[perl #46893] [TODO] [Perl] Complete test coverage of Parrot::Test

James Keenan via RT parrotbug-followup at parrotcode.org
Thu Dec 11 02:56:35 UTC 2008

On Wed Dec 03 19:10:15 2008, jkeen at verizon.net wrote:
> Since, in our current tests, _report_odd_hash() is never invoked, I
> don't have any use cases to look at.  And that leads me to believe that
> we don't need sub _report_odd_hash() at all, since its purpose only
> seems to be to provide a smidgen of an explanation more than you get
> with Perl's regular warning/error message.

Per feedback from Coke on #parrot, have deleted _report_odd_hash() in
the testparrottest branch.

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