April 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Apr 1 05:37:18 UTC 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 20:09:39 UTC 2009
Messages: 242
- [RFC] Additional methods for Sockets.
Vasily Chekalkin
- [svn:parrot] r37999 - branches/packfile_revamp/docs/pdds
Vasily Chekalkin
- [svn:parrot] r37999 - branches/packfile_revamp/docs/pdds
Vasily Chekalkin
- [BUG] [MMD] Complex subtraction fails for subclasses of Complex
Vasily Chekalkin
- [perl #39855] [CAGE] configuration: define MIN/MAX macros for all integral typedefs
Nicholas Clark
- [svn:parrot] r37883 - branches/install_tools/lib/Parrot
Will Coleda
- [svn:parrot] r37908 - branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/testlib
Will Coleda
- bug in parrot_config ?
Will Coleda
- [svn:parrot] r37944 - trunk/src/ops
Will Coleda
- [svn:parrot] r37944 - trunk/src/ops
Will Coleda
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc)
Will Coleda
- Parrot book
Will Coleda
- [perl #46905] [TODO] [C] Make a shared variant of PackFile_new()
Will Coleda
- www.parrot.org menus
Will Coleda
- [PREP] Parrot 1.1.0: NEWS, PLATFORMS, ... Updates
Will Coleda
- Big endian native pbc updates
Will Coleda
- make fulltest_all
Will Coleda
- Fwd: [yapc] Official Call for Proposals for YAPC|10 ends Friday, 24 April 2009
Will Coleda
- Parrot 1.1.0 "Half-moon Conure" Released!
Will Coleda
- Format string atoms
Will Coleda
- [perl #41893] [BUG] 0.4.9 leaks various .c files into install image, creates PREFIX/config, PREFIX/compiler
Will Coleda
- Dynops with an installed parrot
Will Coleda
- Dynops with an installed parrot
Will Coleda
- Should parrot_config report separate inst_ and build variables?
Will Coleda
- Google Announces Nine Students in GSoC2009 with The Perl Foundation
Richard Dice
- [perl #44845] [PATCH] C++ cleanups for Solaris CC
Andrew Dougherty
- bug in parrot_config ?
Andy Dougherty
- [PREP] Parrot 1.1.0: NEWS, PLATFORMS, ... Updates
Andy Dougherty
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
Andy Dougherty
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
Andy Dougherty
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
Andy Dougherty
- Should parrot_config report separate inst_ and build variables?
Andy Dougherty
- Parrot book
James Fuller
- compilers/imcc/pbc.c:182: warning
Mark Glines
- compilers/imcc/pbc.c:182: warning
Mark Glines
- Custom clone() and free() function pointers for ManagedStruct
Mark Glines
- Custom clone() and free() function pointers for ManagedStruct
Mark Glines
- Getting output from system command invocations
Mark Glines
- bug in parrot_config ?
Rolf Grossmann
- [perl #42312] src/pmc/os.pmc: bad use of stat(2) and lstat(2)
Rolf Grossmann
- Big endian native pbc updates
Rolf Grossmann
- PCC and playing with arguments from C
Florian Hatat
- PCC and playing with arguments from C
Florian Hatat
- make fulltest_all
Michael Hind
- compilers/imcc/pbc.c:182: warning
Joshua Hoblitt
- compilers/imcc/pbc.c:182: warning
Joshua Hoblitt
- collaborate
- [svn:parrot] r37888 - branches/install_tools/t/tools/install
James E Keenan
- [svn:parrot] r37908 - branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/testlib
James E Keenan
- Parrot packaging problems
James E Keenan
- make fulltest_all
James E Keenan
- [perl #43150] [TODO] Relocate shared libs check for solaris?
