Integer"
-    ok( 1, 'able to get_class of Integer' )
-    subclass MyInt4, $P0, "MyInt4"
-    addattribute MyInt4, ".i"
-    ok( 1, 'able to addattribute to subclass' )
-    .local pmc i
-    i = new "MyInt4"
-    ok( 1, 'able to instantiate obj of subclass w/ attribute' )
-.sub PMC_as_classes__methods
-    .local pmc MyInt5
-    get_class $P0, "Integer"
-    subclass MyInt5, $P0, "MyInt5"
-    addattribute MyInt5, "intval"
-    .local pmc i, i2
-    i = new "MyInt5"
-    i2 = new ['Integer']
-    i2 = 43
-    i = 42    # set_integer is inherited from Integer
-    ok( 1, 'able to assign int to MyInt' )
-    $I0 = i   # get_integer is overridden below
-    is( $I0, 42, 'get_integer is overridden for MyInt5' )
-    $S0 = i   # get_string is overridden below
-    is( $S0, 'MyInt5(42)', 'get_string is overridden for MyInt5' )
-.namespace ["MyInt5"]
-.sub set_integer_native :vtable :method
-   .param int new_value
-   $P1 = new ['Integer']
-   $P1 = new_value
-   setattribute self, "intval", $P1
-.sub get_integer :vtable :method
-   $P0 = getattribute self, "intval"
-   $I0 = $P0
-   .return ($I0)
-.sub get_string :vtable :method
-   $P0 = getattribute self, "intval"
-   $I0 = $P0
-   $S1 = $I0
-   $S0 = "MyInt5("
-   $S0 .= $S1
-   $S0 .= ")"
-   .return ($S0)
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub PMC_as_classes__mmd_methods
-  .local pmc MyInt6
-  get_class $P0, "Integer"
-  subclass MyInt6, $P0, "MyInt6"
-  .local pmc i
-  .local pmc j
-  .local pmc k
-  i = new "MyInt6"
-  j = new "MyInt6"
-  k = new "MyInt6"
-  i = 6
-  j = 7
-  k = i * j
-  $I0 = k
-  is( $I0, 42, 'MyInt6 defaults to Integer class for mult' )
-  $S0 = k   # get_string is overridden below
-  is( $S0, 'MyInt6(42)', 'get_string is overridden for MyInt6' )
-.namespace ["MyInt6"]
-.sub get_string :vtable :method
-   $I0 = self   # get_integer is not overridden
-   $S1 = $I0
-   $S0 = "MyInt6("
-   $S0 .= $S1
-   $S0 .= ")"
-   .return ($S0)
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub PMC_as_classes__derived_1
-  .local pmc MyInt8
-  .local pmc MyInt8_2
-  get_class $P0, "Integer"
-  subclass MyInt8, $P0, "MyInt8"
-  addattribute MyInt8, 'intval'
-  get_class $P1, "MyInt8"
-  subclass MyInt8_2, $P1, "MyInt8_2"
-  .local pmc i
-  i = new "MyInt8_2"
-  $I0 = isa i, "Integer"
-  ok( $I0, 'obj isa grandparent (Integer)' )
-  $I0 = isa i, "MyInt8"
-  ok( $I0, 'obj isa parent (MyInt8)' )
-  $I0 = isa i, "MyInt8_2"
-  ok( $I0, 'obj isa its class (MyInt8_2)' )
-  i = 42    # set_integer is overridden below
-  $I0 = i   # get_integer is overridden below
-  is( $I0, 42, 'set/get_integer overridden' )
-  $S0 = i   # get_string is overridden below
-  is( $S0, 'MyInt8_2(42)', 'set/get_string overridden' )
-.namespace ["MyInt8"]
-.sub 'set_integer_native' :vtable :method
-    .param int val
-    $P1 = new ['Integer']
-    $P1 = val
-    setattribute self, "intval", $P1
-    .return ()
-.sub get_integer :vtable :method
-   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
-   $I0 = $P0
-   .return ($I0)
-.sub get_string :vtable :method
-   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
-   $I0 = $P0
-   $S1 = $I0
-   $S0 = typeof self
-   $S0 .= "("
-   $S0 .= $S1
-   $S0 .= ")"
-   .return ($S0)
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub PMC_as_classes__derived_2
-  .local pmc MyInt9
-  .local pmc MyInt9_2
-  get_class $P0, "Integer"
-  subclass MyInt9, $P0, "MyInt9"
-  addattribute MyInt9, 'intval'
-  get_class $P1, "MyInt9"
-  subclass MyInt9_2, $P1, "MyInt9_2"
-  .local pmc i
-  i = new "MyInt9_2"
-  $I0 = isa i, "Integer"
-  ok( $I0, 'obj isa grandparent (Integer)' )
-  $I0 = isa i, "MyInt9"
-  ok( $I0, 'obj isa parent (MyInt9)' )
-  $I0 = isa i, "MyInt9_2"
-  ok( $I0, 'obj isa its class (MyInt9_2)' )
-  i = 42    # set_integer is overridden below
-  $I0 = i   # get_integer is overridden below
-  is( $I0, 43, 'set/get_integer overridden' )
-  $S0 = i   # get_string is overridden below
-  is( $S0, 'MyInt9_2(42)', 'set/get_string overridden' )
-.namespace ["MyInt9_2"]
-# subclassing methods from MyInt9 is ok
-# this one changes the value a bit
-.sub get_integer :vtable :method
-   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
-   $I0 = $P0
-   inc $I0            # <<<<<
-   .return ($I0)
-.namespace ["MyInt9"]
-.sub 'set_integer_native' :vtable :method
-    .param int val
-    $P1 = new ['Integer']
-    $P1 = val
-    setattribute self, "intval", $P1
-    .return ()
-.sub get_integer :vtable :method
-   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
-   $I0 = $P0
-   .return ($I0)
-.sub get_string :vtable :method
-   $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
-   $I0 = $P0
-   $S1 = $I0
-   $S0 = typeof self
-   $S0 .= "("
-   $S0 .= $S1
-   $S0 .= ")"
-   .return ($S0)
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub PMC_as_classes__derived_3
-    .local pmc MyInt10
-    .local pmc MyInt10_2
-    get_class $P0, "Integer"
-    subclass MyInt10, $P0, "MyInt10"
-    addattribute MyInt10, 'intval'
-    get_class $P1, "MyInt10"
-    subclass MyInt10_2, $P1, "MyInt10_2"
-    .local pmc i
-    i = new "MyInt10_2"
-    $I0 = isa i, "Integer"
-    ok( $I0, 'obj isa grandparent (Integer)' )
-    $I0 = isa i, "MyInt10"
-    ok( $I0, 'obj isa parent (MyInt10)' )
-    $I0 = isa i, "MyInt10_2"
-    ok( $I0, 'obj isa its class (MyInt102)' )
-    i = 42    # set_integer is overridden below
-    $I0 = i   # get_integer is overridden below
-    is( $I0, 42, 'set/get_integer overridden' )
-    $S0 = i   # get_string is overridden below
-    is( $S0, 'MyInt10_2(42)', 'set/get_string overridden' )
-.namespace ["MyInt10_2"]
-.sub get_integer :vtable :method
-    $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
-    $I0 = $P0
-    .return ($I0)
-.sub get_string :vtable :method
-    $P0 = getattribute self, 'intval'
-    $I0 = $P0
-    $S1 = $I0
-    $S0 = typeof self
-    $S0 .= "("
-    $S0 .= $S1
-    $S0 .= ")"
-    .return ($S0)
-.namespace ['MyInt10']
-.sub 'set_integer_native' :vtable :method
-    .param int val
-    $P1 = new ['Integer']
-    $P1 = val
-    setattribute self, "intval", $P1
-    .return ()
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub subclassing_Class
-    .local pmc cl
-    .local pmc parent
-    parent = get_class "Class"
-    cl = subclass parent, "Foo33"
-    ok( 1, 'able to subclass Class' )
-    .local pmc o
-    o = new "Foo33"
-    ok( 1, 'able to instantiate subclass of Class' )
-    $S0 = typeof o
-    is( $S0, 'Foo33', 'object returns correct class' )
-.sub namespace_vs_name
-    .local pmc o, cl, f
-    newclass cl, "Foo34"
-    o = new "Foo34"
-    is( o, 'Foo34::get_string', 'found Foo34 namespace' )
-    o = Foo34()
-    is( o, 'Foo34', 'found global Foo34' )
-    f = get_global "Foo34"
-    o = f()
-    is( o, 'Foo34', 'found global Foo34 explicitly' )
-    f = get_global ["Foo34"], "Foo34"
-    o = f()
-    is( o, 'Foo34::Foo34', 'found method in Foo34 namespace' )
-.sub Foo34
-    .return("Foo34")
-.namespace [ "Foo34" ]
-.sub get_string :vtable :method
-    .return("Foo34::get_string")
-.sub Foo34
-    .return("Foo34::Foo34")
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub multiple_anon_classes
-     newclass $P0, "City3"
-     subclass $P1, $P0
-     newclass $P2, "State3"
-     subclass $P3, $P2
-     ok( 1,  "multiple anon classes didn't croak (bug #33103)" )
-.sub subclassed_Integer_bug
-   .local pmc class
-   .local pmc a
-   .local pmc b
-    subclass class, "Integer", "LispInteger1"
-    a = new "LispInteger1"
-    b = new "LispInteger1"
-    a = 1
-    b = 1
-    set $S0, a
-    is( $S0, '1', 'subclassed Integer is 1' )
-    set $S0, b
-    is( $S0, '1', 'subclassed Integer is 1' )
-    a = a * b
-    set $S0, a
-    is( $S0, '1', 'multip and reasign to subclassed Integer is 1' )
-.sub equality_of_subclassed_Integer
-  .local pmc class
-  class = subclass "Integer", "LispInteger2"
-  .local pmc a
-  a = new 'LispInteger2'
-  a = 123
-  .local pmc b
-  b = new 'LispInteger2'
-  b = 123
-  $I0 = a == b
-  ok( $I0, '123 is equal to 123' )
-.sub short_name_attributes
-    newclass $P1, "Foo22"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    addattribute $P1, "j"
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar22"
-    addattribute $P2, "k"
-    addattribute $P2, "l"
-    new $P2, "Bar22"
-    # set a bunch of attribs
-    new $P4, ['Integer']
-    set $P4, 10
-    setattribute $P2, "i", $P4
-    new $P4, ['Integer']
-    set $P4, 11
-    setattribute $P2, "j", $P4
