version numbers

François Perrad francois.perrad at
Sun Feb 1 11:21:15 UTC 2009

2009/2/1 kjstol <parrotcode at>:
> I was doing a first read of the release managers' guide as preparation of my
> first release (eek!), and at the end I noticed the following:
> [..]
>  - June 16, 2009     - 1.3   - whiteknight
>  - July 21, 2009     - 1.5   - cotto
> [...]
> Now, I know that there's been discussion about releases and their version
> numbers (I attended it!), but somehow the jump from 1.3 to 1.5 seems
> slightly weird. I'm all fine with it, but for outsiders it just seems weird;
> that's my main concern. Now, if the explanation is, that we're doing monthly
> releases that increment the minor release number by 1 each time, but each 6
> months (except first time, which is 3 months) we go to the next x.0 or x.5,
> then that's fine, but it should be made clear. People will be confused if
> everytime we skip one or two minor releases (to go to the .0 or .5 release).
> just a thought,
> kjs

I think we forget that we use a three part version.

Feb 0.9.1
March 1.0.0
April 1.0.1
or April 1.1.0 if new feature (or  incompatible change)
July 1.5.0
August 1.5.1
or August 1.6.0 if new feature (or incompatible change)

In fact, we cannot predicate the version numbers (except x.0.0 and x.5.0).
As written in release_manager_guide.pod :
" Version numbers for each release will be determined each month,
 and will depend on the features actually present in that release. "


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