Multiple dispatch branch merged

Moritz Lenz moritz at
Sun Oct 5 18:23:24 UTC 2008

Allison Randal wrote:
> I've merged the multiple dispatch branch (pdd27mmd) into trunk. All core 
> tests pass for me on Mac OS 10.5.5 (Intel) and Ubuntu 6.10 (32 bit).
> One apparently unrelated failure on Ubuntu 8.04 (64 bit) (a test for 
> word size in t/native_pbc/header.t).
> A few known failures in Rakudo that are being worked on.
> Please report any failures on other platforms/operating systems.

I don't know if these are directly related to the mmd branch merge, but
I get these two new failures:

#   Failed test 'I-reg shl and PMC shl are consistent'
#   at t/op/bitwise.t line 513.
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# ./src/pmc/cpointer.pmc:96: failed assertion '*pmc_pointer'
# Backtrace - Obtained 24 stack frames (max trace depth is 32).
#   (unknown)
#     Parrot_confess
#       Parrot_CPointer_mark
#         (unknown)
#           (unknown)
#             (unknown)
#               (unknown)
#                 (unknown)
#                   (unknown)
#                     (unknown)
#                       (unknown)
#                         pmc_new
#                           Parrot_gt_p_ic_ic
#                             (unknown)
#                               (unknown)
#                                 (unknown)
#                                   (unknown)
#                                     Parrot_runops_fromc_args
#                                       Parrot_runcode
#                                         (unknown)
#                                           imcc_run
#                                             (unknown)
#                                               __libc_start_main
#                                                 (unknown)
# Expected:
# done.
# done.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 27.
t/op/bitwise............................... Dubious, test returned 1
(wstat 256, 0x100)
 Failed 1/27 subtests

#   Failed test 'examples/shootout/pidigits.pir'
#   at t/examples/shootout.t line 108.
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 11]
# Received:
# 3141592653    :10
# 5897932384    :20
# 6264338       :27
# Expected:
# 3141592653    :10
# 5897932384    :20
# 6264338       :27

This is a Debian GNU/Linux i386 (32 bit, SMP) machine.


Moritz Lenz | |

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