-    new $P4, ['Integer']
-    set $P4, 20
-    setattribute $P2, "k", $P4
-    new $P4, ['Integer']
-    set $P4, 21
-    setattribute $P2, "l", $P4
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, "i"
-    is( $P6, 10, '"i" getattribute on parent class attrib' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, "j"
-    is( $P6, 11, '"j" getattribute on parent class attrib' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, "k"
-    is( $P6, 20, '"k" getattribute on subclass attrib' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, "l"
-    is( $P6, 21, '"l" getattribute on subclass attrib' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, ["Foo22"], "i"
-    is( $P6, 10, '["Foo22"], "i" getattribute on parent class attrib' )
-    getattribute $P6, $P2, ["Bar22"], "k"
-    is( $P6, 20, '["Bar22"], "k" getattribute on subclass attrib' )
-.sub init_with_and_without_arg
-    .local pmc cl, o, h, a
-    cl = newclass "Foo35"
-    addattribute cl, "a"
-    o = cl.'new'()
-    a = getattribute o, "a"
-    is( a, 'ok 1', 'init without an arg' )
-    h = new ['Hash']
-    $P0 = new ['String']
-    $P0 = "ok 2"
-    h['a'] = $P0
-    o  = new cl, h
-    a = getattribute o, "a"
-    is( a, 'ok 2', 'init with an arg' )
-.namespace ["Foo35"]
-.sub init_pmc :vtable :method
-    .param pmc args
-    $P0 = args['a']
-    setattribute self, 'a', $P0
-    .return()
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    $P0 = new ['String']
-    $P0 = "ok 1"
-    setattribute self, 'a', $P0
-.namespace []       # Reset to root namespace for next test
-.sub newclass_bracket_parsing
-    newclass $P0, ['Foo23';'Bar23']
-    ok( 1, 'newclass  created with brackets' )
-.sub verify_namespace_types
-    newclass $P0, ['Foo24';'Bar24']
-    getinterp $P0
-    typeof $S0, $P1
-    is( $S0, 'NameSpace', 'namespace verified' )
-    set $P2, $P1['Foo24']
-    typeof $S0, $P2
-    is( $S0, 'NameSpace', 'namespace verified' )
-.sub verify_data_type
-    newclass $P0, ['Foo25';'Bar25']
-    getinterp $P0
-    set $P2, $P1['Foo25']
-    set $P3, $P2['Bar25']
-    set $I0, $P3
-    isgt $I0, $I0, 0
-    ok( $I0, 'verified datatype > 0' )
-# Puts init in a namespace
-.sub new_keyed
-    .local pmc cl, o, p
-    cl = newclass ['Foo36';'Bar36']
-    addattribute cl, "init_check"
-    o = cl.'new'()
-    ok( 1, 'obj successfully created' )
-    p = getattribute o, "init_check"
-    is( p, 999, "overridden init called")
-.namespace ['Foo36';'Bar36']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    .local pmc p
-    p = new ['Integer']
-    p = 999
-    setattribute self, "init_check", p
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.sub new_keyed_2
-    .local pmc c1, c2, o1, o2
-    c1 = newclass ['Foo37';'Bar37']
-    c2 = newclass ['Foo37';'Fuz37']
-    o1 = c1.'new'()
-    o2 = c2.'new'()
-    ok( 1, 'objects created successfully' )
-.namespace ['Foo37';'Bar37']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 1, '__init Bar37' )
-.namespace ['Foo37';'Fuz37']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 1, '__init Fuz37' )
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.sub new_keyed_3
-    .local pmc c1, c2, c3, o1, o2, o3
-    c1 = newclass ['Foo38';'Bar38']
-    c2 = newclass ['Foo38';'Buz38']
-    c3 = newclass 'Foo38'
-    o1 = new      ['Foo38';'Bar38']
-    o2 = new      ['Foo38';'Buz38']
-    o3 = new      'Foo38'
-    ok( 1, 'objects created successfully' )
-.namespace ['Foo38';'Bar38']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 1, '__init Bar38' )
-.namespace ['Foo38';'Buz38']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 1, '__init Buz38' )
-.namespace ['Foo38']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 1, '__init Foo38' )
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.sub subclass_keyed
-    .local pmc base, o1, o2
-    base = subclass 'Hash', ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
-    addattribute base, '$.source'                  # original source
-    addattribute base, '$.pos'                     # offset position
-    $P0 = subclass base, ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Sub']
-    $P0 = subclass base, ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Stmt']
-    ok( 1, 'ok 1\n' )
-    o1 = new   ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Sub']
-    o2 = new   ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Stmt']
-    ok( 1, 'objects created successfully' )
-.namespace ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Stmt']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 1, '__init Stmt' )
-.namespace ['Perl6-3'; 'PAST'; 'Sub']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 1, '__init Sub' )
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.sub test_class_name_multipart_name
-    .local pmc base, o1
-    base = subclass 'Hash', ['Perl6'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
-    o1 = new base
-    $S0 = typeof o1
-    is( $S0, "Perl6;PAST;Node", "typeof returns object's class name" )
-.sub test_get_class_multipart_name
-    .local pmc base, o1
-    base = subclass 'Hash', ['Perl6a'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
-    $P0 = get_class ['Perl6a'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
-    o1 = new $P0
-    $S0 = typeof o1
-    is( $S0, 'Perl6a;PAST;Node', 'typeof returns objects created from get_class' )
-.sub isa_bug
-    .local pmc base, o1, o2
-    base = subclass 'Hash', ['Perl6b'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
-    $P0 = new [ 'Perl6b'; 'PAST'; 'Node' ]
-    $I0 = isa $P0, [ 'Perl6b'; 'PAST'; 'Node']
-    is( $I0, 1, 'obj isa the full class name' )
-    $I0 = isa $P0, 'Hash'
-    is( $I0, 1, 'obj isa the parent class' )
-    $I0 = isa $P0, 'Perl6b'
-    is( $I0, 0, 'obj !isa the first part of the class name' )
-.sub new_nested_ordering
-    .local pmc c1, c2, o
-    c1 = newclass ['Foo39']
-    c2 = newclass ['Foo39';'Bar39']
-    o = c2.'new'()
-    ok( 1, 'objects created successfully' )
-.namespace ['Foo39']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 0, '__init Foo39' )     # shouldn't be called
-.namespace ['Foo39';'Bar39']
-.sub init :vtable :method
-    ok( 1, '__init Bar39' )     # should be called
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.sub vtable_override_once_removed
-    .local pmc base
-    $P0 = get_class 'Integer'
-    base = subclass $P0, 'Foo40'      # create subclass 'Foo40'
-    addattribute base, '@!capt'
-    $P0 = subclass 'Foo40', 'Bar40'   # create subclass 'Bar40'
-    $P1 = new 'Bar40'                 # create an instance of 'Bar40'
-    $S1 = $P1                         # get its string representation
-    is( $S1, 'ok bar', 'get_string overridden' )
-.namespace [ 'Bar40' ]
-.sub 'get_string' :vtable :method
-    $S0 = 'ok bar'
-    .return ($S0)
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.sub vtable_fails_for_subclasses_of_core_classes
-    $P0 = subclass 'Hash', 'Foo41'
-    $P0 = subclass 'Hash', 'Bar41'
-    $P1 = new 'Foo41'
-    $S1 = $P1
-    is( $S1, 'Hello world', 'get_string :vtable :method' )
-    $P1 = new 'Bar41'
-    $S1 = $P1
-    is( $S1, 'Hello world', 'get_string :method :vtable' )
-.namespace [ 'Foo41' ]
-.sub 'get_string' :vtable :method
-    .return('Hello world')
-.namespace [ 'Bar41' ]
-.sub 'get_string' :method :vtable
-    .return('Hello world')
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.sub super___init_called_twice
-    $P0 = newclass 'Foo42'
-    $P1 = subclass $P0, 'Bar42'
-    addattribute $P1, 'i'
-    $P2 = $P1.'new'()
-.namespace [ 'Foo42' ]
-.sub 'init' :vtable :method
-    $P0 = getattribute self, 'i'
-    isnull $I1, $P0
-    ok( $I1, 'should be null' )
-    $P1 = new ['Integer']
-    setattribute self, "i", $P1  # i won't be null if init called again
-    .return ()
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.sub using_class_object_from_typeof_op_with_new
-    $P0 = newclass [ "Monkey" ; "Banana" ]
-    $P0 = $P0.'new'()
-    $S0 = $P0."ook"()
-    is( $S0, "Ook!", 'obj created from .new() class method' )
-    $P2 = typeof $P0
-    $P3 = new $P2
-    $S0 = $P3."ook"()
-    is( $S0, "Ook!", 'obj created from "new" called on result of typeof' )
-.namespace [ "Monkey" ; "Banana" ]
-.sub ook :method
-    $S1 = "Ook!"
-    .return ($S1)
-.namespace []   # revert to root for next test
-.macro exception_is ( M )
-    .local pmc exception
-    .local string message
-    .get_results (exception)
-    message = exception['message']
-    is( message, .M, .M )
