context_pmc3 branch and backward compatibility.

chromatic chromatic at
Mon Aug 24 21:51:25 UTC 2009

On Monday 24 August 2009 01:13:49 Allison Randal wrote:

> Purely internal changes are fine. It's when changes start touching on
> users that they become deprecation candidates.

Sure, but users who poke into internal structures (which are not in the list 
of deprecation candidates in the documented support policy) don't get as much 
support and warning as do users who stick to documented APIs (listed in the 
support policy).

I think it's only Lua, Partcl, Rakudo, and Kea-CL which may have a problem 
here, and they hew closely enough to Parrot trunk that they should be able to 
handle it.

-- c

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