Multiple dispatch branch merged

Allison Randal allison at
Tue Oct 7 08:34:58 UTC 2008

Moritz Lenz wrote:
> I don't know if these are directly related to the mmd branch merge, but
> I get these two new failures:
> t/op/bitwise...............................22/27
> #   Failed test 'I-reg shl and PMC shl are consistent'
> #   at t/op/bitwise.t line 513.
> # Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
> # Received:
> # ./src/pmc/cpointer.pmc:96: failed assertion '*pmc_pointer'

This first one definitely is related to the merge, as the CPointer PMC 
was added in the MMD branch. Could you run it under GDB and get me a 
little more info to debug on? I'll try to set up a chroot of 32bit 
Debian on my 4-core Ubuntu box and see if I can duplicate the problem. 
Which version of Debian are you running?

> t/examples/shootout........................5/20
> #   Failed test 'examples/shootout/pidigits.pir'
> #   at t/examples/shootout.t line 108.
> # Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 11]
> # Received:
> # 3141592653    :10
> # 5897932384    :20
> # 6264338       :27
> #
> # Expected:
> # 3141592653    :10
> # 5897932384    :20
> # 6264338       :27

I'm not sure if this is related. You can sync back to the svn version 
just before the merge and see if it was the merge that caused it.


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