-.sub setting_non_existent_attribute
-    newclass $P1, "Foo45"
-    new $P2, $P1
-    new $P3, ['Integer']
-    push_eh handler
-        setattribute $P2, "bar", $P3
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "'No such attribute' exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "No such attribute 'bar'" )
-.sub setting_non_existent_attribute_by_name
-    newclass $P1, "Foo47"
-    new $P2, $P1
-    new $P3, ['Integer']
-    push_eh handler
-        setattribute $P2, ["Foo47"], "no_such", $P3
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "'No such attribute' exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "No such attribute 'no_such' in class 'Foo47'" )
-.sub getting_null_attribute
-    newclass $P1, "Foo51"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    new $P2, "Foo51"
-    getattribute $P3, $P2, "i"
-    isnull $I0, $P3
-    is($I0, 1, "null attribute is null")
-.sub getting_non_existent_attribute
-    newclass $P1, "Foo52"
-    $P2 = $P1.'new'()
-    push_eh handler
-        getattribute $P3, $P2, "bar"
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "'No such attribute' exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "No such attribute 'bar'" )
-.sub addparent_exceptions_1
-    newclass $P0, "Astronomical Object 2"
-    new $P1, ['String']
-    set $P1, "Not a class"
-    push_eh handler
-        addparent $P0, $P1
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "'Parent isn\'t a Class' exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "Parent isn't a Class." )
-.sub addparent_exceptions_2
-    new $P0, ['Hash']
-    newclass $P1, "Trashcan"
-    push_eh handler
-        addparent $P0, $P1
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "'Only classes can be subclassed' exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "Only classes can be subclassed" )
-.sub subclassing_a_non_existent_class
-    push_eh handler
-        subclass $P1, "Character", "Nemo"
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "nonexistent class exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "Class 'Character' doesn't exist" )
-.sub anon_subclass_of_non_existent_class
-    push_eh handler
-        subclass $P1, "Character"
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "nonexistent class exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "Class 'Character' doesn't exist" )
-.sub addattribute_duplicate
-    newclass $P1, "Foo53"
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    addattribute $P1, "j"
-    push_eh handler
-        addattribute $P1, "i"
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "attribute already exists exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "Attribute 'i' already exists in 'Foo53'." )
-.sub wrong_way_to_create_new_objects
-    push_eh handler
-        new $P0, ['Object']
-    pop_eh
-    ok(0, "object instantiation exception not thrown")
-    goto end
-    .exception_is( "Object must be created by a class." )
-.sub attribute_values__subclassing_access_meths
-    newclass $P1, "Foo54"
-    # must add attributes before object instantiation
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    addattribute $P1, "j"
-    # define attrib access functions in Foo54 namespace
-    get_global $P5, "Foo54__set"
-    addmethod $P1, "Foo54__set", $P5
-    get_global $P5, "Foo54__get"
-    addmethod $P1, "Foo54__get", $P5
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar54"
-    addattribute $P2, "k"
-    addattribute $P2, "l"
-    get_global $P5, "Bar54__set"
-    addmethod $P2, "Bar54__set", $P5
-    get_global $P5, "Bar54__get"
-    addmethod $P2, "Bar54__get", $P5
-    # instantiate a Bar54 object
-    new $P13, "Bar54"
-    # Foo54 and Bar54 have attribute accessor methods
-    new $P5, ['String']        # set attribute values
-    set $P5, "i"       # attribute slots have reference semantics
-    set_args "0,0", $P5, "i"
-    callmethodcc $P13, "Foo54__set"
-    get_results ""
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "j"
-    set_args "0,0", $P5, "j"
-    callmethodcc  $P13,"Foo54__set"
-    get_results ""
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "k"
-    set_args "0,0", $P5, "k"
-    callmethodcc  $P13,"Bar54__set"
-    get_results ""
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "l"
-    set_args "0,0", $P5, "l"
-    callmethodcc  $P13,"Bar54__set"
-    get_results ""
-    # now retrieve attributes
-    set_args "0",  "i"
-    callmethodcc  $P13,"Foo54__get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, "i", 'got attrib i from Bar54->Foo54__get' )
-    set_args "0",  "j"
-    callmethodcc  $P13,"Foo54__get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, "j", 'got attrib j from Bar54->Foo54__get' )
-    set_args "0",  "k"
-    callmethodcc  $P13,"Bar54__get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, "k", 'got attrib k from Bar54->Bar54__get' )
-    set_args "0",  "l"
-    callmethodcc  $P13,"Bar54__get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, "l", 'got attrib l from Bar54->Bar54__get' )
-# set(obj: Pvalue, Iattr_idx)
-.sub Foo54__set
-    get_params "0,0", $P5, $S4
-    ok( 1, "in Foo54__set" )
-    setattribute $P2, $S4, $P5
-    set_returns ""
-    returncc
-# Pattr = get(obj: Iattr_idx)
-.sub Foo54__get
-    get_params "0", $S4
-    ok( 1, "in Foo54__get" )
-    getattribute $P5, $P2, $S4
-    set_returns "0", $P5
-    returncc
-.sub Bar54__set
-    get_params "0,0", $P5, $S4
-    ok( 1, "in Bar54__set" )
-    setattribute $P2, $S4, $P5
-    set_returns ""
-    returncc
-.sub Bar54__get
-    get_params "0", $S4
-    ok( 1, "in Bar54__get" )
-    getattribute $P5, $P2, $S4
-    set_returns "0", $P5
-    returncc
-.sub attribute_values__inherited_access_meths
-    newclass $P1, "Foo56"
-    # must add attributes before object instantiation
-    addattribute $P1, "i"
-    addattribute $P1, "j"
-    # define attrib access functions
-    get_global $P5, "set"
-    addmethod $P1, "set", $P5
-    get_global $P5, "get"
-    addmethod $P1, "get", $P5
-    subclass $P2, $P1, "Bar56"
-    addattribute $P2, "k"
-    addattribute $P2, "l"
-    addattribute $P2, "m"
-    # subclass is preferred for the SI case over
-    #   newclass $P2, "Bar56"
-    #   addattrib ...
-    #   addparent $P2, $P1
-    # which is suitable for adding multiple parents to one class
-    # instantiate a Bar56 object
-    new $P2, "Bar56"
-    # Foo56 and Bar56 have attribute accessor methods
-    new $P5, ['String']        # set attribute values
-    set $P5, "i"       # attribute slots have reference semantics
-    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Foo56", "i"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "j"
-    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Foo56", "j"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "k"
-    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Bar56", "k"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "l"
-    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Bar56", "l"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
-    new $P5, ['String']
-    set $P5, "m"
-    set_args "0,0,0", $P5, "Bar56", "m"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "set"
-    # now retrieve attributes
-    set_args "0,0", "Foo56", "i"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, 'i', 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
-    set_args "0,0", "Foo56", "j"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, "j", 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
-    set_args "0,0", "Bar56", "k"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, "k", 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
-    set_args "0,0", "Bar56", "l"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, "l", 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
-    set_args "0,0", "Bar56", "m"
-    callmethodcc $P2, "get"
-    get_results "0", $P5
-    is( $P5, "m", 'got attrib i from subclass through parent method' )
-# Foo56 provides accessor functions which Bar56 inherits
-# they take an additional classname argument SClass
-# set(obj: Pvalue, SClass, Sattr)
-.sub set
-    get_params "0,0,0", $P5, $S4, $S5
-    setattribute $P2, $S5, $P5
-    set_returns ""
-    returncc
-# Pattr = get(obj: SClass, Sattr)
-.sub get
-    get_params "0,0", $S4, $S5
-    getattribute $P5, $P2, $S5
-    set_returns "0", $P5
-    returncc
-# Local Variables:
-#   mode: pir
-#   fill-column: 100
-# End:
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=pir:

