OS X revs...

Joshua Hoblitt jhoblitt at ifa.hawaii.edu
Tue Dec 2 21:23:03 UTC 2008

When was the linker finally fixed? 10.2?  Any version before that point would
be difficult to support.


On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 04:29:15PM -0500, Will Coleda wrote:
> Inspired by the recent MSVC discussion, can I get a show of hands?
> What compiler version / OS rev / CPU are parrot developers actively
> developing with?
> Coke: 4.0.1 / 10.4.11 / intel [0]
> I want to get an idea of what versions of OS X we're specifically
> going to support for the 1.0 release, with an eye towards cleaning up
> the RT queue.
> [0] (I have a PPC somewhere that I haven't touched in a year, and
> never do active development on at this point that I could press into
> service to run the occasional smoke if necessary)
> -- 
> Will "Coke" Coleda
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