[svn:parrot] r36586 - trunk/docs/book

Will Coleda will at coleda.com
Wed Feb 11 19:10:19 UTC 2009

Does it make sense to duplicate this information in the PMC file
itself and in the book?

If we want it in both places, can we just copy it when we build our
docs, rather than having a cut and paste?

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:59 PM,  <whiteknight at svn.parrot.org> wrote:
> Author: whiteknight
> Date: Wed Feb 11 18:59:29 2009
> New Revision: 36586
> URL: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/36586
> Log:
> [Book] More detail about filehandle PMCs and their methods.
> Modified:
>   trunk/docs/book/ch03_pir_basics.pod
> Modified: trunk/docs/book/ch03_pir_basics.pod
> ==============================================================================
> --- trunk/docs/book/ch03_pir_basics.pod Wed Feb 11 17:57:35 2009        (r36585)
> +++ trunk/docs/book/ch03_pir_basics.pod Wed Feb 11 18:59:29 2009        (r36586)
> @@ -966,23 +966,93 @@
>  the end. In addition to this behavior, Filehandle PMCs have a number of methods
>  that can be used to perform various operations.
> -  $P0.'open'()
> -  $P0.'isatty'()
> -  $P0.'close'()
> -  $P0.'is_closed'()
> -  $P0.'read'()
> -  $P0.'readline'()
> -  $P0.'readline_interactive'()
> -  $P0.'readall'()
> -  $P0.'flush'()
> -  $P0.'print'()
> -  $P0.'puts'()
> -  $P0.'buffer_tpe'()
> -  $P0.'buffer_size'()
> -  $P0.'mode'()
> -  $P0.'encoding'()
> -  $P0.'eof'()
> -  $P0.'get_fd'()
> +=over 4
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'open'(STRING filename, STRING mode)>
> +
> +Opens the filehandle. Takes two optional strings: the name of the file to open
> +and the open mode. If no filename is given, the previous filename associated
> +with the filehandle is opened. If no mode is given, the previously-used mode
> +is used.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'isatty'()>
> +
> +Returns a boolean value whether the filehandle is a TTY terminal
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'close'()>
> +
> +Closes the filehandle. Can be reopened with C<.'open'> later.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'is_closed'()>
> +
> +Returns true if the filehandle is closed, false if it is opened.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'read'(INTVAL length)>
> +
> +Reads C<length> bytes from the filehandle.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'readline'()
> +
> +Reads an entire line (up to a newline character or EOF) from the filehandle.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'readline_interactive'(STRING prompt)>
> +
> +Displays the string C<prompt> and then reads a line of input.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'readall'(STRING name)>
> +
> +Reads the entire file C<name> into a string. If the filehandle is closed,
> +it will open the file given by C<name>, read the entire file, and then close
> +the handle. If the filehandle is already open, C<name> should not be passed
> +(it is an optional parameter).
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'flush'()>
> +
> +Flushes the buffer
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'print'(PMC to_print)>
> +
> +Prints the given value to the filehandle
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'puts'(STRING to_print)>
> +
> +Prints the given string value to the filehandle
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'buffer_type'(STRING new_type)>
> +
> +If C<new_type> is given, changes the buffer to the new type. If it is not,
> +returns the current type. Acceptable types are:
> +
> +  unbuffered
> +  line-buffered
> +  full-buffered
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'buffer_size'(INTVAL size)>
> +
> +If C<size> is given, set the size of the buffer. If not, returns the size of
> +the current buffer.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'mode'()>
> +
> +Returns the current file access mode.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'encoding'(STRING encoding)>
> +
> +Sets the filehandle's string encoding to C<encoding> if given, returns the
> +current encoding otherwise.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'eof'()>
> +
> +Returns true if the filehandle is at the end of the current file, false
> +otherwise.
> +
> +=item C<$P0.'get_fd'()>
> +
> +Returns the integer file descriptor of the current file, but only on operating
> +systems that use file descriptors. Returns C<-1> on systems that do not
> +support this.
> +
> +=back
>  =head1 Exceptions
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Will "Coke" Coleda

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