building Parrot and Parrot::Embed

chromatic chromatic at
Mon Oct 6 07:42:32 UTC 2008

On Saturday 04 October 2008 02:23:41 Gabor Szabo wrote:

> I have just tried to build Parrot using r31612 on Ubuntu linux
> and got the following error.
> Then I tried to build Parrot::Embed.
> There were some warning during the Build phase and the test totally failed.
> How can I try to use Parrot embedded in Perl5?

Hm, Parrot_revision() disappeared from libparrot quite a while ago, but no one 
noticed in Parrot::Embed.  No one's really missing it, so I removed it as of 
r31689.  All tests should pass now.

Thanks for reporting!

-- c

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