Multiple dispatch branch merged

NotFound julian.notfound at
Tue Oct 7 16:19:50 UTC 2008

> Looks like pow has changed though: [expr 2**3] used to return a tclint
> 8, now it returns a tclfloat 8.0; Looks like this does the same thing:
> .sub main :main
>  $P1 = new 'Integer'
>  $P1 = 2
>  $P2 = new 'Integer'
>  $P2 = 3
>  $P3 = $P1 ** $P2
>  $S0 = typeof $P3
>  say $S0
>  $P3 = $P1 ** 3
>  $S0 = typeof $P3
>  say $S0
> .end
> generates "Float\nInteger", I'm pretty sure that before the merge it
> would have been "Integer\nInteger".
> Is this desired behavior on the parrot types? If so, I can update tcl
> to override pow just like divide. (3 remaining t/cmd_expr.t test

I think this is the result of a temporary fix for other problem, when
corrected the result will be Integer, or BigInt on overflow.


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