planning for 'make install'

Reini Urban rurban at
Sun Dec 28 12:22:35 UTC 2008

Allison Randal schrieb:
> One of our critical features for the 0.9.0 release next month is the 
> 'make install' target. Reini did some work in a branch, but other 
> questions or problems about installation have been bouncing around in 
> various posts, tickets, and IRC conversations. To pull it all together, 
> this mailing list thread is a collection point: please post summaries of 
> the problems you're aware of, as well as your thoughts on how 'make 
> install' should work.

I rebased now my install patches, and fixed one _config access 
optimization bug.

These quilt patches are against trunk rev 34458, in the order defined by 
I'll make a new pdd30_install2 branches now, based on trunk with this set.

The cygwin release parrot-0.8.2-1 will also be released soon.

Problems are still the naming of the forth and WMLScript subdirs, as 
outlined in docs/pdds/draft/pdd30_install.pod
Reini Urban
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