Parrot embedding system - Out of memory!

Radovan Baranec rado.baranec at
Tue Aug 11 11:36:24 UTC 2009

Hi, I finally finished my "little" packet decoder. Now I am able to 
decode ether->ipv4->tcp. So I tried to run a few performance tests on a 
10GB pcap dump file but I found big problem. Because it is very big 
file, subroutine from loaded bytecode is being called many times. On my 
surprise every time it is called it allocates memory. So soon there is 
not enough memory and linux just kills my program. I am runnig on centos 
5, x86_64, custom kernel 2.6.29lb.06. Runcores or flags are not set.

Here is the code:

C code:
#ifdef DEBUG
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    while (1) {
        retVal = pcap_next_ex(fp, &pktHeader, &pktData);

        // capture file ended
        if (retVal == -2) {

        if (retVal < 0) {
            printf("Cannot read packet: %s\n", pcap_geterr(fp));
            //spravna reakcia?
            return -1;

        // Timeout expired
        if (retVal == 0) {

        Parrot_PMC_set_pointer(interp, packet, (void *)pktData);

         * Parrot_call_sub_ret_int
         * preplni pamat a odstreli ho to
        if (Parrot_call_sub_ret_int(interp, sub, "IPII", packet, 
(int)pktHeader->caplen, load_bytecode)) {
        //if (Parrot_call_sub(interp, sub, "V")) {
        else {
        load_bytecode = 0;


Parrot_call_sub_ret_int(interp, sub, "IPII", packet, 
(int)pktHeader->caplen, load_bytecode) - this function allocates memory 
every time it is being called. The code of subroutine is unimportant 
because I also tried to call empty subroutine with no param and local 


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