[DRAFT] Parrot module ecosystem

kjstol parrotcode at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 10:53:55 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Just a note on this name "aviary"... (I'm not really following this
thread in detail, just browsing).
The name "aviary" is also the name of a Firefox plugin (capturing
screenshots etc). So, I'm not sure what the idea was with using this
name, but it introduces name conflicts/ambiguity, and/or perhaps even
legal issues.

Just to let you know!

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Allison Randal<allison at parrot.org> wrote:
> Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
>> A friend suggested that rather than trying to form a module distribution
>> network for every individual module, especially using CPAN-style
>> tarballs-over-HTTP distribution, a much more likely scenario is a
>> torrent service for full Power Packs (the top few of which are likely to
>> be sufficiently popular to actually take advantage of traffic sharing).
>> I'm not saying *we* do this, just that it is a reasonable thing for some
>> enterprising group to decide to do -- without having to do Google-scale
>> work.
> Yup, that's sensible. They wouldn't even have to create tarballs for the
> Packs, they could set it up to create a bittorrent download queue of
> individual modules from the Pack spec JSON file (bittorrent breaks
> everything down into small chunks anyway, so it might as well start that
> way).
>>>>  * Tools must properly handle the difference between user-local,
>>>>    site-local, and vendor-installed modules.
>>> Not sure this really matters.
>> I seem to recall the Perl 5 toolchain people actively iterating to get
>> this right, so I'm trusting they've thought about it enough to share
>> their institutional knowledge here.
> What I mean is, we should make it possible to add additional directories to
> Parrot's library/include/dynext path search (it's already possible), but
> there's no reason we need to specifically support user-local, site-local,
> and vendor-installed. They're all just instances of a custom install/search
> path. (And frankly, I never found those categories particularly useful in
> Perl anyway, so don't want to make them canonical in Parrot.)
>>>>  * Sufficient for automated programs to create system packages
>>>>    (DEB, RPM, etc.).
>>> That would be tough, but we can at least cover the simple cases, with
>>> guidance to point people toward how to extend the generated template to
>>> handle the harder cases.
>> Sure.  As long as we don't treat perfection as a hard requirement,
>> thinking about the issues here can help flesh out weak points in the
>> spec.
> Aye, it's a good test case. I would put it as a lower priority than getting
> the main install process working.
>>>>  * Separate static v. configure-discovered v. hand-edited metadata.
>>>>    Separate files?
>>> Sounds overly complex. Provide a field in the metadata for "data_source".
>> This came from a thread I noticed in #toolchain.  I had not had time to
>> investigate it fully, but I'll ask in more depth for the next iteration.
> Makes sense.
>>>>  * Specifies rules for dependency string parsing/interpretation.
>>> Not sure what you mean. More detail?
>> Just as examples, not a complete list, a module in the wild could
>> reasonably declare dependencies against:
>> * Other modules from the same or other HLLs, or Parrot itself
>> * Power Packs
>> * System libraries, which vary between OSen in basename, version,
>>  basic architecture ('libfoo' versus 'Foo Framework'), etc., and may or
>>  may not require foo-dev packages to work with
>> * System tools, which vary in name and versioning across platforms
>>  ('make' v. 'nmake')
>> * Operating system versions ('linux 2.6.30+' or 'Windows Vista+')
>> * Alternatives ('iceweasel | firefox | safari | web-browser')
>> * Virtual dependencies (depending on something that multiple packages
>>  provide, such as 'web-browser' above)
>> Each of these is potentially in a different namespace, with its own
>> rules about how version strings are parsed and compared (the rules for
>> cpan shell are not the same as those used by apt-get, for instance).
>> The easy thing is to punt off most of the parsing to namespace-specific
>> parsers; PHP should know how to parse and compare PHP module versions.
>> But even if we do that, we need a meta-syntax that allows us to specify
>> which namespace a dependency string should be interpreted in.
>> As a first try, we could do:
>>    namespace:'dependency_string'
>> Thus:
>>    perl5:'Foo::Bar 2.16'
>>    perl6:':name<Baz::Biff>:auth<CPAN:QUUX>:ver<3.15.*>'
>>    apt:'zlib1g (>= 1:'
>> But that's a bit ugly ... plus we still have other questions to resolve,
>> such as how to specify alternates across namespaces.
>> All of which is just to say: because we need to work with all of the
>> existing dependency metadata of every other module ecosystem out there,
>> there's a lot to think about even if we try to punt most of the details.
> Ack, that's a total nightmare. Step one is to punt for anything installed by
> Aviary, and trust the metadata to provide the right version number.
>>> The primary interface should be a web form where people can enter
>>> metadata about their module. They should also be able to *update* the
>>> information stored there, to mark an older version as deprecated, that a
>>> module is no longer maintained, change the owner(s), change the URI for
>>> download, or to remove a module entirely. (Look at Launchpad.net for
>>> inspiration.)
>> I can certainly see offering this as *an* interface.  But I don't buy it
>> as the primary interface.  Manual labor that has to be replicated on the
>> project's source hosting site (which may be Launchpad.net or github or
>> what have you) and on Aviary as well breaks the main requirements of
>> making things dead easy for the module authors and not adding any
>> additional friction to their (probably volunteer) workload.
> See, you're assuming that it's the module authors who will be submitting
> this information (like CPAN). Aside from a few modules developed by Parrot
> team members, most modules won't be submitted to Aviary by their authors.
> They'll be submitted either by Parrot team members getting the system
> started, or they'll be submitted by users of the Python/Perl/PHP, etc module
> who want to use it with Parrot.
>> Or they could register their repository *once*, and we can pull the info
>> (perhaps polling, perhaps on request).  Or if the posting site can feed
>> us release notices, we can use that.
>> We should work very hard to add as little extra work for authors as
>> possible, and definitely avoid adding an extra manual publish step.
