Trac: Can't create new tickets

Allison Randal allison at
Wed Dec 31 02:30:02 UTC 2008

Andrew Dougherty wrote:
> I can't create or comment on Trac tickets.  First, the system lost my 
> login information, claiming it didn't even have an account for my email 
> address, though I still have the confirmation message from when I 
> created the account.  So I re-created my account.  

Mmmm, you may have gotten caught by the upgrade. :(

> Now, when I try to 
> create a new ticket, I just get the unhelpful message:
> Error: Forbidden
> TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation

TICKET_CREATE permissions are granted to any logged-in user, so it 
should work. But, I just granted you developer permissions, so try it now.


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