How to add own PMC to Parrot

Radovan Baranec rado.baranec at
Fri Aug 7 06:04:12 UTC 2009

Thank you very much for your answers. Finally I was able to add my own 
PMC to Parrot to represent packet from pcap. Now I am writing packet 
decoder in PIR and I run across this problem: I need to convert big 
endian to little endian in PIR. In doc I found this: 
but I want to avoid to call C function from PIR.


Allison Randal napsal(a):
> Radovan Baranec wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am fighting with this problem few hours. I`ve changed cpointer.pmc 
>> and tried to test these changes. In doc stands that I should run 
>> realclean and then to add new PMC to the set of built-in 
>> PMCs. But these scripts are only in downloaded files they are not in 
>> installed files. So what should I do? Should I change cpointer.pmc in 
>> downloaded files or in installed files, then run realclean and then 
>> from downloaded files or what? I`ve already tried both 
>> of it with no success.
> Those instructions are for adding a new PMC to the Parrot core. When 
> you're creating PMCs outside the core, you should create your own new 
> PMC instead of editing an installed PMC directly. Copy the 
> cpointer.pmc source file and change the name to something like 
> mycpointer.pmc. Edit the file to change the name in the pmclass line 
> and add 'dynpmc':
>   pmclass MyCPointer dynpmc need_ext {
>    /* Copy of all ATTRs and VTABLE functions. */
>   }
> Also change every instance of the old name ("CPointer" or "CPOINTER") 
> to the new name (also in CamelCase or ALLCAPS).
> Then you'll need a few command-line calls to build and install the 
> PMC, easiest in a makefile. I've attached a template which 
> you can turn into a makefile with the command (all one line):
> perl /usr/local/lib/parrot/1.4.0/tools/dev/ 
> Makefile
> Most of the file is just getting configuration values from Parrot. The 
> actual work is the final 5 lines.
> Create a dump format of the PMC:
>         $(PMC2CD) mycpointer.pmc
> Generate the C file for the PMC:
>         $(PMC2CC) mycpointer.pmc
> Compile the C file to a dynamic object:
>         $(CC) -c @cc_o_out at mycpointer$(O) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS)
>         $(LD) @ld_out at mycpointer$(LOAD_EXT) mycpointer$(O) $(LINKARGS)
> Install the shared library in the dynamic extension directory:
>         $(CP) "mycpointer$(LOAD_EXT)" $(INSTALL_DIR)
> Run 'sudo make install' (or your platform equivalent), then you can 
> use your new PMC. Here's a small PIR file that uses it:
> .loadlib 'mycpointer'
> .sub main :main
>   $P0 = new 'MyCPointer'
>   #...
> .end
> Allison

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