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/schedulermessage.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/schedulermessage.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/schedulermessage.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2008, Parrot Foundation.
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2010, Parrot Foundation.
 # $Id$
 =head1 NAME
@@ -69,6 +69,10 @@
     $P1 = new ['SchedulerMessage'], $P0
+    # Make sure the mark vtable function is exercised.
+    null $P0
+    sweep 1
     $S0 = $P1
     is($S0, "nine", "hash-initialized message has correct type")

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/sockaddr.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/sockaddr.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/sockaddr.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2008, Parrot Foundation.
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Parrot Foundation.
 # $Id$
 =head1 NAME
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 .sub main :main
     .include 'test_more.pir'
-    plan(4)
+    plan(5)
     new $P0, ['Socket']
     ok(1, 'Instantiated a Socket PMC')
@@ -30,8 +30,13 @@
     $I0 = isnull $P0
     $I0 = not $I0
     ok($I0, 'Sockaddr PMC created')
     $S0 = typeof $P1
     is($S0, 'Sockaddr', 'PMC has correct type')
+    $P2 = clone $P1
+    $S2 = typeof $P2
+    is($S2, 'Sockaddr', 'PMC clone has correct type')
 # Local Variables:

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/stringhandle.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/stringhandle.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/stringhandle.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 use lib qw( . lib ../lib ../../lib );
 use Test::More;
-use Parrot::Test tests => 19;
+use Parrot::Test tests => 24;
 =head1 NAME
@@ -69,6 +69,48 @@
 ok 7 - $P7.open($S1, $S2) # new file, write mode succeeds
+pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<'OUT', 'get_bool' );
+.sub test :main
+    .local pmc sh
+    .local int b
+    sh = new ['StringHandle']
+    b = 0
+    unless sh goto b_false
+    b = 1
+  b_false:
+    say b
+    sh.'open'('mockname', 'w')
+    sh.'print'('Some content')
+    sh.'close'()
+    sh.'open'()
+    b = 0
+    unless sh goto b_true
+    b = 1
+  b_true:
+    say b
+# StringHandle doesn't use file descriptor, get_fd always return -1
+pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<'OUT', 'get_fd method' );
+.sub test :main
+    .local pmc sh
+    .local int fd
+    sh = new ['StringHandle']
+    fd = sh.'get_fd'()
+    say fd
+    sh.'open'('mockname', 'r')
+    fd = sh.'get_fd'()
+    say fd
 SKIP: {
     skip 'no asynch calls yet' => 1;
@@ -206,6 +248,44 @@
 ok 6 - read string back from file
+pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<'OUT', 'puts' );
+.include 'except_types.pasm'
+.sub 'test' :main
+    .local pmc sh, eh
+    .local int result
+    sh = new ['StringHandle']
+    eh = new ['ExceptionHandler']
+    eh.'handle_types'(.EXCEPTION_PIO_ERROR)
+    push_eh eh
+    # puts to SH not opened
+    result = 0
+    set_addr eh, handle1
+    sh.'puts'('something')
+    result = 1
+    goto done1
+    finalize eh
+    say result
+    # puts to SH opened for reading
+    result = 0
+    set_addr eh, handle2
+    sh.'open'('mockname', 'r')
+    sh.'puts'('something')
+    result = 1
+    goto done2
+    finalize eh
+    say result
 # L<PDD22/I\/O PMC API/=item print.*=item readline>
 pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<'OUT', 'readline - synchronous' );
 .sub 'test' :main
@@ -520,6 +600,25 @@
+pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUTPUT", "readall - stringhandle with null content" );
+.sub main :main
+    .local pmc sh
+    .local string s
+    sh = new ['StringHandle']
+    sh.'open'('mockname', 'r')
+    # Open sets content to an empty string, flush resets is to null
+    # and that is the case we are testing here.
+    # Also, ensures coverage of the flush method.
+    sh.'flush'()
+    s = sh.'readall'()
+    print '['
+    print s
+    say ']'
 pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUTPUT", "readall() - opened stringhandle" );
 .sub main :main
     \$S0 = <<"EOS"
@@ -544,6 +643,22 @@
+pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<"OUTPUT", "is_closed" );
+.sub main
+    .local pmc sh
+    .local int i
+    sh = new ['StringHandle']
+    i = sh.'is_closed'()
+    say i
+    sh.'open'("foo", "w")
+    i = sh.'is_closed'()
+    say i
 pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<"OUTPUT", "readall() - utf8 on closed stringhandle" );
 .sub 'main'
     .local pmc ifh

