call for readers II

Allison Randal allison at
Wed Feb 11 21:39:26 UTC 2009

Matthias Bloch wrote:
> uups, now I'm lost. Can't find a suitable document to continue reading.
> Perhaps some direction would be fine. Or a page or two to smoothen the 
> learning curve. ;-)

Thanks for your comments Matthias. We're currently revising the 
documentation to make it easier for new readers, so your perspective is 
very valuable.

> It's fine for me if my messages don't get published on the list, but if 
> just someone of the doc team could leave me a short message if my 
> comments are welcome, if I should continue reading and where.

The parrot-dev mailing list is configured so posts from non-subscribers 
are moderated. Sometimes there may be a delay while the moderator sees 
and approves a message in the moderation queue. (Subscribing to the list 
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