James E Keenan
- dynpmc and dynop: Seek clarification re order of deprecation
James E Keenan
- Parrot::Ops2pm::Base::prepare_ops(): Seek feedback on possible rephrasing of warning
James E Keenan
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc). How about libJIT? See http://code.google.com/p/libjit-linear-scan-register-allocator/ <\eom>
Kirill Kononenko
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc). How about libJIT? See http://code.google.com/p/libjit-linear-scan-register-allocator/ <\eom>
Kirill Kononenko
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc). How about libJIT? See http://code.google.com/p/libjit-linear-scan-register-allocator/ <\eom>
Kirill Kononenko
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc)
Moritz Lenz
- Google Announces Nine Students in GSoC2009 with The Perl Foundation
Jonathan Leto
- PCC and playing with arguments from C
Wim Lewis
- [svn:parrot] r37944 - trunk/src/ops
Patrick R. Michaud
- reviewing design for namespaces
Patrick R. Michaud
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Patrick R. Michaud
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Patrick R. Michaud
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Patrick R. Michaud
- Oslo Perl 6 Hackathon Notes
Patrick R. Michaud
- Possible release hold request from Rakudo
Patrick R. Michaud
- Possible release hold request from Rakudo
Patrick R. Michaud
- [perl #37245] [TODO] IMCC - fix symbol handling
Patrick R. Michaud
- Rakudo Perl 6 development release #16 ("Bratislava")
Patrick R. Michaud
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
Patrick R. Michaud
- Dynops with an installed parrot
Patrick R. Michaud
- Should parrot_config report separate inst_ and build variables?
Patrick R. Michaud
- Getting output from system command invocations
Carl Mäsak
- Getting output from system command invocations
Carl Mäsak
- [perl #43687] [TODO] combine abstract search with other search in lib/Parrot/Docs/File.pm
- [perl #44499] [TODO] Move cstrings to String Structure
- [perl #39855] [CAGE] configuration: define MIN/MAX macros for all integral typedefs
- load_bytecode 'library/...'
- load_bytecode 'library/...'
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
- [svn:parrot] r37895 - trunk/src/pmc
Christoph Otto
- Release starting
Christoph Otto
- collaborate
Christoph Otto
- [PREP] Parrot 1.1.0: NEWS, PLATFORMS, ... Updates
François Perrad
- make fulltest_all
François Perrad
- Release starting
François Perrad
- Parrot 1.1.0 "Half-moon Conure" Released!
François Perrad
- [RFC] The way of Trac
François Perrad
- regex bug? m/h/i =~ "Hello"
Michael Peternell
- [perl #54520] [BUG] superclass methods of PMC classes aren't inherited
Andrew Whitworth via RT
- [perl #37578] [TODO] PIR - simple register allocation
Andrew Whitworth via RT
- [perl #38432] [BUG] Exception thrown from constructor leads to oddness
Andrew Whitworth via RT
- [perl #43150] [TODO] Relocate shared libs check for solaris?
Andy Dougherty via RT
- [perl #48014] [DEPRECATED] PMC union struct
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #42411] [PARTIALPATCH] Building a 32bit parrot on freebsd under amd64 fails.
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #43687] [TODO] combine abstract search with other search in lib/Parrot/Docs/File.pm
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #43683] [TODO] Remove the pod, or convert to html? (lib/Parrot/Docs/File.pm)
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #43687] [TODO] combine abstract search with other search in lib/Parrot/Docs/File.pm
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #43054] [CAGE] Write C Test Functions That Don't Link to libparrot
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #36407] [BUG] imcc - register allocation
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #39855] [CAGE] configuration: define MIN/MAX macros for all integral typedefs
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #39939] [TODO] exhaustively test new {set, get}*global and get*namespace opcodes
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #43733] [TODO] scan src/call_list.txt if the generated signature is available
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #43733] [TODO] scan src/call_list.txt if the generated signature is available
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #44317] [TODO] Check that r20380 (INTVAL casts) works on 64 bit systems
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #44499] [TODO] Move cstrings to String Structure
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #45943] [TODO] Handle inheritance and best match seaching in MMD
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #45947] [TODO] Create an appropriate class namespace in mmd_search_classes()
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #45949] [TODO] Consider only candidates from current mro in mmd_search_classes()?
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #45955] [TODO] Use half of the available INTVAL bits in mmd_sort_candidates()
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #45983] [TODO] Try HLL namespaces too in parrot_class_register()?