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/stringiterator.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/stringiterator.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/pmc/stringiterator.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -21,13 +21,50 @@
 .sub main :main
     .include 'test_more.pir'
-    plan(18)
+    plan(24)
-    iterate_forward() # 10 tests
+    test_clone()
+    test_elements()
+    iterate_forward() # 11 tests
     iterate_backward() # 8 tests
+    iterate_wrong() # 1 test
+    iterate_out() # 1 test
+.sub 'test_clone'
+    .local pmc s, it, itc
+    .local int nit, nitc
+    s = new ['String']
+    s = 'somestring'
+    it = iter s
+    # Get a clone and make sure both the original and the clone
+    # gets marked.
+    sweep 1
+    nit = elements it
+    itc = clone it
+    sweep 1
+    nitc = elements itc
+    is(nit, nitc, "clone has same length as original")
+.sub test_elements
+    .local string s
+    .local pmc ps, it
+    .local int ns, nit
+    s = 'someotherstring'
+    ps = new ['String']
+    ps = s
+    it = iter ps
+    ns = length s
+    nit = elements it
+    is(ns, nit, "iter elements is equal to string length")
+    nit = it
+    is(ns, nit, "iter get_integer is equal to string length")
 .sub 'iterate_forward'
     .local pmc s, it
@@ -47,6 +84,9 @@
     ok(it, "Can shift 1st character")
     is($S0, 'b', "With correct value")
+    $S0 = it[0]
+    is($S0, 'a', "can get string keyed int correct value")
     $S0 = shift it
     ok(it, "Can shift 2nd character")
     is($S0, 'a', "With correct value")
@@ -96,6 +136,78 @@
     ok($I0, "Shifting from finished iterator throws exception")
+.sub 'iterate_wrong'
+    .local pmc s, it, ex
+    .local int r
+    s = new ['String']
+    s = 'BAZ'
+    it = iter s
+    push_eh catch_wrong
+    it = 42 # Let's hope we'll never have such direction
+    r = 0
+    goto dotest
+    .get_results(ex)
+    finalize ex
+    pop_eh
+    r = 1
+    ok(r, "Caught wrong direction")
+# out of bounds conditions not covered by previous tests
+.sub 'iterate_out'
+    .local pmc s, it, eh
+    s = new ['String']
+    s = 'hi'
+    it = iter s
+    .local string rs
+    rs = shift it
+    rs = shift it
+    eh = new ['ExceptionHandler']
+    push_eh eh
+    # shift string
+    set_addr eh, catch1
+    rs = shift it
+    goto fail
+    finalize eh
+    # shift integer
+    set_addr eh, catch2
+    .local int ri
+    ri = shift it
+    goto fail
+    finalize eh
+    # pop string
+    set_addr eh, catch3
+    .local int ri
+    rs = pop it
+    goto fail
+    finalize eh
+    # pop integer
+    set_addr eh, catch4
+    .local int ri
+    ri = pop it
+    goto fail
+    finalize eh
+    ok(1, "Caught out of bounds iterations")
+    goto end
+    ok(0, "Out of bounds iteration should throw")
 # Local Variables:
 #   mode: pir
 #   fill-column: 100