>> Yes, we can offer the manual process as an option ... just not the only
>> one.
> They're not going to put Aviary information in Launchpad.net or github
> repositories. If the system requires module authors to do anything at all,
> it won't work. We can't depend on them. (Just ask the linux distribution
> packagers. Module authors know nothing about your distribution system and
> don't want to know.)
> I completely agree on not duplicating the information. So we *only* keep it
> in the Aviary database. Updating it is two quick clicks through the web
> interface.
> I admit I'm prejudiced against making people enter data through a plain text
> file. It seems horribly primitive and 1995 (META.yml blech!), especially
> when we know exactly what data we need. But, to look at it from a more
> practical perspective: presenting it as a web form means that any average
> Joe who has done an install of the module can walk through the guided web
> form and tell us how to do it. JSON text input means a) they have to know
> JSON, b) they have to know our JSON format, c) they have to look up what's
> required, what's optional, and what the various options are. All of which
> will mean we'll get far fewer helpers building up Aviary's module data set.
>>> And honestly, I think it's backwards. Aviary should be a standalone
>>> "Pack" that has Parrot as its first dependency. (If you have Parrot
>>> installed, great, if not, it'll install it for you. It's pretty much what
>>> Rakudo does already.)
>> There's a chicken and egg problem here, and I see no obvious reason that
>> one logically comes first.  I don't think the user cares either way, as
>> long as they only have to perform one manual step.  More important I
>> think is the branding -- do we want to brand ourselves as Parrot or as
>> Aviary?  Whichever one the user installs manually is the one they will
>> probably perceive as the primary brand.
> I was thinking of it as the "Parrot Aviary", so no branding problem.
>> My reason for choosing Parrot first was actually more technical -- we
>> make binaries/system packages of Parrot for various operating systems,
>> and Parrot once installed provides a nice abstract layer insulating us
>> from a lot of operating system differences.  Thus building Aviary on top
>> of Parrot makes use of Parrot's platform.  Building Aviary separately
>> from Parrot, so that it can be used to install Parrot, just forces us to
>> solve lots of portability issues all over again.
> It's just a bootstrapping problem. I might be more daunted by it, but Rakudo
> has a pretty good working solution.
> It will eventually become irrelevant, when Parrot is installed on more
> systems by default. But for now, we have to assume the user has nothing
> Parrot-related installed when they get started.
> Bloating the core Parrot distribution with a pile of modules that are only
> used to install more modules really doesn't make sense when most users are
> likely to be installing via apt-get, yum, cygwin, etc.
> Parrot core should be light, a module installer should be light and
> optional.
>> And however we do it, we shouldn't trample the system's Parrot or Aviary
>> if they were installed using the native package tools.
> Yes, we shouldn't trample over a system installed Parrot or Aviary. It's a
> configuration test "should we install Parrot?"
> For now, it doesn't really matter if Aviary has the ability to install
> Parrot. If you can just get it working as something that's installed as a
> module on a system Parrot, you'll be doing well.
>> No, not all of them.  Or at least, Packs should be available in
>> 'regular' as well as 'all-in-one'.  This goes back to my reasons for
>> Parrot to be installed first.  People making Power Packs should have the
>> option to create bootstrapping Packs, but it doesn't make a lot of sense
>> to me that bootstrapping be the default.  I'm quite likely to want to
>> install the Games, Education, Science, and Graphics Packs all at once.
>> I see them as add-ons to a central system, not completely independent
>> things.
> Ditto to above, get it working first, then worry about making the install
> process easier.
>>>>  * Default to simple (CPAN-style) dependency resolution; upgrade to
>>>>    full resolution and system package awareness in Basic Batteries.
>>> Not sure what you mean. More detail?
>> The first part was about handling edge cases such as conflicts/provides
>> graphs that can only be resolved by upgrading multiple modules in
>> concert to particular versions and removing other modules at the same
>> time.  The second part was about knowing that particular non-Parrot
>> system packages were installed (and what versions).
> Again, this is your biggest nightmare, the hardest problem to solve. It's
> also one that's already solved by Debian, *BSD, cygwin, MacPorts, etc, so be
> wary of reinventing wheels.
>>> Skip the manifest, it's a pile of duplicated data that's only needed by
>>> the build process (by the time you start the build process, you have the
>>> tarball anyway).
>> This was conceptually to support script-free module installs and a few
>> other similar ideas.  This feels like a 'play it by ear' sort of thing;
>> I'm too tired to be sure whether a detailed manifest is really useful or
>> not.
> Aye, the devil is in the details. The general principle is to keep Aviary as
> light and simple as possible, get it working, and only add complexity where
> you absolutely can't avoid it.
>>> I don't see anything here for "standard build instructions". As in, the
>>> specific command-line instructions for "configure", "build", "test", and
>>> "install". These could allow variable substitutions from parrot_config (or
>>> Aviary's collected configuration information), so Rakudo's "perl
>>> Configure.pl" could be "@perl@ Configure.pl", while Pynie's "python setup.py
>>> build" could be "@python@ setup.py build", and a general 'make test' could
>>> be "@make@ test" (to allow for nmake, etc).
>> The standard instructions should be 'aviary install foo-pack'.
>> Everything else is either advanced usage or internal details that I
>> think we'll work out as we come across them.
> Oh, you misunderstood, I meant store the install instructions that Aviary
> will have to use to install the module. CPAN has the luxury that all modules
> use one single standard set of installation commands, so it can run them
> automatically. Aviary will be facing a host of different techniques for
> installation, so the easiest way to let it do an automatic build is to
> record the commands in Aviary's metadata. That's really all it needs, "where
> do I get the tarball?" and "what commands do I run on it?".
> Allison
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