[PATCH] Re: picking a date for subversion migration

Allison Randal allison at parrot.org
Tue Feb 3 18:42:32 UTC 2009

Andy Dougherty wrote:
> I ran into a couple of issues: 
>     1.  perl.org also honored http:// as well as https://.  parrot.org
>     only allows the https:// form.  (This is an issue for me because my
>     build of svn doesn't understand https because, even after several
>     hours of hand-editing configure scripts, I couldn't get the build
>     system to find openssl consistently.  (Some parts would;
>     other parts wouldn't.  Long boring story.)
>     2.  svn.perl.org also supplied an rsync mirror.  The obvious attempt
>     to run the same command on svn.parrot.org fails.  I don't know what
>     the plan is.
>     3.  svn.perl.org provided regular snapshots.  svn.parrot.org appears
>     not to do so.  I don't know what the plan is.

We don't currently have any plans to maintain an http:// version, rsync 
mirror snapshots, or nightly tarballs. (On the whole, it was just a bit 
too much TMTOWTDI. We don't really have people to help newbies out if 
they run into problems on one of the "non-standard" routes, nor did we 
ever test the "non-standard" routes.) If this is a significant pain 
point, let us know and we'll see what we can do.


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