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/src/embed.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/src/embed.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/src/embed.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
     /* locate function to run */
     smain = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "main");
-    entry = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, smain);
+    entry = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, smain);
     /* location of the entry */
     interp->current_cont = new_ret_continuation_pmc(interp, NULL);
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
     /* locate function to run */
     smain = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "main");
-    entry = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, smain);
+    entry = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, smain);
     /* location of the entry */
     interp->current_cont = new_ret_continuation_pmc(interp, NULL);
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
     /* locate function to run */
     smain = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "main");
-    entry = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, smain);
+    entry = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, smain);
     /* location of the entry */
     interp->current_cont = new_ret_continuation_pmc(interp, NULL);
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@
     /* locate function to run */
     smain = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "main");
-    entry = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, smain);
+    entry = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, smain);
     /* location of the entry */
     interp->current_cont = new_ret_continuation_pmc(interp, NULL);
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@
     /* locate function to run */
     smain = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "main");
-    entry = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, smain);
+    entry = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, smain);
     /* location of the entry */
     interp->current_cont = new_ret_continuation_pmc(interp, NULL);

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/src/extend.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/src/extend.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/src/extend.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
     PMC           *sub, *arg;
     Parrot_pbc_load(interp, pf);
-    sub = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, name);
+    sub = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, name);
     Parrot_ext_call(interp, sub, "->");
     Parrot_eprintf(interp, "back\\n");
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
     Parrot_io_flush(interp, Parrot_io_STDERR(interp));
     name = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "_sub2");
-    sub  = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, name);
+    sub  = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, name);
     arg  = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_String);
     Parrot_PMC_set_string_native(interp, arg,
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
     PMC           *sub, *arg;
     Parrot_pbc_load(interp, pf);
-    sub = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, name);
+    sub = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, name);
     Parrot_ext_call(interp, sub, "->");
     Parrot_eprintf(interp, "back\\n");
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
     Parrot_io_flush(interp, Parrot_io_STDERR(interp));
     name = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "_sub2");
-    sub  = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, name);
+    sub  = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, name);
     arg  = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_String);
     Parrot_PMC_set_string_native(interp, arg,
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
     Parrot_Int     result;
     Parrot_pbc_load(interp, pf);
-    sub  = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, name);
+    sub  = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, name);
     arg  = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_String);
     Parrot_PMC_set_string_native(interp, arg,
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
     Parrot_runloop jump_point;
     Parrot_pbc_load(interp, pf);
-    sub = Parrot_find_global_cur(interp, name);
+    sub = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global(interp, name);
     if (setjmp(jump_point.resume)) {
         Parrot_eprintf(interp, "caught\\n");
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@
     foo_name = Parrot_str_new_constant( interp, "foo" );
-    sub      = Parrot_find_global_cur( interp, foo_name );
+    sub      = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global( interp, foo_name );
     Parrot_ext_call(interp, sub, "->");
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
     pf = Parrot_pbc_read( interp, "$temp_pbc", 0 );
     Parrot_pbc_load( interp, pf );
-    sub      = Parrot_find_global_cur( interp, Parrot_str_new_constant( interp, "add" ) );
+    sub      = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global( interp, Parrot_str_new_constant( interp, "add" ) );
     Parrot_ext_call(interp, sub, "II->I", 100, 200, &result);
     printf( "Result is %d.\\n", result );
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@
     pf = Parrot_pbc_read( interp, "$temp_pbc", 0 );
     Parrot_pbc_load( interp, pf );
-    sub      = Parrot_find_global_cur( interp, Parrot_str_new_constant( interp, "add" ) );
+    sub      = Parrot_ns_find_current_namespace_global( interp, Parrot_str_new_constant( interp, "add" ) );
     Parrot_ext_call( interp, sub, "II->I", 100, 200, &result );
     printf( "Result is %d.\\n", result );

