smoke.parrotcode is dead, long life to Smolder

jerry gay at
Tue Dec 23 17:55:22 UTC 2008

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 07:44, Michael Peters <mpeters at> wrote:
> François Perrad wrote:
>> Currently, hosts 2 projects : Parrot & Pipp.
>> How create project (with different project ID) for other languages ?
>> Who has this privilege ?
> I run that smolder install. But at some point we might want to consider putting a new install on
> some other Parrot Foundation server ( to make it more obvious and to remove me
> as a bottleneck. It's also currently on server my company is letting me use, which prevents me from
> opening up access to more people (we also host our internal projects on the same install).
i'd like very much to make this happen. i'll ask our hosts if they'd
be willing to install smolder for us.

>> Languages need smoke, even the small or obfuscated one.
> If it's built-in to parrot and will remain with parrot source code, then yes that could definitely
> be possible.
>> If we don't setup this kind of infrastructure, most of languages (except
>> Rakudo) will die before the Parrot 1.0 milestone.
>> Today, I prefer the idea of a project for each language than a project
>> with all languages.

> I'm open to setting up a project for each language that wants it. Or helping the Parrot Foundation
> setup it's own smolder install (I'll be hopefully doing some smolder hacking over the holiday break,
> so we should probably wait until after that's done).
excellent. let's see if we can get it done before the next release.
i'll let you know when i have more info.

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