Buffered output to a file is painfully slow

chromatic chromatic at wgz.org
Mon Feb 9 20:34:50 UTC 2009

On Monday 09 February 2009 12:21:14 NotFound wrote:

> I was thinking about that some days ago. We have lots of little
> structures, to support pmc's ATTR, for example, that have fixed size
> and never are realloc'ed. A special purpose allocator can avoid lots
> of calls to the mem_sys_alloc family.

That's worth doing, but we need the GC to be cleaner to support these kinds of 
operations (and I'll slap the hand of anyone who suggests that we need to 
*mark* and *sweep* these elements -- if you're lucky.  If you're not lucky, 
I'll take away your birthday.)

-- c

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