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #46641] [TODO] [C] PMCs extending Hash should probably register themselves
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #44499] [TODO] Move cstrings to String Structure
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #50518] [RFC] Is the "rpms" target dead?
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #51122] GC bug in bytecode loading (again)
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #51758] [BUG] Segfault for 'alarm' op in computed-goto runcore
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #53714] [PATCH] parrot segfaults when dyna-loading main program
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #56448] [BUG] tailcalls cause segfault when invoked from C
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #39855] [CAGE] configuration: define MIN/MAX macros for all integral typedefs
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #36407] [BUG] imcc - register allocation
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #46703] [TODO] [C] Fix ref_count handling for exception_handlers
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #46703] [TODO] [C] Fix ref_count handling for exception_handlers
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #31161] [TODO] Debugger - Read core dumps
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #37245] [TODO] IMCC - fix symbol handling
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #39939] [TODO] exhaustively test new {set, get}*global and get*namespace opcodes
Christoph Otto via RT
- [perl #56544] [PATCH] install_files.pl
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #54372] [BUG] test failures on win32/msvc
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #53392] [BUG] Sign tests failing on Windows
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #53210] [TODO] change new_from_string to init_str
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #52198] [BUG]: Test failures on Win32: t/op/arithmetics.t t/op/sprintf.t t/pmc/complex.t t/pmc/float.t
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #46167] [TODO] Replace temporary hack for method cache invalidation with decent implementation
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #35391] [TODO] filepath manipulations
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #56012] [BUG]: ccs make on solaris 8
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #56024] make test output - solaris 8 sparc (xpg4)
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #56006] [BUG]: Test failures on Solaris10-x86
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #43150] [TODO] Relocate shared libs check for solaris?
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #61870] [BUG] [META] Trac system borks authenticated user's privileges
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #53976] [PATCH] Remove tools/dev/ops_renum.mak
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #41893] [BUG] 0.4.9 leaks various .c files into install image, creates PREFIX/config, PREFIX/compiler
James Keenan via RT
- [perl #44845] [PATCH] C++ cleanups for Solaris CC
NotFound via RT
- [perl #53100] [PGE] implement ** operator
Patrick R. Michaud via RT
- [perl #53464] [TODO] pge - trim whitespace around #= keys
Patrick R. Michaud via RT
- [perl #42411] [PARTIALPATCH] Building a 32bit parrot on freebsd under amd64 fails.
Rolf Grossmann via RT
- [perl #46685] [TODO] [C] Create a PackFile API and move code from destroy() there
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #46925] [TODO] [C] Call pmc slicing functions from PackFiles thaw()
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #46905] [TODO] [C] Make a shared variant of PackFile_new()
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #46905] [TODO] [C] Make a shared variant of PackFile_new()
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #42312] src/pmc/os.pmc: bad use of stat(2) and lstat(2)
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #46411] [TODO] Create string_free API for reusing string headers
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #61870] [BUG] [META] Trac system borks authenticated user's privileges
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #60166] [BUG] Exception handling in parrot doesn't unwind stack.
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #43218] Memory leaks (compreg, invokecc)
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #59630] [BUG] [MMD] Complex subtraction fails for subclasses of Complex
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #46703] [TODO] [C] Fix ref_count handling for exception_handlers
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #53976] [PATCH] Remove tools/dev/ops_renum.mak
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #46703] [TODO] [C] Fix ref_count handling for exception_handlers
Vasily Chekalkin via RT
- [perl #58410] [TODO] Deprecate n_* variants of the math opcodes
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #48645] [CAGE] Make PMCs depend on Parrot::Pmc2c::* Modules
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #42411] [PARTIALPATCH] Building a 32bit parrot on freebsd under amd64 fails.
