[perl #60036] [BUG] inplace math fails post-MMD

James Keenan via RT parrotbug-followup at parrotcode.org
Sun Feb 1 00:25:40 UTC 2009

Bug still present as of r36214:

[li11-226:parrot] 526 $ cat y.pir;./parrot y.pir
.sub main :main
$P1 = new 'Integer'
assign $P1, 4
$P1 *= 3
say $P1

$P0 = subclass 'Integer', 'MyInt'
$P1 = new 'MyInt'
assign $P1, 4
$P1 *= 3
say $P1


Multiple Dispatch: No suitable candidate found for 'i_multiply_int',
with signature 'PI'
current instr.: 'main' pc 21 (y.pir:9)

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