[svn:parrot] r48531 - in branches/substr_eq_at: include/parrot src/ops src/string

chromatic at svn.parrot.org chromatic at svn.parrot.org
Mon Aug 16 18:55:16 UTC 2010

Author: chromatic
Date: Mon Aug 16 18:55:16 2010
New Revision: 48531
URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/48531

[str] Added length to Parrot_str_compare_offset.


Modified: branches/substr_eq_at/include/parrot/string_funcs.h
--- branches/substr_eq_at/include/parrot/string_funcs.h	Mon Aug 16 18:55:11 2010	(r48530)
+++ branches/substr_eq_at/include/parrot/string_funcs.h	Mon Aug 16 18:55:16 2010	(r48531)
@@ -97,11 +97,12 @@
 INTVAL Parrot_str_compare_offset(PARROT_INTERP,
     ARGIN(const STRING *a),
+    ARGIN(const STRING *b),
     INTVAL offset,
-    ARGIN(const STRING *b))
+    INTVAL length)
-        __attribute__nonnull__(4);
+        __attribute__nonnull__(3);

Modified: branches/substr_eq_at/src/ops/core_ops.c
--- branches/substr_eq_at/src/ops/core_ops.c	Mon Aug 16 18:55:11 2010	(r48530)
+++ branches/substr_eq_at/src/ops/core_ops.c	Mon Aug 16 18:55:16 2010	(r48531)
@@ -26319,112 +26319,112 @@
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_s_s_i_i(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), SREG(3), IREG(4));
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), SREG(3), IREG(4), IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_sc_s_i_i(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, SREG(3), IREG(4));
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, SREG(3), IREG(4), IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_s_sc_i_i(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), CONST(3).u.string, IREG(4));
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), CONST(3).u.string, IREG(4), IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_sc_sc_i_i(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, CONST(3).u.string, IREG(4));
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, CONST(3).u.string, IREG(4), IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_s_s_ic_i(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), SREG(3), cur_opcode[4]);
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), SREG(3), cur_opcode[4], IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_sc_s_ic_i(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, SREG(3), cur_opcode[4]);
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, SREG(3), cur_opcode[4], IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_s_sc_ic_i(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), CONST(3).u.string, cur_opcode[4]);
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), CONST(3).u.string, cur_opcode[4], IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_sc_sc_ic_i(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, CONST(3).u.string, cur_opcode[4]);
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, CONST(3).u.string, cur_opcode[4], IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_s_s_i_ic(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), SREG(3), IREG(4));
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), SREG(3), IREG(4), IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_sc_s_i_ic(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, SREG(3), IREG(4));
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, SREG(3), IREG(4), IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_s_sc_i_ic(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), CONST(3).u.string, IREG(4));
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), CONST(3).u.string, IREG(4), IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_sc_sc_i_ic(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, CONST(3).u.string, IREG(4));
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, CONST(3).u.string, IREG(4), IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_s_s_ic_ic(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), SREG(3), cur_opcode[4]);
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), SREG(3), cur_opcode[4], IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_sc_s_ic_ic(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, SREG(3), cur_opcode[4]);
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, SREG(3), cur_opcode[4], IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_s_sc_ic_ic(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), CONST(3).u.string, cur_opcode[4]);
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, SREG(2), CONST(3).u.string, cur_opcode[4], IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}
 opcode_t *
 Parrot_cmp_str_at_i_sc_sc_ic_ic(opcode_t *cur_opcode, PARROT_INTERP)  {
     const Parrot_Context * const CUR_CTX = Parrot_pcc_get_context_struct(interp, interp->ctx);
-    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, CONST(3).u.string, cur_opcode[4]);
+    IREG(1) = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, CONST(2).u.string, CONST(3).u.string, cur_opcode[4], IREG(5));
 return (opcode_t *)cur_opcode + 6;}

Modified: branches/substr_eq_at/src/ops/experimental.ops
--- branches/substr_eq_at/src/ops/experimental.ops	Mon Aug 16 18:55:11 2010	(r48530)
+++ branches/substr_eq_at/src/ops/experimental.ops	Mon Aug 16 18:55:16 2010	(r48531)
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 op cmp_str_at(out INT, in STR, in STR, in INT, in INT) {
-    $1 = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, $2, $3, $4);
+    $1 = Parrot_str_compare_offset(interp, $2, $3, $4, $5);

Modified: branches/substr_eq_at/src/string/api.c
--- branches/substr_eq_at/src/string/api.c	Mon Aug 16 18:55:11 2010	(r48530)
+++ branches/substr_eq_at/src/string/api.c	Mon Aug 16 18:55:16 2010	(r48531)
@@ -1328,8 +1328,8 @@
-=item C<INTVAL Parrot_str_compare_offset(PARROT_INTERP, const STRING *a, INTVAL
-offset, const STRING *b)>
+=item C<INTVAL Parrot_str_compare_offset(PARROT_INTERP, const STRING *a, const
+STRING *b, INTVAL offset, INTVAL length)>
 Compares two strings to each other.  If s1 is less than s2, returns -1.  If the
 strings are equal, returns 0.  If s1 is greater than s2, returns 2.  This
@@ -1345,8 +1345,8 @@
-Parrot_str_compare_offset(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(const STRING *a), INTVAL offset,
-    ARGIN(const STRING *b))
+Parrot_str_compare_offset(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(const STRING *a),
+    ARGIN(const STRING *b), INTVAL offset, INTVAL length)

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