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #52382] [TODO] Add nqp test to the root 'make test'
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #52382] [TODO] Add nqp test to the root 'make test'
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #60578] parrot.org: add link for reporting problems to each page
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #58958] Build of 0.7.1 fails with Intel compiler on Linux
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #39714] [TODO] Refactor IMCC to remove static globals
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #60578] parrot.org: add link for reporting problems to each page
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #46213] [PGE] [TODO] longest token matching using "||"
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #47668] [BUG] Regression tests fail on OpenBSD/i386
Will Coleda via RT
- [perl #52346] [TODO] avoid deprecated functions in config/gen/platform/darwin/dl.c
Will Coleda via RT
- PCC and playing with arguments from C
Allison Randal
- PDD 18 Implementation Details
Allison Randal
- Parrot book
Allison Randal
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc)
Allison Randal
- Parrot book
Allison Randal
- Parrot book
Allison Randal
- Parrot RPMS for SUSE
Allison Randal
- www.parrot.org menus
Allison Randal
- NEWS update
Allison Randal
- www.parrot.org menus
Allison Randal
- www.parrot.org menus
Allison Randal
- Parrot 1.1, base types and inheritance
Allison Randal
- Parrot RPMS for SUSE
Allison Randal
- dynpmc and dynop: Seek clarification re order of deprecation
Allison Randal
- load_bytecode 'library/...'
Allison Randal
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
Allison Randal
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Mark J. Reed
- HLL name vs. pbc name, case issues
Bernhard Schmalhofer
- Parrot packaging problems
Michael Schroeder
- Parrot packaging problems
Michael Schroeder
- Parrot packaging problems
Michael Schroeder
- Parrot packaging problems
Michael Schroeder
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Michael Schroeder
- Parrot RPMS for SUSE
Michael Schroeder
- load_bytecode 'library/...'
Michael Schroeder
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
Michael Schroeder
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
Michael Schroeder
- Oslo Perl 6 Hackathon Notes
Gabor Szabo
- [svn:parrot] r37908 - branches/install_tools/t/tools/install/testlib
Reini Urban
- Parrot packaging problems
Reini Urban
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc)
Reini Urban
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Reini Urban
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Reini Urban
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Reini Urban
- [svn:parrot] r37999 - branches/packfile_revamp/docs/pdds
Reini Urban
- Sun's G1 GC is now in the Java SE 6 Update 14
Reini Urban
- NEWS update
Reini Urban
- 1.1.0 patches
Reini Urban
- Dynops with an installed parrot
Reini Urban
- line number from exceptions
Gaurav Vaidya
- Parrot RPMS for SUSE
Michal Vyskocil
- HLL name vs. pbc name, case issues
Stephen Weeks
- Custom clone() and free() function pointers for ManagedStruct
Andrew Whitworth
- Parrot book
Andrew Whitworth
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc). How about libJIT? See http://code.google.com/p/libjit-linear-scan-register-allocator/ <\eom>
Andrew Whitworth
- Parrot 1.1, base types and inheritance
Andrew Whitworth
- Parrot 1.1, base types and inheritance
Andrew Whitworth
- [PATCH] rakudo Re: Parrot packaging problems
Jonathan Worthington
- [svn:parrot] r37999 - branches/packfile_revamp/docs/pdds
Jonathan Worthington
- PDD 18 Implementation Details
- Parrot debugging and Xdebug
- Parrot debugging and DBGp
- Parrot 1.1, base types and inheritance
- www.parrot.org menus
- www.parrot.org menus
- Parrot 1.1, base types and inheritance
- [BUG] [MMD] Complex subtraction fails for subclasses of Complex
- [MMD] Complex subtraction fails for subclasses of Complex
- find_method
- find_method
- find_method
- inheritance and multidispatch
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc)
moritz at casella.faui2k3.org
- [svn:parrot] r37888 - branches/install_tools/t/tools/install
- [svn:parrot] r37895 - trunk/src/pmc
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for Parrot" (gsoc). How about libJIT? See http://code.google.com/p/libjit-linear-scan-register-allocator/ <\eom>
- find_method
- [svn:parrot] r38364 - trunk/tools/dev
- load_bytecode 'library/...'
jerry gay
- HLL name vs. pbc name, case issues
- Format string atoms
- Parrot book
register reg.ini
- Call for Mentors - "A prototype LLVM JIT runcore for
register reg.ini
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 20:09:39 UTC 2009
Archived on: Thu Apr 30 20:10:22 UTC 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).