[perl #58034] [TODO] save config_args for make reconfig

Reini Urban rurban at x-ray.at
Fri Feb 6 13:01:28 UTC 2009

2009/2/6 Reini Urban <rurban at x-ray.at>:
> 2009/2/6 James Keenan via RT <parrotbug-followup at parrotcode.org>:
>> If so, then I wonder why you are using 'make clean' instead of 'make
>> realclean'.  We've always said that 'make clean' undoes the effect of
>> 'make', whereas 'make realclean' undoes the effect of both 'perl
>> Configure.pl' and 'make'.  So I don't know why you aren't using 'make
>> realclean' here.
> I've changed it to make realclean as discussed on irc.

This time with attachment, sorry.
Reini Urban
http://phpwiki.org/              http://murbreak.at/
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