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/steps/auto/warnings-01.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/steps/auto/warnings-01.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/steps/auto/warnings-01.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use Test::More qw(no_plan); # tests =>  26;
+use Test::More tests =>  18;
 use Carp;
 use lib qw( lib t/configure/testlib );

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/steps/gen/opengl-01.t
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/t/steps/gen/opengl-01.t	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/steps/gen/opengl-01.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 my $conf = Parrot::Configure::Step::Test->new;
 $conf->include_config_results( $args );
+my $real_opengl_status = $conf->data->get('has_opengl');
 my ($pkg, $step, $result);
 my $serialized = $conf->pcfreeze();
@@ -42,68 +44,78 @@
 ok($result, "runstep() returned true value");
 is($step->result(), q{skipped}, "Got expected result when no 'has_opengl'" );
-########### verbose ###########
-($args, $step_list_ref) = process_options( {
-    argv => [ q{--verbose} ],
-    mode => q{configure},
-} );
-$conf->options->set( %{$args} );
-$step = test_step_constructor_and_description($conf);
-    my ($stdout, $stderr);
-    capture(
-        sub { $result = $step->runstep($conf); },
-        \$stdout,
-        \$stderr,
-    );
-    ok($result, "runstep() returned true value");
-    like( $stdout,
-        qr/Checking for OpenGL headers using the following globs/s,
-        "Got expected verbose output"
-    );
-    like( $stdout,
-        qr/Found the following OpenGL headers/s,
-        "Got expected verbose output"
-    );
-    like( $stdout,
-        qr/PASS\s+FAIL\s+IGNORE\s+HEADER/s,
-        "Got expected verbose output"
-    );
-    like( $stdout,
-        qr/unique signatures successfully translated/s,
-        "Got expected verbose output"
-    );
-########### extra verbose ###########
-($args, $step_list_ref) = process_options( {
-    argv => [ q{--verbose=3} ],
-    mode => q{configure},
-} );
-$conf->options->set( %{$args} );
-$step = test_step_constructor_and_description($conf);
-    my ($stdout, $stderr);
-    capture(
-        sub { $result = $step->runstep($conf); },
-        \$stdout,
-        \$stderr,
-    );
-    ok($result, "runstep() returned true value");
-    like( $stdout,
-        qr/COUNT\s+NCI SIGNATURE/s,
-        "Got expected verbose output"
-    );
+SKIP: {
+    skip 'opengl not detected',
+    13 unless $real_opengl_status;
+    # The complex nature of gen::opengl::runstep() makes it difficult to write
+    # tests that will DTRT when OpenGL is not really present on this machine.
+    # In particular, tests for verbose output will fail when
+    # $real_opengl_status is false.  So we'll SKIP.
+    $conf->replenish($serialized);
+    ########### verbose ###########
+    ($args, $step_list_ref) = process_options( {
+        argv => [ q{--verbose} ],
+        mode => q{configure},
+    } );
+    $conf->add_steps($pkg);
+    $conf->options->set( %{$args} );
+    $step = test_step_constructor_and_description($conf);
+    {
+        my ($stdout, $stderr);
+        capture(
+            sub { $result = $step->runstep($conf); },
+            \$stdout,
+            \$stderr,
+        );
+        ok($result, "runstep() returned true value");
+        like( $stdout,
+            qr/Checking for OpenGL headers using the following globs/s,
+            "Got expected verbose output"
+        );
+        like( $stdout,
+            qr/Found the following OpenGL headers/s,
+            "Got expected verbose output"
+        );
+        like( $stdout,
+            qr/PASS\s+FAIL\s+IGNORE\s+HEADER/s,
+            "Got expected verbose output"
+        );
+        like( $stdout,
+            qr/unique signatures successfully translated/s,
+            "Got expected verbose output"
+        );
+    }
+    $conf->replenish($serialized);
+    ########### extra verbose ###########
+    ($args, $step_list_ref) = process_options( {
+        argv => [ q{--verbose=3} ],
+        mode => q{configure},
+    } );
+    $conf->add_steps($pkg);
+    $conf->options->set( %{$args} );
+    $step = test_step_constructor_and_description($conf);
+    {
+        my ($stdout, $stderr);
+        capture(
+            sub { $result = $step->runstep($conf); },
+            \$stdout,
+            \$stderr,
+        );
+        ok($result, "runstep() returned true value");
+        like( $stdout,
+            qr/COUNT\s+NCI SIGNATURE/s,
+            "Got expected verbose output"
+        );
+    }
 pass("Completed all tests in $0");

