[patch for 34031] first part of Tcl/Tk for parrot
Vadim Konovalov
vadrer at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 03:50:53 UTC 2008
在 Thursday 18 December 2008 19:09:05,Will Coleda 写道:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Vadim Konovalov <vadrer at gmail.com> wrote:
> > it works for me (both linux and windows) but of course I'll investigate
> > what is going wrong
> FYI, This was on the linux box, feather.perl6.nl.
yes, I also see the error.
I'll take care of it.
> > I was intended to do subsequent patches, and surely :main will be in
> > example/ next time I'll submit my patch.
Ok, now I did a step further, and Tk GUI is properly shown.
tests, examples and descriptions are still to be done,
sorry for the slow pace, surely I'll be faster soon :)
Actually programming parrot is fun, although I am just starting to get the
taste :)
Please place TclLibrary to ./runtime/parrot/library/ and tcltkdemo.pir
into ./examples/tcl/
> We're in the middle of changing how we do things so we probably have 3
> different ways listed in various docs.
> The best place today is at https://trac.parrot.org/
Right now I seemingly do not have a possibility:
Error: Forbidden
TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation
I would be grateful for help in resolving this.
My user id is vkon
Thanks for your attention,
and best regards,
-------------- next part --------------
# Copyright (C) 2008, The Perl Foundation.
# vkon
=head1 TITLE
TclLibrary.pir - NCI interface to Tcl language (http://www.tcl.tk)
This module implements Tcl/Tk interface for Parrot.
.namespace ['TclLibrary']
# derived from tcl.h:
.const int TCL_OK = 0
.const int TCL_ERROR = 1
.const int TCL_RETURN = 2
.const int TCL_BREAK = 3
.const int TCL_CONTINUE = 4
.sub eval :method
.param string str
.local string res, error
.local pmc f_evalex, f_getobjresult, f_getstringresult, f_resetresult
f_resetresult = get_global '_tcl_resetresult'
f_evalex = get_global '_tcl_evalex'
f_getobjresult = get_global '_tcl_getobjresult'
f_getstringresult = get_global '_tcl_getstringresult'
.local pmc interp
interp = getattribute self,'interp'
.local int rc
rc = f_evalex(interp,str,-1,0) # interp, string, length or -1, flags
# check if the result is TCL_OK(=0)
if rc==TCL_OK goto eval_ok
res = f_getstringresult(interp,0)
error = "error during Tcl_EvalEx: " . res
die error
# get the result (list result, etc - TBD)
res = f_getstringresult(interp,0)
.sub instantiate :method
# get interpreter, store it globally
.local pmc interp, f_createinterp, f_tclinit
.local pmc libtcl
libtcl = get_global '_libtcl'
f_createinterp = dlfunc libtcl, "Tcl_CreateInterp", "p"
interp = f_createinterp()
.local int b
b = isnull interp
unless b goto ok_interp
die "NO interp\n"
setattribute self,'interp', interp
f_tclinit = dlfunc libtcl, "Tcl_Init", "vp"
.sub _tcl_init :load :init
.local pmc tclclass
tclclass = newclass ['TclLibrary']
addattribute tclclass, 'interp'
# load shared library
.local pmc libnames
libnames = new 'ResizableStringArray'
push libnames, 'tcl85'
push libnames, 'tcl84'
push libnames, 'libtcl8.5'
push libnames, 'libtcl8.4'
.local pmc libtcl
libtcl = _load_lib_with_fallbacks('tcl', libnames)
set_global '_libtcl', libtcl
# initialize Tcl library
.local pmc func_findexec
func_findexec = dlfunc libtcl, "Tcl_FindExecutable", "vp"
# few more functions, store them globally
.local pmc func
# need: Tcl_ResetResult, Tcl_EvalEx, Tcl_GetStringResult
func = dlfunc libtcl, "Tcl_ResetResult", "vp"
set_global '_tcl_resetresult', func
func = dlfunc libtcl, "Tcl_EvalEx", "iptii"
set_global '_tcl_evalex', func
func = dlfunc libtcl, "Tcl_GetStringFromObj", "tpp" # should be "tp3"
set_global '_tcl_getstringfromobj', func
func = dlfunc libtcl, "Tcl_GetStringResult", "tp"
set_global '_tcl_getstringresult', func
func = dlfunc libtcl, "Tcl_GetObjResult", "pp"
set_global '_tcl_getobjresult', func
.sub MainLoop :method
say "MainLoop"
while {[winfo exists .]} {
# .local pmc libtcl, f_mainloop
# libtcl = get_global '_libtcl'
# f_mainloop = dlfunc libtcl, "Tk_MainLoop", "v"
# f_mainloop()
say "MainLoop-e!"
=item _load_lib_with_fallbacks(string friendly_name, pmc fallback_list)
This function is more generally useful than just for this module -- it
implements the search for a particular libary that may appear under any
of several different filenames. The C<fallback_list> should be a simple
array of strings, each naming one of the possible filenames, I<without>
the trailing shared library extension (e.g. C<.dll> or C<.so>). The
C<friendly_name> is only used to fill in the error message in case no
match can be found on the system.
BORROWED from OpenGL.pir - keep an eye on it (e.g. if it will be organized
elsewhere - reuse it from there)
.sub _load_lib_with_fallbacks
.param string friendly_name
.param pmc fallback_list
.local pmc list_iter
list_iter = iter fallback_list
.local string libname
.local pmc library
unless list_iter goto failed
libname = shift list_iter
library = loadlib libname
unless library goto iter_loop
.return (library)
.local string message
message = 'Could not find a suitable '
message .= friendly_name
message .= ' shared library!'
die message
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
# Local Variables:
# mode: pir
# fill-column: 100
# End:
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=pir:
-------------- next part --------------
# demonstrate Tcl/Tk GUI using NCI
.include 'runtime/parrot/library/TclLibrary.pir'
.sub try :main
.local pmc tcl
tcl = new 'TclLibrary'
.local string res
res = tcl.'eval'("puts this")
res = tcl.'eval'("expr {2+3}")
print "res="
say res
res = tcl.'eval'(<<"EOS")
package require Tk
pack [button .b -text {useful button} -command {puts this}]
pack [text .t]
.t insert end {foo, bar, fluffy}
pack [button .bquit -text {quit} -command {exit}]
res = tcl.'eval'("expr {3+3}")
print "res="
say res
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