Copied: branches/gsoc_instrument/t/tools/parrot_config.t (from r47713, trunk/t/tools/parrot_config.t)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/t/tools/parrot_config.t	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715, copy of r47713, trunk/t/tools/parrot_config.t)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#! perl
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Parrot Foundation.
+# $Id$
+=head1 NAME
+t/tools/parrot_config.t - test parrot_config
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    % prove t/tools/parrot_config.t - test parrot_config
+Tests the C<parrot_config> tool.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(lib);
+use Test::More;
+use IO::File ();
+use Parrot::Config;
+use Parrot::Test;
+use File::Spec;
+my ($path, $exefile);
+    $path = File::Spec->catfile( ".", "parrot_config" );
+    $exefile = $path . $PConfig{exe};
+    unless ( -f $exefile ) {
+        plan skip_all => "$exefile hasn't been built yet.";
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    plan tests => 3;
+    'pmc_names',
+     qr/\bHash\b/,
+     'parrot_config basic sanity'
+    'non_existant_key',
+     qr/no such key: 'non_existant_key'/,
+     'missing keys'
+    'slash has_icu',
+    qr/slash \s+ => \s+ '.' \n has_icu \s+ => \s+ '.'/x,
+    'multiple keys'
+=head2 dump_output_like
+    config_output_like($keys, /regexp/, $description);
+Runs parrot_config with $keys as the argument and verifies the output.
+sub config_output_like {
+    my ($options, $snippet, $desc)  = @_;
+    my $out = `$exefile $options`;
+    like( $out, $snippet, $desc );
+    return;
+# Local Variables:
+#   mode: cperl
+#   cperl-indent-level: 4
+#   fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/fetch_languages.pl
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/fetch_languages.pl	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/fetch_languages.pl	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@
         name       => 'pir',
-        scm        => 'SVN',
-        repository => 'https://svn.parrot.org/languages/pir/trunk'
+        scm        => 'GIT',
+        repository => 'http://github.com/bacek/pir.git'

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/mk_inno.pl
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/mk_inno.pl	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/mk_inno.pl	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 } if ($PConfig{has_icu});
 my %dll = (
+    gccversion   => [ 'libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll' ],
     HAS_GETTEXT  => [ 'libintl3.dll', 'libiconv2.dll' ],
     HAS_PCRE     => [ 'pcre3.dll' ],
     HAS_READLINE => [ 'readline5.dll' ],

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 if (-e '.git') {
     print "Sorry, this script is not compatible with git-svn\n";
-    print "Patches Welcome!\n";
     exit 1;

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/nci_thunk_gen.pir
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/nci_thunk_gen.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/nci_thunk_gen.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@
            "sig_char": "S",
            "temp_tmpl": "char *t_%i; STRING *ts_%i",
            "fill_params_tmpl": ", &ts_%i",
-           "preamble_tmpl": "t_%i = ts_%i ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_%i) : (char *)NULL;",
+           "preamble_tmpl": "t_%i = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_%i) ? (char *)NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_%i);",
            "postamble_tmpl": "if (t_%i) Parrot_str_free_cstring(t_%i);" },
     "v": { "as_proto": "void",
            "return_type": "void *",
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@
            "sig_char": "S",
            "fill_params_tmpl": ", &ts_%i",
            "temp_tmpl": "char *t_%i; STRING *ts_%i",
-           "preamble_tmpl": "t_%i = ts_%i ? Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_%i) : (char *) NULL;",
+           "preamble_tmpl": "t_%i = STRING_IS_NULL(ts_%i) ? (char *) NULL : Parrot_str_to_cstring(interp, ts_%i);",
            "call_param_tmpl": "&t_%i",
            "postamble_tmpl": "if (t_%i) Parrot_str_free_cstring(t_%i);" },
     "2": { "as_proto": "short *",

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/pprof2cg.pl
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/pprof2cg.pl	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/pprof2cg.pl	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
@@ -117,9 +117,11 @@
 sub main {
-    my $argv      = shift;
+    my $filename  = shift;
     my $stats     = {};
-    my $filename  = $argv->[0];
+    die "Usage: $0 filename\n"
+        unless defined $filename;
     $stats->{global_stats}{total_time} = 0;
@@ -129,8 +131,6 @@
     close($in_fh) or die "couldn't close $filename: $!";
-    #print_stats($stats);
     unless ($filename =~ s/pprof/out/) {
         $filename = "$filename.out";

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/vgp
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/vgp	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/dev/vgp	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 #! /bin/sh
-valgrind --suppressions=tools/dev/parrot.supp --num-callers=500 --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high --show-reachable=yes ./parrot --leak-test $@
+valgrind --suppressions=tools/dev/parrot.supp --num-callers=50 --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high --show-reachable=yes ./parrot --leak-test $@

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/util/parrot-config.pir
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/util/parrot-config.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/util/parrot-config.pir	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
     .include 'stdio.pasm'
     $P1 = $P0.'stdhandle'(.PIO_STDERR_FILENO)
-    $P1.'print'(" [ <config-key> | --dump | --help ]\n")
+    $P1.'print'(" [ <config-key> [ <config-key> ... ] | --dump | --help ]\n")
     exit 1

Modified: branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/util/release.json
--- branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/util/release.json	Sat Jun 19 16:04:40 2010	(r47714)
+++ branches/gsoc_instrument/tools/util/release.json	Sat Jun 19 16:17:11 2010	(r47715)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-    "release.version"  : "2.4.0",
-    "release.name"     : "Sulfur Crest",
+    "release.version"  : "2.5.0",
+    "release.name"     : "Cheops",
     "release.day"      : "Tuesday",
-    "release.date"     : "18 May 2010",
-    "release.nextdate" : "15 June 2010",
+    "release.date"     : "15 June 2010",
+    "release.nextdate" : "20 July 2010",
     "web.root"         : "http://parrot.org/",
     "web.source"       : "download",
@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
     "web.repository"   : "https://svn.parrot.org/parrot/trunk/",
     "bugday.day"       : "Saturday",
-    "bugday.date"      : "12 June 2010",
+    "bugday.date"      : "17 July 2010",
     "wiki.root"        : "https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/",
-    "wiki.bugday"      : "bug_day_2010_06_12",
+    "wiki.bugday"      : "bug_day_2010_07_17",
-    "cpan.search"      : "http://search.cpan.org/dist/parrot",
-    "ftp.path"         : "ftp://ftp.parrot.org/pub/parrot/releases/devel/2.4.0/",
+    "ftp.path"         : "ftp://ftp.parrot.org/pub/parrot/releases/devel/2.5.0/",
     "subversion.root"  : "http://subversion.apache.org/",
     "svk.root"         : "http://svk.bestpractical.com/"

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